How to call procedure in sequelize? - node.js

tell me, please, how I can call this procedure on sequelize
p_id_equip number := 123;
p_fil_id number := 2;
p_errcode number;
p_errtxt varchar2(4000);
p_mode number := 3;
p_is_pool number := 1;
-- Call the procedure
dtd.csm_migrate(p_id_equip => p_id_equip,
p_fil_id => p_fil_id,
p_errcode => p_errcode,
p_errtxt => p_errtxt,
p_mode => p_mode,
p_is_pool => p_is_pool);
In DBeawer I write
CALL CSM_MIGRATE(19659,171,?,?,1,0);
and answer OK. I got ERRCODE
BUT in Nodejs
I trying all code from this Calling stored procedures in Sequelize.js
but I got errors
const result = await sequelize.query(`CALL DTD.CSM_MIGRATE(:19659,:171,?,?,:1,:0);`);
doesn't give me a good answer. I don't need this answer.
this code is giving me errors. Because I don't know how to convey ? to params
.query('CALL DTD.CSM_MIGRATE (:id_equip, :fil_id, :errcode, :errtxt, :mode, :is_pool)',
{replacements: { id_equip: 19659, fil_id: 171, errcode: ?, errtxt: ?, mode: 1, is_pool: 0}})
how to call this procedure and get ERRCODE?
I apologize for my stupid mistakes :-)

oups. Here is mistake
const result = await sequelize.query('CALL DTD.CSM_MIGRATE(:19659,:171,?,?,:1,:0);');
just one of many failed attempts
I trying
const result = await dbCSM.fn('CALL DTD.CSM_MIGRATE(19659,171,?,?,1,0);');
and my result is Fn { fn: 'CALL DTD.CSM_MIGRATE(19659,171,?,?,1,0);', args: [] }


Downloading files defined in start arguments with Inno Setup Script [duplicate]

I am preparing an installer with Inno Setup. But I'd like to add an additional custom (none of the available parameters) command line parameters and would like to get the value of the parameter, like:
setup.exe /do something
Check if /do is given, then get the value of something. Is it possible? How can I do this?
With InnoSetup 5.5.5 (and perhaps other versions), just pass whatever you want as a parameter, prefixed by a /
c:\> myAppInstaller.exe /foo=wiggle
and in your myApp.iss:
AppName = {param:foo|waggle}
The |waggle provides a default value if no parameter matches. Inno setup is not case sensitive. This is a particularly nice way to handle command line options: They just spring into existence. I wish there was as slick a way to let users know what command line parameters the installer cares about.
BTW, this makes both #knguyen's and #steve-dunn's answers somewhat redundant. The utility functions do exactly what the built-in {param: } syntax does.
Further to #DanLocks' answer, the {param:*ParamName|DefaultValue*} constant is documented near the bottom of the Constants page:
I found it quite handy for optionally suppressing the license page. Here is all I needed to add (using Inno Setup 5.5.6(a)):
{ If there is a command-line parameter "skiplicense=true", don't display license page }
function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean;
Result := False
if PageId = wpLicense then
if ExpandConstant('{param:skiplicense|false}') = 'true' then
Result := True;
Inno Setup directly supports switches with syntax /Name=Value using {param} constant.
You can use the constant directly in sections, though this use is quite limited.
An example:
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\My Company\My Program\Settings"; ValueType: string; \
ValueName: "Mode"; ValueData: "{param:Mode|DefaultMode}"
You will more likely want to use switches in Pascal Script.
If your switch has the syntax /Name=Value, the easiest way to read its value is using ExpandConstant function.
For example:
if ExpandConstant('{param:Mode|DefaultMode}') = 'DefaultMode' then
Log('Installing for default mode');
Log('Installing for different mode');
If you want to use a switch value to toggle entries in sections, you can use Check parameter and a auxiliary function, like:
Source: "Client.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: SwitchHasValue('Mode', 'Client')
Source: "Server.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: SwitchHasValue('Mode', 'Server')
function SwitchHasValue(Name: string; Value: string): Boolean;
Result := CompareText(ExpandConstant('{param:' + Name + '}'), Value) = 0;
Ironically it is more difficult to check for a mere presence of switch (without a value).
Use can use a function CmdLineParamExists from #TLama's answer to Passing conditional parameter in Inno Setup.
function CmdLineParamExists(const Value: string): Boolean;
I: Integer;
Result := False;
for I := 1 to ParamCount do
if CompareText(ParamStr(I), Value) = 0 then
Result := True;
You can obviously use the function in Pascal Script:
if CmdLineParamExists('/DefaultMode') then
Log('Installing for default mode');
Log('Installing for different mode');
But you can even use it in sections, most typically using Check parameter:
Source: "MyProg.hlp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: CmdLineParamExists('/InstallHelp')
A related problem:
Add user defined command line parameters to /? window
If you want to parse command line arguments from code in inno, then use a method similar to this. Just call the inno script from the command line as follows:
c:\MyInstallDirectory>MyInnoSetup.exe -myParam parameterValue
Then you can call the GetCommandLineParam like this wherever you need it:
myVariable := GetCommandLineParam('-myParam');
{ ================================================================== }
{ Allows for standard command line parsing assuming a key/value organization }
function GetCommandlineParam (inParam: String):String;
LoopVar : Integer;
BreakLoop : Boolean;
{ Init the variable to known values }
LoopVar :=0;
Result := '';
BreakLoop := False;
{ Loop through the passed in arry to find the parameter }
while ( (LoopVar < ParamCount) and
(not BreakLoop) ) do
{ Determine if the looked for parameter is the next value }
if ( (ParamStr(LoopVar) = inParam) and
( (LoopVar+1) <= ParamCount )) then
{ Set the return result equal to the next command line parameter }
Result := ParamStr(LoopVar+1);
{ Break the loop }
BreakLoop := True;
{ Increment the loop variable }
LoopVar := LoopVar + 1;
This is the function I wrote, which is an improvement of Steven Dunn's answer. You can use it as:
c:\MyInstallDirectory>MyInnoSetup.exe /myParam="parameterValue"
myVariable := GetCommandLineParam('/myParam');
{ util method, equivalent to C# string.StartsWith }
function StartsWith(SubStr, S: String): Boolean;
Result:= Pos(SubStr, S) = 1;
{ util method, equivalent to C# string.Replace }
function StringReplace(S, oldSubString, newSubString: String): String;
stringCopy: String;
stringCopy := S; { Prevent modification to the original string }
StringChange(stringCopy, oldSubString, newSubString);
Result := stringCopy;
{ ================================================================== }
function GetCommandlineParam(inParamName: String): String;
paramNameAndValue: String;
i: Integer;
Result := '';
for i := 0 to ParamCount do
paramNameAndValue := ParamStr(i);
if (StartsWith(inParamName, paramNameAndValue)) then
Result := StringReplace(paramNameAndValue, inParamName + '=', '');
Yes it is possible, you can use the ParamStr function in PascalScript to access all the commandline parameters. The ParamCount function will give you the number of commandline parameters.
Another possibility is to use GetCmdTail
In response to:
"With InnoSetup 5.5.5 (and perhaps other versions), just pass whatever you want as a parameter, prefixed by a /"
"#NickG, yes, every constant you can expand by the ExpandConstant function"
This is not the case. Trying to use a command line parameter in ExpandConstant in InnoSetup 5.5.6 results in a runtime error.
PS: I would have added a comment directly but apparently I dont have enough "reputation"
I've modified a little bit knguyen's answer. Now it's case insensitive (you can write en console /myParam or /MYPARAM) and it can accept default value. Also I fixed the case when you receive larger parameter then expected (for ex: /myParamOther="parameterValue" in place of /myParam="parameterValue". Now myParamOther doesn't match).
function GetCommandlineParam(inParamName: String; defaultParam: String): String;
paramNameAndValue: String;
i: Integer;
Result := defaultParam;
for i := 0 to ParamCount do
paramNameAndValue := ParamStr(i);
if (Pos(Lowercase(inParamName)+'=', AnsiLowercase(paramNameAndValue)) = 1) then
Result := Copy(paramNameAndValue, Length(inParamName)+2, Length(paramNameAndValue)-Length(inParamName));
I found the answer: GetCmdTail.
You can pass parameters to your installer scripts. Install the Inno Setup Preprocessor and read the documentation on passing custom command-line parameters.

Nestjs & TypeOrm: No results from Query Builder using getOne() / getMany()

I don't get this. I have a service that injects entity repositories and has dedicated methods to do some business logic and functions.
Beside that I expose a method that just returns QueryBuilder - to avoid injecting repositories all over the place - for a few occasions when other service needs just a quick query:
type EntityFields = keyof MyEntity;
entityQueryBuilder(alias?: string, id?: number, EntityFields[]) {
const q = this.entityRepository.createQueryBuilder(alias);
if (id) {
if (select) {;
return q;
Now when I am trying to use this and call:
const r = await service.entityQueryBuilder('a', 1, 'settings').getOne();
the result is always empty although in the log the generated SQL is correct.
However when I do:
const r = await service.entityQueryBuilder('a', 1, 'settings').execute();
I get (almost) what I need. I get array instead of an entity object directly but the data are there.
I am unhappy though as I need to map the result to the object I wanted, which is something that getOne() should do on my behalf. getMany() does not return results either.
What did I do wrong?
FWIW here is the final solution I came up with based on the hint in accepted reply:
entityQueryBuilder(id?: number, EntityFields[]) {
const q = this.entityRepository.createQueryBuilder('alias');
if (id) {
if (select) { => `alias.${f}`));
return q;
Admittedly it has hardcoded alias but that I can live with and is OK for my purpose.
Hope this helps someone in the future.
It happens because you put no really proper select. In your case, you need a.settings instead of settings:
const r = await service.entityQueryBuilder('a', 1, 'a.settings').getOne(); // it should works

Insert a mgo query []M.bson result into a file.txt as a string

i have to insert into a file the result of a mgo query MongoDB converted in Go to get the id of images
var path="/home/Medo/text.txt"
pipe := cc.Pipe([]bson.M{
{"$unwind": "$images"},
{"$group": bson.M{"_id": "null", "images":bson.M{"$push": "$images"}}},
{"$project": bson.M{"_id": 0}}})
response := []bson.M{}
errResponse := pipe.All(&response)
if errResponse != nil {
fmt.Println("error Response: ",errResponse)
fmt.Println(response) // to print for making sure that it is working
data, err := bson.Marshal(&response)
if err22 != nil {
fmt.Println("error insertion ", err22)
Here is the part where I have to create a file and write on it.
The problem is when I got the result of the query in the text file I got an enumeration values in the last of each value for example:
id of images
so for each value i got a number sorted in the last , and i can't figure out how , after getting the reponse from the query i converted the Bson to []Byte and then to Stringbut it keeps me getting that enumeration sorted values in the last of each results
I'd like to drop those 0 1 2 3 4 5
var _, errExistFile = os.Stat(path)
if os.IsNotExist(errExistFile) {
var file, errCreateFile = os.Create(path)
if isError(erro) {
defer file.Close()
fmt.Println("==> done creating file", path)
var file, errii = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR, 0644)
if isError(errii) {
defer file.Close()
// write some text line-by-line to file
_, erri := file.WriteString(s)
if isError(erri) {
erri = file.Sync()
if isError(erri) {
fmt.Println("==> done writing to file")
You could declare a simple struct eg
simple struct {
ID idtype `bson:"_id"`
Image int `bson:"images"`
The function to put the image ids into the file would be
open file stuff…
result := simple{}
iter := collection.Find(nil).Iter()
for iter.Next(&result){

Running node sqlite3 code synchronously

I'm having trouble adjusting to the async-first nature of node / js / typescript. This intent of this little function should be pretty clear: it takes a database and returns an array of courses that are listed in that database.
The problem is that the return statement gets run before any of the database operations have run, and I get an empty list. When I set a breakpoint inside the database each loop, I can see that the rows are being found and that courses are being put into ret one by one, but these courses never become visible in the scope where courseList() was called.
const courseList = (database: sqlite3.Database): Course[] => {
let ret = new Array<Course>();
database.each("select ID, Title from Course", (err: Error, row: Object) => {
ret.push(new Course(
return ret;
The calling code just wants to print information about courses. For example:
let courses = courseList(db);
console.log(courses.length); // logs 0, even though the db contains courses
database.each takes a complete callback. Use that to resume e.g.
const courseList = (database: sqlite3.Database, complete): Course[] => {
let ret = new Array<Course>();
database.each("select ID, Title from Course", (err: Error, row: Object) => {
ret.push(new Course(
}, complete);
return ret;
let courses = courseList(db, () => {
There are better ways to write this. Use promises
The documentation is horrible : I would be tempted to look elsewhere (TS First) for a database solution. Its not worth the pain for me personally. YMMV.

Losing content of TThreadList

I got the problem, that my content of my TThreadList seems to get lost in my Thread.
I create following variable in my "PConnect" Class:
var mCustomfunctionCallbackThread: CustomfunctionCallbackThread;
And a global variable like following:
var mCustomfunctionCallbackThreadList: TThreadList;
Now I'm filling this variable in my "PConnect" Class like following:
function PConnect.callCustomfunction(plugin, method: PAnsiChar; param :CustomParam; callback: ICustomfunctionCallback; callId: PAnsiChar): integer;
var paramName: PAnsiChar;
var id: PAnsiChar;
var error: integer;
var callbackList: TList;
var customfunctionCallback : ^CustomfunctionCallbackObject;
callbackList:= mCustomfunctionCallbackThreadList.LockList;
new (customfunctionCallback);
customfunctionCallback.callId:= id;
customfunctionCallback.callbackMethod:= callback;
Following function will be called, after I a Callback received. This Function should append the other missing data to the TThreadList entry and start a Thread after that:
procedure PConnect.customfunctionCallbackReceived(param :CustomParam; callId: PAnsiChar; error: integer);
var customfunctionCallbackList: TList;
var it: TListEnumerator;
var callbackObject: ^CustomfunctionCallbackObject;
customfunctionCallbackList:= mCustomfunctionCallbackThreadList.LockList;
it:= customfunctionCallbackList.GetEnumerator;
while(it.MoveNext) do
callbackObject:= it.GetCurrent;
if strcomp(callbackObject.callId,callId) = 0 then
callbackObject.param:= param;
callbackObject.error:= error;
The Execute method of the Thread should get the content of the TThreadList and call a function with that parameters.
procedure CustomfunctionCallbackThread.Execute;
var callback: ICustomfunctionCallback;
var customfunctionCallbackList: TList;
var it: TListEnumerator;
var callbackObject: ^CustomfunctionCallbackObject;
var param: CustomParam;
var callId: PAnsiChar;
var error: Integer;
customfunctionCallbackList:= mCustomfunctionCallbackThreadList.LockList;
it:= customfunctionCallbackList.GetEnumerator;
while(it.MoveNext) do
callbackObject:= it.GetCurrent;
if callbackObject.error <> NULL then
callback:= callbackObject.callbackMethod;
param:= callbackObject.param;
error:= callbackObject.error;
callId:= callbackObject.callId;
callback.callCustomfunctionCallback(param, callId, error);
And heres the Problem, the following variables just got rubbish or Null pointer:
param:= callbackObject.param;
error:= callbackObject.error;
callId:= callbackObject.callId;
I hope it was enough described :)
I would be happy about some help :)
When you do
customfunctionCallback.callId:= id
the variable id has not been initialised. Which means that when you later check
strcomp(callbackObject.callId,callId) = 0
its behaviour is ill-defined, because callbackObject.callId was never initialised. What happens then is that the ill-defined behaviour that you see is that the expression never evaluates to True and so you never assign to the param or error fields. Which is consistent with your observations.
I suspect that you should make callId be a string variable and copy into it the value of the parameter callId that was passed to PConnect.callCustomfunction. But since I don't know all the details of what you are doing, I can't be 100% sure of that.
Some other comments:
Do you really mean to name your class PConnect? Normally we prefix classes with T.
The code would read a lot easier if you used for in loops instead of while loops.
The loop that contains a call to Remove on the list is inefficient. You've already found the item, and calling Remove just searches the list once again. The way to do that loop is with a class for loop using an index. And when you find the item to be deleted, call Delete passing the item's index.
When you remove an item you fail to call Dispose which means that you leak memory.
