How to initialize thread local variables using async function - rust

I want to initialize thread local variables for all 4 threads at the beginning of the program.
thread_local! {
static local: i32
#[tokio::main(worker_threads = 4)]
async fn main() {
// local = get_local().await;

Your tokio runtime is configured to have 4 worker threads, your thread local is provided to the main thread but not to the worker threads.
If you intend to initialize the gRPC client just once, a OnceCell could be appropriate:
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
pub static CLIENT: OnceCell<hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient<tonic::transport::Channel>> =
pub fn client() -> hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient<tonic::transport::Channel> {
async fn main() {
let channel = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new("http://helloworld")
let client = hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient::new(channel);
async fn main_() {
let _ = client()
.say_hello(hello_world::HelloRequest { name: "foo".into() })
pub mod hello_world {
If you want to stick to something more similar to a thread local or you need more control over the client values, then you can use tokio's task local.
It allows you to provide context to tasks, but keep in mind that tokio::spawn introduces new tasks, so this context is lost when you use tokio::spawn.
The following snippet makes a tonic client available through a client() helper function that internally calls .with() on the task local. This function panics if the task local is not set, there is also try_with() which returns a Result if the value is not provided.
use tokio::task_local;
task_local! {
pub static CLIENT: hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient<tonic::transport::Channel>
pub fn client() -> hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient<tonic::transport::Channel> {
CLIENT.with(|c| c.clone())
async fn main() {
let channel = tonic::transport::Endpoint::new("http://helloworld")
let client = hello_world::greeter_client::GreeterClient::new(channel);
CLIENT.scope(client, main_()).await;
async fn main_() {
let _ = client()
.say_hello(hello_world::HelloRequest { name: "foo".into() })
pub mod hello_world {


failed to run two threads using #[tokio::main] macro

I am trying to understand how tokio runtime works, i created two runtimes(on purpose) using #[tokio::main] macro, the first should executes function a() and the second executes function b().
I am assuming that they should be both printing "im awake A" and "im awake B" simultaniosuly forever (since they are calling a function that has a loop async_task), however that is not the case, it only prints "im awake A".
since each runtime has its own thread pool; why they are not running in parallel?
use std::thread;
fn main() {
async fn a() {
tokio::spawn(async move { async_task("A".to_string()).await });
pub async fn async_task(msg: String) {
loop {
println!("im awake {}", msg);
async fn b() {
tokio::spawn(async move { async_task("B".to_string()).await });
Calling a(); from the synchronous main function will block until a() finishes. Check out the documentation here:
async fn main() {
println!("Hello world");
Equivalent code not using #[tokio::main]
fn main() {
.block_on(async {
println!("Hello world");
}) }
To get your example to work, main() could also spawn 2 threads that run a, b and wait for them to finish:
fn main() {
let t1 = thread::spawn(|| {
let t2 = thread::spawn(|| {
Note that a() and b() also do not need to use tokio::spawn as they're already executing in their own async runtime.
async fn a() -> Result<(), JoinError> {
async fn b() {
If you use tokio::spawn in a and b, you would need to await the spawned future, but tokio::spawn(task.await).await is basically the same as just doing task.await.
#[tokio::main] expands to a call to Runtime::block_on(), and as said in its docs (emphasis mine):
This runs the given future on the current thread, blocking until it is complete, and yielding its resolved result.
If you use Runtime::spawn() instead (and make sure not to drop the runtime because it shuts it down), it prints both from A and B correctly:
fn main() {
let _a_runtime = a();
fn a() -> tokio::runtime::Runtime {
let runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
runtime.spawn(async { async_task("A".to_string()).await });
async fn b() {
tokio::spawn(async move { async_task("B".to_string()).await });
Take a look at the documentation for the main macro. There's a clue to why this doesn't work there.
Note: This macro can be used on any function and not just the main function. Using it on a non-main function makes the function behave as if it was synchronous by starting a new runtime each time it is called. If the function is called often, it is preferable to create the runtime using the runtime builder so the runtime can be reused across calls.
So you can use it on multiple functions, but what that means is that you need to call each one in a separate main function. You could also manually construct it
fn main() {
let jh1 = std::thread::spawn(|| a());
let jh2 = std::thread::spawn(|| b());
async fn async_task(msg: String) {
loop {
println!("I'm awake {}", msg);
async fn a() {
async fn b() {

How to connect bevy game to externel TCP server using tokios async TcpStream?

I want to send Events between the game client and server and I already got it working, but I do not know how to do it with bevy.
I am dependent to use tokios async TcpStream, because I have to be able to split the stream into a OwnedWriteHalf and OwnedReadhalf using stream.into_split().
My first idea was to just spawn a thread that handles the connection and then send the received events to a queue using mpsc::channel
Then I include this queue into a bevy resource using app.insert_resource(Queue) and pull events from it in the game loop.
the Queue:
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
pub enum Instruction {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Queue {
sender: mpsc::Sender<Instruction>,
impl Queue {
pub fn init() -> Self {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1024);
Self{sender: tx}
pub async fn send(&self, event: GameEvent) {
pub async fn pull(&self) -> Option<GameEvent> {
println!("new pull");
let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
fn init(mut rx: mpsc::Receiver<Instruction>) {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut queue: Vec<GameEvent> = Vec::new();
loop {
match rx.recv().await.unwrap() {
Instruction::Push(ev) => {
Instruction::Pull(sender) => {
But because all this has to be async I have block the pull() function in the sync game loop.
I do this using the futures-lite crate:
fn event_pull(
communication: Res<Communication>
) {
let ev = future::block_on(communication.event_queue.pull());
println!("got event: {:?}", ev);
And this works fine, BUT after around 5 seconds the whole program just halts and does not receive any more events.
It seems like that future::block_on() does block indefinitely.
Having the main function, in which bevy::prelude::App gets built and run, to be the async tokio::main function might also be a problem here.
It would probably be best to wrap the async TcpStream initialisation and tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender and thus also Queue.pull into synchronous functions, but I do not know how to do this.
Can anyone help?
How to reproduce
The repo can be found here
Just compile both server and client and then run both in the same order.
I got it to work by just replacing every tokio::sync::mpsc with crossbeam::channel, which might be a problem, as it does block
and manually initializing the tokio runtime.
so the init code looks like this:
pub struct Communicator {
pub event_bridge: bridge::Bridge,
pub event_queue: event_queue::Queue,
_runtime: Runtime,
impl Communicator {
pub fn init(ip: &str) -> Self {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
let (bridge, queue, game_rx) = rt.block_on(async move {
let socket = TcpStream::connect(ip).await.unwrap();
let (read, write) = socket.into_split();
let reader = TcpReader::new(read);
let writer = TcpWriter::new(write);
let (bridge, tcp_rx, game_rx) = bridge::Bridge::init();
reader::init(bridge.clone(), reader);
writer::init(tcp_rx, writer);
let event_queue = event_queue::Queue::init();
return (bridge, event_queue, game_rx);
// game of game_rx events to queue for game loop
let eq_clone = queue.clone();
rt.spawn(async move {
loop {
let event = game_rx.recv().unwrap();
Self {
event_bridge: bridge,
event_queue: queue,
_runtime: rt,
And looks like this:
fn main() {
let communicator = communication::Communicator::init("");
communicator.event_bridge.push_tcp(TcpEvent::Register{name: String::from("luca")});
fn event_pull(
communication: Res<communication::Communicator>
) {
let ev = communication.event_queue.pull();
if let Some(ev) = ev {
Perhaps there might be a better solution.

How to run futures containing borrowed TcpStream concurrently?

I am trying to make this code snippet run concurrently instead of sequentially since the number of peers can be a large value. I am using async_std 1.4 and rust 1.41
pub struct Peer {
pub peer_id: String,
pub tcp_stream: Arc<TcpStream>,
pub public_key: [u8; 32],
async fn send_to_all_peers(message: Protocol, peers: &HashMap<String,Peer>) -> Result<()> {
for peer in peers.values() {
let mut stream = &*peer.tcp_stream;
I've tried to use the futures::future::join_all method without any luck since wrapping future I created and used within async_std::task::spawn requires a static lifetime. Here is what I tried:
async fn send_to_all_peers(message: Protocol, peers: &HashMap<String,Peer>) {
let handles = peers.values().into_iter().map(|peer| {
async {
let mut stream = &*peer.tcp_stream;
if let Err(err) = stream
error!("Error when writing to tcp_stream: {}", err);
I'm sure there is some method I am missing, thanks for any help!
Since you are trying to send message concurrently, each task has to have its own copy of the message:
use async_std::{task, net::TcpStream};
use futures::{future, io::AsyncWriteExt};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::{
pub struct Peer {
pub peer_id: String,
pub tcp_stream: Arc<TcpStream>,
pub public_key: [u8; 32],
struct Protocol;
async fn send_to_all_peers(
message: Protocol,
peers: &HashMap<String, Peer>)
-> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>
let msg = bincode::serialize(&message)?;
let handles = peers.values()
.map(|peer| {
let msg = msg.clone();
let socket = peer.tcp_stream.clone();
task::spawn(async move {
let mut socket = &*socket;
Have you tried something like
let handles = peers.values().into_iter().map(|peer| {
let mut stream = &*peer.tcp_stream;
let results = futures::future::join_all(handles).await
Notice how the .map closure doesn’t await, but straight up returns a future, which is then passed to join_all, and then awaited.

Calling an async function synchronously with tokio [duplicate]

I am trying to use hyper to grab the content of an HTML page and would like to synchronously return the output of a future. I realized I could have picked a better example since synchronous HTTP requests already exist, but I am more interested in understanding whether we could return a value from an async calculation.
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_tls;
extern crate tokio;
use futures::{future, Future, Stream};
use hyper::Client;
use hyper::Uri;
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
use std::str;
fn scrap() -> Result<String, String> {
let scraped_content = future::lazy(|| {
let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).unwrap();
let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
.and_then(|res| {
res.into_body().concat2().and_then(|body| {
let s_body: String = str::from_utf8(&body).unwrap().to_string();
}).map_err(|err| format!("Error scraping web page: {:?}", &err))
fn read() {
let scraped_content = future::lazy(|| {
let https = HttpsConnector::new(4).unwrap();
let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https);
.and_then(|res| {
res.into_body().concat2().and_then(|body| {
let s_body: String = str::from_utf8(&body).unwrap().to_string();
println!("Reading body: {}", s_body);
}).map_err(|err| {
println!("Error reading webpage: {:?}", &err);
fn main() {
let content = scrap();
println!("Content = {:?}", &content);
The example compiles and the call to read() succeeds, but the call to scrap() panics with the following error message:
Content = Err("Error scraping web page: Error { kind: Execute, cause: None }")
I understand that I failed to launch the task properly before calling .wait() on the future but I couldn't find how to properly do it, assuming it's even possible.
Standard library futures
Let's use this as our minimal, reproducible example:
async fn example() -> i32 {
Call executor::block_on:
use futures::executor; // 0.3.1
fn main() {
let v = executor::block_on(example());
println!("{}", v);
Use the tokio::main attribute on any function (not just main!) to convert it from an asynchronous function to a synchronous one:
use tokio; // 0.3.5
async fn main() {
let v = example().await;
println!("{}", v);
tokio::main is a macro that transforms this
async fn main() {}
Into this:
fn main() {
.block_on(async { {} })
This uses Runtime::block_on under the hood, so you can also write this as:
use tokio::runtime::Runtime; // 0.3.5
fn main() {
let v = Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(example());
println!("{}", v);
For tests, you can use tokio::test.
Use the async_std::main attribute on the main function to convert it from an asynchronous function to a synchronous one:
use async_std; // 1.6.5, features = ["attributes"]
async fn main() {
let v = example().await;
println!("{}", v);
For tests, you can use async_std::test.
Futures 0.1
Let's use this as our minimal, reproducible example:
use futures::{future, Future}; // 0.1.27
fn example() -> impl Future<Item = i32, Error = ()> {
For simple cases, you only need to call wait:
fn main() {
let s = example().wait();
println!("{:?}", s);
However, this comes with a pretty severe warning:
This method is not appropriate to call on event loops or similar I/O situations because it will prevent the event loop from making progress (this blocks the thread). This method should only be called when it's guaranteed that the blocking work associated with this future will be completed by another thread.
If you are using Tokio 0.1, you should use Tokio's Runtime::block_on:
use tokio; // 0.1.21
fn main() {
let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Unable to create a runtime");
let s = runtime.block_on(example());
println!("{:?}", s);
If you peek in the implementation of block_on, it actually sends the future's result down a channel and then calls wait on that channel! This is fine because Tokio guarantees to run the future to completion.
See also:
How can I efficiently extract the first element of a futures::Stream in a blocking manner?
As this is the top result that come up in search engines by the query "How to call async from sync in Rust", I decided to share my solution here. I think it might be useful.
As #Shepmaster mentioned, back in version 0.1 futures crate had beautiful method .wait() that could be used to call an async function from a sync one. This must-have method, however, was removed from later versions of the crate.
Luckily, it's not that hard to re-implement it:
trait Block {
fn wait(self) -> <Self as futures::Future>::Output
where Self: Sized, Self: futures::Future
impl<F,T> Block for F
where F: futures::Future<Output = T>
After that, you can just do following:
async fn example() -> i32 {
fn main() {
let s = example().wait();
println!("{:?}", s);
Beware that this comes with all the caveats of original .wait() explained in the #Shepmaster's answer.
This works for me using tokio:

How to implement a long running process with progress in Rust, available via a Rest api?

I am a beginner in Rust.
I have a long running IO-bound process that I want to spawn and monitor via a REST API. I chose Iron for that, following this tutorial . Monitoring means getting its progress and its final result.
When I spawn it, I give it an id and map that id to a resource that I can GET to get the progress. I don't have to be exact with the progress; I can report the progress from 5 seconds ago.
My first attempt was to have a channel via which I send request for progress and receive the status. I got stuck where to store the receiver, as in my understanding it belongs to one thread only. I wanted to put it in the context of the request, but that won't work as there are different threads handling subsequent requests.
What would be the idiomatic way to do this in Rust?
I have a sample project.
Later edit:
Here is a self contained example which follows the sample principle as the answer, namely a map where each thread updates its progress:
extern crate iron;
extern crate router;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;
use router::Router;
use rustc_serialize::json;
use std::io::Read;
use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
pub struct Status {
pub progress: u64,
pub context: String
#[derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
struct StartTask {
id: u64
fn start_process(status: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u64, Status>>>, task_id: u64) {
let c = status.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 1..100 {
let m = &mut c.lock().unwrap();
m.insert(task_id, Status{ progress: i, context: "in progress".to_string()});
let m = &mut c.lock().unwrap();
m.insert(task_id, Status{ progress: 100, context: "done".to_string()});
fn main() {
let status: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u64, Status>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
let status_clone: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u64, Status>>> = status.clone();
let mut router = Router::new();
router.get("/:taskId", move |r: &mut Request| task_status(r, &status.lock().unwrap()));"/start", move |r: &mut Request|
start_task(r, status_clone.clone()));
fn task_status(req: &mut Request, statuses: & HashMap<u64,Status>) -> IronResult<Response> {
let ref task_id = req.extensions.get::<Router>().unwrap().find("taskId").unwrap_or("/").parse::<u64>().unwrap();
let payload = json::encode(&statuses.get(&task_id)).unwrap();
Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, payload)))
// Receive a message by POST and play it back.
fn start_task(request: &mut Request, statuses: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u64, Status>>>) -> IronResult<Response> {
let mut payload = String::new();
request.body.read_to_string(&mut payload).unwrap();
let task_start_request: StartTask = json::decode(&payload).unwrap();
Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, json::encode(&task_start_request).unwrap())))
One possibility is to use a global HashMap that associate each worker id with the progress (and result). Here is simple example (without the rest stuff)
extern crate lazy_static;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
lazy_static! {
static ref PROGRESS: Mutex<HashMap<usize, usize>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
fn set_progress(id: usize, progress: usize) {
// insert replaces the old value if there was one.
PROGRESS.lock().unwrap().insert(id, progress);
fn get_progress(id: usize) -> Option<usize> {
fn work(id: usize) {
println!("Creating {}", id);
set_progress(id, 0);
for i in 0..100 {
set_progress(id, i + 1);
// simulates work
thread::sleep(Duration::new(0, 50_000_000));
fn monitor(id: usize) {
loop {
if let Some(p) = get_progress(id) {
if p == 100 {
println!("Done {}", id);
// to avoid leaks, remove id from PROGRESS.
// maybe save that the task ends in a data base.
} else {
println!("Progress {}: {}", id, p);
thread::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0));
fn main() {
let w = thread::spawn(|| work(1));
let m = thread::spawn(|| monitor(1));
You need to register one channel per request thread, because if cloning Receivers were possible the responses might/will end up with the wrong thread if two request are running at the same time.
Instead of having your thread create a channel for answering requests, use a future. A future allows you to have a handle to an object, where the object doesn't exist yet. You can change the input channel to receive a Promise, which you then fulfill, no output channel necessary.
