CASE statement with a formula as the True or False - netsuite

Hey I'm trying to create a Formula(Numeric) result on a saved search within Netsuite. I want the case to be true when the transaction type is 'creditmemo', and false otherwise. If true, I want to multiply the value by a -1. Is this possible? I've found examples of CASE statements, and I can do the normal numeric formula where you perform an operation on the result always, but I'm struggling to combine the 2. Are there any good comprehensive guides online I've missed?

Use it like:
CASE {type} WHEN 'Credit Memo' THEN -1*{amount} ELSE {amount} END
or simply:
CASE {type} WHEN 'Credit Memo' THEN -{amount} ELSE {amount} END


SQL query to Excel formula conversion

How to convert this SQL query to an Excel formula?
WHEN UPPER(V_out) = 'GOOGLE' OR (UPPER(V_out) = 'APPLE' AND dis > 800)
So far I have tried this:
And it doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas where I made a mistake?
The MATCH needs a ISNUMBER(...) wrapper:
That way it returns a TRUE/FALSE and not a number or error.
and UPPER(LS2)=0 just needs to be LS2=""
and AND(CU2>800;OR(UPPER(LS2)="GOOGLE";UPPER(LS2)="APPLE")) does not quite match the case statement:
is more like the case statement.
The -2 is in the wrong place.

Grouping Classes & Subclasses in saved search

I'm trying to create a saved search that sums total sales by the parent class. I'm trying a CASE statement but can't seem to get it to work. This is what I have:
WHEN {class} LIKE 'B2B%’ THEN 'B2B'
WHEN {class} LIKE 'Amazon%’ THEN 'Amazon'
WHEN {class} LIKE 'Website%’ THEN ' B2C'
Not sure why but that format never works for me either, although Netsuite documentation suggests that it should/does. Try nested CASE statements.
CASE WHEN {class} LIKE 'Amazon%' THEN 'Amazon' ELSE
CASE WHEN {class} LIKE 'Website%' THEN ' B2C' ELSE '' END
Or you can use SUBSTR({class},0,INSTR({class},':')-2) to get just the part of the string before " :", assuming all of your classes have these characters present.
Once you have that column formula working, group results based on this formula, add total sales as a column and group that but select "Sum".

Combining two separate case statements in NetSuite Case Statements

I currently have two separate saved search columns for these two statements, and I'm hoping to combine them and list the data in just one column. I've tried OR AND, but the results then error out.
First Statement
Case when {item.custitem54} is null then {quantity} else null end
Second Statement
Case when {item.custitem54} = 'Yes' and {shipdate} between to_date('05/25/2020', 'MM/DD/YYYY') and to_date('12/25/2020', 'MM/DD/YYYY') then {quantity} else null end
You can have multiple WHEN in a case statement. The first matched WHEN determines the result unless it gets to the ELSE.
Case when {item.custitem54} = 'Yes'
and {shipdate} between date '2020-05-25' and date '2020-12-25' then {quantity}
when {item.custitem54} is null then {quantity}
else null

IF statement to determine date

I want to set an order completion date based on the words Standard or Rush.
Currently I have it set up where if a cell shows the word Standard, it will give me a date, but once I try to add Rush to that, it get errors
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("VF",B2)), IF(J2="Standard", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+2,1)), "")
I also tried this, but when I type Rush into J2, the result shows as just FALSE
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("VF",B2)), (IF(J2="Standard", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+2,1))), (IF(J2="Rush", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+1,1))))
The idea here is to make an order wanted date based on the Rush and Standard time frame.
You have embedded your new IF function inside of the wrong if.
This: (IF(J2="Standard", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+2,1))) is going to return a date or FALSE. You want to change that FALSE to return your next IF statement. Instead:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("VF",B2)), IF(J2="Standard", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+2,1), IF(J2="Rush", WORKDAY(TODAY( )+1,1))), "")
You return nothing "" in the case that your ISNUMBER() fails still.

NetSuite Case when statement on joined

I'm new to writing case statements in NetSuite and would appreciate any input with this. I'm trying to create following statement within item search, but receiving invalid expression error.
CASE WHEN {transaction.status} = "Purchase Order:Pending Receipt" THEN {transaction.expectedreceiptdate} end
CASE WHEN {transaction.status} = 'Pending Receipt' THEN {transaction.expectedreceiptdate} end
Note that you need to use single quotes in SQL statements, and you can't specify the transaction type as part of the status condition. To work araound this, you could include the transaction type in the criteria, or add another condition within the CASE statement:
CASE WHEN {transaction.status} = 'Pending Receipt' AND {transaction.type} = 'Purchase Order' THEN {transaction.expectedreceiptdate} end
