Unable to capture image in .Net MAUI - audio

I am new to .Net MAUI and I never used the xamarin. I am trying to create a simple app (focused on android mainly) which records the audio and then plays it for them. So far, only one package has worked for me in this matter i.e. "Plugin.AudioRecorder" (https://github.com/NateRickard/Plugin.AudioRecorder) but, this package is not working with xiaomi devices. It is responding to the button click and navigating to the command but its startRecording function do nothing.
Here is my code.command snippet
I also need the audio transcription but that is a different story.


How does Scratch play sounds without any problem on mobile?

If you are familiar with scratch, you'll know that Scratch 3 was built to support mobile.
Javascript audio isn't working on mobile devices shows that mobile doesn't support auto playback of audio
Scratch seems to play audio without a problem...
Does anyone know the secret behind Scratch mobile audio playing capabilities? (share pieces of code which scratch uses to play audio on mobile)
(Incase you're wondering why I need to know this, I need to use it on my website)
Read the answer carefully.
Some mobile browsers support automatic playback of audio, but ios, chrome and others require interactive actions to trigger the sound playback.You can try working with the mute attribute..
Scratch can't play sounds automatically. You have to click the Start button on any project. By "interactive actions" they mean clicks, scroll etc,.

Rotate screen orientation on Web App Tizen [TV]

I'm developing a Web Application on Tizen. My application was first developed on other platforms like iOS and Android.
Basically it starts on Landscape mode and plays remote content such as image, video or opens a web page. It has a menu inside the app to offer people the ability to change the screen orientation inside the app manually.
This approach is quite easy on iOS and Android but on Tizen seems it doesn't work that easy.
I'm following Tizen's official documentation which send's us to : https://w3c.github.io/screen-orientation/
But, can't make it work even though I followed steps written on the link above.
This is what I got when I try to rotate:
Trying with :
Error :
Promise {}
index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The page needs to be fullscreen in order to call screen.orientation.lock().
P.S. The app is already in fullscreen. The error is not relevant.
Do you have any ideas ?
Thank you
For all to those who are still trying to achieve this:
After having a long discussion with Samsung, they claimed that supporting the TV orientation via code is not possible right now (Not sure if it's gonna be implemented in the future).
These restrictions come due to different operability of the hardware components on different orientation.
The only way to rotate your screen is to do it via Samsung's TV Settings so that it can prepare its hardware for the chosen orientation.
There are a special Samsung TVs for Advertising market (Digital Signage series) that are ready to set the orientation of the screen.
I comercial Samsung TV sets Tizen is not able to rotate some kind of elements (as far I know the video object are one of the HTML elements that cannot be rotated)
I've developed some apps for Tizen and for one customer I tried to make a video wall but it was impossible due the firmware limitation of Tizen (it's a marketing strategy in order to avoid having hotel and digital signage capabilities in commercial TV sets)

Enabling background audio in my Windows Store HTML5 app

I have an HTML5 Progressive Web App (PWA) that I've packaged into the Window Store thanks to PWABuilder. It's a Pandora-like music app that plays audio via the HTML5 audio tag.
The app works fine on Windows 10 until I minimize the app, then the audio stops playing. I want my app to keep playing audio even when minimized.
My first thought is I need to declare the appropriate capabilities in my app manifest. So, in my appxmanifest.xml, I added:
<uap3:Capability Name="backgroundMediaPlayback" />
But even with the backgroundMediaPlayback capability, it doesn't work; minimizing the app stops the audio.
Looking at the Universal Windows audio sample app, it says this should work:
"Adding the backgroundMediaPlayback capability enables all media
playback APIs become background enabled. That means you can use any
platform audio APIs, such as MediaPlayer, AudioGraph, XAudio2, and
the HTML Audio tag."
If I'm reading that right, it means simply adding the backgroundMediaPlayback capability should make my HTML5 audio tags work in the background. Is there something else I'm missing?
This sounds like the app is being suspended instead of using the Activity Sponsored Execution mode that's available for apps that declare the backgroundMediaPlayback capability (MS blog here).
Check to see if your app is being suspended when it's minimized.
Were you able to get the sample working?
It looks like your MinSDK and Target SDK are set to 10240 (the first version of Windows 10). Update the values to the following:
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Universal" MinVersion="10.0.14393.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.16299.0"/>
In addition to the SDK versions, you also need to add the SystemMediaTransportControls. See the 2nd bullet point in under the "Requirements for Background Audio" paragraph in this documentation article.
I tracked down the different documentation articles that piece this together.
In the Background Audio article's Single Process section defines the SDK version constraints as min version 1607 (aka Anniversary Update, OS Build/SDK 14393)
The UAP3 Capability manual
Play Media In The Background documentation
The Manifest schema changes documentation (per release)

Why am I getting a LAUNCH_ERROR, NOT_FOUND when attempting to play to an audio-only Google Cast device?

I recently purchased a LG Music Flow H3 to test my Google Cast app with an 'audio-only' device. I've enabled audio-only device support within the Google Cast Dashboard and I've registered the device for development. My app works as expected when played to Google Chromecasts, however when attempting to load the receiver app on the LG device I get the following error:
Thinking that perhaps 3rd-party devices can't be registered for development, I went ahead and published my app. Unfortunately this did not address the problem.
Upon further investigation, I'm noticing that other Google Cast apps (i.e. Songza, TuneIn, Pandora, etc. on both Android & iOS) aren't able to play to the LG Music Flow H3 either.
I discovered that the only way to get the H3 to play from Google Cast apps (both my app and others) is to first run the LG Music Flow multi-room audio app. Running the LG Music Flow app appears to effect the device's _googlecast._tcp zeroconf service discoverability. And sometimes the H3 shows up in zeroconf yet you still can't play to the speaker unless the LG Music Flow app is running.
This seams like very strange behavior. I called LG Tech Support, and they recommended I return the device and exchange it for a different one. I did this, and I still get the same result.
Is this how Google Cast on 3rd-Party devices is intended to work? Have I encountered a buggy 3rd-party implementation?
This is not the intended behavior for sure. You are supposed to be able to launch your 3rd party application on the speaker.
And it works for me.
The fact you are not able to use any other 3rd party apps (TuneIn, Pandora etc) indicate this is a some general problem and not specifically with your app.
Couple of steps I would try:
- Setup you H3 speaker on Wifi (vs Ethernet) and get the latest SW version using the Music Flow app.
Have you Factory reset the device? if you did, you will need to go through setup again. I have noticed Google Cast becomes enabled only after first complete setup.
Please try rebooting, and than try casting apps like TuneIn or Pandora and than see if this works (without using the MusicFlow app). I have noticed in the past that if some app is loaded and is behaving badly (for example uses tons of memory) it will put the speaker into a bad state that don't allow any app to work until reboot. So perhaps when you are casting your app, it gets into a bad state causing other apps to fail afterwards.
Have you made sure not to consume to much memory? avoid graphics or video?

Playing Flash Files (SWF/FLV) in C# Win Form

I have spent lots of time in doing google, but everywhere i have found only 2 way to play swf/flv in win form application and both are not working for me.
1.Using Shockwave flash object:
I am able to add "Shockwave flash object" to toolbar but when i drop it on form, my visual studio gets restart immediately..
2.Playing swf in webbrowser control in winform:
This is also not working.
NOTE: I have done re-installation of flash player but still issue is same. Adobe Flash Player is installed on my machine.
I have event though of converting swf/flv into video and then play in some player in c# but for that also i am not able to find any free library/code to convert flv/swf to video.
Please provide any link or suggest.
Finally got the solution..
I had to install the IE specific version of flash player to get the things working correctly..
its very easy in three step
drag web browser from toolbox
in the properties of web browser go to URL and paste the address of your SWF file
now run the application
