Efficient way to add values from multiple struct - rust

Is there an efficient way of adding together the values of fields from multiple struct together?
I am learning Rust and trying to explore different methods and ways to get more efficient or more elegant code.
An easy method would be with the code as followed but is there maybe a better way? Using maybe a more in-depth use of iterators and its .map() method? I have tried using it but to not avail.
fn create_bloc(name: String, value: u32) -> ControlBloc {
ControlBloc { name, value }
fn main() {
let vec_bloc = vec![
create_bloc(String::from("b1"), 1),
create_bloc(String::from("b2"), 2),
create_bloc(String::from("b3"), 3),
create_bloc(String::from("b4"), 4),
create_bloc(String::from("b5"), 5),
let mut count = 0;
for ele in vec_bloc.iter() {
count += ele.value;
println!("Count = {}", count);

A more idiomatic way:
struct ControlBloc {
name: String,
value: i32,
impl ControlBloc {
fn new(name: String, value: i32) -> Self {
Self {
fn main() {
let vec_bloc = vec![
ControlBloc::new(String::from("b1"), 1),
ControlBloc::new(String::from("b2"), 2),
ControlBloc::new(String::from("b3"), 3),
ControlBloc::new(String::from("b4"), 4),
ControlBloc::new(String::from("b5"), 5),
let count = vec_bloc.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x.value);
println!("Count = {}", count);
As others have said, there's obviously a number of concepts you haven't come across yet which you should learn. I'd start with The Book!


Initialize rest of array with a default value

Is there a way in Rust to initialize the first n elements of an array manually, and specify a default value to be used for the rest?
Specifically, when initializing structs, we can specify some fields, and use .. to initialize the remaining fields from another struct, e.g.:
let foo = Foo {
x: 1,
y: 2,
Is there a similar mechanism for initializing part of an array manually? e.g.
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, ..3];
to get [1, 2, 3, 3, 3]?
Edit: I realized this can be done on stable. For the original answer, see below.
I had to juggle with the compiler so it will be able to infer the type of the array, but it works:
// A workaround on the same method on `MaybeUninit` being unstable.
// Copy-paste from https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/src/core/mem/maybe_uninit.rs.html#943-953.
pub unsafe fn maybe_uninit_array_assume_init<T, const N: usize>(
array: [core::mem::MaybeUninit<T>; N],
) -> [T; N] {
// * The caller guarantees that all elements of the array are initialized
// * `MaybeUninit<T>` and T are guaranteed to have the same layout
// * `MaybeUninit` does not drop, so there are no double-frees
// And thus the conversion is safe
(&array as *const _ as *const [T; N]).read()
macro_rules! array_with_default {
(#count) => { 0usize };
(#count $e:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => { 1usize + array_with_default!(#count $($rest)*) };
[$($e:expr),* ; $default:expr; $default_size:expr] => {{
// There is no hygiene for items, so we use unique names here.
const __array_with_default_EXPRS_LEN: usize = array_with_default!(#count $($e,)*);
const __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE: usize = $default_size;
let mut result = unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<
[::core::mem::MaybeUninit<_>; {
__array_with_default_EXPRS_LEN + __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE
>::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut dest = result.as_mut_ptr();
let expr = $e;
unsafe {
::core::ptr::write((*dest).as_mut_ptr(), expr);
dest = dest.add(1);
for default_value in [$default; __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE] {
unsafe {
::core::ptr::write((*dest).as_mut_ptr(), default_value);
dest = dest.add(1);
unsafe { maybe_uninit_array_assume_init(result) }
Based on the example from #Denys, here is a macro that works on nightly. Note that I had problems matching the .. syntax (though I'm not entirely sure that's impossible; just didn't put much time into that):
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
pub fn concat_arrays<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: [T; N], b: [T; M]) -> [T; N + M] {
unsafe {
let mut result = MaybeUninit::<[T; N + M]>::uninit();
let dest = result.as_mut_ptr().cast::<[T; N]>();
let dest = dest.add(1).cast::<[T; M]>();
macro_rules! array_with_default {
[$($e:expr),* ; $default:expr; $default_size:expr] => {
concat_arrays([$($e),*], [$default; $default_size])
fn main() {
dbg!(array_with_default![1, 2; 3; 7]);
As another option, you can build a default filled array and just modify the positions you require in runtime:
fn array_with_default_and_positions<T: Copy, const SIZE: usize>(
default: T,
init_values: impl IntoIterator<Item = (usize, T)>,
) -> [T; SIZE] {
let mut res = [default; SIZE];
for (i, e) in init_values.into_iter() {
res[i] = e;
Notice the use of #![feature(explicit_generic_args_with_impl_trait)],which is nightly, it could be replaced by an slice since T and usize are copy:
fn array_with_default_and_positions_v2<T: Copy, const SIZE: usize>(
default: T,
init_values: &[(usize, T)],
) -> [T; SIZE] {
let mut res = [default; SIZE];
for &(i, e) in init_values.into_iter() {
res[i] = e;

Dynamically create a range in either direction in Rust

I am learning Rust and recently went through an exercise where I had to iterate through numbers that could go in either direction. I tried the below with unexpected results.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32
fn test() {
let p1 = Point { x: 1, y: 8 };
let p2 = Point { x: 3, y: 6 };
let all_x = p1.x..=p2.x;
println!("all_x: {:?}", all_x.clone().collect::<Vec<i32>>());
let all_y = p1.y..=p2.y;
println!("all_y: {:?}", all_y.clone().collect::<Vec<i32>>());
let points: Vec<Point> = all_x.zip(all_y).map(|(x, y)| Point { x, y }).collect();
println!("points: {:?}", points);
The output was
all_x: [1, 2, 3]
all_y: []
points: []
After some googling I found an explanation and some old answers which basically amount to use (a..b).rev() as needed.
My question is, how do I do this in a dynamic way? If I use an if...else like so
let all_x = if p1.x < p2.x { (p1.x..=p2.x) } else { (p2.x..=p1.x).rev() };
I get a type error because the else is different than the if
58 | let all_x = if p1.x < p2.x { (p1.x..=p2.x) }
| - ------------- expected because of this
| _________________|
| |
59 | | else { (p2.x..=p1.x).rev() };
| |____________^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_- `if` and `else` have incompatible types
| |
| expected struct `RangeInclusive`, found struct `Rev`
= note: expected type `RangeInclusive<_>`
found struct `Rev<RangeInclusive<_>>`
After trying a bunch of different variations on let all_x: dyn Range<Item = i32>, let all_x: dyn Iterator<Item = i32>, etc, the only way I have managed to do this is by turning them into collections and then back to iterators.
let all_x: Vec<i32>;
if p1.x < p2.x { all_x = (p1.x..=p2.x).collect(); }
else { all_x = (p2.x..=p1.x).rev().collect(); }
let all_x = all_x.into_iter();
println!("all_x: {:?}", all_x.clone().collect::<Vec<i32>>());
let all_y: Vec<i32>;
if p1.y < p2.y { all_y = (p1.y..=p2.y).collect(); }
else { all_y = (p2.y..=p1.y).rev().collect(); }
let all_y = all_y.into_iter();
println!("all_y: {:?}", all_y.clone().collect::<Vec<i32>>());
which provides the desired outcome
all_x: [1, 2, 3]
all_y: [8, 7, 6]
points: [Point { x: 1, y: 8 }, Point { x: 2, y: 7 }, Point { x: 3, y: 6 }]
but is a bit repetitive, inelegant and I'm assuming not very efficient at large numbers. Is there a better way to handle this situation?
NOTE: Sorry for including the Point struct. I could not get my example to work with x1, x2, etc. Probably a different question for a different post lol.
You can dynamically dispatch it. Wrapping them into a Box and returning a dynamic object, an Iterator in this case. For example:
fn maybe_reverse_range(init: usize, end: usize, reverse: bool) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item=usize>> {
if reverse {
} else {
The enum itertools::Either can be used to solve the incompatible type error in the if/else statement. A function like get_range_iter below using Either can reduce the code repetition.
use itertools::Either;
fn get_range_iter(start: i32, end: i32) -> impl Iterator<Item=i32> {
if start < end {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32
fn main() {
let p1 = Point { x: 1, y: 8 };
let p2 = Point { x: 3, y: 6 };
let all_x = get_range_iter(p1.x, p2.x);
let all_y = get_range_iter(p1.y, p2.y);
println!("all_x: {:?}", all_x.collect::<Vec<_>>());
println!("all_y: {:?}", all_y.collect::<Vec<_>>());

How to move values out of a vector when the vector is immediately discarded?

I am receiving data in the form of a string vector, and need to populate a struct using a subset of the values, like this:
const json: &str = r#"["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]"#;
struct A {
third: String,
first: String,
fifth: String,
fn main() {
let data: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
let a = A {
third: data[2],
first: data[0],
fifth: data[4],
This doesn't work because I'm moving values out of the vector. The compiler believes that this leaves data in an uninitialized state that can cause problems, but because I never use data again, it shouldn't matter.
The conventional solution is swap_remove, but it is problematic because the elements are not accessed in reverse order (assuming the structure is populated top to bottom).
I solve this now by doing a mem::replace and having data as mut, which clutters this otherwise clean code:
fn main() {
let mut data: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
let a = A {
third: std::mem::replace(&mut data[2], "".to_string()),
first: std::mem::replace(&mut data[0], "".to_string()),
fifth: std::mem::replace(&mut data[4], "".to_string())
Is there an alternative to this solution that doesn't require me to have all these replace calls and data unnecessarily mut?
I've been in this situation, and the cleanest solution I've found was to create an extension:
trait Extract: Default {
/// Replace self with default and returns the initial value.
fn extract(&mut self) -> Self;
impl<T: Default> Extract for T {
fn extract(&mut self) -> Self {
std::mem::replace(self, T::default())
And in your solution, you can replace the std::mem::replace with it:
const JSON: &str = r#"["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]"#;
struct A {
third: String,
first: String,
fifth: String,
fn main() {
let mut data: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_str(JSON).unwrap();
let _a = A {
third: data[2].extract(),
first: data[0].extract(),
fifth: data[4].extract(),
That's basically the same code, but it is much more readable.
If you like funny things, you can even write a macro:
macro_rules! vec_destruc {
{ $v:expr => $( $n:ident : $i:expr; )+ } => {
let ( $( $n ),+ ) = {
let mut v = $v;
$( std::mem::replace(&mut v[$i], Default::default()) ),+
const JSON: &str = r#"["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"]"#;
struct A {
third: String,
first: String,
fifth: String,
fn main() {
let data: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_str(JSON).unwrap();
vec_destruc! { data =>
first: 0;
third: 2;
fifth: 4;
let a = A { first, third, fifth };
println!("{:?}", a);
In small cases like this (also seen in naïve command line argument processing), I transfer ownership of the vector into an iterator and pop all the values off, keeping those I'm interested in:
fn main() {
let data: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
let mut data = data.into_iter().fuse();
let first = data.next().expect("Needed five elements, missing the first");
let _ = data.next();
let third = data.next().expect("Needed five elements, missing the third");
let _ = data.next();
let fifth = data.next().expect("Needed five elements, missing the fifth");
let a = A {
I'd challenge the requirement to have a vector, however. Using a tuple is simpler and avoids much of the error handling needed, if you have exactly 5 elements:
fn main() {
let data: (String, String, String, String, String) = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
let a = A {
third: data.2,
first: data.0,
fifth: data.4,
See also:
How can I ignore extra tuple items when deserializing with Serde? ("trailing characters" error)
Another option is to use a vector of Option<String>. This allows us to move the values out, while keeping track of what values have been moved, so they are not dropped with the vector.
let mut data: Vec<Option<String>> = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap();
let a = A {
third: data[2].take().unwrap(),
first: data[0].take().unwrap(),
fifth: data[4].take().unwrap(),

How can I set a struct field value by string name?

Out of habit from interpreted programming languages, I want to rewrite many values based on their key. I assumed that I would store all the information in the struct prepared for this project. So I started iterating:
struct Container {
x: String,
y: String,
z: String
impl Container {
// (...)
fn load_data(&self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
let valid_keys = vec_of_strings![ // It's simple vector with Strings
"x", "y", "z"
] ;
for key_name in &valid_keys {
if data.contains_key(key_name) {
self[key_name] = Some(data.get(key_name);
// It's invalid of course but
// I do not know how to write it correctly.
// For example, in PHP I would write it like this:
// $this[$key_name] = $data[$key_name];
// (...)
Maybe macros? I tried to use them. key_name is always interpreted as it is, I cannot get value of key_name instead.
How can I do this without repeating the code for each value?
With macros, I always advocate starting from the direct code, then seeing what duplication there is. In this case, we'd start with
fn load_data(&mut self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
if let Some(v) = data.get("x") {
self.x = v.clone();
if let Some(v) = data.get("y") {
self.y = v.clone();
if let Some(v) = data.get("z") {
self.z = v.clone();
Note the number of differences:
The struct must take &mut self.
It's inefficient to check if a value is there and then get it separately.
We need to clone the value because we only only have a reference.
We cannot store an Option in a String.
Once you have your code working, you can see how to abstract things. Always start by trying to use "lighter" abstractions (functions, traits, etc.). Only after exhausting that, I'd start bringing in macros. Let's start by using stringify
if let Some(v) = data.get(stringify!(x)) {
self.x = v.clone();
Then you can extract out a macro:
macro_rules! thing {
($this: ident, $data: ident, $($name: ident),+) => {
if let Some(v) = $data.get(stringify!($name)) {
$this.$name = v.clone();
impl Container {
fn load_data(&mut self, data: &HashMap<String, String>) {
thing!(self, data, x, y, z);
fn main() {
let mut c = Container::default();
let d: HashMap<_, _> = vec![("x".into(), "alpha".into())].into_iter().collect();
println!("{:?}", c);
Full disclosure: I don't think this is a good idea.

Creating an iterator that either steps upwards or downwards

I'd ideally like to have something like the following:
iter = if go_up {
(min .. limit)
} else {
(limit .. max).rev()
to create an iterator that either counts up or down to some limit, depending on the situation. However, because Range and Rev are different types, I can't do this. I can use the step_by feature, but because my limits are an unsigned data-type, I then also have to cast everything. The best I have so far is:
iter = if go_up {
(min as i64 .. limit as i64).step_by(1)
} else {
(limit as i64 .. max as i64).step_by(-1)
but this requires both unstable features, and shoehorning my types. It seems like there should be a neater way to do this; does anyone know one?
The direct solution is to simply create an iterator that can either count upwards or downwards. Use an enum to choose between the types:
use std::ops::Range;
use std::iter::Rev;
enum Foo {
impl Foo {
fn new(min: u8, limit: u8, max: u8, go_up: bool) -> Foo {
if go_up {
} else {
impl Iterator for Foo {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match *self {
Foo::Upwards(ref mut i) => i.next(),
Foo::Downwards(ref mut i) => i.next(),
fn main() {
for i in Foo::new(1, 5, 10, true) {
println!("{}", i);
for i in Foo::new(1, 5, 10, false) {
println!("{}", i);
Another pragmatic solution that introduces a little bit of indirection is to Box the iterators:
fn thing(min: u8, limit: u8, max: u8, go_up: bool) -> Box<Iterator<Item = u8>> {
if go_up {
} else {
fn main() {
for i in thing(1, 5, 10, true) {
println!("{}", i);
for i in thing(1, 5, 10, false) {
println!("{}", i);
Personally, your solution
iter = if go_up {
(min as i64 .. limit as i64).step_by(1)
} else {
(limit as i64 .. max as i64).step_by(-1)
is a better option than Shepmaster's first example, since it's more complete (eg. there's a size_hint), it's more likely to be correct by virtue of being a standard tool and it's faster to write.
It's true that this is unstable, but there's nothing stopping you from just copying the source in the meantime. That gives you a nice upgrade path for when this eventually gets stabilized.
The enum wrapper technique is great in more complex cases, though, but in this case I'd be tempted to KISS.
