I Have created two public ips(public-ip1 , public-ip2) in node resource group of aks(removed the default ip created by aks in node resource group as i dont need it) , and in my aks i am having few nodes seperated with labels , like node1,node2 in label one and node3,node4 in label2 , and i want a structure like public-ip1 should give egress traffic coming from node1,node2 and publi-ip2 should give outrgess traffic coming from node3,node4 , but currently i am getting all the traffic from one ip only(from publi-ip1) , is there any way that i can differenciate traffic seperately from ips(link- ip1 should get traffic from labbel1 and ip2 should get from label2)?
---link i follwed:
---command used to create public ip's
az aks create
--resource-group myResourceGroup
--name myAKSCluster
--load-balancer-outbound-ips ,
we have a basic AKS cluster setup and we need to whitelist this AKS outbound ipadress in one of our services, i scanned the AKS cluster setting in Azure portal, i was not able to find any outbound IpAddress.
how do we get the outboud IP ?
Thanks -Nen
If you are using an AKS cluster with a Standard SKU Load Balancer i.e.
$ az aks show -g $RG -n akstest --query networkProfile.loadBalancerSku -o tsv
and the outboundType is set to loadBalancer i.e.
$ az aks show -g $RG -n akstest --query networkProfile.outboundType -o tsv
then you should be able to fetch the outbound IP addresses for the AKS cluster like (mind the capital IP):
$ az aks show -g $RG -n akstest --query networkProfile.loadBalancerProfile.effectiveOutboundIPs[].id
# Using $PUBLIC_IP_RESOURCE_ID obtained from the last step
$ az network public-ip show --ids $PUBLIC_IP_RESOURCE_ID --query ipAddress -o tsv
For more information please check Use a public Standard Load Balancer in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
If you are using an AKS cluster with a Basic SKU Load Balancer i.e.
$ az aks show -g $RG -n akstest --query networkProfile.loadBalancerSku -o tsv
and the outboundType is set to loadBalancer i.e.
$ az aks show -g $RG -n akstest --query networkProfile.outboundType -o tsv
Load Balancer Basic chooses a single frontend to be used for outbound flows when multiple (public) IP frontends are candidates for outbound flows. This selection is not configurable, and you should consider the selection algorithm to be random. This public IP address is only valid for the lifespan of that resource. If you delete the Kubernetes LoadBalancer service, the associated load balancer and IP address are also deleted. If you want to assign a specific IP address or retain an IP address for redeployed Kubernetes services, you can create and use a static public IP address, as #nico-meisenzahl mentioned.
The static IP address works only as long as you have one Service on the AKS cluster (with a Basic Load Balancer). When multiple addresses are configured on the Azure Load Balancer, any of these public IP addresses are a candidate for outbound flows, and one is selected at random. Thus every time a Service gets added, you will have to add that corresponding IP address to the whitelist which isn't very scalable. [Reference]
In the latter case, we would recommend setting outBoundType to userDefinedRouting at the time of AKS cluster creation. If userDefinedRouting is set, AKS won't automatically configure egress paths. The egress setup must be done by you.
The AKS cluster must be deployed into an existing virtual network with a subnet that has been previously configured because when not using standard load balancer (SLB) architecture, you must establish explicit egress. As such, this architecture requires explicitly sending egress traffic to an appliance like a firewall, gateway, proxy or to allow the Network Address Translation (NAT) to be done by a public IP assigned to the standard load balancer or appliance.
Load balancer creation with userDefinedRouting
AKS clusters with an outbound type of UDR receive a standard load balancer (SLB) only when the first Kubernetes service of type 'loadBalancer' is deployed. The load balancer is configured with a public IP address for inbound requests and a backend pool for inbound requests. Inbound rules are configured by the Azure cloud provider, but no outbound public IP address or outbound rules are configured as a result of having an outbound type of UDR. Your UDR will still be the only source for egress traffic.
Azure load balancers don't incur a charge until a rule is placed.
[!! Important: Using outbound type is an advanced networking scenario and requires proper network configuration.]
Here's instructions to Deploy a cluster with outbound type of UDR and Azure Firewall
You can define AKS to route egress traffic via a Load-Balancer (this is also the default behavior). This also helps you to "use" the same outgoing IP with multiple nodes.
More details are available here.
I am currently doing some work in Azure, and I'm trying to get the Resource ID of an Internal IP address located in an Azure virtual network. I essentially need the equivalent of the below command, but for an internal IP. Does anyone know how I can retrieve this?
az network public-ip list --query "[?ipAddress!=null]|[?contains(ipAddress, '$IP')].[id]" --output tsv
I have tested in my environment.
To fetch the Resource ID of an private IP address which is associated with the Application Gateway that is used as an Ingress Controller for the AKS Cluster, please use below command :
az network application-gateway frontend-ip list -g RGName --gateway-name ApplicationGatewayName --query "[?privateIpAddress!=null]|[?contains(privateIpAddress, ‘$IP’)].[id]" --output tsv
I have 2 different Virtual machine scale sets running in Azure. They're both in the same resource group. I have a single Azure Load balancer for kubernetes, and it has a backend pool that contains all of the VMs from both scale sets.
I have 2 different 'Public IP addresses' set up in Azure. I want one of these IPs to point to the 1st virtual machine scale set, and the 2nd to point to the 2nd virtual machines scale set (preferably without having to specify the VMs to connect to - I'd prefer the IPs to point to the scale set somehow, not the individual VMs, if possible).
For both virtual machine scale sets, the 'Networking' section in Azure is as follows (It's showing an inbound port rule for the 1st IP, but the 2nd IP isn't currently present at all on the inbound port rules:
Under the Load balancer > Inbound NAT rules section, I looked at adding a new rule, but the 'Target virtual machine' dropdown on the 'Add inbound NAT rule' page doesn't show any options (and in any case, I'd prefer to target the IP to the VM scale set, if possible):
I looked at the following questions, but they don't address my scenario. Is it possible to direct my 1st IP to the 1st VM scale set, and the 2nd IP to the 2nd VM scale set? If not, can I direct my 2nd IP to one of the VMs in the 2nd scale set, using the same load balancer? And how would I achieve either of these two approaches?
Load balance between two Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS)
Azure VM: More than one Public IP
I also have met this issue and I think it's a problem that needs to be fixed. You cannot solve it in the Azure portal. I solve it via the CLI command and here are the steps:
create an inbound nat pool:
az network lb inbound-nat-pool create --backend-port 22 --frontend-port-range-end 50010 --frontend-port-range-start 50000 --lb-name lbName --name natpoolName --protocol Tcp -g resourceGroupName
find the inbound nat pool resource id:
az network lb show -g resourceGroupName -n lbName --query inboundNatPools
add the inbound nat pool to the vmss:
az vmss update -g charles -n azurevmss --add virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].ipConfigurations[0].loadBalancerInboundNatPools id=inboundNatPoolId
upgrade the vmss instances in the Azure portal
Then you can see all the VMSS instances are already in the Load Balancer inbound NAT pool. You can also create the inbound Nat Pool with a special frontend IP as you want.
A couple of weeks ago, I set up a Load Balancer on an AKS Cluster. I am using the following script to point a .cloudapp.azure.com domain to the Load Balancer:
# Public IP address of your ingress controller
# Name to associate with public IP address
# Get the resource-id of the public ip
PUBLICIPID=$(az network public-ip list --query "[?ipAddress!=null]|[?contains(ipAddress, '$IP')].[id]" --output tsv)
# Update public ip address with DNS name
az network public-ip update --ids $PUBLICIPID --dns-name $DNSNAME
The problem is that the FQDN keeps disappearing, approximately every 24 hours. Every day I have to run the script again, and then everything is alright again. Why could this be happening?
I have assigned a static IP to my Load Balancer, which also has not restarted. I used the following command to assign a static ip:
az network public-ip create --resource-group <MY_RG> --name <IP_NAME> --sku Standard --allocation-method static --query publicIp.ipAddress -o tsv
and used this IP in my charts for the nginx controller. The IP keeps pointing to the right place but the domain name keeps disappearing.
Thank you in advance for any advice, greatly appreciated.
Is there way to determine outbound IPs specific to Azure Container Instances?
I would like to allow my container instance to send network messages to service behind firewall. To configure this firewall I need to know outbound IP address or range of IPs.
I found list of IPs for my region here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56519 but it's for all services (for my region it's more than 180 entries) not only container instances.
You can have container infos by executing this "Azure CLI" command
az container show --resource-group "RgName" --name "containerName" --output table
You may be able to use Private IP, VNet deployment feature (in preview currently) of ACI to support this.
You can use the CIDR range of the subnet to configure your firewall.