I am currently using python to count the number of PHP array values in a PHP script. The arrays could be multidimensional, paired, or simply a list.
$arr = ['test','test',$test, $test->test,$arr[0][1][1],['test','test'=> 'another test'], array('test','test')];
$arr2 = array('test' => '','test' => '','test' => '','test' => '','test' => '','test' => '','test' => '','test' => '');
$arr3 = [ 'test' => array('test','test','test','test',
'test' => array('test') )];
Notice that I could have an array declared with square brackets or the array keyword.
Currently, I am using the following Python code
R1 = re.findall(r"\[.*\]",String)
for L in R1:
print( len(L.split(',')) )
return None
R1 = re.findall(r"array\(.*\)",String)
for L in R1:
print( len(L.split(',')) )
return None
It seems redundant to use two for loops for this. How can I combine the regex expression to count all array values in the three arrays?
So I was reading up about how scala lets you treat string as a sequence of chars through its implicit mechanism. I created a generic Trie class for a general element type and wanted to use it's Char based implementation with string like syntax.
import collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Trie[Elem, Meta](children: mutable.Map[Elem, Trie[Elem, Meta]], var metadata: Option[Meta] = None) {
def this() = this(mutable.Map.empty)
final def insert(item: Seq[Elem], metadata: Meta): Unit = {
item match {
case Nil =>
this.metadata = Some(metadata)
case x :: xs =>
children.getOrElseUpdate(x, new Trie()).insert(xs, metadata)
def insert(items: (Seq[Elem], Meta)*): Unit = items.foreach { case (item, meta) => insert(item, meta) }
def find(item: Seq[Elem]): Option[Meta] = {
item match {
case Nil => metadata
case x :: xs => children.get(x).flatMap(_.metadata)
object Trie extends App {
type Dictionary = Trie[Char, String]
val dict = new Dictionary()
dict.insert( "hello", "meaning of hello")
dict.insert("hi", "another word for hello")
dict.insert("bye", "opposite of hello")
Weird thing is, it compiles fine but gives error on running:
Exception in thread "main" scala.MatchError: hello (of class scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString)
at Trie.insert(Trie.scala:11)
at Trie$.delayedEndpoint$com$inmobi$data$mleap$Trie$1(Trie.scala:34)
at Trie$delayedInit$body.apply(Trie.scala:30)
at scala.Function0$class.apply$mcV$sp(Function0.scala:34)
at scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp(AbstractFunction0.scala:12)
at scala.App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(App.scala:76)
at scala.App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(App.scala:76)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:381)
at scala.collection.generic.TraversableForwarder$class.foreach(TraversableForwarder.scala:35)
at scala.App$class.main(App.scala:76)
at Trie$.main(Trie.scala:30)
at Trie.main(Trie.scala)
It's able to implicitly convert String to WrappedString, but that doesn't match the ::. Any workarounds for this?
You can use startsWith as follows:
val s = "ThisIsAString"
s match {
case x if x.startsWith("T") => 1
case _ => 0
Or convert your String to List of chars with toList
scala> val s = "ThisIsAString"
s: String = ThisIsAString
scala> s.toList
res10: List[Char] = List(T, h, i, s, I, s, A, S, t, r, i, n, g)
An then use it as any other List
s.toList match {
case h::t => whatever
case _ => anotherThing
Your insert method declares item to be a Seq, but your pattern match only matches on List. A string can be implicitly converted to a Seq[Char], but it isn't a List. Use a pattern match on Seq instead of List using +:.
final def insert(item: Seq[Elem], metadata: Meta): Unit = {
item match {
case Seq() =>
this.metadata = Some(metadata)
case x +: xs =>
children.getOrElseUpdate(x, new Trie()).insert(xs, metadata)
The same applies to your find method.
How can we use the value inside the map, it seems the values not being filled.
val goalScore = rawScore.transform(rdd=>{
val minMax = rdd.flatMap(x=>{
x.behaviorProfileType match {
case Some("mapper") => Some((x.sourceType, x.targetType, "mapper"), x)
case Some("non-mappe") => Some((x.sourceType, x.targetType, "non-mapper"), x)
case _ => None
.reduceByKey(reduceMinMax(_, _))
rdd.map(x => (populateMinMaxWindowGoalScore(x, minMax)))
Why minMax is always empty inside populateMinMaxWindowGoalScore function? rawScore is a DStream.
I have an array like
$arr = array("arif", "arin", "asif", "armin", "arpan");
I want to search and get the indices of the elements which meet a regex.
In this case I wanna get the indices 0, 1, 3, 4 as they match my pattern
$regex = '|^ar|';
Use preg_grep() for that:
$arr = array("arif", "arin", "asif", "armin", "arpan");
$regex = '|^ar|';
$res = array_keys(preg_grep($regex, $arr));
Use preg_match function while iterating through the input array:
$arr = array("arif", "arin", "asif", "armin", "arpan");
$keys = [];
foreach ($arr as $k => $item) {
if (preg_match('/^ar/', $item)) $keys[] = $k;
The output:
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 3
[3] => 4
Loop over each item in the array, test if your regular expression matches using preg_match the item, if it does, add the index to another array of indexes. If it doesn't match, simply continue. You'll be left with an array of indices.
$words = array("arif", "arin", "asif", "armin", "arpan");
$pattern = '|^ar|';
$indices = array();
foreach ($words as $i => $word) {
// if there is a match
if (preg_match($pattern, $word)) {
// append the current index to the indices array
$indices[] = $i;
Hi I am new in scala and I achieved following things in scala, my string contain following data
CLASS: Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process$$(null)|CreatingProcessID|Description|ElapsedTime|Frequency_Object|Frequency_PerfTime|Frequency_Sys100NS|HandleCount|IDProcess|IODataBytesPersec|IODataOperationsPersec|IOOtherBytesPersec|IOOtherOperationsPersec|IOReadBytesPersec|IOReadOperationsPersec|IOWriteBytesPersec|IOWriteOperationsPersec|Name|PageFaultsPersec|PageFileBytes|PageFileBytesPeak|PercentPrivilegedTime|PercentProcessorTime|PercentUserTime|PoolNonpagedBytes|PoolPagedBytes|PriorityBase|PrivateBytes|ThreadCount|Timestamp_Object|Timestamp_PerfTime|Timestamp_Sys100NS|VirtualBytes|VirtualBytesPeak|WorkingSet|WorkingSetPeak|WorkingSetPrivate$$(null)|0|(null)|8300717|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|Idle|0|0|0|100|100|0|0|0|0|0|8|0|0|0|0|0|24576|24576|24576$$(null)|0|(null)|8300717|0|0|0|578|4|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|System|0|114688|274432|17|0|0|0|0|8|114688|124|0|0|0|3469312|8908800|311296|5693440|61440$$(null)|4|(null)|8300717|0|0|0|42|280|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|smss|0|782336|884736|110|0|0|1864|10664|11|782336|3|0|0|0|5701632|19357696|1388544|1417216|700416$$(null)|372|(null)|8300715|0|0|0|1438|380|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|csrss|0|3624960|3747840|0|0|0|15008|157544|13|3624960|10|0|0|0|54886400|55345152|5586944|5648384|2838528$$(null)|424|(null)|8300714|0|0|0|71|432|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|csrss#1|0|8605696|8728576|0|0|0|8720|96384|13|8605696|9|0|0|0|50515968|50909184|7438336|9342976|4972544
now I want to find data who's value is PercentProcessorTime, ElapsedTime,.. so for this I first split above string $$ and then again split string using | and this new split string I searched string where PercentProcessorTime' presents and get Index of that string when I get string then skipped first two arrays which split from$$and get data ofPercentProcessorTime` using index , it's looks like complicated but I think following code should helps
// First split string as below
val processData = winProcessData.split("\\$\\$")
// get index here
val getIndex: Int = processData.find(part => part.contains("PercentProcessorTime"))
.map {
case getData =>
} match {
case Some(s) => s.split("\\|").indexOf("PercentProcessorTime")
case None => -1
val getIndexOfElapsedTime: Int = processData.find(part => part.contains("ElapsedTime"))
.map {
case getData =>
} match {
case Some(s) => s.split("\\|").indexOf("ElapsedTime")
case None => -1
// now fetch data of above index as below
for (i <- 2 to (processData.length - 1)) {
val getValues = processData(i).split("\\|")
val getPercentProcessTime = getValues(getIndex).toFloat
val getElapsedTime = getValues(getIndexOfElapsedTime).toFloat
Now Problem is that using above code I was getting data of given key in index, so my output was (8300717,100),(8300717,17)(8300717,110)... Now I want sort this data using getPercentProcessTime so my output should be (8300717,110),(8300717,100)(8300717,17)...
and that data should be in lists so I will pass list to case class.
Are you find PercentProcessorTime or PercentPrivilegedTime ?
Here it is
val str = "your very long string"
val heads = Seq("PercentPrivilegedTime", "ElapsedTime")
val Array(elap, perc) = str.split("\\$\\$").tail.map(_.split("\\|"))
.transpose.filter(x => heads.contains(x.head))
//elap: Array[String] = Array(ElapsedTime, 8300717, 8300717, 8300717, 8300715, 8300714)
//perc: Array[String] = Array(PercentPrivilegedTime, 100, 17, 110, 0, 0)
val res = (elap.tail, perc.tail).zipped.toList.sortBy(-_._2.toInt)
//List[(String, String)] = List((8300717,110), (8300717,100), (8300717,17), (8300715,0), (8300714,0))
I'm trying to read some worksheets using a filter, but the problem is that I can't get the cell values, when those cells are using cells
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5');
$objReader->setLoadSheetsOnly('Data Sheet #1');
$myFilter = new CellReadFilter(1, 7, range('A', 'F'));
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load('sampleData/example1.xls');
$loadedSheetNames = $objPHPExcel->getSheetNames();
foreach ($loadedSheetNames as $sheetIndex => $loadedSheetName) {
echo $sheetIndex, ' => ', $loadedSheetName, '<br />';
$sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
My excel file, on the F1 cell, I use the following formula: =C2, but the output of my script says that F1 is null and not 23.45 as expected.
0 => Data Sheet #1
array (size=3)
1 =>
array (size=6)
'A' => string 'Integer Numbers' (length=15)
'B' => float 123
'C' => float 234
'D' => float -345
'E' => float 456
'F' => null
2 =>
array (size=6)
'A' => string 'Floating Point Numbers' (length=22)
'B' => float 1.23
'C' => float 23.45
'D' => float 3.45E-6
'E' => float -45.678
'F' => float 56.78
3 =>
array (size=6)
'A' => string 'Strings' (length=7)
'B' => string 'Hello' (length=5)
'C' => string 'World' (length=5)
'D' => null
'E' => string 'PHPExcel' (length=8)
'F' => null
and my cell filter class looks like in the documentation sample:
class CellReadFilter implements PHPExcel_Reader_IReadFilter {
private $_startRow = 0;
private $_endRow = 0;
private $_column = array();
public function __construct($startRow, $endRow, $column) {
$this->_startRow = $startRow;
$this->_endRow = $endRow;
$this->_column = array_merge($column, array('AA'));
public function readCell($column, $row, $worksheetName = '') {
if ($row >= $this->_startRow && $row <= $this->_endRow) {
if (in_array($column, $this->_column)) { return true; }
return false;
Validation for you read filter, modify the readCell to test what criteria are being applied, and to identify which cells match the criteria and why they are being accepted/rejected:
public function readCell($column, $row, $worksheetName = '') {
echo 'Testing worksheet ', $worksheetName, 'row ', $row, ' column ', $column, PHP_EOL;
if ($row >= $this->_startRow && $row <= $this->_endRow) {
'Cell is within row range',PHP_EOL;
if (in_array($column, $this->_column)) {
'VALID: Cell is within column range',PHP_EOL;
return true;
'INVALID: Cell is outside column range',PHP_EOL;
} else {
'INVALID: Cell is outside row range',PHP_EOL;
return false;