Application is not deployed to jenkins. error in logs:
the solution is possible in the "npm cache clear --force", but where to enter it, should the developer do it? or I, devops, in jenkins?
I'm trying to deploy a Node.js (Remix) application to an Azure App Service instance. After installing the npm packages, the post-install script must run for the Remix app to eventually work. The post-install script is npx remix setup node.
Unfortunately, the deployment fails because of the following reason:
npm ERR! could not determine executable to run
I get the same error when trying to use other npx commands, as npx prisma generate. I tried npm exec as well instead of npx.
Thank you in advance!
In startup command try using npx serve -s build/
Also, under your app service Settings blade check all the general settings.
Make sure that your web.config was published along with your app.
Once the jhipster app is deployed to GCP the web site says:
An error has occurred :-(.
It is the error you get when you run "mvnw", but not "npm start".
I create a monolithic Spring and Angular 8 application with jhipster 6.2.0.
I run the "jhipster gae" command and answer the prompts.
I run the "./mvnw appengine:deploy -DskipTests -Pprod,prod-gae" command on my Ubuntu 18.0.4 OS.
It deploys successfully, kind of. I don't get any errors on the command prompt, but when I get to the URL I get the message, "An error has occurred :-(".
It basically says that I didn't run "npm start". So it is like it ran "mvnw", but not "npm start".
My site build fails in Netlify's CI environment. What should I do to debug?
Gatsby build failing on netlify #6138 might help
You can disable this behavior by unsetting the CI variable in your build. For example, the following will unset CI for the NPM command:
CI= npm run build
Log in to Netlify
Choose your app and click on Site settings
Navigate to Build & Deploy
Under Continuous Deployment select Edit
Update Build command to
CI= npm run build
If you are using netlify.toml to set the build command, update it as such:
command = "CI= npm run build"
*Rebuild you deployment
I have a jenkins pipeline and a NPM/Webpack project. My Jenkins server is running on a Windows Server 2016 1607 - I got the newest Jenkins release.
I want to deploy the project via Jenkins.
One of the first steps is, to install the dependencies:
echo "Run Webpack"
dir("static") {
bat "npm install"
echo "Build for Dev"
bat "npm run build:dev"
When the pipeline is at this step there is a loop and i dont see a progress or something like that:
I can wait for 30 minutes and there appears nothing. I dont know what to do.
Note: When i go via cmd to this path and run "npm install" everything works fine. This is only a problem with Jenkins.
I hope that someone knows a workaround or have an idea how to do this in another way.
Solved: Sorry for the question. Now after a few tries npm throws an error message. The problem was, that my server wasn't able to connect to the internet through our firewall.
I never thaught that this was the problem because on the local machine "npm install" works. But on the local machine it seems that NPM used our proxy server. That was the reason why it works locally and not with jenkins.
So I have a MEAN application up and running and Im looking into a continuous integration solution. I have successfully gotten Jenkins up and running with web hooks that grab my project from a bitbucket repo when a merge happens to master.
Right now I do not have any tests so Jenkins just runs some shell commands that 'deploys' the server. Which is great. My goal would be to have this run tests and fail a deploy if they fail.
So my problem is that the build never completes. My goal would be to when it completes it will keep the server running or deploy it and keep it running.
Here are the shell commands I run one the build is kicked off.
npm install
npm install bower
bower install
npm install grunt-cli
grunt prod
node server
And it successfully runs the server and such but it just hangs up after the node server command is executed
How do I make it so Jenkins sees this as successful and then deploys it? I have crawled the internet with no much luck.
So looking at some docs and such. I would need to configure my tests to run when the build gets ran. If there are not tests then it passes (by default)... So what I need is when that happens, jenkins needs to run a deploy script. After looking around in jenkins I am still unable to figure out how to do so.
So moving those shell script out of the build allows it to finish and is 'successful' since no tests are present. I see that jenkins keeps the project in a workspace directory. Is there a way to get jenkins to deploy from there or some kind of other application to deploy that build in that workspace?
So what I ended up doing was something simple but im not sure if its best practice..
Jenkins has the webhook to my bitbucket repo and watches for pulls into master. This then kicks off my jenkins build which it runs
npm install bower
bower install
npm install grunt-cli
grunt prod
which builds the project. Then I installed nodemon which watches the last "successful build" folder run the server from there. When it gets refreshed the server restarts. This seems to run pretty smoothly so far.