Open and save .iqy to table from script - excel

I'm looking for a way to open a .iqy file from script and save the file that i get.
Context: Where I work we currently try to automate the process of renaming building elements. For those we have the properties saved in an SharePoint Excel file and we want to find a 1-Click-Solution, where a programm fetches the data from the SharePoint tables and uses ArchiCAD API to get those changes into the project.
If anyone knows a comfortable way to get the data from SharePoint (tried REST API with not much success) or the .iqy file, i would be very grateful :)
Kind Regards


How to get (download) Excel file from web service link (in VB.NET)

I have a web service link: which if you paste it in your Internet Explorer, downloads an Excel file (including Tehran stock prices).
I do need help how to programmatically get above mention Excel file from that web service to save in my SQL database.
I searched a lot but non of found sample codes couldn't help to succeed (most of them cause an error or an empty file).
Kind regards.
Your help would be highly appreciated in advance.

Access worksheet names from Excel file with Google Apps Script (without Drive.Files.insert)

In a Google App Script attached to a Google Sheet, I have the file ID of an excel file. I want to read the worksheet names of that excel file. The tutorials I've seen on conversion load the excel file as a blob then write it to Drive as a Google Sheet, then read it.
Is there a way to do this that does not to create artifacts that I then need to delete? The reasoning is that I am concerned with the following: safety if there's a bug (the wrong thing gets deleted), additional processing time (I need to process a long list of excel files), and leftover artifacts if the script aborts unexpectedly between inserting and deleting.
Thank you!
Answering your questions, the reason the tutorials first convert the Excel file to a Google Sheet is to interact with it (in your case, to gather the worksheet names) it's because the Google APIs or Apps Script cannot interact with the Excel file as row data, and Google needs to convert the file to something readable using Google APIs.
A workaround for this will be to use Excel JavaScript API to read the information original Excel file, you can use externals API in Apps Script since it's based in JavaScript, so you will use Apps Script as an IDE.
However, you can do the same with any other IDE that works with JavaScript.
There are some examples on how to list the worksheets using the Excel JavaScript API in this blog.
If you will like to keep using Google APIs, and using the Google Apps Script built-in services. You will need to convert the file to Google Sheets.
Updating Answer:
You can review more about the Excel Services API services here.

Reading data from shared teams text file using VBA in Excel

I have created a tool using VBA that performs several pulls from BigQuery and does a variety of transformations and summarization inside of Excel. The tool is an evolving tool and to make sure that the users are using the most current version of the tool, I would like to have a version file saved on the shared Teams page that the tool would check and if needed, download the newest version onto the tool to the user's folder. I have scrubbed the web for several solutions to this ask but not one that actually works. Below are the links to the solutions I have attempted. The issue is that the connectors for opening text files seem to not work with a URL from Teams. I need to know how to make this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This solution doesn't seem to work with a URL as I get a Bad Filename error.
Problem with this one is that the download for some reason shows completed but actually never moves local.
Connecting to Excel file stored on SharePoint via ADODB
I attempted to use this solution using the text file connection string but was not successful here either.
Again, another bad name error.
Any help or advice on how to connect to a simple text file shared in a Teams folder would be greatly appreciated.

I am having problem reading Excel file using OData SSIS component from Share Point

as title says I am trying to read the Excel file placed on online SharePoint using the OData component in SSIS.
I am trying to make an SSIS package that will update my database in sql server with the data from that Excel file. I managed to do that when my file is placed locally.
I also managed to see my file using by adding /_vti_bin/listdata.svc/ inside target URI, i get an Share Point list where one of the components is my excel file, but I can't open it that way.
Also I need to use credentials to access the SharePoint.
I would be thankfull for any help :D
Acceptable solution would be to download that file first, but I haven't managed to do that either.

Launch an add-in systematically when opening a file

I want to make an Excel Online file, then post its link or embed it in my website. Clicking on that will open the file in Excel Online. Moreover, I want certain Excel add-ins to be installed and even launched automatically.
Does anyone know if it is possible?
If it's impossible with Excel Online, is it possible for a normal .xlsx file (I will make it, and opening it in Windows systematically leads to install an add-in and even launch it)?
If you're looking to automatically open a task pane add-in when the Excel file is opened, check out this article in the documentation: The Office OOXML EmbedAddin sample provides an example of implementing the autoopen functionality that's described in the article.
Along with Kim's answer to automatic opening of a task pane add-in, you can using OneDrive to handle opening a file in Excel Online using Microsoft Graph.
You're start by uploading you're .xlsx file to OneDrive using an Upload Session. Once you're file is on OneDrive, you can retrieve it's meta-data for the DriveItem. Included in this meta-data will be a webUrl property. This is a URL that, when navigated too, will open your file using Excel Online.
