Is it possible to implement rocket::request::FromRequest in a tuple struct? (Or is it called newtype idiom?)
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub struct IpAddWrapper(std::net::SocketAddr);
#[cfg(any(not(target_os = "windows"), feature = "integration_test"))]
pub struct IpAddWrapper(IpAddr);
pub struct IpAddr<'r>(&'r str);
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for IpAddr<'r> {
type Error = &'r str;
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let keys: Vec<_> = request.headers().get("X-Real-IP").collect();
match keys.len() {
0 => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "IP Address not found")),
1 => Outcome::Success(IpAddr(keys[0])),
_ => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "Indeterminable Error")),
In my Cargo.toml
rocket = { version = "0.5.0-rc.1", features = ["json"]}
Context, if you're interested
I have 3 types of compilation of a middleware for testing
(1) In Ubuntu and/or running integration tests
(2) Windows, whilst running the GUI app in Java
(3) Windows, to run integration tests
My goal is to get the IP Address of the HTTP request from the client app or the GUI app
For some reason (which means I don't exactly know the reason), if I use as a function parameter/argument the std::net::SocketAddr type, running (2), I easily get the IP Address on a request, even if there's no header explicitly inserted in the GUI app's request (I think gson-2.6.2.jar took care of that).
But running (1) (in correspondence with nginx) and (3) (using use rocket::local::blocking::Client), using the same function with a parameter/argument of std::net::SocketAddr, I encounter problems.
The solution I used for now is to make the IP Address explicit in the client's side with
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
// in GET
// con.setRequestMethod("POST");
con.setRequestProperty("api-key", http.APISECRET);
con.setRequestProperty("ContentType", "application/json");
con.setRequestProperty("X-Real-IP", "");
But I'm curious if the question I asked above is possible and I'm just experiencing technical issues due to inexperience.
Thanks for reading.
The solution I have for now, which doesn't answer my question, but it's something that I think is "clean". Thanks to #cameron1024's comment, I did some searching and found this, and used snippets of codes over there and now I have a new code structure, not needing conditional compilation anymore
#[post("/index?<c>&<a>", rank = 1)]
fn some_post(
_key: ApiKey,
remote_addr: IpAddr,
c: String,
a: String,
) -> Result<(), ErrorResponse> { ... }
pub struct IpAddr(String);
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for IpAddr {
type Error = &'r str;
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
match request.remote() {
Some(addr) => Outcome::Success(IpAddr(addr.to_string())),
None => {
let keys: Vec<_> = request.headers().get("X-Real-IP").collect();
match keys.len() {
0 => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "IP Address not found")),
1 => Outcome::Success(IpAddr(keys[0].to_string())),
_ => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "Indeterminable Error")),
And also on the Java GUI & HTTP client app, I don't have to use the code above
con.setRequestProperty("X-Real-IP", "");
That I have to comment out when compiling it for deployment.
but still not answering the post question
My problem with the indirect answer (above) is that there will always be one unnecessary step in determining the IP address, either prioritizing checking of the header "X-Real-IP" first or the std::net::SocketAddr. And also it might be another opportunity for attackers since there’s two allowable header keys for IP addresses, and in deployment, only a single header key is accepted: "X-Real-IP".
So I sought for other solutions and thought about type aliasing and used this SO answer: How to make type aliases based on compile flags in Rust?
The following is my current code:
#[cfg(all(target_os = "windows", not(feature = "integration_test")))]
pub type IpAddrAlias = std::net::SocketAddr;
#[cfg(any(not(target_os = "windows"), feature = "integration_test"))]
pub type IpAddrAlias<'r> = IpAddr<'r>;
pub struct IpAddr<'r>(&'r str);
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for IpAddr<'r> {
type Error = &'r str;
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let keys: Vec<_> = request.headers().get("X-Real-IP").collect();
match keys.len() {
0 => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "IP Address not found")),
1 => Outcome::Success(IpAddr(keys[0])),
_ => Outcome::Failure((Status::NotFound, "Indeterminable Error")),
mod utils;
use utils::guards::{ApiKey, UserAgent, IpAddrAlias};
#[post("/index?<c>&<a>", rank = 1)]
fn some_post(
_key: ApiKey,
remote_addr: IpAddrAlias,
c: String,
a: String,
) -> Result<Redirect, ErrorResponse> { ... }
Still woohoo for Rust!
I'm making my own Serializable trait, in the context of a client / server system.
My idea was that the messages sent by the system is an enum made by the user of this system, so it can be customize as needed.
Too ease implementing the trait on the enum, I would like to use the #[derive(Serializable)] method, as implementing it is always the same thing.
Here is the trait :
pub trait NetworkSerializable {
fn id(&self) -> usize;
fn size(&self) -> usize;
fn serialize(self) -> Vec<u8>;
fn deserialize(id: usize, data: Vec<u8>) -> Self;
Now, I've tried to look at the book (this one too) and this example to try to wrap my head around derive macros, but I'm really struggling to understand them and how to implement them. I've read about token streams and abstract trees, and I think I understand the basics.
Let's take the example of the id() method : it should gives a unique id for each variant of the enum, to allow headers of messages to tell which message is incoming.
let's say I have this enum as a message system :
enum NetworkMessages {
SpawnPlayer(usize, bool, Transform), // player id, is_mine, position
MovePlayer(usize, Transform), // player id, new_position
DestroyPlayer(usize) // player_id
Then, the id() function should look like this :
fn id(&self) -> usize {
match &self {
&ErrorMessage => 0,
&SpawnPlayer => 1,
&MovePlayer => 2,
&DestroyPlayer => 3,
Here was my go with writting this using a derive macro :
pub fn network_serializable_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Construct a representation of Rust code as a syntax tree
// that we can manipulate
let ast = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
// Build the trait implementation
fn impl_network_serializable_macro(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
// get enum name
let ref name = ast.ident;
let ref data =;
let (id_func, size_func, serialize_func, deserialize_func) = match data {
// Only if data is an enum, we do parsing
Data::Enum(data_enum) => {
// Iterate over enum variants
let mut id_func_internal = TokenStream2::new();
let mut variant_id: usize = 0;
for variant in &data_enum.variants {
// add the branch for the variant
variant.span() => &variant_id,
variant_id += 1;
(id_func_internal, (), (), ())
_ => {(TokenStream2::new(), (), (), ())},
let expanded = quote! {
impl NetworkSerializable for #name {
// variant_checker_functions gets replaced by all the functions
// that were constructed above
fn size(&self) -> usize {
match &self {
So this is generating quite a lot of errors, with the "proc macro NetworkSerializable not expanded: no proc macro dylib present" being first. So I'm guessing there a lot of misunderstaning from my part in here.
I have the goal of wrapping an Iterator<Item = rusb::Device<_> to Iterator<Item = LitraDevice>. The latter contains specific implementation.
To make this work I tried the following code:
use std::iter::Filter;
use rusb;
const VENDOR: u16 = 0x046d;
const PRODUCT: u16 = 0xc900;
struct LitraDevice {
dev: rusb::Device<rusb::GlobalContext>,
pub struct LitraDevices {
unfiltered: rusb::DeviceList<rusb::GlobalContext>,
struct LitraDeviceIterator<'a> {
it: Filter<rusb::Devices<'a, rusb::GlobalContext>, for<'r> fn(&'r rusb::Device<rusb::GlobalContext>) -> bool>,
impl LitraDevices {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let unfiltered = rusb::devices().unwrap();
LitraDevices { unfiltered }
fn can_not_handle<'r>(dev: &'r rusb::Device<rusb::GlobalContext>) -> bool {
let desc = dev.device_descriptor().unwrap();
match (desc.vendor_id(), desc.product_id()) {
_ => return true,
match desc.class_code() {
LIBUSB_CLASS_HID => return true, // Skip HID devices, they are handled directly by OS libraries
_ => return false,
pub fn iter<'a>(self) -> LitraDeviceIterator<'a> {
let it = self.unfiltered.iter().filter(Self::can_not_handle);
impl <'a> Iterator for LitraDeviceIterator<'a> {
type Item = LitraDevice;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let n =;
match n {
Some(Device) => return Some(LitraDevice{dev: n.unwrap()}),
None => return None,
Now I really cannot figure out how to code LitraDeviceIterator so that it wraps the filtered iterator.
All code iterations I have tried so far turn into a generic nightmare very quickly.
I rewrote your iter() to yield LitraDevice, you can surely take it wherever you wanted to go from there.
The first underlying issue is that filter() yields references, but in cases like these, you actually mean to move yielded items while filtering. That's what filter_map() is capable of. That way, you can scrap the references, greatly simplifying your code.
(This code does not work yet, read on)
pub fn iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = LitraDevice> {
self.unfiltered.iter().filter_map(|dev| {
.map(|dev| LitraDevice { dev })
Now, there's a second little issue at play her: rusb::DeviceList<T : UsbContext>>::iter(&self) returns rusb::Devices<'_, T>, '_ being the anonymous lifetime inferred from &self. Meaning, while you can drive rusb::Devices<'_, T> to yield Device<T>s, you can not actually keep it around longer than self.unfiltered. More specifically, as you consume self in iter(), you can not return an iterator referencing that rusb::Devices<'_, T> from iter(). One solution is to immediately collect, then again moving into an iterator.
pub fn iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = LitraDevice> {
let devices = self.unfiltered.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
devices.into_iter().filter_map(|dev| {
.map(|dev| LitraDevice { dev })
I am trying to write procedural macros that will accept a Rust enum like
enum Ty {
and generate a method for the enum that will let me convert an u8 into an allowed variant like this
fn from_byte(byte: u8) -> Ty {
match {
0 => Ty::A,
1 => Ty::B,
_ => unreachable!()
This is what I have implemented using proc_macro lib. (no external lib)
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::{TokenStream, Diagnostic, Level, TokenTree, Ident, Group, Literal};
use proc_macro::quote;
fn report_error(tt: TokenTree, msg: &str) {
Diagnostic::spanned(tt.span(), Level::Error, msg).emit();
fn variants_from_group(group: Group) -> Vec<Ident> {
let mut iter =;
let mut res = vec![];
while let Some(TokenTree::Ident(id)) = {
match {
Some(TokenTree::Punct(_)) | None => res.push(id),
Some(tt) => {
report_error(tt, "unexpected variant. Only unit variants accepted.");
return res
pub fn procmac(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let _ = args;
let mut res = TokenStream::new();
let mut iter = input.into_iter()
.skip_while(|tt| if let TokenTree::Punct(_) | TokenTree::Group(_) = tt {true} else {false})
.skip_while(|tt| tt.to_string() == "pub");
match {
Some(tt # TokenTree::Ident(_)) if tt.to_string() == "enum" => (),
Some(tt) => {
report_error(tt, "unexpected token. this should be only used with enums");
return res
None => return res
match {
Some(tt) => {
let variants = match {
Some(TokenTree::Group(g)) => {
_ => return res
let mut match_arms = TokenStream::new();
for (i, v) in variants.into_iter().enumerate() {
let lhs = TokenTree::Literal(Literal::u8_suffixed(i as u8));
if i >= u8::MAX as usize {
report_error(lhs, "enum can have only u8::MAX variants");
return res
let rhs = TokenTree::Ident(v);
match_arms.extend(quote! {
$lhs => $tt::$rhs,
res.extend(quote!(impl $tt {
pub fn from_byte(byte: u8) -> $tt {
match byte {
_ => unreachable!()
_ => ()
And this is how I am using it.
use helper_macros::procmac;
enum Ty {
fn main() {
println!("TEST - {:?}", Ty::from_byte(0))
The problem is this causing an error from the compiler. The exact error being
error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `from_byte` found for enum `Ty` in the current scope
--> main/src/
85 | enum Ty {
| ------- variant or associated item `from_byte` not found here
91 | println!("TEST - {:?}", Ty::from_byte(0))
| ^^^^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `Ty`
Running cargo expand though generate the proper code. And running that code directly works as expected. And so I am stumped. It could be I am missing something about how proc_macros should be used since this is the first time I am playing with them and I don't see anything that would cause this error. I am following the sorted portion of the proc_macro_workshop0. Only change is, I am using TokenStream directly instead of using syn and quote crates. Also, if I mistype the method name, the rust compiler does suggest that a method with similar name exists.
Here is a Playground repro:
So, indeed what you mention is true: the expanded code could be copy-pasted and it would work. When this happens (having behavior from macro expansion and "manual copy-pasted expansion" differ), there are two possibilities:
macro_rules! metavariables
When emitting code using macro_rules! special captures, some of these captures are wrapped with special invisible parenthesis that already tell the parser how the thing inside should be parsed, which make it illegal to use in other places (for instance, one may capture a $Trait:ty, and then doing impl $Trait for ... will fail (it will parse $Trait as a type, thus leading to it being interpreted as a trait object (old syntax)); see also for other examples.
This is not your case, but it's good to keep in mind (e.g. my initial hunch was that when doing $tt::$rhs if $tt was a :path-like capture, then that could fail).
macro hygiene/transparency and Spans
Consider, for instance:
macro_rules! let_x_42 {() => (
let x = 42;
let y = x;
This expands to code that, if copy-pasted, does not fail to compile.
Basically the name x that the macro uses is "tainted" to be different from any x used outside the macro body, precisely to avoid misinteractions when the macro needs to define helper stuff such as variables.
And it turns out that this is the same thing that has happened with your from_byte identifier: your code was emitting a from_byte with private hygiene / a def_site() span, which is something that normally never happens for method names when using classic macros, or classic proc-macros (i.e., when not using the unstable ::proc_macro::quote! macro). See this comment:
And so the from_byte identifier is being "tainted" in a way that allows Rust to make it invisible to code not belonging to that same macro expansion, such as the code in your fn main.
The solution, at this point, is easy: forge a from_bytes Identifier with an explicit non-def_site() Span (e.g., Span::call_site(), or even better: Span::mixed_site() to mimic the rules of macro_rules! macros) so as to prevent it from getting that default def_site() Span that ::proc_macro::quote! uses:
use ::proc_macro::Span;
// ...
let from_byte = TokenTree::from(Ident::new("from_byte", Span::mixed_site()));
res.extend(quote!(impl $tt {
// use an interpolated ident rather than a "hardcoded one"
// vvvvvvvvvv
pub fn $from_byte(byte: u8) -> $tt {
match byte {
_ => unreachable!()
This is what I have, but I want to avoid using unwrap on my reqwest values:
extern crate base64;
extern crate reqwest;
use serde_json;
use serde_json::json;
pub fn perform_get(id: String) -> serde_json::value::Value {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build().unwrap();
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send().unwrap().text();
let mut v = json!(null);
match res {
Ok(n) => {
v = serde_json::from_str(&n).unwrap();
Err(r) => {
println!("Something wrong happened {:?}", r);
fn main() {
println!("Hi there! i want the function above to return a result instead of a Serde value so I can handle the error in main!");
Here is a link to a rust playground example
The official Rust book, The Rust Programming Language, is freely available online. It has an entire chapter on using Result, explaining introductory topics such as the Result enum and how to use it.
How to return a Result containing a serde_json::Value?
The same way you return a Result of any type; there's nothing special about Value:
use serde_json::json; // 1.0.38
pub fn ok_example() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, i32> {
Ok(json! { "success" })
pub fn err_example() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, i32> {
If you have a function that returns a Result, you can use the question mark operator (?) to exit early from a function on error, returning the error. This is a concise way to avoid unwrap or expect:
fn use_them() -> Result<(), i32> {
let ok = ok_example()?;
println!("{:?}", ok);
let err = err_example()?;
println!("{:?}", err); // Never executed, we always exit due to the `?`
Ok(()) // Never executed
This is just a basic example.
Applied to your MCVE, it would look something like:
use reqwest; // 0.9.10
use serde_json::Value; // 1.0.38
type Error = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;
pub fn perform_get(_id: String) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build()?;
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send()?.text()?;
let v = serde_json::from_str(&res)?;
Here, I'm using the trait object Box<dyn std::error::Error> to handle any kind of error (great for quick programs and examples). I then sprinkle ? on every method that could fail (i.e. returns a Result) and end the function with an explicit Ok for the final value.
Note that the panic and the never-used null value can be removed with this style.
See also:
What is this question mark operator about?
Rust proper error handling (auto convert from one error type to another with question mark)
Rust return result error from fn
Return value from match to Err(e)
What is the idiomatic way to handle/unwrap nested Result types?
better practice to return a Result
See also:
Should I avoid unwrap in production application?
If you are in the user side I would suggest to use Box<dyn std::error::Error>, this allow to return every type that implement Error, ? will convert the concrete error type to the dynamic boxed trait, this add a little overhead when there is an error but when error are not expected or really rare this is not a big deal.
use reqwest;
use serde_json::value::Value;
use std::error::Error;
fn perform_get(_id: String) -> Result<Value, Box<dyn Error>> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build()?;
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send()?.text()?;
let v = serde_json::from_str(&res)?;
// last two line could be serde_json::from_str(&res).map_err(std::convert::Into::into)
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", perform_get("hello".to_string()));
This produce the following error:
Err(Error { kind: Url(RelativeUrlWithoutBase), url: None })
The kind smart folks over at Rust Discord helped me solve this one. (user noc)
extern crate base64;
extern crate reqwest;
pub fn get_jira_ticket() -> Result<serde_json::value::Value, reqwest::Error> {
let client = reqwest::Client::builder().build().unwrap();
let url = String::from("SomeURL");
let res = client.get(&url).send().and_then(|mut r| r.json());
fn main() {
println!("This works");
The key part was this in the header for the return
-> Result<serde_json::value::Value, reqwest::Error>
And this here to actually return the data.
client.get(&url).send().and_then(|mut r| r.json());
For the lack of a better example, let's say I want to write a simple client with Rust that could establish a connection and receive data from Twitter's HTTP Streaming API. Is this possible yet? I've been keeping an eye on Iron and Nickel which seem like good frameworks, but I don't think they have this feature yet?
The http client hyper supports reading responses incrementally (as anything that implements rust's Reader trait), but I wasn't able to find anything to parse the response incrementally, or that implements twitter's particular protocol (to end objecs with \r\n).
That said, I was able to implement a quick'n'dirty proof of concept:
EDIT: See and play with it on github.
use rustc_serialize::json::Json;
use std::str;
pub trait JsonObjectStreamer {
fn json_objects(&mut self) -> JsonObjects<Self>;
impl<T: Buffer> JsonObjectStreamer for T {
fn json_objects(&mut self) -> JsonObjects<T> {
JsonObjects { reader: self }
pub struct JsonObjects<'a, B> where B: 'a {
reader: &'a mut B
impl<'a, B> Iterator for JsonObjects<'a, B> where B: Buffer + 'a {
type Item = Json;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Json> {
let mut line_bytes = match self.reader.read_until(b'\r') {
Ok(bytes) => bytes,
Err(_) => return None,
if line_bytes.last() == Some(&b'\r') {
// drop the \r
// skip the \n
match self.reader.read_char() {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(_) => return None,
let line = match str::from_utf8(&line_bytes) {
Ok(line) => line,
Err(_) => return None
Usage: (assuming you have dropped it on a src/ file on your project)
extern crate hyper;
extern crate "rustc-serialize" as rustc_serialize;
mod json_streamer;
use hyper::Client;
use std::old_io::BufferedReader;
use json_streamer::JsonObjectStreamer;
fn main() {
let mut client = Client::new();
let res = client.get("http://localhost:4567/").send().unwrap();
for obj in BufferedReader::new(res).json_objects() {
println!("object arrived: {}", obj);
I've used this tiny sinatra app to test it:
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
class Stream
def each
hash = { index: 0 }
loop do
hash[:index] += 1
yield hash.to_json + "\r\n"
sleep 0.5
get '/' do