Normally in Haskell, tuples of length one aren't allowed (AFAIK). However, when messing with Template Haskell, I got this:
oneElementTuple = $(do{
x <- newName "x";
return $ LamE
[VarP x]
(TupE [Just (VarE x)]) -- one element tuple?
GHCi tells me that oneElementTuple is of type a -> Unit a. I couldn't find any documentation on this Unit type, and it doesn't seem to be an instance of any basic typeclasses like Show or Functor. So, where is Unit defined, if it isn't just built-in magic? Is it at all useful?
There's a Unit type defined in GHC.Tuple.
Quoting the source:
-- The desugarer uses 1-tuples,
-- but "()" is already used up for 0-tuples
-- See Note [One-tuples] in TysWiredIn
data Unit a = Unit a
Nothing fancy. It has no special tuple syntax. It looks like TH uses this type when one tries to make a one-tuple as you did.
Note that since this type in inside a GHC. module, it is considered low-level. Normally, when needing one-tuples in everyday programming, one uses the Identity newtype instead (which also avoids the additional lifting of Unit).
I'm trying to understand seq in Haskell. I've got some understanding of seq in English, so now I'd like to read its implementation.
However, the source code says
infixr 0 `seq`
seq :: a -> b -> b
seq = seq
How can I read this? It this an infinitely recursive definition? I suspect it's not, though.
seq cannot be implemented in plain Haskell. That is a "dummy" definition. It is "replaced" with the actual seq behavior by GHC. So the real implementation (so to speak) of seq is inside the compiler.
To put it another way: If we ignore the name of the function in that code snippet, that definition has no relationship to seq. The compiler sees the name "seq" (and maybe the fact that it's defined in that specific module; I'm not sure about the details) and that tells it to replace the definition with the actual seq behavior during compilation.
The file you linked starts with
{- This is a generated file (generated by genprimopcode). It is not
code to actually be used. Its only purpose is to be consumed by
haddock. -}
hence it is only generated so that it can in turn cause documentation to be generated.
Every single definition in the file is given by a dummy recursion x = x. That is not the real definition, but only a placeholder.
Haskell's primitives in GHC.Prim like seq can not be simply implemented in a Haskell module (otherwise they would not be called primitives). Instead, they are handled in a special way during compilation.
Why do we need Control.Lens.Reified? Is there some reason I can't place a Lens directly into a container? What does reify mean anyway?
We need reified lenses because Haskell's type system is predicative. I don't know the technical details of exactly what that means, but it prohibits types like
[Lens s t a b]
For some purposes, it's acceptable to use
Functor f => [(a -> f b) -> s -> f t]
instead, but when you reach into that, you don't get a Lens; you get a LensLike specialized to some functor or another. The ReifiedBlah newtypes let you hang on to the full polymorphism.
Operationally, [ReifiedLens s t a b] is a list of functions each of which takes a Functor f dictionary, while forall f . Functor f => [LensLike f s t a b] is a function that takes a Functor f dictionary and returns a list.
As for what "reify" means, well, the dictionary will say something, and that seems to translate into a rather stunning variety of specific meanings in Haskell. So no comment on that.
The problem is that, in Haskell, type abstraction and application are completely implicit; the compiler is supposed to insert them where needed. Various attempts at designing 'impredicative' extensions, where the compiler would make clever guesses where to put them, have failed; so the safest thing ends up being relying on the Haskell 98 rules:
Type abstractions occur only at the top level of a function definition.
Type applications occur immediately whenever a variable with a polymorphic type is used in an expression.
So if I define a simple lens:[1]
lensHead f [] = pure []
lensHead f (x:xn) = (:xn) <$> f x
and use it in an expression:
lensHead gets automatically applied to some set of type parameters; at which point it's no longer a lens, because it's not polymorphic in the functor anymore. The take-away is: an expression always has some monomorphic type; so it's not a lens. (You'll note that the lens functions take arguments of type Getter and Setter, which are monomorphic types, for similar reasons to this. But a [Getter s a] isn't a list of lenses, because they've been specialized to only getters.)
What does reify mean? The dictionary definition is 'make real'. 'Reifying' is used in philosophy to refer to the act of regarding or treating something as real (rather than ideal or abstract). In programming, it tends to refer to taking something that normally can't be treated as a data structure and representing it as one. For example, in really old Lisps, there didn't use to be first-class functions; instead, you had to use S-Expressions to pass 'functions' around, and eval them when you needed to call the function. The S-Expressions represented the functions in a way you could manipulate in the program, which is referred to as reification.
In Haskell, we don't typically need such elaborate reification strategies as Lisp S-Expressions, partly because the language is designed to avoid needing them; but since
newtype ReifiedLens s t a b = ReifiedLens (Lens s t a b)
has the same effect of taking a polymorphic value and turning it into a true first-class value, it's referred to as reification.
Why does this work, if expressions always have monomorphic types? Well, because the Rank2Types extension adds a third rule:
Type abstractions occur at the top-level of the arguments to certain functions, with so-called rank 2 types.
ReifiedLens is such a rank-2 function; so when you say
ReifiedLens l
you get a type lambda around the argument to ReifiedLens, and then l is applied immediately to the the lambda-bound type argument. So l is effectively just eta-expanded. (Compilers are free to eta-reduce this and just use l directly).
Then, when you say
f (ReifiedLens l) = ...
on the right-hand side, l is a variable with polymorphic type, so every use of l is immediately implicitly assigned to whatever type arguments are needed for the expression to type-check. So everything works the way you expect.
The other way to think about is that, if you say
newtype ReifiedLens s t a b = ReifiedLens { unReify :: Lens s t a b }
the two functions ReifiedLens and unReify act like explicit type abstraction and application operators; this allows the compiler to identify where you want the abstractions and applications to take place well enough that the issues with impredicative type systems don't come up.
[1] In lens terminology, this is apparently called something other than a 'lens'; my entire knowledge of lenses comes from SPJ's presentation on them so I have no way to verify that. The point remains, since the polymorphism is still necessary to make it work as both a getter and a setter.
First of all, I want to clarify that I've tried to find a solution to my problem googling but I didn't succeed.
I need a way to compare two expressions. The problem is that these expressions are not comparable. I'm coming from Erlang, where I can do :
case exp1 of
exp2 -> ...
where exp1 and exp2 are bound. But Haskell doesn't allow me to do this. However, in Haskell I could compare using ==. Unfortunately, their type is not member of the class Eq. Of course, both expressions are unknown until runtime, so I can't write a static pattern in the source code.
How could compare this two expressions without having to define my own comparison function? I suppose that pattern matching could be used here in some way (as in Erlang), but I don't know how.
I think that explaining my goal could help to understand the problem.
I'm modyfing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). I am going to apply a set of rules that are going to modify this AST, but I want to store the modifications in a list. The elements of this list should be a tuple with the original piece of the AST and its modification. So the last step is to for each tuple search for a piece of the AST that is exactly the same, and substitute it by the second element of the tuple. So, I will need something like this:
change (old,new):t piece_of_ast =
case piece_of_ast of
old -> new
_ -> piece_of_ast
I hope this explanation clarify my problem.
Thanks in advance
It's probably an oversight in the library (but maybe I'm missing a subtle reason why Eq is a bad idea!) and I would contact the maintainer to get the needed Eq instances added in.
But for the record and the meantime, here's what you can do if the type you want to compare for equality doesn't have an instance for Eq, but does have one for Data - as is the case in your question.
The Data.Generics.Twins package offers a generic version of equality, with type
geq :: Data a => a -> a -> Bool
As the documentation states, this is 'Generic equality: an alternative to "deriving Eq" '. It works by comparing the toplevel constructors and if they are the same continues on to the subterms.
Since the Data class inherits from Typeable, you could even write a function like
veryGenericEq :: (Data a, Data b) => a -> b -> Bool
veryGenericEq a b = case (cast a) of
Nothing -> False
Maybe a' -> geq a' b
but I'm not sure this is a good idea - it certainly is unhaskelly, smashing all types into one big happy universe :-)
If you don't have a Data instance either, but the data type is simple enough that comparing for equality is 100% straightforward then StandaloneDeriving is the way to go, as #ChristianConkle indicates. To do this you need to add a {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} pragma at the top of your file and add a number of clauses
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (CStatement a)
one for each type CStatement uses that doesn't have an Eq instance, like CAttribute. GHC will complain about each one you need, so you don't have to trawl through the source.
This will create a bunch of so-called 'orphan instances.' Normally, an instance like instance C T where will be defined in either the module that defines C or the module that defines T. Your instances are 'orphans' because they're separated from their 'parents.' Orphan instances can be bad because you might start using a new library which also has those instances defined; which instance should the compiler use? There's a little note on the Haskell wiki about this issue. If you're not publishing a library for others to use, it's fine; it's your problem and you can deal with it. It's also fine for testing; if you can implement Eq, then the library maintainer can probably include deriving Eq in the library itself, solving your problem.
I'm not familiar with Erlang, but Haskell does not assume that all expressions can be compared for equality. Consider, for instance, undefined == undefined or undefined == let x = x in x.
Equality testing with (==) is an operation on values. Values of some types are simply not comparable. Consider, for instance, two values of type IO String: return "s" and getLine. Are they equal? What if you run the program and type "s"?
On the other hand, consider this:
f :: IO Bool
f = do
x <- return "s" -- note that using return like this is pointless
y <- getLine
return (x == y) -- both x and y have type String.
It's not clear what you're looking for. Pattern matching may be the answer, but if you're using a library type that's not an instance of Eq, the likely answer is that comparing two values is actually impossible (or that the library author has for some reason decided to impose that restriction).
What types, specifically, are you trying to compare?
Edit: As a commenter mentioned, you can also compare using Data. I don't know if that is easier for you in this situation, but to me it is unidiomatic; a hack.
You also asked why Haskell can't do "this sort of thing" automatically. There are a few reasons. In part it's historical; in part it's that, with deriving, Eq satisfies most needs.
But there's also an important principle in play: the public interface of a type ideally represents what you can actually do with values of that type. Your specific type is a bad example, because it exposes all its constructors, and it really looks like there should be an Eq instance for it. But there are many other libraries that do not expose the implementation of their types, and instead require you to use provided functions (and class instances). Haskell allows that abstraction; a library author can rely on the fact that a consumer can't muck about with implementation details (at least without using unsafe tools like unsafeCoerce).
It's trivial to redefine the function
(,) :: a -> b -> (a,b)
(,) a b = (a,b)
The weird (to me) thing is that this function is defined for arbitrary length tuples. So, for example, there is actually a function:
(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) :: a -> b -> c -> ... -> (a,b,c,...)
How is this done? Why isn't it done for all the standard functions on tuples, like zip?
Hoogle gives me no results, and I don't see how template Haskell could do this, so I assume it must be some sort of magic inside the compiler. But that seems very un-Haskelly to me.
How is this done?
Compiler support. Haskell language report mandates (,) to be supported for at least up to 15 arguments (6.1.4), but GHC goes a bit further and generates them for a lot more (last time we've tested this, it could handle hundreds or even thousands). zip and other tuple functions have to be defined for up to 7-tuples. I don't know if GHC generates those for larger amounts.
My understanding is that (,) isn't a regular function, it's a constructor with special syntax, hard-wired into the langage. It's similar to syntax [1, 2, 3], which you can't define yourself because it's hard-wired.
It is specified in the language definition and hard-wired into the compiler. You do not define tuples in Haskell, The definition of Haskell includes tuples.
There is accepted (,,,) syntax for tuples, which are anonymous product types, which are quite fundamental. These also play perfectly well with type inference, since each component is present and can be inferred.
There is no accepted syntax for anonymous sum types, and they may not play well with type inference.
Haskell offers user-definable infix syntax but not user-definable brackets (outside of the broad quasi-quoting possibilities).
I have a list of values (or functions) of any type. I have another list of functions of any type. The user at runtime will choose one from the first list, and another from the second list. I have a mechanism to ensure that the two items are type compatible (value or output from first is compatible with input of second).
I need some way to call the function with the value (or compose the functions). If the second function has concrete types, unsafeCoerce works fine. But if it's of the form:
polyFunc :: MyTypeclass a => a -> IO ()
polyFunc x = print . show . typeclassFunc x
Then unsafeCoerce doesn't work since it can't resolve to a concrete type.
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do?
Here's an example of what the lists might look like. However... I'm not limited to this, if there is some other way to represent these that will solve the problem, I would like to know. A critical thing to consider is that: the list can change at runtime so I do not know at compile time all the possible types that might be involved.
data Wrapper = forall a. Wrapper a
firstList :: [Wrapper]
firstList = [Wrapper "blue", Wrapper 5, Wrapper valueOfMyTypeclass]
data OtherWrapper = forall a. Wrapper (a -> IO ())
secondList :: [OtherWrapper]
secondList = [OtherWrapper print, OtherWrapper polyFunc]
Note: As for why I want to do such a crazy thing:
I'm generating code and typechecking it with hint. But that happens at runtime. The problem is that hint is slow at actually executing things and high performance for this is critical. Also, at least in certain cases, I do not want to generate code and run it through ghc at runtime (though we have done some of that, too). So... I'm trying to find somewhere in the middle: dynamically hook things together without having to generate code and compile, but run it at compiled speed instead of interpreted.
Edit: Okay, so now that I see what's going on a bit more, here's a very general approach -- don't use polymorphic functions directly at all! Instead, use functions of type Dynamic -> IO ()! Then, they can use "typecase"-style dispatch directly to choose which monomorphic function to invoke -- i.e. just switching on the TypeRep. You do have to encode this dispatch directly for each polymorphic function you're wrapping. However, you can automate this with some template Haskell if it becomes enough of a hassle.
Essentially, rather than overloading Haskell's polymorphism, just as Dynamic embeds an dynamically typed language in a statically typed language, you now extend that to embed dynamic polymorphism in a statically typed language.
Old answer: More code would be helpful. But, as far as I can tell, this is the read/show problem. I.e. You have a function that produces a polymorphic result, and a function that takes a polymorphic input. The issue is that you need to pick what the intermediate value is, such that it satisfies both constraints. If you have a mechanism to do so, then the usual tricks will work, making sure you satisfy that open question which the compiler can't know the answer to.
I'm not sure that I completely understand your question. But since you have value and function which have compatible types you could combine them into single value. Then compiler could prove that types do match.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Vault = forall a . Vault (a -> IO ()) a
runVault :: Vault -> IO ()
runVault (Vault f x) = f xrun