Which data structure is more efficient for A*? - python-3.x

In A* search, which data structure would be more efficient ? Min-heap or Binary search tree.
Considering that below operations are to be handled frequently:
(a) extract min
(b) search a node
(c) update the node
(d) insert a node
Note: Search operation would be very frequent as we need to check the presence of each probable child node in the open-list of A*.

A min-heap is a much simpler data structure than a balanced binary search tree, and it's typically implemented in an array, which reduces memory used and improves cache locality.
For these reasons, a min-heap implementation will be much faster if you do it right.
It's often tricky to implement the decrease-key operation in an array-based min-heap, though. The usual solution is not to implement decrease-key at all, but just to insert another record in the min-heap whenever the distance to a node is decreased.
This will not increase the time complexity of the algorithm, the min-heap will take O(|E|) space. If your graph is very dense, then a node's weight may be decreased many times, and this memory consumption might be too much. If that's so, then you should just clean up the min-heap -- remove invalid entries and re-heapify -- whenever more than half of the entries in the heap are invalid. This will keep memory consumption down to O(|V|) without significantly affecting run time.


In Rust, is there a way to directly read the content of a file into the given uninitialized byte array?

I am looking for a way to directly read the content of a file into the provided uninitialized byte array.
Currently, I have a code like the following:
use std::fs::File;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
let buf: MaybeUninit<[u8; 4096]> = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
let f = File::open("some_file")?;
The code does work, except that it unnecessarily initializes the byte array with 0. I would like to replace MaybeUninit::zeroed() with MaybeUninit::uninit() but doing so will trigger an undefined behavior according to the document of MaybeUninit. Is there a way to initialize an uninitialized memory region with the content of the file without first reading the data to somewhere else, by only using the standard library? Or do we need to go for the OS-specific API?
The previous shot at the answer is kept below for posterity. Let's deal with the actual elephant in the room:
Is there a way to initialize an uninitialized memory region with the content of the file without first reading the data to somewhere else, by only using the standard library? Or do we need to go for the OS-specific API?
There is: Read::read_to_end(&mut self, &mut Vec<u8>)
This function will drain your impl Read object, and depending on the underlying implementation will do one or more reads, extending the Vec provided as it goes and appending all bytes to it.
It then returns the number of bytes read. It can also be interrupted, and this error needs to be handled.
You are trying to micro-optimize something based on heuristics you think are the case, when they are not.
The initialization of the array is done in one go as low-level as it can get with memset, all in one chunk. Both calloc and malloc+memset are highly optimized, calloc relies on a trick or two to make it even more performant. Somebody on codereview pitted "highly optimized code" against a naive implementation and lost as a result.
The takeaway is that second-guessing the compiler is typically fraught with issues and, overall, not worth micro-optimizing for unless you can put some real numbers on the issues.
The second takeaway is one of memory logic. As I am sure you are aware, allocation of memory is dramatically faster in some cases depending on the position of the memory you are allocating and the size of the contiguous chunk you are allocating, due to how memory is laid out in atomic units (pages). This is a much more impactful factor, to the point that below the hood, the compiler will often align your memory request to an entire page to avoid having to fragment it, particularly as it gets into L1/L2 caches.
If anything isn't clear, let me know and I'll generate some small benchmarks for you.
Finally, MaybeUninit is not at all the tool you want for the job in any case. The point of MaybeUninit isn't to skip a memset or two, since you will be performing those memsets yourself by having to guarantee (by contract due to assume_init) that those types are sane. There are cases for this, but they're rare.
In larger cases
There is an impact on performance in uninitializing vs. initializing memory, and we're going to show this by taking an absolutely perfect scenario: we're going to make ourselves a 64M buffer in memory and wrap it in a Cursor so we get a Read type. This Read type will have latency far, far inferior to most I/O operations you will encounter in the wild, since it is almost guaranteed to reside entirely in L2 cache during the benchmark cycle (due to its size) or L3 cache (because we're single-threaded). This should allow us to notice the performance loss from memsetting.
We're going to run three versions for each case (the code):
One where we define out buffer as [MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init(); N], i.e. we're taking N chunks of MaybeUninit<u8>
One where out MaybeUninit is a contiguous N-element long chunk
One where we're just mapping straight into an initialized buffer
The results (on a core i9-9900HK laptop):
large reads/one uninit time: [1.6720 us 1.7314 us 1.7848 us]
large reads/small uninit elements
time: [2.1539 us 2.1597 us 2.1656 us]
large reads/safe time: [2.0627 us 2.0697 us 2.0771 us]
small reads/one uninit time: [4.5579 us 4.5722 us 4.5893 us]
small reads/small uninit elements
time: [5.1050 us 5.1219 us 5.1383 us]
small reads/safe time: [7.9654 us 7.9782 us 7.9889 us]
The results are as expected:
Allocating N MaybeUninit is slower than one huge chunk; this is completely expected and should not come as a surprise.
Small, iterative 4096-byte reads are slower than a huge, single, 128M read even when the buffer only contains 64M
There is a small performance loss in reading using initialized memory, of about 30%
Opening anything else on the laptop while testing causes a 50%+ increase in benchmarked time
The last point is particularly important, and it becomes even more important when dealing with real I/O as opposed to a buffer in memory. The more layers of cache you have to traverse, the more side-effects you get from other processes impacting your own processing. If you are reading a file, you will typically encounter:
The filesystem cache (may or may not be swapped)
L3 cache (if on the same core)
L2 cache
L1 cache
Depending on the level of the cache that produces a cache miss, you're more or less likely to have your performance gain from using uninitialized memory dwarfed by the performance loss in having a cache miss.
So, the (unexpected TL;DR):
Small, iterative reads are slower
There is a performance gain in using MaybeUninit but it is typically an order of magnitude less than any I/O opt

How to optimize an algorithm for a given multi-core architecture

I would like to know what techniques I should look up-to for optimizing a given algorithm for a given architecture. How do I improve performance using better caching. How do I reduce cache coherency or what access patterns should I avoid in my algorithm/program so that cache coherency doesn't impact my performance?
I understand a few standard techniques for using the recently cached data in L1 but how would I use data in a shared cache(say L2) on a multi-core effectively thereby I avoid a main-memory access which is even more costlier?
Basically, I am interested in what data access patterns I should try to exploit or avoid for a better mapping to my given architecture. What data structure I could use, in what scenarios for what architectures(with different levels of private cache and shared cache) to improve performance. Thanks.
What techniques I should look up-to for optimizing a given algorithm for a given architecture?
Micro-architectures vary, so learn the details of your specific processor. Intel provides good documentation in their optimization guide. If you are using an Intel processor you'll want to read sections 8.3 and 8.6:
This section summarizes optimization guidelines for tuning multithreaded applications. Five areas are listed (in order of importance):
Thread synchronization
Bus utilization
Memory optimization
Front end optimization
Execution resource optimization
Practices associated with each area are listed in this section. Guidelines for each area are discussed in greater depth in sections that follow. Most of the coding recommendations improve performance scaling with processor cores; and scaling due to HT Technology. Techniques that apply to only one environment are noted.
Efficient operation of caches is a critical aspect of memory optimization. Efficient operation of caches needs to address the following:
Cache blocking
Shared memory optimization
Eliminating 64-KByte aliased data accesses
Preventing excessive evictions in first-level cache
What data access patterns I should try to exploit or avoid for a better mapping to my given architecture?
When caches are full and an access misses in the cache the cache must evict something to make room for the new data/code, what is evicted is usually based on an approximation of least-recently used (LRU). If possible then your code should have strong locality of reference:
Try to pack data that is used close in time in the algorithm such that it is close in space (address)
Pack data tightly, don't use a 64-bit integer when a 32-bit integer will do, for example
Sometimes the alignment of an "object" (related data) relative to a cache line matters. For example, if there is an array of objects each of 64-bytes and they are accessed randomly then aligning at a 64-byte boundary will improve cache efficiency by not bringing in data that is not used. If the object isn't aligned then every object touched brings in two cache lines, but only 64-bytes are needed, so 50% of data transferred isn't used (assumes cache lines are 64-bytes).
As #PaulA.Clayton pointed out in the comments, pre-fetching data is very important, as it hides part or all of the memory latency. "Also, exploiting stride-based hardware prefetching can be quite beneficial. (Software prefetching can also be useful in some cases.) Getting pointers early helps increase memory-level parallelism."
In order to facilitate the hardware pre-fetcher and to increase the utilization of the data that is brought into the cache pay careful attention to how matrices and other large structures are stored and accessed... see Wikipedia article on row-major order.
Data that you don't use often shouldn't be close to data that you use frequently
Avoid false sharing. If two or more threads access the same cache line but are not sharing the same data within the cache line and at least one of them is a writer you have false sharing... there will be unnecessary burden and latency hit associated with cache coherency protocol.
Try not to use new data until you are done with the older data
As Andrei Alexandrescu said in this talk - when it comes to performance tuning the only intuition that is right is "I should measure this." Familiarize yourself with cache performance monitoring tools, for example:
The key principle is locality: when you have the choice, process nearby data first (avoid sparse accesses), and perform data reuse as soon as possible (regroup successive passes over the same data).
For multithreaded programs, the principle is separate locality: ensure that the threads work on disjoint data sets (use distinct copies is necessary/possible).
Unless you have very good reasons to do so, stay away from the peculiarities of the hardware.
It should be mentioned that code is also cached in the same way as data. Small, dense code with a lot of inlining and few jumps/calls will put less strain on the L1C cache and, ultimately, L2, L3 and RAM where collisions with data fetches will occur.
If you are using hyperthreading there appears to be evidence to indicate that a lower optimization level (O1) on two hyperthreads in a core will overall get more work done than a single, highly optimized (O2 and higher) thread.

Stop and copy garbage collector in two phases

When implementing a stop and copy garbage collector as a pair, I need two memory banks (the old one and a free new one). One memory bank consists of the-cars and the-cdrs. So basicly when I make a new addres, it is a pointer to the-cars and the-cdrs.
When allocating new memory and I see that I don't have enough space, I start a GC. What this one does is:
switch the memory banks
move: read car and cdr from the old bank, copy to the new bank and put a pointer in the old bank to the new for later.
scan: loops over the memory and copies everything from old to new.
Now the question is: Why do I need to scan first and move after. Why can't I do both together?
It sounds like you are going through the really awesome garbage collection assignment where you implement your own collectors (mark and sweep, stop and copy, generational).
General answer to your question: two-pass algorithms typically use less memory than one-pass algorithms, by trading time for space.
More specific answer: in a stop-and-copy collector, you do it in two passes by (1) first copying the live data over to the new semispace, and (2) adjusting internal references in the live data to refer to elements in the new semispace, mapping old memory to new memory.
You must realize that the information necessary to do the mapping isn't magically available: you need memory to keep track how to redirect the moved memory. And remember: your collector itself is a program, and it must use a bounded, small amount of memory! Keeping a hash table in your collector to do the bookkeeping, for example, would be verboten: it's not playing by the rules. So one thing you need to keep track of is making sure the collector is playing with a limited amount of memory. So that explains why a stop-and-copy collector will reuse the old semispace and write those redirect records there.
With that constraint in mind: it's important to realize that we need to be careful of how we're traversing the live set. Which approach we choose may or may not require additional memory, in some very subtle and surprising ways. In particular, recursion in the general case is not free! Technically, in the first pass we should be using the new semispace not only as the target of our copying, but as a funky representation of the control stack that we use to implement the recursive process that walks through the live data.
Concretely, if we're doing a one-pass approach like this to copy the live set:
;; copy-live-set: number -> void
;; copies the live set starting from memory-location.
to copy-live-set starting at memory-location:
copy the block at memory-location over to the new semispace, and
record a redirection record in the old semispace
for each internal-reference in the block:
recursively call copy-live-set at the internal-reference if
it hasn't been copied already
remap the internal-reference to that new memory location
then you may be surprised to know that we've messed up with memory. The above will break the promise that the collector is making to the runtime environment because the recursion here is not iterative! It will consume control stack space. During the live set traversal, it will consume control stack space proportional to the depth of the structures we're walking across. Ooops.
If you try an alternative approach for walking through the live set, you should eventually see that there's a good way to traverse the whole live set while still guaranteeing bounded, small control stack usage. Hint: consider how graph traversal algorithms can be written as a simple while loop, with an explicit container that holds what to visit next till we exhaust the container. If you squint just right, the intermediate values in the new semispace look awfully like that container.
Once you discover how to traverse the live set in constant control stack space, you'll see that you'll need those two passes to do the complete copy-and-rewrite-internal-references thing. Worrying about these details is messy, but it's important in seeing how garbage collectors actually work. A real collector needs to do something like this, to be concerned about control stack usage, to ensure it uses bounded memory during the collection.
Summary: a two-pass algorithm is a solution that helps us with memory at the cost of some time. But we don't pay much in terms of performance: though we pass through the live set twice, the process is still linear in the size of the live set.
History: see Cheney's Algorithm, and note the title of the seminal paper's emphasis: "A Nonrecursive List Compacting Algorithm". That single highlighted word "Nonrecursive" is the key to what motivates the two-pass approach: it's trying to avoid consuming the control stack. Cheney's paper is an extension of the paper by Fenichel and Yochelson "A LISP Garbage-Collector for Virtual-Memory Computer Systems", in which the authors there proposed basically the recursive, stack-using approach first. To improve the situation, Fenichel and Yochelson then proposed using the non-recursive (but complicated!) Schorr-Waite DFS algorithm to do the traversal. Cheney's approach is an improvement because the traversal is simpler.

efficiency issue - searching an array on parallel threads

i came across an interview question which asks
while searching a value in an array using 2 perallel threads
which method would be more efficent
(1) read each half of the array on a different thread (spliting it in half)
(2) reading the array on odd and even places (a thread which reads the odd places
and one which reads the even places in the array ).
i don't understand why one would be more efficent then the other
appricate it if someone would clearify this for me
thanks in advance.
Splitting the array in half is almost certainly the way to go. It will almost never be slower, and may be substantially faster.
The reason is fairly simple: when you're reading data from memory, the processor will normally read an entire cache line at a time. The exact size varies between processors, but doesn't matter a whole lot (though, in case you care, something like 64 bytes would be in the ballpark) -- the point is that it reads a contiguous chunk of several bytes at a time.
That means with the odd/even version, both processors running both threads will have to read all the data. By splitting the data in half, each core will read only half the data. If your split doesn't happen to be at a cache line boundary, each will read a little extra (what it needs rounded up to the size of a cache line). On average that will add half a cache line to what each needs to read though.
If the "processors" involved are really two cores on the same processor die, chances are that it won't make a whole lot of difference either way though. In this case, the bottleneck will normally be reading the data from main memory into the lowest-level processor cache. Even with only one thread, you'll (probably) be able to search through the data as fast as you can read it from memory, and adding more threads (no matter how you arrange their use of the data) isn't going to improve things much (if at all).
The difference is that in the case of half split, the memory is accessed linearly by each thread from left to right, searching from index 0 -> N/2 and N/2 -> N respectively, which maximizes the cache usage, since prefetching of memory is done linearly ahead.
In the second case (even-odd) the cache performance would be worse, not only because you would be prefetching items that you are not using (thread 0 takes element 0, 1, etc. but only uses half of them), but also because of cache ping-pong effects (in case of writing, but this is not done in your example).

Performance gain issue in multicore application

I have a serial(nonparallel) application written in C. I have modified and re-written it using Intel Threading Building Blocks. When I run this parallel version on an AMD Phenom II machine which is a quad-core machine, I get a performance gain of more than 4X which conflicts with the Amdahl's law. Can anyone give me a reason why this is happening?
If you rewrite the program, you could make it more efficient. Amdahl's law only limits the amount of speedup due to parallelism, not how much faster you can make your code by improving it.
You could be realizing the effects of having 4x the cache, since now you can use all four procs. Or maybe having less contention with other processes running on your machine. Or you accidentally fixed a mispredicted branch.
TL/DR: it happens.
It's known as "super linear speedup", and can occur for a variety of reasons, though the most common root cause is probably cache behaviour. Usually when superlinear speedup occurs, it's a clue that you could make the sequential version more efficient.
For example, suppose you have a processor where some of the cores share an L2 cache (a common architecture these days), and suppose your algorithm makes multiple traversals of a large data structure. If you perform the traversals in sequence, then each traversal will have to pull the data into the L2 cache afresh, whereas if you perform the traversals in parallel then you may well avoid a large number of those misses, as long as the traversals run in step (getting out of step is a good source of unpredictable performance here). To make the sequential verison more efficient you could interleave the traversals, thereby improving locality.
Can anyone give me a reason why this is happening?
In a word, caches.
Each core has its own L1 cache and, therefore, simply by using more cores you have increased the amount of cache in-play which has, in turn, brought more of your data closer to where it will be processed. That alone can improve performance significantly (as if you had a bigger cache on a single core). When combined with near linear speedup from effective parallelization, you can see superlinear performance improvements overall.
