No callbacks found for cron job Magento 2.3.5-p2 - cron

We are using adyen Payment, since couple of months we started having an error on every 5-mins "No callbacks found for cron job adyen_payment_process_notification_queue"
Unfortunately we are not able to find the string having "adyen_payment_process_notification_queue" even in the vendor/adyen folder or in the app/code, can anyone guide us from where this could be coming from or what is the possibility for having such errors or how to find its resolutions.
Due to this error all our order status is being stuck in Processing as shipment team tried to updated the status via cron but may be due to this error Order statuses are not updating.
We have also tried checking but there is no any clue related to this error. :
Here is the output of my crontab -e


Product Catalog sync not working with Hybris CompositeCronjob

With CompositeCronjob, I want PRODUCT SYNC and FULL SOLR Index jobs to run, respectively.
For this, I ran the PRODUCT SYNC job once and added the resulting cronjob code to the CompositeCronjob as an Entry.
Likewise, I ran the FULL Solr Index job and added the resulting cronjob code to the CompositeCronjob as an Entry.
I would run the CompositeCronjob, no ERROR. But PRODUCT SYNC only worked for 1-2 seconds and took SUCCES and went to the next step Solr Index step.
But PRODUCT SYNC didn't actually do anything for 1-2 seconds. It didn't synchronize any products. How can I solve this problem? It does not give an error, but it does not synchronize the products.
I am using Hybris version 19.05
I am very grateful in advance for your help.
Hi Please Validate Composite cronjob entries are correct or not.
Example as follows :
INSERT_UPDATE CompositeEntry;code[unique=true] ;executableCronJob(code)
;updateComposite-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-jobEntry ;staticContentUpdate-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-cronJob
;updateIndex-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-jobEntry ;update-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-cronJob
INSERT_UPDATE CompositeCronJob;code[unique=true] ;job(code) ;sessionLanguage(isocode);compositeEntries(code);nodeId[default=0]
;compositeStaticContentUpdate-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-cronJob ;compositeJobPerformable ;en ;updateComposite-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-jobEntry,updateIndex-$storeUidStaticIndexB2C-jobEntry

P4 submit fails some times on linux with validation failed error

On Linux, after a review has been completed on a CL(changelist), the
p4 submit
fails validation indicating a file has changed after the review. Example:
Submit validation failed – fix problems then use 'p submit -c 123456'.
'changeContent' validation failed: This file has been changed between the time it was reviewed and the time it was committed, starting on line 2:
But, the file hasn't changed. This doesn't happen all the time, just some times. When it happens, it doesn't matter how many reviews get completed on the CL, it will never submit. We're forced to move the changes over to Windows and review/submit them from there. Is there any solution to it?
The short answer is that your changeContent trigger is rejecting the submit. Fixing or disabling this trigger should allow the submit to proceed.
As far as speculating about what about this trigger could be broken, Bryan's suggestion about line endings is a good one. Maybe your Linux client is using share and one of your Windows clients is using unix? That's a recipe for a bad time for the Linux client.

Auto-correlation callback function issue - loadrunner

I'm working in new application written in Siebel 8.1, issue appears when I'm trying to replay script and I can't handle that.
Replay Output:
Error -27086: Auto-correlation callback function
"flCorrelationCallbackParseWebPage" failed (rc=1) for parameter
I have done all steps for prepare record options from:
I'm using Loadrunner 11.52 (Siebel Web protocol), IE8.
We've been using the autocorrelation library for quite a few years on my team and we see this a lot. Unfortunately, it's not an easy problem to diagnose.
First I would check your test results and your VUser log to see if something happened before the autocorrelation failed. (Make sure your logging is set to parameter substitution in runtime settings).
Check your parameter files for extra spaces, commas, etc. Sometimes I've seen that error right after it rejects something about your parameter file.
Worst case scenario, your script is corrupted and you'll have to start over. We've gotten in the habit of making frequent backups of our scripts just because of this issue. Usually, we'll be able to start from our backup and continue or create a new script and paste the old code in. Autocorrelation error "magically" goes away with the same code in a new script.
If auto(magical)correlation does not work then use manual correlation.
Record twice with same data: Compare. You will find session, state and time data.
Change the credentials: Re-record. Compare. You will find credential related correlation
Change the business record but keep the same business process. Re-Record. You will find the business related correlation.
Do not expect autocorrelation to provide a magical working script. You have about a 0.0001% chance of that happening without LoadRunner script development intervenetion.

How to fix me51n user exit EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010?

I have problem with me51n. I have an include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 that has a bunch of codes which we use it to receive errors. The problem of mine is;
-When i run me51n with required datas(mat. number, quantity, etc.) I get some errors which also includes the error that I'm expecting on the first time, however when i terminate me51n and run it again with the same exact data, i dont get my error. I have debugged it and put a break point on my include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 and it never gets to my breakpoint on the second run. (It gets to the breakpoint on the first run but not the second one).
I dont know how but with the same material it works fine later again at the first time but still on the second time i cant get the error again.
Can anyone please help me on this?
Basically problem was the developement system from the beginning (sigh -_-). While having other errors rather than my errors, i assume my error gets stuck sometimes and never pop up because of the standard SAP procedure. So in test system (QA) me51n works perfectly when I'm just trying to have only my error.
Thanks for anyone who actually tried to help and I hope this might be useful sometime for someone in future.

Getting capybara and cucumber to log more information

I'm having problems with my cucumber/capybara setup and was wondering...
How can I get more information out of cucumber and capybara to see what's going on?
I've tried running
bundle exec cucumber features/myfeature.feature -v -b -x
But that just shows which rb files are loaded and which feature is being loaded. I want to know what on earth it is running. All it shows me is:
Which is completely unhelpful.
What kind of information are you looking to see?
You can try adding the --format=pretty option - this will print out each step as it's being processed, with the file location of the step definition that matches it, so you can see the status of each step (passed, failed, skipped, pending, etc.)
I miss some real logging support in Cucumber, in order to debug steps, but it seems the current way to log from steps is to "announce" messages. Announcements are turned on with the #announce tag. Try tagging your feature/scenario with #announce, that's the best option I've discovered so far.
