how to store azure function app logs from python logging module? - azure

I am working on a first-time project on Azure. We have created Azure Functions apps written in python.
I would like to know how to store my app logs in blob storage. Just to clarify, I mean the logs I have written in my code using python's logging module, not the logs Azure collects automatically. In particular, I would like to store the same (live) logs I can see in log stream to some blob storage.
Thanks so much in advance!!

Thank you PierreLucGiguere-5297. Posting your suggestion as an answer to help other community members.
Azure Functions offers an integration with Azure Monitor Logs to monitor functions. You can configure Azure Functions to send system-generated and user-generated logs to Azure Monitor Logs.
Instead of sending it to "log analytics" you can archive it to a "storage account". For that you need a client tool that works with Azure Storage.
You can refer to How to send Azure Function App logs to Blob Storage?, Azure Functions Python developer guide and Azure Blob storage bindings for Azure Functions overview


Querying IIS logs from blob using Azure Log Analytics (formerly OMS)

I am attempting to use Azure Log analytics to query IIS logs that sit in four separate storage accounts (based on region) that are generated from our WebApps. Is this possible? I'm only seeing azure activity logs on my queries - I'm very new to log analytics, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no direct way for this, you can take a look at this issue and it mentions:
Log Analytics is only supported at the IaaS (VM) level, not at PaaS (App Service) level.
If you want to do that, you can manually set up a way which sends the logs from blob storage to Log analytics, following this tutorial(It's a little hard to do that).
As well, you can also upvote on this feedback.

Azure App Service - cannot store logs in azure storage

I would like to configure my diagnostic logs to be redirected to Blob or Table Storage. However the only option I see is Filesystem:
My goal is to collect these logs in splunk
Currently only .NET application logs can be written to the blob storage. Java, PHP, Node.js, Python application logs can only be stored on the file system (without code modifications to write logs to external storage). I'd recommend checking the documentation here
According to this, redirecting to blob storage is only supported for Windows app service plans. Your one appears to be Linux.

Azure Cloud Service (Classic) - Any way to log Diagnostic.Trace logs to BLOB storage

I've been asked to change an old Azure Cloud Service worker's logging to the System.Diagnostics.Trace logging style of logging. I've done that and now I'm about ready to deploy it to azure.
The client requirement is that these logs should appear in blob storage, similar to how the more modern app service logs can be configured to write their diagnostics to blob storage. There is an expectation that logs can be batched up and uploaded periodically (perhaps time or number of lines based).
Is there a nuget package or other library or config I should enable to connect the application to blob storage? I've spent about 20 mins searching here and online for a solution, but information seems to mainly talk about writing logs to Table Storage..
Edit: More detail:
This is an existing app (C# .Net Framework 4.5) that used to use an external logging service.
I assumed (incorrectly, I think) that the logging to blob storage was something I could configure in the Azure Portal.
As things are right now, NO log file of any kind is generated, but when I run the code in Visual Studio, I can see some Output from the logging statements
I have updated the code to use a standard (custom) logging system
that eventually boils down to using statements like the below:
Trace.TraceInformation($"DEBUG: {message}");
Here are some links I found with related information:
Streaming from command line
Trace listener question
Adding Trace to existing website
Performance Impact of Logging
Smarx Library
The logging is configured by the diagnostics.wadcfgx file which you can see in your solution.
This holds all of the diagnostic information that you want to collect. This can be controlled via the "Properties" of the Web\Worker role (right-click -> Properties).
From there, there is also the option to specify the Storage Account:
This isn't always ideal if you are deploying to multiple environments, so you should be able to alter the configuration from the Azure Portal, by downloading and uploading new configuration, following these instructions.
So logging to blob storage, think of it as uploading existing files to the blob storage. If your current app creates files, then you should use put blob property or blob append to add these files to blob storage. So you must interact with the storage SDK to make these transactions. You could also leverage logic apps which uses connectors to blob storage, and would perform certain actions based on specific triggers(time stamp and other conditions).
If you would like to see the generated logs in Azure Storage, you'll have to enable azure diagnostics but these logs would pertain to the storage account itself, not your app.
Since you mentioned that you see the output, you have to transfer that output as an object ex: (text file), then upload it to the storage account. You can find SDK information for C# here. I hope this helps.

Can we fetch custom logs in Azure OMS

Our Project is a Java Spring boot application, We have a logging system using log4j, Which we are pushing into the Azure Storage accounts.
I want to query these custom logs in OMS. (Is it possible)
If Yes how.
Till now what i have tried is.
1. Pushed the logs in Blob storage using Logback and container looks like
Pushed logs in table storage
And configured Storage accounts in log analytics in Azure workspace
But i am unable to see any Analytic data to query in OMS .
Please help.
If you can't use Application Insights, you can read logs files from Storage and use HTTP Data Collector API to push logs into Log Analytics workspace. Samples and reference:

Azure WebApp Not Sending Application Logs to Blob Storage

My team has multiple Azure WebApps (Windows) running Node.js applications. We are using the Winston library to log service activity (e.g., requests). We have configured our Diagnostic Logging in each to store logs in Blob storage resources.
Using the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, we can see that there are multiple containers within Blob storage. It seems to be collecting information by the hour, but only 'snapshot' entries as CSV files and .log files with virtually no information. The files are small, which shouldn't be the case because traffic is consistent and we are logging a fair amount.
Our logging works in the filesystem format, but it's clearly not working in blob storage. We cannot seem to find a reason why our logs are not getting stored in our storage accounts.
Is there additional configuration necessary?
According to your description, I checked your issue and found that I could only get the logging via console.log and console.error from the KUDU path D:\home\LogFiles\Application\. Then I found a blog mentioned about application logs for node.js on azure web app as follows:
Setting application logs in the Azure portal
For node.js websites the way to write application logs is by writing to the console using console.log('message') and console.error('message') which goes to Information/Error level log entries. Currently the only supported target for the log files for node.js is the file system.
Other web site types like php and python are not supported for the application logs feature.
Here is a Azure blob storage adapter for popular nodejs logger, e.g. winston: winston-azure-blob-transport, you could leverage it for a workaround to collect the application logs from your node.js website into azure blob storage.
