at job scheduler doesn't work on my Ubuntu - linux

I know there are many linux experts here, I wish to get little help with at command in Ubuntu.
I have been troubled by at command in ubuntu (18.04 and 20.04) for quite a while, but I don't know where I made a mistake. I've tried at on three of my Ubuntu systems and it doesn't work on any of them. at is very handle and nice job scheduler, I really want to get it to work so that I do not have to manually launch programs in the late night on a shared Ubuntu server. I read many tutorials on at command, here is a very good one.
at now + 1 minutes -f ~/, it looks really great and can save me lots of energy. Unfortunately, when is extremely simple,then at now + 1 minutes -f ~/ can run smoothly and I get what I expected. Here is everything I have in
echo $(date) > ~/Desktop/time.txt
On top of that, it never worked for me. For example when I change to
echo $(date) > ~/Desktop/time.txt
Basically what does it is noting down the time and to open Pycharm IDE. I can run sh without at , it wroks very well. However, when I run at at now + 1 minutes -f ~/, the time is noted down but Pycharm was not never opened (I can see the process in htop if Pycharm is open). Also at now + 1 minutes -f ~/ does not work with any of my other shell scripts.
Could you please help me understand where I have done wrong and how to make it work. Thank you very much.

PyCharm and other GUI programs need a lot of information from your environment. The atd daemon which runs jobs for at does not have access to this environment. You will need to specify it directly.
I recommend running printenv redirected to a file in an at job. Then compare that to printenv running from a terminal in your GUI session. Find the differences and see if you can set them up the same way at the beginning of your at script.


Can I run a script that uses 2 different command lines?

Sorry if the title is vague, I am fairly new to Linux and I don't really know how else to put it. I am creating a script and when I run it, I got it to run Sage but after it does so, the next command isn't executed. I presume this is because the first couple were in the standard Terminal (bash?) and everything after ./sage isn't -- here's the script:
cd /home/alex/Desktop/sage-7.6
#I also tried wait ${!} here but it didn't work
notebook("/home/alex/Desktop/sage-7.6/projects/zero forcing.sagenb")
How might I enter the last command in Sage after it opens (assuming it's possible)? Thanks!
Edit: Here's a picture of my problem. Sage runs but I can't get it to execute the notebook() command after it opens.
You need to run notebook() as sage code using the -c option mentioned [ here ]. Try the below code.
/home/alex/Desktop/sage-7.6/sage # You can run the interactive shell directly
# At this point you have completely exited the sage interactive shell
# Presumably you want to run the below 'notebook()' after every interactive shell
# In that case do
/home/alex/Desktop/sage-7.6/sage -c 'notebook("/home/alex/Desktop/sage-7.6/projects/zero forcing.sagenb")'
I think what you really want is just to have one command that launches a notebook with a given name.
It turns out that in many Linux/Unix applications, there is automatic help at the command line. Try
/home/alex/.../sage -n -h
to get some help on the notebook. In particular,
sage -n -h --notebook=sagenb
gives a very, very long list of options, the first of which shows that
sage --notebook=sagenb directory=tp
will give you a new sage notebook server in the directory tp.sagenb.
All this said, I should also point out that the sagenb (sadly) is slowly becoming a legacy project in favor of the Jupyter notebook. In Sage 8.0 a conversion from sagenb to Jupyter will become the default, and even now you can just do
sage --notebook=jupyter --notebook-dir=/home/foo/bar
for that to start up.

Why does my crontab not work?

I am planning to run some bash scripts every minute, and I wrote:
* * * * * bash ~/Dropbox/temp_scripts/run_all_scripts
in crontab.
It was supposed to run every minute, but it did not work. Does anyone have idea why this happens?
Transferring a comment into an answer.
Add I/O redirection to the command line in the crontab entry:
>/tmp/run_all_scripts.out 2>/tmp/run_all_scripts.err
Review the contents of the files after a minute or two has passed. Consider recording the environment to see if that's part of the problem. And consider using bash -x instead of just bash.
If you still don't get anything (the files in /tmp are not created), then you've got issues with cron; the daemon isn't running, or your user does not have permission to use it (but crontab isn't telling you that), or you've not submitted your crontab to the program (what does crontab -l say?), or … whatever is really wrong.
Note, too, that the output from cron jobs is normally (well, at least sometimes — on Mac OS X for a system I currently use, and Solaris for another that I've used previously) emailed to the person whose job it is. You should review the email on the system.
Thank you! I have already fixed it! The reason why it does not work is I used "ls -a .sh" in the script, and when the crontab did not find any *.sh files in the folder it was executing. When modifying it to "ls -a $HOME/Dropbox/temp_scripts/.sh", everything works! This debugging technique is quite helpful!
It is, in many ways, the most basic of debugging techniques — make sure you see what is actually happening. If you're not sure why a shell script isn't working, make sure you can see that it is executing and what it is producing in the way of output, and (very often) make sure you can see what it is executing with bash -x or equivalent. (AFAIK, all shells support -x to trace the execution.)

Unable to run X11 (graphical) programs from atd

I am trying to schedule the execution of a shell-script with the Linux tool "at".
The shell script ( looks like this:
/usr/bin/vlc /home/x/video.mkv
The "at" command:
at -f /home/x/ -t 201411052225
When the time arrives, nothing happens.
I can execute the shell-script just fine via console or by rightclicking - Execute. VLC starts like it is supposed to. If I change the script to e.g. something simple like
touch something.txt
it works just fine.
Any ideas, why "at" will not properly execute a script that starts a graphical program? How can I make it work?
You're trying to run an X command (a graphical program) at a scheduled time. This will be extremely difficult, and quite fragile, because the script won't have access to the X server.
At the very least, you will need to set DISPLAY to the right value, but even then, I suspect you will have issues with authorisation to use the X screen.
Try setting it to :0.0 and see if that works. But if you're logged out, or the screensaver's on, or any number of other things...
(Also, redirect vlc's stdout and stderr to a file so that you can see what went wrong.)
Your best bet might be to try something like xuserrun.
I suspect that atd is not running. You have to start the atd daemon before (and to set DISPLAY variable like chiastic-security said) ;)
You can test if atd is running with
pidof atd &>/dev/null && echo 'ATD started' || echo >&2 'ATD not started
Your vlc command should be :
DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/vlc /home/x/video.mkv
(Default display)

Linux startup init.d file always fails with following bash, whats wrong?

I have the following bash script to update to my website my current ip. It works fine stand alone, but put into a startup file, fails upon startup. I'm guessing it's a sequencing thing, but I'm not sure how to fix the sequencing, and after a few hours of googling and trying everything I can think of, I'm hoping someone can lead me in the right direction! This is what I am trying to run:
IP_ADDR=$(ifconfig eth0 | sed -rn 's/^.*inet addr:(([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+).*$/\1/p')
wget -q -O /dev/null${IP_ADDR}
I can't figure out what to do. I tried adding it to other startup programs even, and it fails upon startup too. I'm using a Raspberry Pi. Any ideas?
Your path might not be what you expect. You should fully-qualify any commands that you use. Especially for programs that live in /sbin/

10 second delay between login and shell prompt.

I've got a strange problem. After I enter my password on a debian 6.0 system, I get the motd but then there is a 5-10 second pause until I get a shell prompt. If I press ctrl-c during that pause the prompt comes up instantly. What could be happening here? Am I killing the login process? Why might it be taking so long to invoke bash? I appreciate any suggestions.
You can debug bash shell scripts using set -x and set +x. The set -x command enables debug mode and the set +x command disables it.
Putting set -x at the top of your $HOME/.bash_profile should cause debug information to be printed for your personal shell initialisation files. If as you say you get a 10 second delay you should be able to track it down quite easily. If This doesn't shed any light then go for the system wide initialisation file /etc/profile.
Bash Debugging and shell initialisation files
It's likely there's something in your .bashrc or .bash_profile. Or maybe some other startup file (/etc/profile et al).
Same problem as John Rix for me. /opt/vmware/bin/ovfenv was the culprit.
I found this post after doing the following investigation:
starting another bash would take up to 30 seconds on a CentOS6
strace bash
shows few lines before it hangs:
read(3, "LANG=`/opt/vmware/bin/ovfenv --q"..., 183) = 183
Removed the script from being executed with:
mv /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/
