Migrate Terraform CLI workspaces to Terraform Cloud error - terraform

I am trying to migrate a project's CLI workspaces to Terraform Cloud. I am using Terraform version 0.14.8 and following the official guide here.
$ terraform0.14.8 workspace list
* development
Currently, the project uses the S3 remote state backend configuration
terraform {
backend "s3" {
profile = "..."
key = "..."
workspace_key_prefix = "environments"
region = "us-east-1"
bucket = "terraform-state-bucketA"
dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-bucketA"
encrypt = true
I changed the backend configuration to:
backend "remote" {
hostname = "app.terraform.io"
organization = "orgA"
workspaces {
prefix = "happyproject-"
and execute terraform0.14.8 init in order to begin the state migration process. Expected behaviour would be to create 3 workspaces in Terraform Cloud:
However, I get the following error:
$ terraform0.14.8 init
Initializing modules...
Initializing the backend...
Backend configuration changed!
Terraform has detected that the configuration specified for the backend
has changed. Terraform will now check for existing state in the backends.
Terraform detected that the backend type changed from "s3" to "remote".
Error: Error looking up workspace
Workspace read failed: invalid value for workspace
I also enabled TRACE level logs and just before it throws the error I can see this: 2021/03/23 10:08:03 [TRACE] backend/remote: looking up workspace for orgA/.
Notice the empty string after orgA/ and the omission of the prefix! I am guessing that TF tries to query Terraform Cloud for the default workspace, which is an empty string, and it fails to do so.
I have not been using the default workspace at all and it just appears when I am executing terraform0.14.8 init. The guide mentions:
Some backends, including the default local backend, allow a special default workspace that doesn't have a specific name. If you previously used a combination of named workspaces and the special default workspace, the prompt will next ask you to choose a new name for the default workspace, since Terraform Cloud doesn't support unnamed workspaces:
However, it never prompts me to choose a name for the default workspace. Any help would be much appreciated!

I had similar issue and what helped me was to create in advance the empty workspace with expected name and then run terraform init.
I have also copied .tfstate file from remote location to root directory of the project before doing init. Hope this will help you as well.

What I ended up doing was
Created the empty workspaces in Terraform Cloud
For every CLI workspace, I pointed the backend to the respective TFC workspace and executed terraform init. That way, the Terraform state was automatically migrated from S3 backend to TFC
Finally, after all CLI workspaces were migrated, I used the prefix argument of the workspaces block instead of the name argument to manage the different TFC workspaces


Manage multiple workspaces from a single configuration file in terraform

I want to create two different workspaces on Terraform Cloud: One for DEV environment, the other for PROD environment.
I am trying to create them hust using a single configuration file. The infrastructure will be the same just in two different Azure subscriptions with different credentials.
Here the code I am trying:
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.1.0"
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "~> 3.40.0"
cloud {
organization = "mycompany"
workspaces {
tags = ["dev", "prod"]
I am watching the documentantion. It seems like inside the cloud -> workspace command I just can use either name or tags attributes. It is required I have at least one of them in my configuration.
Now in my Terraform Cloud account, I have two workspaces: 1 with the tag prod and one with the tag dev.
I set the envinroment variable:
And I try to initialize Terraform Cloud:
terraform init
But I get this error:
Error: Invalid workspace selection
Terraform failed to find workspace "mycompany-infrastructure-dev" with the tags specified in your configuration: │ [dev, prod]
How can I create one configuration that I can use with different environment/workspaces?
Thank you
First, I ran the similar code as yours in my environment and received an error shown below: It prompted me to use terraform login to generate a token for accessing the organization on Terraform Cloud.
The login was successful, and the browser generated an API token.
Token received and entered.
Logged into Terraform cloud as shown:
In Terraform Cloud -> Organizations, I created a new organization:
Script for creating different workspaces from a single configuration file:
cloud {
organization = "mycompanyone"
workspaces {
tags = ["dev", "prod"]
Taken your script and made a few changes as seen below:
Terraform will prompt for basic concerns while initializing, as shown here.
Now run terraform init or terraform init -upgrade.
terraform initialized successfully:

terraform CLI can't find remote cloud workspaces when using multiple tags, attempts to create them

I have a 'development' - 'staging' and 'production' workspace within the terraform cloud organisation.
I'm attempting to interact with them as per documentation here.
Particularly this:
If you associate the directory with multiple workspaces (using
workspace tags), you can use the terraform workspace commands to
select which remote workspace to use.
Locally, I also have the exact same three terraform workspaces created.
local workspaces:
remote workspaces and tags:
100% same organisation I was able to interact with the workspaces if I hardcode the workspace value instead of using tags.
My terraform backend cloud definitions:
terraform {
cloud {
organization = "<<myorgname>>"
workspaces {
tags = ["development", "staging", "production"]
When I run a simple terraform init I get greeted by:
No workspaces found.
There are no workspaces with the configured tags (development, production, staging)
in your Terraform Cloud organization. To finish initializing, Terraform needs at
least one workspace available.
Terraform can create a properly tagged workspace for you now. Please enter a
name to create a new Terraform Cloud workspace.
I've been going through the documentation here that goes into CLI-driven runs with this context but I can't figure out the right way to do this.
What I want is:
run a terraform plan or terraform apply whilst in the locally-selected development workspace
and then:
the cloud terraform to perform a run on the remote development workspace.
If I just go ahead and write 'development' as a name, it will then apply all 3 tags in the static definition to the remote 'development' workspace, thus defeating the whole purpose of using tags instead of a name.
What's the right way of doing this?
That is true, however there is also this part of documentation [1]:
tags - (Optional) A set of Terraform Cloud workspace tags. You will be able to use this working directory with any workspaces that have all of the specified tags, and can use the terraform workspace commands to switch between them or create new workspaces. New workspaces will automatically have the specified tags. This option conflicts with name.
EDIT: As mentioned in the comments, in order for local workspaces to be usable in Terraform Cloud as well (i.e., to be able to apply the code in Terraform Cloud), there has to be a "common" or a "main" tag across all workspaces created in the Terraform Cloud.
[1] https://www.terraform.io/cli/cloud/settings#arguments

Terraform wants to recreate imported resources

Locally I:
Created main.tf
Initialize with ‘terraform init’
Imported GCP project and Google Run service
Updated main.tf so ‘terraform plan’ was not trying to do anything.
Checked main.tf to GitHub
I setup GitHub actions so:
Setup Gcloud
Initialize with ‘terraform init’
Plan with ‘terraform plan’
Terraform plan is trying to recreate everything.
How do I make it detect existing resources?
By default Terraform will initialise a local state. The problem with this state is that it will be available only for you on your PC. If you execute a plan somewhere else, this state will be lost. To solve this issue, you need to set up a remote backend for Terraform for being able to store the state file in a centralised location.
If you are using Google Cloud, you can use a Cloud Store bucket for storing the state file. Terraform offers gcs module for being able to configure this backend using Cloud Store. You have to create a bucket and provide the bucket name to the gcs backend configuration:
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "tf-state-prod"
prefix = "terraform/state"

Terraform cloud : Import existing resource

I am using terraform cloud to manage the state of the infrastructure provisioned in AWS.
I am trying to use terraform import to import an existing resource that is currently not managed by terraform.
I understand terraform import is a local only command. I have set up a workspace reference as follows:
terraform {
required_version = "~> 0.12.0"
backend "remote" {
hostname = "app.terraform.io"
organization = "foo"
workspaces {
name = "bar"
The AWS credentials are configured in the remote cloud workspace but terraform does not appear to be referencing the AWS credentials from the workspace but instead falls back trying to using the local credentials which points to a different AWS account. I would like Terraform to use the credentials by referencing the variables in the workspace when I run terraform import.
When I comment out the locally configured credentials, I get the error:
Error: No valid credential sources found for AWS Provider.
I would have expected terraform to use the credentials configured in the workspace.
Note that terraform is able to use the credentials correctly, when I run the plan/apply command directly from the cloud console.
Per the backends section of the import docs, plan and apply run in Terraform Cloud whereas import runs locally. Therefore, the import command will not have access to workspace credentials set in Terraform Cloud. From the docs:
In order to use Terraform import with a remote state backend, you may need to set local variables equivalent to the remote workspace variables.
So instead of running the following locally (assuming you've provided access keys to Terraform Cloud):
terraform import aws_instance.myserver i-12345
we should run for example:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=abc
terraform import aws_instance.myserver i-12345
where the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY have the same permissions as those configured in Terraform Cloud.
Note for AWS SSO users
If you are using AWS SSO and CLI v2, functionality for terraform to be able to use the credential cache for sso was added per this AWS provider issue. The steps for importing with an SSO profile are:
Ensure you've performed a login and have an active session with e.g. aws sso login --profile my-profile
Make the profile name available to terraform as an environment variable with e.g. AWS_PROFILE=my-profile terraform import aws_instance.myserver i-12345
If the following error is displayed, ensure you are using a version of the cli > 2.1.23:
Error: SSOProviderInvalidToken: the SSO session has expired or is invalid
│ caused by: expected RFC3339 timestamp: parsing time "2021-07-18T23:10:46UTC" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "UTC" as "Z07:00"
Use the data provider, for Example:-
data "terraform_remote_state" "test" {
backend = "s3"
config = {
bucket = "BUCKET_NAME"
region = "CLOUD REGION"
Now you can call your provisioned resources
Example :-
For getting the VPC ID:-
Just make the cloud resource property you want to refer should be in exported as output and stored in terraform.tfstate file

Specify terraform workspace in HCL

Is there a way to specify a workspace for a remote state provider in HCL? How do I ensure collaborators use the proper workspace? I'd expect to see something like
terraform {
backend "s3" {
workspace = "someworkspace"
Terraform's documentation describes how to use workspace_key_prefix but that's not what I'm looking for.
For example, if one team member runs terraform workspace select dev then terraform apply then a different team member runs terraform apply without first running terraform workspace terraform will redeploy the resources defined (because the proper workspace wasn't selected).
Found a workaround. You can commit the environment file to VCS (.terraform/environment). Others running terraform apply will target the workspace specified by the environment file.
