Modify text color of QInputDialog - python-3.x

I need a QInputDialog to enter a name for a file in my program. I have to set my main window as parent, because otherwise the dialog will not appear on top of the window but behind it. But when i set the main application as parent, i get black text on a black background.
So i need to change the textcolor for the label, the textbox and the buttons to white.
I tried using the Stylesheet but cannot figure out what keyword to use.
I tried using QPalette, but that has no effect at all.
def setGPKGName(self, mode:int):
font = QFont()
qm = QInputDialog(self)
#pal = QPalette()
pal = qm.palette()
rgb = self.label_text_color.split(',')
r = int(rgb[0])
g = int(rgb[1])
b = int(rgb[2])
if mode == 0:
if qm.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
return qm.textValue()
#this is th way i id it before, but the appearence dosen't fit the rest of the progrm and the dialog appearse behind the main window
text, ok = qm.getText(None, 'title', 'Dateiname:')
if ok:
return text
return ""
If at all possible i would like to use the Stylesheet, but any way o acomplish my goal would be nice.
Thank you for your help.


Making parts of canvas transparent while still detecting and blocking mouse clicks in transparent areas in tkinter?

I'm trying to make a program where the user can paint on the screen. So I want to make an invisible canvas window in fullscreen where only the user's pen marks on the canvas will be visible. The closest thing I found is this function: root.attributes("-transparentcolor","color code here"), which will make all the parts of the window that's in the color you give transparent. So if I give the second parameter the background color of the canvas, then only the pen strokes on the canvas will be visible. This is so close to what I want, except for one thing, the transparent areas can't detect or block mouse clicks! Any mouse clicks will just go through to whatever is behind the tkinter window. Is there a way to make it so the transparent areas will still block mouse clicks? I really need help on this!
Here is a much better way to do this using only tkinter. Explanation is in code comments. Basically uses two windows, one for "blocking" the mouse and being transparent using the "-alpha" attribute and the other window for "hosting" canvas and having one completely transparent color while keeping others opaque using "-transparentcolor" attribute. That also means that this is cross-platform solution too (except I think the -transparentcolor attribute differs a little bit on other OS like Linux where I think it is -splash or sth and maybe something different on MacOS):
from tkinter import Tk, Toplevel, Canvas
# setting the starting coordinate of the line so that
# on motion it is possible to immediately draw it
def set_first(event):
points.extend([event.x, event.y])
# on motion append new coordinates to the list and if there are
# 4 (the minimum), create a new line and save the id
# otherwise update the existing line
def append_and_draw(event):
global line
points.extend([event.x, event.y])
if len(points) == 4:
line = canvas.create_line(points, **line_options)
canvas.coords(line, points)
# when released clear the list to not waste space
# and not necessarily but also set "id" to None
def clear_list(event=None):
global line
line = None
line = None # this is a reference to the current line (id)
points = [] # list to keep track of current line coordinates
line_options = {} # dictionary to allow easier change of line options
# just a variable to more easily store the transparent color
transparent_color = 'grey15'
# creating the root window which will help with drawing the line
# because it will "block" mouse because `-alpha` (0.01 seems to be the lowest value)
# attribute is used, however it makes everything transparent on the window
# so need another window to "host" the canvas
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-alpha', 0.01)
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
# just press Esc key to close the whole thing, otherwise
# it is only doable by pressing Alt + F4 or turning off
# the computer
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: root.quit())
# create the host window, because it allows to have only
# one transparent color while keeping the other opaque and
# visible
top = Toplevel(root)
top.attributes('-transparentcolor', transparent_color)
top.attributes('-topmost', True)
top.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
# set the focus to root because that is where events are bound
# create the canvas to draw on
canvas = Canvas(top, bg=transparent_color, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
# bind all the events to `root` which "blocks" mouse
# but is also almost (because it has a very small alpha value
# it is not entirely invisible but human eye won't notice much)
# invisible
root.bind('<Button-1>', set_first)
root.bind('<B1-Motion>', append_and_draw)
root.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', clear_list)
Here is an improvable example (you may need to pip install pyautogui, ctypes is a built-in library), it is also Windows only as far as I know:
Note: The other answer using two windows, however, is a lot better but I will keep this too just for the information.
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas
import pyautogui as pag
import ctypes
data = {
'draw': True,
'cur_line_points': [],
'cur_line_id': None
# function taken mainly from here:
def is_pressed(btn: str = 'left') -> bool:
if btn == 'left':
btn = 0x01
elif btn == 'right':
btn = 0x02
raise Warning("incorrect argument, should be 'left' or 'right'")
return ctypes.windll.user32.GetKeyState(btn) not in (0, 1)
def draw_line(canvas_):
if not data['draw']:
root.after(10, draw_line, canvas_)
pressed = is_pressed('left')
cur_line_points = data['cur_line_points']
cur_line_id = data['cur_line_id']
if not pressed:
if cur_line_id is not None:
canvas_.coords(cur_line_id, cur_line_points)
data['cur_line_id'] = None
mouse_x, mouse_y = pag.position()
cur_line_points.extend((mouse_x, mouse_y))
len_points = len(cur_line_points)
if len_points == 4:
data['cur_line_id'] = canvas_.create_line(cur_line_points)
elif len_points > 4:
canvas_.coords(cur_line_id, cur_line_points)
root.after(10, draw_line, canvas_)
transparent_color = 'grey15'
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-transparentcolor', transparent_color)
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
canvas = Canvas(root, bg=transparent_color, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
Basically detects if mouse button is pressed using the built-in library ctypes and if it is adds the current mouse coordinates (does that using pyautogui library which may need be installed) to a list and then draws a line based on that list (it also keeps the reference of the currently drawn line and simply changes its coordinates instead of drawing a new line each time it loops), the only slight issue is that while drawing the mouse is also interacting with the window below, highlighting text and stuff, couldn't really figure out how to remove that yet but at least you get to draw a line.

Transparent background with matplotlib and tkinter

I'm programming a data-analysis programm for whatsapp chats and I have a matplotlib graph in my tkinter window. I know how to customize colors, but how do I set the background to transparent?
f = Figure(figsize=(4.1, 4.1), dpi=100)
f.set_facecolor('xkcd:gray') # this should be transparent
a = f.add_subplot(111)
a.plot(dates, mes_count)
canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, mainloop.root)
canvas.get_tk_widget().place(x=190, y=80)
I got a bit frustrated by trying to match the background color of the axes/figure with the background color of the tkinter app on each platform so I did a little digging:
In general, two things need to be done:
Tell matplotlib to use a transparent background for the figure and axes object by setting the facecolor to "none":
Tell the backend renderer to also make the background transparent, e.g. for saving it as png:
f.savefig('mygraph.png', transparent=True)
The problem is: How do I tell this to FigureCanvasTkAgg? Looking at the sourcecode of FigureCanvasTk, that does the drawing, one can see that the tk.Canvas always gets created with a white background. AFAIK a Canvas can't be transparent (please correct me), but when created without a specific background color, it will have the same background color as the Frame surrounding it, given by the ttk.Style of it. So there are two workarounds I can think of:
After creating the FigureCanvasTkAgg, set the background color of the canvas to the same as the current style:
s = ttk.Style()
bg = s.lookup("TFrame", "background")
bg_16bit = self.winfo_rgb(bg)
bg_string = "#" + "".join([hex(bg_color >> 8)[2:] for bg_color in bg_16bit])
Lines 3 & 4 are necessary on e.g. Windows, since s.lookup("TFrame", "background") can return a system color name here, that then needs to be converted to a standard #aabbcc hex color
Making your own MyFigureCanvasTk that's just a copy of the code in matplotlib, that skips setting the background color of the Canvas:
class MyFigureCanvasTk(FigureCanvasTk):
# Redefine __init__ to get rid of the background="white" in the tk.Canvas
def __init__(self, figure=None, master=None):
self._idle_draw_id = None
self._event_loop_id = None
w, h = self.get_width_height(physical=True)
self._tkcanvas = tk.Canvas(
self._tkphoto = tk.PhotoImage(master=self._tkcanvas, width=w, height=h)
self._tkcanvas.create_image(w // 2, h // 2, image=self._tkphoto)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Configure>", self.resize)
if sys.platform == "win32":
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Map>", self._update_device_pixel_ratio)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Key>", self.key_press)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Motion>", self.motion_notify_event)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Enter>", self.enter_notify_event)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<Leave>", self.leave_notify_event)
self._tkcanvas.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.key_release)
for name in ["<Button-1>", "<Button-2>", "<Button-3>"]:
self._tkcanvas.bind(name, self.button_press_event)
for name in ["<Double-Button-1>", "<Double-Button-2>", "<Double-Button-3>"]:
self._tkcanvas.bind(name, self.button_dblclick_event)
for name in ["<ButtonRelease-1>", "<ButtonRelease-2>", "<ButtonRelease-3>"]:
self._tkcanvas.bind(name, self.button_release_event)
# Mouse wheel on Linux generates button 4/5 events
for name in "<Button-4>", "<Button-5>":
self._tkcanvas.bind(name, self.scroll_event)
# Mouse wheel for windows goes to the window with the focus.
# Since the canvas won't usually have the focus, bind the
# event to the window containing the canvas instead.
# See (mousewheel) for details
root = self._tkcanvas.winfo_toplevel()
root.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.scroll_event_windows, "+")
class MyFigureCanvasTkAgg(FigureCanvasAgg, MyFigureCanvasTk):
def draw(self):
def blit(self, bbox=None):
self._tkphoto, self.renderer.buffer_rgba(), (0, 1, 2, 3), bbox=bbox
This let's the graph blend in with whatever background color might be surrounding it. It should work on all platforms (tested only on Windows and Linux, with python 3.11, tkinter 8.6.12). Maybe this helps someone stumbling over this question.

How to set default background colour tkinter

Does anyone know the colour code for the default background? I cant seem to find this anywhere. In my program I changed the background colour and need to change it back to the default colour later on but I am unable to find the colour code.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Try this:
If you want to get the default background at runtime, you can use the cget method. This may return a color name rather than an rgb value.
import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
bg = root.cget("background")
# eg: 'systemWindowBody'
You can convert that to a tuple of the red, green and blue components
rgb = root.winfo_rgb(bg)
# eg: (65535, 65535, 65535)
You can then format the value as a hex string if you wish:
color = "#%x%x%x" % rgb
# eg: '#ffffffffffff'
To reset the background after changing it, save the value, and then use the value with the configure command:
original_background = root.cget("background")
Another option is just to clear the background setting.
For example
import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
lbl_status = ttk.Label(root, width=20, text="Some Text")
lbl_status['background'] = 'yellow' # Set background to yellow
lbl_status['background'] = '' # Reset it to system default

Label keeps on appearing

SO I am using Python 3.4 and tkinter.
And when I call a function again n again which contains a label, the label keeps on appearing in window but previous label doesn't go away?
How can I remove any printed label from GUI window as soon as function is called and then display new one?
Here is the code:-
#def prestart():
#here I check if number of match is okay, if not, user is redirected to setting else, I call start()
def start():
#CPU Choice
cpu_choice = Label(historyframe, text = "CPU Choosed: {}".format(dict['cpu_choice']))
#Played Match
#played_num_of_match = Label(scoreframe, text = "Number of Matches Played: {}".format(int(dict['match_played'])))
#Display Status
status_disp = Label(scoreframe, text = "Current Status: {}".format(dict['status']))
if(int(dict['match_played']) < int(dict['num_of_match'])):
playframe.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
historyframe.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
elif(int(dict['match_played']) == int(dict['num_of_match'])):
playframe.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
historyframe.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
cp = dict['cpu_point']
up = dict['user_point']
result(cp, up)
cpu_choice.pack(fill = X)
scoreframe.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
This function just updates the display!
def send_value(x):
#Here I run logic of game and change value of key in dictionary and call start() at end of change.
Now, the choice buttons are not in any definition as they don't need to be called again n again. I just make playframe disappear n appear!
Here is the code for them:-
#Display Question
question = Label(playframe, text = "Rock? Paper? Scissor?")
rock = Button(playframe, text = "Rock!", command = lambda: send_value("ROCK"))
paper = Button(playframe, text = "Paper!", command = lambda: send_value("PAPER"))
scissor = Button(playframe, text = "Scissor!", command = lambda: send_value("SCISSOR"))
So when user clicks Rock/Paper/Scissor, I just change key value in dictionary! But if I keep the label outside function, it doesn't get auto updated!
Everything else is working perfectly. I'll kind of now start to make code cleaner.
Try something like this instead of creating a new label every time:
import Tkinter as tk
class Window():
def __init__(self, root):
self.frame = tk.Frame(root)
self.i = 0
self.labelVar = tk.StringVar()
self.labelVar.set("This is the first text: %d" %self.i)
self.label = tk.Label(self.frame, text = self.labelVar.get(), textvariable = self.labelVar)
self.label.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
self.button = tk.Button(self.frame, text = "Update", command = self.updateLabel)
self.button.pack(side = tk.RIGHT)
def updateLabel(self):
self.i += 1
self.labelVar.set("This is new text: %d" %self.i)
root = tk.Tk()
window = Window(root)
Important points:
1) A class is used, as it is much easier to pass values around when all Tkinter objects and variables are member variables, accessible from all of your GUI functions.
2) updateLabel does not create a new Label. It simply updates the StringVar() object to hold new text every time you call the function. This is accomplished with the textvariable = self.labelVar keyword when creating my Label widget.
PS: This is done in Python 2.5 so for this code to work for you, change Tkinter to tkinter
EDIT 06/19/2015:
If you want to implement something similar to what I have with your code, without using a class, you'll need to pass around references to your variables.
1) Change start:
Your Labels cpu_choice, status_disp, etc. should be created outside of the function; likely in the same location as question, rock, paper, scissors, etc. You will also pack them outside of the function as well. Same with all the calls to .grid inside of start; you shouldn't need to call pack or grid more than once: right when you create the widget.
The following lines:
playframe.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
historyframe.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
Can be done outside of the function as well; you execute these 3 statements under both the if and the elif conditions. This means they aren't really conditional statements; they are done regardless of the validity of the condition.
2) Create a StringVar for both cpu_choice & status_disp & edit the Labels as follows (remember, outside of the function):
cpu_choice_text = StringVar()
cpu_choice_text.set("Set this to whatever is shown at the start of the game")
cpu_choice = Label(historyframe, text = cpu_choice_text.get(), textvariable = cpu_choice_text)
cpu_choice.pack(fill = X)
# And do this same thing for status_disp
3) When you call start, you will now pass it cpu_choice_text & status_disp_text (or whatever they are called). Instead of trying to change the text field of the Label frame, you may now use a set call on the StringVar which is connected to the Label & the Label will automatically update. Example:
def start(cpu_choice_text, status_disp_text):
cpu_choice.set(text = "CPU Choice: {}".format(dict['cpu_choice']))
Alternatively, wrap it all in a class and make it much easier for yourself by using self on every Tkinter variable & widget. In this way you won't need to pass variables to your functions, just access member variables directly as I have with self.i, self.labelVar in my example.
Each time you call start you create new labels and use grid to place them in the same spot as the old labels. The best solution is to only create the labels once, but if you insist on creating new labels each time start is called, you need to delete the old labels first.
You can use the destroy() method of a label to destroy it, though for that to work you must keep a global reference of the label.

Creating scrollable list with python and PyQt

I have a QScrollArea with a QWidget (content_widget) inside in my application. I want to fill it with images while the application is running. I would like to have the scroll behavior if the number of images exceeds the number which can be shown without scrolling. I came this far:
children_occupied_width = self.ui.content_widget.childrenRect().width()
image_view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(self.ui.content_widget)
image_view.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect( children_occupied_width, 0, 210, 210 ))
image_view.setObjectName("New Image")
placeholder_image = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
Although the images appear in the list at the right position there is no scrolling if the images start to be placed outside of the visible area. The size of content_widget seems not to change even with
How to make it grow/resize?
This first part turned out to not be what you really needed. I am leaving it for informational purposes, but see the update at the bottom
The problem is that the QGraphicsView is itself a type of scroll widget, representing a slice of the scene it is viewing. Ideally you would just use the view by itself and make use of its own scrollbars.
But if you have specific need to forward the content size of the view up to a normal QWidget scroll, then what you would need to do is make your QGraphicsView always resize itself when the contents of the scene change. The QScrollArea is only going to respond to size changes of the widget it is set to. The view needs to change size. The process would be that the view needs to listen to signals from the scene for added or removed items, and then resize itself to completely enclose all of those children.
Here is an example of how the QGraphicsView widget, on its own, is perfectly capable of serving as the scroll functionality:
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
view = QtGui.QGraphicsView()
pix = QtGui.QPixmap("image.png")
w,h = pix.width(), pix.height()
x = y = 0
pad = 5
col = 3
for i in xrange(1,20):
item = scene.addPixmap(pix)
if i % col == 0:
x = 0
y += h+pad
You can see that when the images overflow the current size of the view, you get scrollbars.
If you really need to have some parent scroll area acting as the scroll for the view (for reasons I do not really understand), then here is a more complex example showing how you would need to watch for some event on the scene and then constantly update the size of the view to force scrollbars on the parent scrollarea. I have chosen to watch a signal on the scene for when its rect changes (more children are added)
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
win = QtGui.QDialog()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(win)
scroll = QtGui.QScrollArea()
view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(scroll)
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene(scroll)
pix = QtGui.QPixmap("image.png")
w,h = pix.width(), pix.height()
x = y = i = 0
pad = 5
col = 3
def createImage():
global x,y,i
item = scene.addPixmap(pix)
if i % col == 0:
x = 0
y += h+pad
def changed():
size = scene.itemsBoundingRect().size()
view.setMinimumSize(size.width()+pad, size.height()+pad)
t = QtCore.QTimer(win)
The scroll area is always looking at the size of the widget that has set as the child. The view must be resized.
As it turns out from your comments, you didn't really need to use the QGraphics objects for this approach. It only made your task more complicated. Simply use a vertical layout and add QLabel widgets to it:
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
win = QtGui.QDialog()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(win)
scroll = QtGui.QScrollArea()
scrollContents = QtGui.QWidget()
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(scrollContents)
pix = QtGui.QPixmap("image.png")
def createImage():
label = QtGui.QLabel()
t = QtCore.QTimer(win)
I found at least a reason why resize did not worked in my code. Setting widgetResizable property of QScroll area to false (or disabling it in the Qt Designer) made it work.
