In .eslintrc.js I have tried:
rules: {
"object-shorthand": "off", //tried 0 aswell
but I still get
error Expected method shorthand object-shorthand
I want to use a combination of arrow and regular functions but eslint keeps complaining.
I think I've figured this out...
Editing .eslintrc.jc rules triggers the hot reload and the app is rebuilt but it seems the settings from eslintrc are not actually applied. If I completely kill the server and restart then the settings work as expected.
I have a Cypress project where I use the Cypress session API to maintain a session throughout features.
Now I try switching from the deprecated Klaveness Cypress Cucumber Preprocessor to the replacement, Badeball's Cypress Cucumber Preprocessor. But I am running into an issue; the beforeEach() step where my authentication takes place gets repeated several times before the tests start. Eventually, Cypress "snaps out of it" and starts running the actual tests - but obviously this is very resource and time intensive, something is going wrong.
My setup:
"cypress": "^9.6.1",
"#badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "^9.1.3",
beforeEach(() => {
let isAuthInitialized = false;
function spyOnAuthInitialized(window: Window) {
window.addEventListener('react:authIsInitialized', () => {
isAuthInitialized = true;
cy.visit('/', { onBeforeLoad: spyOnAuthInitialized });
cy.waitUntil(() => isAuthInitialized, { timeout: 30000 });
login() function:
export function login() {
cy.session('auth', () => {
As far as I can see, I follow the docs for cy.session almost literally.
My authenticate command has only application specific steps, it does include a cy.visit('/') - after which my application is redirected to a login service (different domain) and then continues.
The problem
cy.session works OK, it creates a session on the first try - then each subsequent time it logs a succesful restore of a valid session. But this happens a number of times, it seems to get stuck in a loop.
It looks to me like cy.visit() is somehow triggering the beforeEach() again. Perhaps clearing some session data (localstorage?) that causes my authentication redirect to happen again - or somehow makes Cypress think the test starts fresh. But of course beforeEach() should only happen once per feature.
I am looking at a diff of my code changes, and the only difference except the preprocessor change is:
my .cypress-cucumber-preprocessorrc.json (which I set up according to the docs
typing changes, this preprocessor is stricter about typings
plugins/index.ts file, also set up according to the docs
Am I looking at a bug in the preprocessor? Did I make a mistake? Or something else?
There are two aspects of Cypress + Cucumber with preprocessor that make this potentially confusing
Cypress >10 "Run all specs" behaviour
As demonstrated in Gleb Bahmutov PhD's great blog post, if you don't configure Cypress to do otherwise, running all specs runs each hook before each test. His proposed solution is to not use the "run all specs" button, which I find excessive - because there are ways around this; see below for a working solution with the Cucumber preprocessor.
Note: as of Cypress 10, "run all specs" is no longer supported (for reasons related to this unclarity).
Cucumber preprocessor config
The Cypress Cucumber preprocessor recommends to not use the config option nonGlobalStepDefinitions, but instead configure specific paths like (source):
"stepDefinitions": [
What it doesn't explicitly state though, is that the file which includes your hooks (in my case index.ts) should be excluded from these paths if you don't want them to run for each test! I could see how one might think this is obvious, but it's easy to accidentally include your hooks' file in this filepath config.
TLDR: If I exclude my index.ts file which includes my hooks from my stepDefinitions config, I can use "run all specs" as intended - with beforeEach() running only once before each test.
I have installed angular universal on my app.
Running npm run build:ssr - DONE. WORKS.
Running npm run server:ssr - DONE.WORKS.
After accessing the server URL (localhost:4000), the page is not fully loaded and the following error is raised on the Terminal:
I also faced the same problem, so I would just like to share my findings for the same.
For me, there were two plausible causes/solutions for it:
First, in my project's I18N default JSON file that was en.json, I was having a problem In the structure of the JSON file.
For example, I had the below mistake. I missed the comma after the second label 'FINISH' :
"EDIT": "Edit",
"FINISH": "Finish"
"QUIT": "Quit",
So after correcting the structure, the application ran fine without an error.
Secondly, another cause of the issue could be, at runtime transloco was not able to find the correct label in the selected language, so it looked for a fallback language and it could not even find that in the transloco-root.module.ts so after adding my fallback language, it tried to find the same in the fallback language as specified in the transloco-root.module.ts.
So it found out that label and the issue got resolved.
BUT in the second solution provided, you need to have that incorrect label in at least that fallback language's json file in correct format.
I added the fallback language like below:
useValue: translocoConfig({
availableLangs: ['fr', 'en'],
defaultLang: 'en',
reRenderOnLangChange: true,
fallbackLang: 'fr',
prodMode: environment.production,
missingHandler: {
logMissingKey: true
i18n Transloco wasn't fully configured on the module file.
I have some NodeJS logging done via console.log() internally (its actually loglevel) and as I see it, Jest tags console.log output with console.log ../path/to/string/with/console.log/call:line# for whatever reason:
I haven't found any related options in the docs. How can I disable it?
I had the curiosity to take a look to the answer mentioned in the first answer, wich it says:
Looking at the source code for Jest, it doesn't seem like there is a
neat way to turn those messages off.
And I noticed an update marked on the answer and resolves the problem.
Just add this code to your test:
beforeEach(() => {
global.console = require('console');
Create a global configuration test file e.g. src/test/config.js, add this line to that file:
jest.spyOn(console, "log").mockImplementation();
add this to jest config:
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./src/test/config.js']
you can also use that file for global cleanup, before/after each etc
Thanks #Anders Carstensen, I've looked at the answer you mentioned and it says:
Looking at the source code for Jest, it doesn't seem like there is a neat way to turn those messages off.
Not an option for me to write my own console, so I'll just stick with Mocha/Sinon for now.
tslalamam answer code not worked for me, but this one works
1: Create a file with this code (e.g. config.js)
import console from "console"
global.console = console
2: Add this line to your jest.config.js
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./config.js"]
I'm using the admin-on-rest npm package starter project and trying to plug in a simple SSO Facebook login button using the FacebookAuth npm package. Every time I try to click the "Login" button, I get the following error:
FB.login() called before FB.init()
I'm using an .env file with the following variable: REACT_APP_FACEBOOK_APP_ID and setting it to the right value. I even did console.log() within my app and can see it output.
I checked and I'm only loading the FB SDK once, not multiple times (this was a common issue reported on other threads).
Ok, it turned out to be something pretty dumb, but something to point out nonetheless!
In my .env file, I had accidentally placed a semicolon (;) at the end of the declaration, like this:
Apparently .env files do NOT like semi-colons. This was just very difficult to figure out from the error above.
So if any of you want to pull your hair out because of this issue, and you're using similar tech, check to make sure you're syntactically kosher EVERYWHERE variables are being declared.
the funny thing was i forgot to replace your-app-id with my app id:
appId: 'your-app-id',
autoLogAppEvents: true,
xfbml: true,
version: 'v8.0'
Do these four systems have caches? And if so, what is the method for clearing each?
Having trouble with a react app we are developing. Seemingly sporadically we get the following error when developing locally:
"Invariant Violation: RelayQL: Unexpected invocation at runtime. Either the Babel transform was not set up, or it failed to identify this call site. Make sure it is being used verbatim as `Relay.QL`."
Am yet to notice any particular reason why/when this starts happening.
I finally found a hack solution which involved me going into the referenced component file referenced (further in the error msg, unshown) and deleting the RelayQL fragment inside e.g.
export default Relay.createContainer(PinterestShare, {
fragments: {
resource: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Resource {
files {
images {
medium { url width }
export default Relay.createContainer(PinterestShare, {
fragments: {
resource: () => Relay.QL`
I then save, and reboot the app. It crashes, obviously, as the fragment is malformed. So I undo the change back to the original, and reboot the app again. Now, the original error is fixed, despite no code actually changing.
So what happened? Somehow doing this process is flushing some cache? Is this in node, webpack, relay, or babel? I've tried rebooting my machine inbetween, as well as killall node, neither which work, which implies to me it is not RAM based...
The annoying part now is I am having to do this for all of my individual component files. Surely there must be a way to purge this mystery cache enmass for the whole app?