Video file not recognized in android studio - android-studio

I added a file named 'testingClip' of mp4 format in a directory i made named 'raw' under 'res',it keeps on showing this error message saying it doesn't recognize the file type.

Don't use any capital letter in resource file name Change your testingClip.mp4 to testingclip.mp4
resource names must contain only lowercase a-z, 0-9, or underscore and The resource name must start with a letter.


Android Studio error - Can not extract resource from

Keep getting - Can not extract resource from
Here's a link to my code there is the Main Activity java and the Activity Main xml files
Check your resource string files, maybe some of them has the ' without the backslah \'
Replace the ' with \' in String files, or make sure you add # before the color code like #001B3C
You need to create correct resource type.
For example, if you open raw resource type then put the file there in res/raw and access as below. In below, we have file named project_json.json (can be any file extension).
val inputStream: InputStream = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.product_json)
Plus remove ' with '

InvalidResourceName error while writing parquet file in ADLS Gen2

I am reading a csv file and writing the same in parquet format in ADLS Gen2 using ADF copy activity.
My source:
My Sink :
I am facing the below error :
Failure type
User configuration issue
ErrorCode=AdlsGen2OperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=ADLS Gen2 operation failed for: Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'. Account: 'adlsedmadifpoc'. FileSystem: 'raw_area'. ErrorCode: 'InvalidResourceName'. Message: 'The specifed resource name contains invalid characters.'. RequestId: '70d7xbfd-6xxf-00ec-2c74-9axxxx000000'. TimeStamp: 'Thu, 26 Aug 2021 12:19:56 GMT'..,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,''Type=Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Data.Models.ErrorSchemaException,Message=Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest',Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
This is caused when there are characters introduced to the Container Name which do not follow the Azure storage container naming convention.
The best way to avoid this error is to copy it as it is from the Azure environment.
A container name must contain valid characters, conforming to the following naming rules:
All letters must be lowercase.
Names must be from 3 through 63 characters long.
Names must start or end with a letter or number.
Names can contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
Every dash (-) character must be immediately preceded and followed by a letter or number; consecutive dashes are not permitted in container names.

Robot Framework and Excel: Constructing full path to Excel-file of different parts of the path (Open Pyxl Library)

I am trying to test a short Robot Framework-code to ask user the name of Excel-file as a popup-window provided by Robot Framework's Dialogs-library.
The idea is that the base of the file path (that stays the same to the folder where Excel-files would be located) is hard-coded to one variable named ${EXCEL BASE PATH} then user would give the name of Excel-file to the popup-window (as name of the file would change between different files) and that changing part of the path would be stored to ${EXCEL NAME} and third part would be hard-coded file-extension .xlsx stored to ${EXCEL FILE EXTENSION} because only files with .xlsx extension would be opened and there are not any changes to file extension.
Library used for Excel handling is OpenPyxlLibrary as that supports xlsx. ExcelLibrary only supports xls.
I got this close to working but the problem is that when concatenating the full path of those three parts written above the result is not the same as the result I am looking for.
Expected result for the full path to Excel-file to be opened would be:
C:\\Users\\developer\\Robot Framework\\Excel\\TestExcel.xlsx
But instead now when logged to console it is:
C:\Users\developer\Robot Framework\Excel\ TestExcel .xlsx
So there are missing second backslashes (required by Open Pyxl Library for path) and also spare space before .xlsx
Is there any other way to construct path used by Open Pyxl Library of different parts like that than by using Catenate-keyword like tested here? If the full Excel path is hard-coded to a single variable instead that has been working great already but the problem later would be to need to change
the value of that variable when Excel-file would be changed so that is why I am trying to test a solution for user to give the name of Excel-file to be opened. Because name of the file is the changing part from file to file and other parts stay the same.
Excel-file is not yet actually opened in this simplified code and I am first trying to just log the full path of Excel-file to see if that logs correctly. When the path would be correct I could add code to actually open the Excel-file.
CommonResources.robot-file (resource-file):
*** Settings ***
Library String
Library BuiltIn
Library OpenPyxlLibrary
Library Dialogs
*** Variables ***
${EXCEL BASE PATH} C:\\Users\\developer\\Robot Framework\\Excel\\
Provide Excel Name-file (test case-file):
Resource Resources/CommonResources.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Provide Excel Name
${EXCEL NAME} Get Value From User Please provide name of Excel-file
Log to console ${EXCEL NAME}
Log to console ${FULL EXCEL PATH}
What you're seeing in the console for the backslashes is actually not a problem at all. The backslash character is "special" in the sense it is used to add control symbols in strings (think of \n for new line), and when it has to be used as the literal character \, it needs to be escaped - by itself :).
So your write as a variable value C:\\Users\\developer when you want the end result to be C:\Users\developer.
The extra whitespace - that is because of the default behavior of Catenate - it catenates the arguments with that character by default. This can be changed with the SEPARATOR argument:
${EMPTY} is a special variable, equal to "" - an empty string.
By the way, there is another way to get the end string, just use Set Variable passing the 3 other variables - the framework will substitute them with their actual values:

How to implement file search by pattern?

I need to get the file name and assign this name to the variable. The file has the following format: webapp-1.1.2.jar. Versions are constantly changing. How to get file name using pattern in linux console?
This is a regex which will match any pattern where the version numbers vary for the jar file.

Creating class from xsd with many imports

So I've ready alot of xsd documentation and similar questions but I've run into a problem: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
this is the command:
xsd BulkmailAnnouncement2.xsd Components1.xsd Components2.xsd Components3.xsd Components4.xsd Fields1.xsd ManufacturingComponents1.xsd ManufacturingComponents2.xsd Meta1.xsd QualifiedDataTypes.xsd UnqualifiedDataTypes.xsd CodeLists1.xsd CodeList_UnitCode_UNECE_7_04.xsd CodeList_MIMEMediaTypeCode_IANA_7_04.xsd CodeList_LanguageCode_ISO_7_04.xsd CodeList_CurrencyCode_ISO_7_04.xsd /c
How can I create a class if xsd cannot support the includes.
Move files to another directory or rename folders / files in the current path.
The problem occurs because the full path to the file / files exceeds the allowed limit.
Quote from the official documentation:
In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following
paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is
defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following
order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by
backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the
maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string"
where "" represents the invisible terminating null character for
the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for
visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)
