Spring Boot Starters for Azure java 11 - azure

I was following this document from Microsoft on spring boot on Azure, which state that I must use java 8 and not java 11 in order to use Spring Boot Starters for Azure, from the doc:
"Spring Initializr uses Java 11 as the default version. To use the Spring Boot Starters described in this topic, you must select Java 8 instead",
doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/developer/java/spring-framework/spring-boot-starters-for-azure
in Azure SDK docs for java/spring boot it says:
Java Development Kit (JDK) with version 8 or above
The question is can I use spring boot with java 11 on Azure with or without spring boot starters?
it seems to work as Azure supports java 11.

Can I use spring boot with java 11 on Azure with or without spring
boot starters?
Yes. Azure supports spring boot with java 11.
The article walks you through deploying a Spring Boot app to Azure, see here.


Does Hazelcast version 3 support RHEL 8

I wanted to know if Hazelcast 3.12.12 supports RHEL 8? From documentation, I can see that Hazelcast version 4 and 5 supports RHEL 8. But, I could not get any information on Hazelcast version 3. Can you please let me know if Hazelcast version 3 can be deployed on RHEL 8?
Yes, the RHEL 8 is supported, but the Hazelcast 3.12.z itself has already reached its End-of-Life. Check the Version Support Windows page. It's highly recommended to use a supported version!
That said, the only requirement is to have a supported Java version installed. It would be Java 8 or Java 11 for Hazelcast 3.12.z.
Check details in the documentation: https://docs.hazelcast.com/imdg/3.12/getting-started/supported-jvms

Java CDI PersistenceContext with Tomcat 8

I am using Java CDI with Tomcat 8, with this how to configure database configuration?
Tomcat 8 is a servlet container and as far as I know, it does not contain any CDI implementation. Are you shipping it with your application?
In order to connect to a relational database, the obvious choice with Java EE is to use JPA, available in Apache TomEE.
Other way is to instantiate Hibernate, myBatis, JOOQ, plain JDBC or anything you would like on your own using CDI producers.

Using Spring kafka 1.1.2 with Spring framework 3.1.1

I am fairly new to spring integration and spring kafka.
I am having to write a producer for kakfa and am planning to using spring kafka 1.1.2 (as i have used it earlier) and the parent project is using spring framework 3.1.1
I am wanting to understand how do i write the xml configuration for spring kafka 1.1.2 as i could not find anything in the documentation.
Also, I read a little about spring integration kafka module and am not too sure if that's the one i should use.
You cannot use Spring Kafka with Spring 3.x. It is tested with 4.3.x and will probably work with earlier 4.x releases.
Spring Integration Kafka is an extension to Spring Integration which (since 2.0) sits on top of spring-kafka.

Does Cassandra works with IBM JVM

Can I install and start Cassandra into a x-linux OS with a IBM SDK for Java?
Will that work? Any specific version? 2.1, 2.0 that will work ?
Thanks in advance.
You are right, it should work. The only issue is in the Cassandra-env.sh, you need to comment out some checking.
Yes it should. According to the Apache Cassandra project site:
Cassandra requires the most stable version of Java 7 or 8 you can deploy, preferably the Oracle/Sun JVM. Cassandra also runs on OpenJDK and the IBM JVM.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't indicate that only specific versions of Cassandra work with the IBM JVM. That being said, the documentation on the DataStax site specically mentions the Oracle JVM in the installation steps. It is the recommeded JVM to use.
I can't remember for sure, but I have heard of people running into issues that were traced back to the OpenJDK. I don't recall anything specific to the IBM JVM. So it might work, but it isn't supported and you might leave yourself open to some unforeseen errors.

Restart tasktracker and job tracker of hadoop CDH4 using Cloudera services

I have made few entries in mapred-site.xml, to pick these changes i need to restart TT and JT running at my cluster nodes.
Is there any i can restart them using Cloud Era manager web services from command line.
So I can automate those steps any time changed made configuration files for hadoop it will restart TT and JT..
Since version 4.0, Cloudera Manager exposes its functionality through an HTTP API which allows you to do the operations through "curl" from the shell. The API is available in both the Free Edition and the Enterprise Edition.
Their repository hosts a set of client-side utilities for communicating with the Cloudera Manager API. You can find more on the documentation page.
