I have gone through the JHipster guides and seen how to use the JHipster definition language in JDL Studio to create entities and relationships etc, which is great.
But I am working on an application with dozens of entities already created and need to re-generate some of them after making changes to the .json files - but I don't see any specification of that .json configuration language.
I have seen suggestions to try generating a new entity (jhipster entity book) and look at the .json it outputs.
Is there no specification of what .json language at all?
There a json schema definitions for entities: https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-base
Does that help?
I am using schemacrawler cli to generate diagrams for my database.
I do not have many FK relationships in my db and so I am relying on weak-associations. But the these weak associations are not accurate. Is there any way to plugin custom logic for this detection?
The only associations that I want to plot are:
When tablename_id column in any table in a database maps to tablename.id in the same database. There are thousands of these associations.
Plus the 10 or 20 custom defined associations in the yml file.
I know I can manually define the associations in the yaml file but that is not a feasible option. I also know that I can build a custom script to generate the said yaml file, but that might not be as performant as being able to plugin the logic into the flow.
You should be able to plug in a custom catalog loader. Catalog loaders are loaded by the Java Service Provider Interface (SPI), and the WeakAssociationsCatalogLoader itself is loaded dynamically from the CLASSPATH. You can write your own implementation in your own jar file, and add it to the CLASSPATH, or simply drop your jar into SchemaCrawler's lib folder if you are using the command-line. Your jar file should have the SPI properties file, like this one - schemacrawler.tools.catalogloader.CatalogLoader.
It seems like your idea may be useful to other people. If you make your implementation an open-source project, please let me know, and I will link to it from the SchemaCrawler website.
Sualeh Fatehi
I'm new in Jhipster and I'm trying to generate MetaModel entities with jdl file from Jhipster. When I run command to generate entity, my Eclipse doesn't show MetaModel entities. Can anyone had the same problem? Thanks in advance to everyone.
You must either build with maven/gradle or configure Eclipse to run the annotation processor as documented in
JHipster documentation
and/or JPA Static Metamodel Generator documentation
I need to migrate the front-end of an application to angular. I want to use jhipster and reuse all existing java back-end and database. My questions are:
Is it possible to generate the front-end based on java model or i need to have the JDL files?
Is it possible to generate JDL files from the java model or from the database schema?
Thank you for your help.
No even though there has been some attempt like https://github.com/bastienmichaux/generator-jhipster-db-helper but I don't think it will go far enough for you
Thank you for your help.
I found another approach to generate the JDL files based on the database:
I will try it.
I am trying to import a rule design project into Eclipse, but Eclipse is importing the BOM, XOM and Rules folders as three different projects. Please help
It is typical for an IBM ODM implementation to consist of separate Eclipse projects for the BOM, XOM, and rules. Typically, the XOM project is a Java project, containing the Java classes that make up the execution object model; the BOM project is a 'Rule' project, containing the business object model; and the rules folder is a 'Rule' project, containing the business rules, rule flows, and other rule elements. All three projects work together to form a Decision Service or Rule App that can be deployed to the rule server.
So, I would say there are no problems with what you describe and that you are off to a good start!
Because of some reason, I want to use my current java entity classes to generate all entity related files, which are generated with yo jhipster:entity book. I need the liqibase configuration files, repository files, rest resources, and the sample files of html and js files.
So is there any way I can do that?
I don't think there's a way to do that at the moment. But with JHipster 2 you could manually create a .jhipster/{entityname}.json file based on your class, and that would generate those files (and also recreate the class object) you're looking for.