I am currently working on Solr in Standalone Mode.
Since I'm a beginner on Solr I wanted to start the server with the command start -e techproducts.
The core is well uploaded but a warning message appears:
"Not all security plugins configured! authentication= disabled authorization = disabled. Solr is only as secure as you make it. Considere configuring authentication/authorization before exposing solr to users internal or external"
The problem is that I have already created my security.json, I have put it in the home directory and I have authenticated myself at the server entrance, so it's seems efficient. Why does this warning message keep appearing?
Try writing the security.json file in the proper place, so that Solr can read during startup.
Visit the Dashboard page and look for the solr.solr.home property which should look like this: -Dsolr.solr.home=/var/solr/data, then you write the file to /var/solr/data/security.json. Then restart Solr and during startup the console should show something like thi instead of the WARN:
INFO (main) [ ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Initializing authorization plugin: solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin
INFO (main) [ ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Initializing authentication plugin: solr.BasicAuthPlugin
My website deploys correctly but whenever I try to access my Netlify CMS admin panel I get this error:
Error loading the CMS configuration
Config Errors:
Error: Missing external media library ‘uploadcare’. Please use ‘registerMediaLibrary’ to register it.
Check your config.yml file.
Here is my config.yml file: https://pastebin.com/raw/gHzhvTGG
Here is my cms.js file: https://pastebin.com/raw/wMGtkKwm
Uploadcare has been registered and it has a valid api key. It was working fine previously.
I am running out of things to try
I'm trying to run Heat Clinic 6.0.1 locally following getting started tutorial: https://www.broadleafcommerce.com/docs/core/current/getting-started/running-locally
I managed to run admin and site but not the API project. The application starts without problems but when I go to http://localhost:8082/api/v1/swagger-ui.html I get a 404. In the log I see this exception:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Circular view path [error]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/error] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! (Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)
Also trying to log in directly in the API with user broadleafapi and password gives 404.
My environment: Windows 10, jdk 8, maven 3.6
What's wrong? Can you help me? Thank you
Thanks for the report. I reproduced this and it looks like that with the update to Spring Boot 2.0, we did not appropriately override the updated property that specifies the servlet location to embedded Tomcat. Thus, when you went to /api/v1/swagger-ui.html, the application treats it exactly like that URL which is what gave the 404.
Setting the server.servlet.contextPath=/api/v1 property appropriately stripped off this path as part of the servlet context and resolved the 404.
I tested around a bit and was able to 'Authorize' the app (button at the top right of the Swagger page) with the credentials information that get spit out in the logs:
Basic auth configured with user broadleafapi and password: <<generated>>
then I was able to hit the API endpoints.
The changes you will need to make locally in your project to consume the fix are at https://github.com/BroadleafCommerce/DemoSite/commit/422d1cdc37f847afd8bec0be477ab784cbad2e9d#diff-991c59b6dbb0f619b8570d8f8779eaddR11. You will notice that I moved the original definition in default.properties over to common.properties and I recommend that you do the same. To be clear, follow these steps:
Delete the server.servlet.contextPath entry in `api/src/main/resources/runtime-properties/default.properties
Change server.servletPath in api/src/main/resources/runtime-properties/common.properties to server.servlet.contextPath
Thanks for trying out Broadleaf and the report, sorry for the rough early start!
So I am new to IBM Bluemix and all of their products and I am trying to do this project http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ba-muse-toycar-app/index.html . I have done all of the modifying of the car and everything I am just having issues with the codes.
I have a few specific questions on part 2 step 2.b when you are entering in the information for the Cloudant database what information do I put in for the cradle connection and how do I acquire that information.
Second when I go to deploy the app Part 2 Step 2.4 how do I navigate to the application directory? I have looked at the help and googled to no avail. So if we fix these things I am hoping that I will be able to deploy the application. However currently when I go to deploy it I get this error.
cf push braincar
Updating app braincar in org ccornwe1#students.kennesaw.edu / space dev as myemailaddress#gmail.com...
Uploading braincar...
Error uploading application.
open /Users/codycornwell/.rnd: permission denied
I am green to all this so any help and explanation to understand it is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
In the tutorial's part 2, step 2.b, you need to specify your Cloudant credentials. There are several ways to get Cloudant credentials, but I'll focus on doing it within the context of Bluemix and the cf command line tool.
You will first need to create a Cloudant service instance, then create a set of service keys (credentials) and then view them.
Create a Cloudant service instance named myCloudantSvc using the Shared plan:
$> cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Shared myCloudantSvc
Create a set of service keys (credentials) named cred1:
$> cf create-service-key myCloudantSvc cred1
View the credentials for the service key you just created
$> cf service-key myCloudantSvc creed
With the last step above, you should see output which provides you with the username, password and host values that you'll need to place into your app.js code. It should look something like the following:
"host": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-bluemix.cloudant.com",
"password": "longSecretPassword",
"port": 443,
"url": "https://xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-bluemix:longSecretPassword#xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-bluemix.cloudant.com",
"username": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-bluemix"
For your second question, it looks like you're performing the cf push from your $HOME directory (as mentioned in the comment by #vmovva). By default, the cf push command will send all files in the current directory to Bluemix/CloudFoundry.
Try running the command from the directory where your source code is located to reduce the files pushed to Bluemix. If your source code is intermingled in your $HOME directory, move your source into a different directory and then push from that directory.
I had build and install openam 12 from source code, from svn checkout
svn checkout https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/tags/12.0.0/openam/
after that I had used external OpenDJ-2.6.0 with openam , installation is successful.
But when I add new user and click OK I got error
Error :”Plug-in org.forgerock.openam.idrepo.ldap.DJLDAPv3Repo encountered a ldap exception. ldap errorcode=65”
Also check in OpenDJ-2.6.0 logs access logs:
[25/Feb/2015:16:27:00 +0530] ADD RES conn=6 op=131 msgID=132 result=65 message=”Entry uid=indranis,dc=xyz,dc=net violates the Directory Server schema configuration because it contains an unknown objectclass iPlanetPreferences” etime=2
Same exception I got when I try to add group ,
but able to solve referring following link:
remove manually from Data Store – opends and remove groupOfURLs or groupOfUniqueNames from the LDAP Groups Object Class
Is there is issue with openDJ2.6 version , or any changes do I need to configure?
I got issue resolve, by installing openAM with embeded datastore and and then after installation ,configured it with an external opendj store and removed embedded one.
What I've done is broken the default 'Version' service on my WSO2 DSS, I tried to set the Scopes variable for WS-Discovery and didn't put a closing tag/element when creating the parameter.
Now when I try to access the parameters screen I get an xml Parse error
TID: [0] [WSO2 Data Services Server] [2012-08-22 12:38:04,404] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.service.mgt.ServiceAdmin} - Error occured while getting parameters of service : Version
{org.wso2.carbon.service.mgt.ServiceAdmin}org.apache.axiom.om.OMException: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character '<' (code 60) in end tag Expected '>'. at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [2,58] at org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder.StAXOMBuilder.next(StAXOMBuilder.java:296) at
I'm assuming this is stored in the H2 database, I've tried looking for the parameter in the .db file using notepad but I can't find it.
Is there another way to connect/browse the H2 db?
I've scanned through the repository, database and conf directories for clues without success.
Yes you can connect to the H2 db using the included database Explorer under the Tools menu.
Use the connection details found in the repository/conf/registry.xml file
Then you can do SQL queries on it - (I haven't found the answer yet though)
I don't think the parameters are held in the H2 db, but I managed to fix my problem by:
downloading the Version.aar file using the link on the list services page
deleting the Version service
Copying the Version.aar file into the repository/deployment/server/axis2services dir
I guess deleting the service removed any records/references to my broken parameter
I believe you've tried setting service parameters via the UI? Usually the service parameters you specify via the UI do not get saved in the services.xml of the original axis2 service archive. Instead, they get saved in the registry that is shipped with DSS and get applied to the service at runtime. But if you specify a malformed parameter then wouldn't be saved in the registry instead, throwing an exception while trying to engage that parameter. So there'll be no record saved corresponding to that kind of malformed parameters.
Hope this helps!