Is there any document of Jhipster entire command list? - jhipster

I need to get all the commands that jhipster can execute. I am unable to find any proper documentation. Most online tutorials provide only starter commands for Jhipster.

with command :
jhipster -help
I was able to list out many commands that Jhipster supports.


Jhipster 5 microservice not starting properly

I'm just starting using jHipster 5 but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I generate a microservice project without any errors.
Then I start it with the command ./mvnw without any errors in logs
But when I try to connect to localhost:8081 I have either a blank page or a 404 error. I generated an entity and populated my database and again, a curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8081/api/cars' command doesn't return anything
A few months ago, I developped a microservce in jHipster 4.14.0 without having this kind of problem.
I found some kind of workaround. Instead of doing a jhipster command to build a new projet, I used the command jhipster server.
In my case, it was enough since I was simply trying to build a simple Rest API without a microservice architecture.

Add side-bar in JHipster application

I want to insert a sidebar into the body of the element body in a JHipster application.
Is there a command that can help me?
There is no module available for converting JHipster's nav bar into a sidebar. JHipster generates the code, but you will need to customize it yourself depending on your requirements.
You can see available JHipster commands by running jhipster --help, and the command's options by running jhipster service --help (example showing the service subgenerator options).
JHispter also offers modules, which extend JHipster's functionality with new commands. The full list can be viewed in the JHipster Module Marketplace. No module offers a sidebar option at this point in time.

Yeoman Sharepoint Client-side Solution Generator stops taking input

I'm trying to install Sharepoint Client-side Solution using Yeoman but running into difficulties.
I can't get passed the 4th question, it doesn't accept any input so I can't answer it.
node v8.1.0
yo v2.0.0
gulp v3.9.1
microsoft/generator-sharepoint v1.3.2
Not really sure what is the issue here as it looks to be specific to your machine. I am able to get past the questions and create a solution.
However, as a workaround for your issue, you can try the below steps:
Paste the below command to see the list of command line options available for the SharePoint generator
yo #microsoft/generator-sharepoint --help
It will show up as below:
Based on that, you can create the command string and generate the project as below:
Assume that you want to create an SPFx webpart with React framework, then your command would be as below:
yo #microsoft/sharepoint --solutionName "hello-world" --framework "react" --componentType "webpart" --componentName "HelloWorld" --componentDescription "HelloWorld web part" --environment "spo" skipFeatureDeployment false
Similarly, you can create/modify the above command as per your requirements.
Reference - Scaffold projects using yeoman SharePoint generator
Also, ensure that you have enough disk space for those node modules. It will take up approx 300 MB space.

JHipster Mini Book Tuto fail, like other

Trying to setup an app with JHipster. Every tutorials I follow I have errors and failures.
Whatever options I select I got errors on my project.
Following the JHipster MiniBook procedure I have error like this on my IDE at start:
And when I follow the directives to page 24 and try to run
./gradlew bootRun
I got a build failed:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I follow step by step the book, or other tutorials. Something must be wrong configured on my computer.
Any idea ?
Just looking at the error messages which are shown:
On the first screenshot you have configured your IDE to use Java 1.6 source code. JHipster is using Java 1.8, so the lambda expressions (which are new in Java 1.8) cannot be compiled.
On the second screenshot you have configured JHipster to use an external database. But you have not followed the documentation, which tells you to configure that external database in your application-dev.yml configuration file (and to start the database, of course!)

how to add scaffolds in virtual environment. I want to add Akhet scaffold into my virtual environment?

after all googling and searching i came here...
I want to use Akhet scaffold and i want to continue with that to develop my application.
Now the problem is that i don't have any idea to include any scaffold in my virtual environment.
I have tried with the following lines
env/bin/pcreate -s akhet pythonakhen
Since i don't have akhet in my scaffold list the line given me an error
Unavailable scaffolds: ['akhet'].
please help me to add any scaffalod in my virtual environment so that i can us them to generate the skeleton of the application.
Forget Akhet. The current version 2.0 does not provide a scaffold anymore and is rather outdated. Just follow the official pyramid documentation, there is plenty of stuff builtin if you rely on the scaffolds shipped with pyramid 1.5 and the way it works in year 2014.
Akhet scaffold is gone
if you want to provide Akhet scaffolding in future :-)
These links are your friends
