Splunk Error: "Could not look up HOME variable" - linux

Please help me to understand what this shell script does:
# main
for HOST in ${HOSTS}
result=`/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search "index=${INDEX} sourcetype=${SOURCETYPE} SPLUNK_HEALTH_CHECK |stats count" -earliest_time ${EARLIEST} -latest_time ${LATEST} -uri ${URI} -auth ${USER}:${PASS} -preview F -output csv -timeout ${TIMEOUT} 2>&1 |grep -v count |tr -d '\n' |sed 's/"//g'`
if expr $result : '[0-9]*' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
date +"%Y-%m-%d %T sh=${HOST} status=\"${result}\" delay_status=$count"
While calling this script from splunk, I get the following error:
status="Could not look up HOME variable. Auth tokens cannot be
cached.10" delay_status=99

Could not look up HOME variable. Auth tokens cannot be cached
This error usually occurs when trying to run Splunk as the root user or permissions are incorrectly set. In your case, you are passing the USER and PASS into script, but bash does not correctly expand these values (see https://answers.splunk.com/answers/446944/getting-error-could-not-look-up-home-variable-auth.html ).


executing bash script via CGI

I have a trouble with executing .sh script from browser.
echo command works well. But when I store the value in variable and pass it to another script as an argument it does not work.
Appreciate any help.
Here I pass $XX to another script
if [ -z "$QUERY_STRING" ]; then
exit 0
XX=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*val_x=\([^&]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
if [ -z "$XX" ]; then
echo "X is empty"
echo "Processing..."
/sas/oljas_scripts/find_usage_of_tables.sh $XX
echo "Done"
YY=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*val_y=\([^&]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
ZZ=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*val_z=\([^&]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g"`
echo "val_x: " $XX
echo '<br>'
echo "val_y: " $YY
echo '<br>'
echo "val_z: " $ZZ
The file you are trying to execute, /sas/oljas_scripts/find_usage_of_tables.sh, is not executable for the web server. Currently, it is:
-rwxrw-r-- 1 sas sas 1540 Nov 12 12:58 find_usage_of_tables.sh
Which means sas user can do everything, sas group can read and write but not execute, and everyone else can just read. Notably, the web server needs to be able to both read and execute the file, and it is failing to do so.
Either set the file to be readable and executable to all (not recommended):
chmod 755 /sas/oljas_scripts/find_usage_of_tables.sh
or set the group of the file to be a group the web server is in, and set the group permissions of the file accordingly:
chmod 754 /sas/oljas_scripts/find_usage_of_tables.sh
chgrp www-data /sas/oljas_scripts/find_usage_of_tables.sh
You may need sudo for the latter. Also, the web server's group name might not be www-data - inspect your web server configuration, or read it off of process list like this answer suggests.

Bash script to find filesystem usage

EDIT: Working script below
I have used this site MANY times to get answers, but I am a little stumped with this.
I am tasked with writing a script, in bash, to log into roughly 2000 Unix servers (Solaris, AIX, Linux) and check the size of OS filesystems, most notable /var /usr /opt.
I have set some variables, which may be where I am going wrong right off the bat.
1.) First I am connecting to another server that has a list of all hosts in the infrastructure. Then I parse this data with some sed commands to get a list I can use properly
1.) Then I do a ping test, to see if the server is alive. If the server is decom. The idea behind this, is if the server is not pingable, I don't want it being reported on, or any attempt to be made to connect to it, as it is just wasting time. I feel I am doing this wrong, but don't know how to do it corectly (a re-occurring theme you will here in this post lol)
If any FS is over 80% mark, then it should output to a text file with the servername, filesystem, size on one line <== very important for me
If the FS is under 80% full, then I don't want it in my output, it can me omitted completely.
I have created something that I will post below, and am hoping to get some help in figuring out where I am going wrong. I am very new to bash scripting, but have experience as a Unix admin (i have never been good at scripting).
Can anyone provide some direction and teach me where I am going wrong?
I will upload my script that i can confirm is working hopefully tomorrow. thanks everyone for your input in this!
Here is my "disk usage" linux script, i hope that help you.
df -H | awk '{ print $5 " " $6 }' | while read output;
echo $output
usep=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1 )
partition=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $2 }' )
if [ $usep -ge 90 ]; then
echo "Running out of space \"$partition ($usep%)\" on $(hostname) as on $(date)" |
mail -s "Warning! There is no space on the disk: $usep%" root#domain.com
Some trouble is here:
ping -c 1 -W 3 $i > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$i is offline" >> $LOG
You need a continue statement inside that if. Your program isn't really treating non-pingable hosts differently, just logging they're not pingable.
Okay, now I'm looking a little deeper, and there's more naive stuff in here. These shouldn't work:
SOLVARFS=$(df -h /var |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print $5}')
SOLUSRFS=$(df -h /usr |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print $5}')
SOLOPTFS=$(df -h /opt |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print $5}')
The problem with these lines is, the command substitution gets assigned to the variables before the ssh session happens. So the content of each variable is the command's result on your local system, not the command itself. Since you're doing command substitution around your ssh calls, it might well work just to rewrite these lines as (note the backslash escapes on $5):
SOLVARFS="df -h /var |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print \$5}'"
SOLUSRFS="df -h /usr |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print \$5}'"
SOLOPTFS="df -h /opt |cut -f5 |grep -v capacity |awk '{print \$5}'"
The part where you're contacting another server has some more stuff to correct. You don't need three if statements per server, and there's no reason to echo anything to /dev/null. Here's a rewrite for the SunOS section. For each directory you're checking, it outputs the host name, the command name (so you can see which dir was being checked), and the result:
if [[ $UNAME = "SunOS" ]]; then
RESULT=`ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=2 GSSAPIAuthentication=no -q $i ${!SSH_COMMAND}`
if ["$RESULT" -gt 80] ; do
echo "$i, $SSH_COMMAND, $RESULT" >> $LOG
Note that the ${!BLAH} construction is variable indirection. "Give me the contents of the variable named by BLAH".
Your original script does a bunch of things less-than-optimally. Rather than running an almost-identical block of code for each filesystem and each operating system, the thing to do would be to record the differences in a way that a SINGLE piece of code can iterate over all your objects, adapting as required.
Here's my take on this. Commands should appear ONCE, but
they get run multiple times by loops, and
they get run multiple ways using arrays.
The following script passes lint checks, but obviously this is untested, as I don't have your environment to test in.
You might still want to think about how your logging and notifications work.
# Assign temp file, remove it automatically upon successful exit.
tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/${0##*/}.XXXX)
trap "rm '$tmpfile'" 0
#NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%T")
NOW=$(date +"%F")
printf '' > "$LOG"
# Use variables to refer to commonly accessed files. If you change a name, just do it once.
# Commonly-used options need only be declared once. Use an array for easier management.
declare -a ssh_opts=()
ssh_opts+=(-o PasswordAuthentication=no)
ssh_opts+=(-o BatchMode=yes)
ssh_opts+=(-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no) # Eliminate prompts on new hosts
ssh_opts+=(-o ConnectTimeout=2) # This should make your `ping` unnecessary.
ssh_opts+=(-o GSSAPIAuthentication=no) # This is default. Do we really need it?
# Note: Associative arrays require Bash 4.x.
declare -A df_opts=(
declare -A df_column=(
# Fetch host list from configserver, stripping /^adm/ on the remote end.
ssh "${ssh_opts[#]}" -q configserver "sed 's/^adm//' /reports/*/HOSTNAME" > "$rawhostlist"
# Confirm that our host_os cache is up to date and process any missing hosts.
awk '
NR==FNR { h[$1]; next } # Add everything in rawhostlist to an array...
{ delete h[$1] } # Then remove any entries that exist in host_os.
for (i in h) print i # And print whatever remains.
}' "$rawhostlist" "$host_os" |
while read h; do
printf '%s\t%s\n' "$h" $(ssh "$h" "${ssh_opts[#]}" -q uname -s)
done >> "$host_os"
# Next, step through the host list and collect data.
while read host os; do
ssh "${ssh_opts[#]}" "$host" df "${df_opts[$os]}" /var /usr /opt |
awk -v column="${df_column[$os]}" -v host="$host" 'NR>1 { print host,$1,$column }'
done < "$host_os" > "$tmpfile"
# Now that we have all our data, check for warning/critical levels.
while read host filesystem usage; do
if [ "$usage" -gt 80 ]; then
elif [ "$usage" -gt 70 ]; then
# Log our results to our log file, AND send them to stderr.
printf "[%s] %s: %s:%s at %d%%\n" "$(date +"%F %T")" "$status" "$host" "$filesystem" "$usage" | tee -a "$LOG" >&2
done < "$tmpfile"
# Email and record our results.
if [ -s "$LOG" ]; then
mail -s "Daily Unix /var Report - $NOW" unixsystems#examplle.com < "$LOG"
mv "$LOG" /var/log/vm_reports/
Consider this example code. If you like the way it looks, your next task is to debug it, or open new questions for parts that you're having trouble debugging. :-)

Why can't this script execute the other script

This script looks for all users that have the string RECHERCHE inside them. I tried running it in sudo and it worked, but then stopped at line 8 (permission denied). Even when removing the sudo from the script, this issue still happens.
#challenge : user search and permission rewriting
echo -n "Enter string to search : "
echo $(cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" | cut -d: -f5 | grep -i "$RECHERCHE" | sed s/,//g)
echo "Changing permissions"
sudo ./challenge2 $(/etc/passwd) &
The second script then changes permissions of each file belonging to each user that RECHERCHE found, in the background. If you could help me figure out what this isn't doing right, it would be of great service. I
while read line
if [-z "$(grep "/home" | cut -d: -f5 | grep -i "$RECHERCHE")" ]
user=$(cut -f: -f1)
file=$(find / -user $(user))
if [$(stat -c %a file) >= 700]
chmod 700 file 2>> /home/$(user)/challenge.log
if [$(stat -c %a file) < 600]
chmod 600 file 2>> /home/$(user)/challenge.log
umask 177 2>> /home/$(user)/challenge.log
I have to idea what I'm doing.
the $(...) syntax means command substitution, that is: it will be replaced by the output of the command within the paranthesis.
since /etc/passwd is no command but just a text-file, you cannot execute it.
so if you want to pass the contents of /etc/passwd to your script, you would just call it:
./challenge2 < /etc/passwd
or, if you need special permissions to read the file, something like
sudo cat /etc/passwd | ./challenge2
also in your challenge2 script, you are using $(user) which is wrong as you really only want to expand the user variable: use curly braces for this, like ${user}
not what you were asking, but you probably should not read /etc/passwd directly anyhow.
if you want to get a list of users, use the following command:
$ getent passwd
this will probably give you more users than those stored in /etc/passwd, as your system might use other PAM backends (ldap,...)

"stdin: is not a tty" from cronjob

I'm getting the following mail every time I execute a specific cronjob. The called script runs fine when I'm calling it directly and even from cron. So the message I get is not an actual error, since the script does exactly what it is supposed to do.
Here is the cron.d entry:
* * * * * root /bin/bash -l -c "/opt/get.sh > /tmp/file"
and the get.sh script itself:
#group and url
# encryption
pass=$(echo -n $pass | xxd -ps | sed 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/&/g')
encrypted=$(wget -qO- ${url})
decoded=$(echo -n $encrypted | awk -F '#' '{print $1}')
iv=$(echo $encrypted | awk -F '#' '{print $2}' |base64 --decode | xxd -ps | sed 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/&/g')
# base64 decode input and save to file
output=$(echo -n $decoded | base64 --decode | openssl enc -${method} -d -nosalt -nopad -K ${pass} -iv ${iv})
if [ ! -z "${output}" ]; then
echo "${output}"
echo "Error while getting information"
When I'm not using the bash -l syntax the script hangs during the wget process. So my guess would be that it has something to do with wget and putting the output to stdout. But I have no idea how to fix it.
You actually have two questions here.
Why it prints stdin: is not a tty?
This warning message is printed by bash -l. The -l (--login) options asks bash to start the login shell, e.g. the one which is usually started when you enter your password. In this case bash expects its stdin to be a real terminal (e.g. the isatty(0) call should return 1), and it's not true if it is run by cron—hence this warning.
Another easy way to reproduce this warning, and the very common one, is to run this command via ssh:
$ ssh user#example.com 'bash -l -c "echo test"'
stdin: is not a tty
It happens because ssh does not allocate a terminal when called with a command as a parameter (one should use -t option for ssh to force the terminal allocation in this case).
Why it did not work without -l?
As correctly stated by #Cyrus in the comments, the list of files which bash loads on start depends on the type of the session. E.g. for login shells it will load /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile (see INVOCATION in manual bash(1)), while for non-login shells it will only load ~/.bashrc. It seems you defined your http_proxy variable only in one of the files loaded for login shells, but not in ~/.bashrc. You moved it to ~/.wgetrc and it's correct, but you could also define it in ~/.bashrc and it would have worked.
in your .profile, change
mesg n
if `tty -s`; then
mesg n
I ended up putting the proxy configuration in the wgetrc. There is now no need to execute the script on a login shell anymore.
This is not a real answer to the actual problem, but it solved mine.
If you run into this problem check if you are getting all the environment variables set as you expect. Thanks to Cyrus for putting me to the right direction.

How to check status of URLs from text file using bash shell script

I have to check the status of 200 http URLs and find out which of these are broken links. The links are present in a simple text file (say URL.txt present in my ~ folder). I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I am a Linux newbie. But I understand the bash shell is very powerful and could help me achieve what I want.
My exact requirement would be to read the text file which has the list of URLs and automatically check if the links are working and write the response to a new file with the URLs and their corresponding status (working/broken).
I created a file "checkurls.sh" and placed it in my home directory where the urls.txt file is also located. I gave execute privileges to the file using
$chmod +x checkurls.sh
The contents of checkurls.sh is given below:
while read url
urlstatus=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$url" )
echo "$url $urlstatus" >> urlstatus.txt
done < $1
Finally, I executed it from command line using the following -
$./checkurls.sh urls.txt
Voila! It works.
while read -ru 4 LINE; do
read -r REP < <(exec curl -IsS "$LINE" 2>&1)
echo "$LINE: $REP"
done 4< "$1"
bash script.sh urls-list.txt
http://not-exist.com/abc.html: curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'not-exist.com'
https://kernel.org/nothing.html: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
http://kernel.org/index.html: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
https://kernel.org/index.html: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
For everything, read the Bash Manual. See man curl, help, man bash as well.
What about to add some parallelism to the accepted solution. Lets modify the script chkurl.sh to be little easier to read and to handle just one request at a time:
URL=${1?Pass URL as parameter!}
curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out "$URL %{http_code} %{redirect_url}\n" "$URL"
And now you check your list using:
cat URL.txt | xargs -P 4 -L1 ./chkurl.sh
This could finish the job up to 4 times faster.
Herewith my full script that checks URLs listed in a file passed as an argument e.g. 'checkurls.sh listofurls.txt'.
What it does:
check url using curl and return HTTP status code
send email notifications when url returns other code than 200
create a temporary lock file for failed urls (file naming could be improved)
send email notification when url becoms available again
remove lock file once url becomes available to avoid further notifications
log events to a file and handle increasing log file size (AKA log
rotation, uncomment echo if code 200 logging required)
EMAIL=" your#email.com"
DATENOW=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
while read url
urlstatus=$(/usr/bin/curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$url" )
if [ "$urlstatus" = "200" ]
#echo "$DATENOW OK $urlstatus connection->$url" >> $LOG_FILE
[ -e $LOCK_FILE ] && /bin/rm -f -- $LOCK_FILE > /dev/null && /bin/mail -s "NOTIFICATION URL OK: $url" $EMAIL <<< 'The URL is back online'
echo "$DATENOW FAIL $urlstatus connection->$url" >> $LOG_FILE
if [ -e $LOCK_FILE ]
#no action - awaiting URL to be fixed
/bin/mail -s "NOTIFICATION URL DOWN: $url" $EMAIL <<< 'Failed to reach or URL problem'
/bin/touch $LOCK_FILE
done < $1
# alow up to 2000 lines average
size=$(/usr/bin/du -k "$LOG_FILE" | /bin/cut -f 1)
if [ $size -ge $maxsize ]; then
/bin/rm -f -- $LOG_FILE > /dev/null
echo "$DATENOW LOG file [$LOG_FILE] has been recreated" > $LOG_FILE
#do nothing
Please note that changing order of listed urls in text file will affect any existing lock files (remove all .lock files to avoid confusion). It would be improved by using url as file name but certain characters such as : # / ? & would have to be handled for operating system.
I recently released deadlink, a command-line tool for finding broken links in files. Install with
pip install deadlink
and use as
deadlink check /path/to/file/or/directory
deadlink replace-redirects /path/to/file/or/directory
The latter will replace permanent redirects (301) in the specified files.
Example output:
if your input file contains one url per line you can use a script to read each line, then try to ping the url, if ping success then the url is valid
while read line ;
if ping -c 1 $line &> /dev/null
echo "$line valid" >> $OUTPUT
echo "$line not valid " >> $OUTPUT
done < $INPUT
ping options :
-c count
Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets. With deadline option, ping waits for count ECHO_REPLY packets, until the timeout expires.
you can use this option as well to limit waiting time
-W timeout
Time to wait for a response, in seconds. The option affects only timeout in absense
of any responses, otherwise ping waits for two RTTs.
curl -s -I --http2 http://$1 >> fullscan_curl.txt | cut -d: -f1 fullscan_curl.txt | cat fullscan_curl.txt | grep HTTP >> fullscan_httpstatus.txt
its work me
