PXUIRequired BQL statement - acumatica

Page: AR303000
I need to change my BQL statement from a where to a where2.
My end goal is that if the customerClassID is 02 or 03 that the Attention field becomes Required
Below is the Where2 that needs to be fixed:
<Customer.customerClassID, Equal<attentionRequiredCustomerClass02>>, Or<Customer.customerClassID, Equal<attentionRequiredCustomerClass03>>>))]
This is the code snippet:
//create constant class to check the CustomerClassID that is a string
public const string AttentionRequiredCustomerClass02 = "02";
public class attentionRequiredCustomerClass02 : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<attentionRequiredCustomerClass02>
public attentionRequiredCustomerClass02() : base(AttentionRequiredCustomerClass02) {; }
//create constant class to check the CustomerClassID that is a string
public const string AttentionRequiredCustomerClass03 = "03";
public class attentionRequiredCustomerClass03 : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<attentionRequiredCustomerClass03>
public attentionRequiredCustomerClass03() : base(AttentionRequiredCustomerClass03) {; }
//merge the attribute with the existing, setting the making Attention required when CustomerClassID = 2
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Merge)]
[PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
//selector follows the contact's baccount to get the customer class, and compares it to the bql constant created above.
//[PXUIRequired(typeof(Where2<Where<Customer.customerClassID, Equal<attentionRequiredCustomerClass02>>, Or<Customer.customerClassID, Equal<attentionRequiredCustomerClass03>>>))]
[PXUIRequired(typeof(Where<Selector <Contact.bAccountID,Customer.customerClassID>, Equal<attentionRequiredCustomerClass02>>))]
protected virtual void Contact_Attention_CacheAttached(PXCache cache)
{ }
The [PXUIRequired] that is not commented out is working I need to incorporate the attentionRequiredCustomerClass03 into my statement.
My end goal is that if the customerClassID is 02 or 03 that the Attention field becomes Required

The PXUIRequired approach was not working on my end either.
This other approach worked correctly during the creation of new Customers:
protected virtual void Contact_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
if (e.Row == null)
Customer row = this.Base.CurrentCustomer.Current;
PXDefaultAttribute.SetPersistingCheck<Contact.attention>(sender, e.Row, row.CustomerClassID == "02" || row.CustomerClassID == "03" ? PXPersistingCheck.NullOrBlank : PXPersistingCheck.Nothing);
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Merge)]
[PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
protected virtual void Contact_Attention_CacheAttached(PXCache cache)
{ }
Be aware that for existing records, if the custom class was changed, the validation was not enforced unless any other field from the Contact form was changed. Most likely because the cache is not modified therefore its corresponding events are not executed.


How to get DAC record from Note Table

Does anyone have a code snippet on how to go from RefNoteId => DAC when I dont know what dac type the note is attached to?
I have made it this far (row.RefNoteID is what I am starting from)
Note note = PXSelect<Note, Where<Note.noteID, Equal<Required<Note.noteID>>>>.Select(this, row.RefNoteID);
Type recordType = Type.GetType(note.EntityType);
PXCache recordCache = Caches[recordType];
How can I now do a PXSelect<recordType, Where<recodType.noteID, Equal<Required<recordType.noteID>>>>.Select(GRAPH) ? The recordType could be any DAC in the system that has a noteID.
The below code works for me and it is based on the way Acumatica gets the record inside the PXRefNoteSelectorAttribute.PrimaryRow_RowPersisted.
The problem with this approach is that this will work for Header entities like SOOrder, INRegister, SOInvoice, SOShipment, and others. But for "detail" entities like SOLine, INTran, and others this approach will work only if that corresponding record has some Note related to Text/File. Acumatica is adding records corresponding to their NoteID into the Note table only if that detail records have some Note/Text. My best guess is that this is done in order to avoid over-spamming the Note table.
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.SO;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Compilation;
namespace SearchByNoteID
// Acuminator disable once PX1016 ExtensionDoesNotDeclareIsActiveMethod extension should be constantly active
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public PXAction<SOOrder> searchByNoteID;
[PXUIField(DisplayName ="Search by Note ID")]
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
public virtual IEnumerable SearchByNoteID(PXAdapter adapter)
var order = adapter.Get<SOOrder>().FirstOrDefault();
Guid? noteID = GetNoteID();
object record = GetRecordByNoteID(noteID);
//... do whatever you want with the record
return adapter.Get();
protected object GetRecordByNoteID(Guid? noteID)
var type = GetEntityType(this.Base, noteID);
if(type==null) return null;
object entityRow = new EntityHelper(this.Base).GetEntityRow(type, noteID);
return entityRow;
protected Type GetEntityType(PXGraph graph, Guid? noteID)
if (noteID == null)
return null;
Note note = PXSelectBase<Note, PXSelect<Note, Where<Note.noteID, Equal<Required<Note.noteID>>>>.Config>.SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, new object[]
if (note == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(note.EntityType))
return null;
return PXBuildManager.GetType(note.EntityType, false);

Global Generic Field Update Event

I have 50+ custom paired fields "Inches" and "Centimeters", each enabled and editable. I need to update "Inches" if the user changed the value of "Centimeters" and visa verse. I was able to do this using SetValuePending on one of the paired fields and SetValueExt on the other during the Field Updated Event. My question, is there a way to do this on a higher level without having to do a Field_Updated event for all the 100+ fields. I know that Formulas would create a circular reference so cannot be used. Thanks
Well, you can use one method to handle FieldUpdated events for all fields you need using graph FieldUpdated.AddHandler method in constructor. To get a field name just extend a standard Acumatica FieldUpdated delegate with one additional parameter (name for example) and put it during the FieldUpdated.AddHandler call.
Here is an example with "Invoices and Memos" screen and ARInvoiceEntry graph.
public ARInvoiceEntry()
FieldUpdated.AddHandler(typeof(ARTran), typeof(ARTran.inches).Name, (sender, e) => CommonFieldUpdated(sender, e, typeof(ARTran.inches).Name));
FieldUpdated.AddHandler(typeof(ARTran), typeof(ARTran.centimeters).Name, (sender, e) => CommonFieldUpdated(sender, e, typeof(ARTran.centimeters).Name));
protected virtual void CommonFieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e, string name)
// do something
Moreover, you can add handlers dynamically using fields collection for example
foreach(var field in Caches[typeof(ARTran)].Fields)
// add handler depends on field name
You can do it by PXFormula + ExternalValue BQL expression (the same as PXRowUpdatedEventArgs.ExternalCall for example), which will prevent circular reference between pair fields. The idea is to calculate field only when a related field has been changed by the user from UI (ExternalCall = true) and skip calculation when related field updated by the formula (ExternalCall = false).
public class centimetersInInches : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Constant<centimetersInInches>
public centimetersInInches() : base(2.54m) { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Inches")]
[PXUnboundDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXFormula(typeof(ExternalValue<Div<centimeters, centimetersInInches>>))]
public virtual decimal? Inches { get; set; }
public abstract class inches : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<inches> { }
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Centimeters")]
[PXUnboundDefault(TypeCode.Decimal, "0.0")]
[PXFormula(typeof(ExternalValue<Mult<inches, centimetersInInches>>))]
public virtual decimal? Centimeters { get; set; }
public abstract class centimeters : PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Field<centimeters> { }
And aspx
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="Inches" CommitChanges="True" />
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="Centimeters" CommitChanges="True" />
You can use the RowUpdated event and compare the old row with the new row to detect which field changed. I agree that keeping all logic in a single method is preferable.
public virtual void DAC_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
DAC row = e.Row as DAC;
DAC oldRow = e.OldRow as DAC;
if (row == null || oldRow == null) return;
// Compare old row with new row to determine which field changed
if (row.Inches != oldRow.Inches)
// Inches field changed, update CM value
row.CM = row.Inches * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
// Add more conditions for the other fields
I know that Formulas would create a circular reference so cannot be
Yes I wouldn't recommend it either, you could use the DAC property Setter though.
public string _Inches
public virtual string Inches
return this._Inches;
this._Inches = value;
this.CM = value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
For all solution (except Formula/DAC attributes) I think a condition to stop recursion should be possible if it's absolutely necessary:
if (this.CM != value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT)
this.CM = value * INCHES_TO_CM_CONSTANT;
Ideally proper use/avoidance of SetValueExt to control when events are raised (Ext method raises events) would be enough to stop infinite loops.

How can I restrict Site ID (Whse) selection to only the current branch?

While it is easy in thought to just limit records to INSite.branchID = AccessInfo.branchID, the need is a bit more complex. I thought that I found a simple solution when looking at the DAC for INTran to find:
#region SiteID
public abstract class siteID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<siteID> { }
protected Int32? _SiteID;
[IN.SiteAvail(typeof(INTran.inventoryID), typeof(INTran.subItemID))]
[InterBranchRestrictor(typeof(Where<SameOrganizationBranch<INSite.branchID, Current<INRegister.branchID>>>))]
public virtual Int32? SiteID
return this._SiteID;
this._SiteID = value;
which has an intriguing attribute for InterBranchRestrictor. After a little digging, I found this attribute actually is used rather widely in Acumatica, but it appears to be limited to only Report Graphs and enabling the feature for Inter-Branch Transactions. Easy enough, I enabled the feature and tried an Inventory Issue again. No luck. I still could select a site id for a different branch.
So far, I only have limited control by creating a graph extension on INIssueEntry to set and validate the site ID. But what I really want is to limit the selector to only site id's of the current branch.
protected void _(Events.FieldDefaulting<INTran.siteID> e)
PXResultset<INSite> Results = PXSelect<INSite, Where<INSite.branchID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.branchID>>>>.Select(Base);
if (Results.Count == 1)
foreach (PXResult<INSite> result in Results)
INSite site = result;
e.NewValue = site.SiteID;
e.Cancel = true;
protected void _(Events.FieldVerifying<INTran.siteID> e)
int? siteID = (int?)e.NewValue;
INTran row = (INTran)e.Row;
INSite site = PXSelect<INSite, Where<INSite.siteID, Equal<Required<INSite.siteID>>,
And<INSite.branchID, Equal<Current<AccessInfo.branchID>>>>>.Select(Base, siteID);
if(siteID != null && site?.SiteID == null)
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetError<INTran.siteID>(e.Cache, row, "Invalid Warehouse for Branch");
I really want to leverage what it seems like
[InterBranchRestrictor(typeof(Where<SameOrganizationBranch<INSite.branchID, Current<INRegister.branchID>>>))]
does, but clearly I just don't understand what it does. Alternatively, if I could add a where clause to
[IN.SiteAvail(typeof(INTran.inventoryID), typeof(INTran.subItemID))]
then I could restrict the list to the current branch that way, but I'm struggling to make that work as well. (Problems around implementing the PXForeignReference attribute in the extension needed to override the field definition.)
How can I restrict (in a manner that can be replicated efficiently throughout Acumatica) branch specific records to only site ID's of the current branch?
The InterBranchRestrictorAttribute is checking the graph to be working from a Report or the Inter-Branch Transactions feature to be turned on in the IsReportOrInterBranchFeatureEnabled method, so you need to remove this from your implementation.
You can write your own PXResrictorAttribute in the way shown in the example below:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class CustomRestrictorAttribute: PXRestrictorAttribute
public CustomRestrictorAttribute(Type where) : base(CustomRestrictorAttribute.EmptyWhere, "Restrictor Message.", Array.Empty<Type>())
this._interBranchWhere = where;
protected override BqlCommand WhereAnd(PXCache sender, PXSelectorAttribute selattr, Type Where)
return base.WhereAnd(sender, selattr, this._interBranchWhere);
private static readonly Type EmptyWhere = typeof(Where<True, Equal<True>>);
protected Type _interBranchWhere;
And apply it to the DAC field like below:
[SiteAvail(typeof(SOLine.inventoryID), typeof(SOLine.subItemID))]
[PXParent(typeof(Select<SOOrderSite, Where<SOOrderSite.orderType, Equal<Current<SOLine.orderType>>, And<SOOrderSite.orderNbr, Equal<Current<SOLine.orderNbr>>, And<SOOrderSite.siteID, Equal<Current2<SOLine.siteID>>>>>>), LeaveChildren = true, ParentCreate = true)]
[PXDefault(PersistingCheck = PXPersistingCheck.Nothing)]
[PXUIRequired(typeof(IIf<Where<SOLine.lineType, NotEqual<SOLineType.miscCharge>>, True, False>))]
[InterBranchRestrictor(typeof(Where2<SameOrganizationBranch<INSite.branchID, Current<SOOrder.branchID>>,
Or<Current<SOOrder.behavior>, Equal<SOBehavior.qT>>>))]
protected virtual void SOLine_SiteID_CacheAttached(PXCache cache)

Acumatica Scan barcode

In Acumatica project , on Receipt screen have a lookup button "Add Item". When Inventory lookup show dialog ( it's FromDetail template ), i will scan barcode from my bill. But, i must scan second times it to working.
How can i to filter grid details and set checked a row filtered according barcode ? And how can to know row count filtered? . Please help me.
The below figure illustrates.
snip code
Screen Receipt
You will be in a much better position with FieldVerifying handler implemented as follows for the INSiteStatusFilter.BarCode field to split scanned barcode and assign the new values both to BarCode field (though the PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs.New property) and custom unbound FilterQtySelected field. Then inside the FieldUpdated handler you will select all records from the detail grid, that satisfy filter condition and set Qty. Selected according to your unbound FilterQtySelected field:
public class INReceiptEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<INReceiptEntry>
public class INSiteStatusFilterExt : PXCacheExtension<INSiteStatusFilter>
#region QtySelected
public abstract class filterQtySelected : PX.Data.IBqlField
public virtual decimal? FilterQtySelected { get; set; }
public void INSiteStatusFilter_BarCode_FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
var barCode = (string)e.NewValue;
string[] codes = barCode.Split(';');
decimal qtySelected;
if (codes.Length == 3 && decimal.TryParse(codes[2], out qtySelected))
e.NewValue = codes[1];
sender.GetExtension<INSiteStatusFilterExt>(e.Row).FilterQtySelected = qtySelected;
sender.GetExtension<INSiteStatusFilterExt>(e.Row).FilterQtySelected = null;
public void INSiteStatusFilter_BarCode_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
INSiteStatusFilter filter = e.Row as INSiteStatusFilter;
var filterExt = filter.GetExtension<INSiteStatusFilterExt>();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.BarCode) || !filterExt.FilterQtySelected.HasValue) return;
foreach(INSiteStatusSelected record in Base.sitestatus.Select())
record.Selected = true;
record.QtySelected = sender.GetExtension<INSiteStatusFilterExt>(e.Row).FilterQtySelected;
You will need to add your custom 2D format support on the existing barcode infrastructure screens via a customization project.

Retrieving values of ReadOnly fields from DynamicData DetailsView in Edit Mode on Updating using LinqDataSource

I have several tables in my database that have read-only fields that get set on Inserting and Updating, namely: AddDate (DateTime), AddUserName (string), LastModDate (DateTime), LastModUserName (string).
All of the tables that have these values have been set to inherit from the following interface:
public interface IUserTrackTable
string AddUserName { get; set; }
DateTime AddDate { get; set; }
string LastModUserName { get; set; }
DateTime LastModDate { get; set; }
As such, I have the following method on the Edit.aspx page:
protected void DetailsDataSource_Updating(object sender, LinqDataSourceUpdateEventArgs e)
IUserTrackTable newObject = e.NewObject as IUserTrackTable;
if (newObject != null)
newObject.LastModUserName = User.Identity.Name;
newObject.LastModDate = DateTime.Now;
However, by the time it hits this method, the e.OriginalObject has already lost the values for all four fields, so a ChangeConflictException gets thrown during the actual Update. I have tried adding the four column names to the DetailsView1.DataKeyNames array in the Init event handler:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
// other things happen before this
var readOnlyColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => c.Attributes.SingleOrDefaultOfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>(ReadOnlyAttribute.Default).IsReadOnly).Select(c => c.Name);
DetailsView1.DataKeyNames = DetailsView1.DataKeyNames.Union<string>(readOnlyColumns).ToArray<string>();
DetailsView1.RowsGenerator = new CustomFieldGenerator(table, PageTemplates.Edit, false);
// other things happen after this
I've tried making that code only happen on PostBack, and still nothing. I'm at a lose for how to get the values for all of the columns to make the round-trip.
The only thing the CustomFieldGenerator is handling the ReadOnlyAttribute, following the details on C# Bits.
UPDATE: After further investigation, the values make the round trip to the DetailsView_ItemUpdating event. All of the values are present in the e.OldValues dictionary. However, they are lost by the time it gets to the LinqDataSource_Updating event.
Obviously, there are the "solutions" of making those columns not participate in Concurrency Checks or other ways that involve hard-coding, but the ideal solution would dynamically add the appropriate information where needed so that this stays as a Dynamic solution.
i Drovani, I assume you want data auditing (see Steve Sheldon's A Method to Handle Audit Fields in LINQ to SQL), I would do this in the model in EF4 you can do it like this:
partial void OnContextCreated()
// Register the handler for the SavingChanges event.
this.SavingChanges += new EventHandler(context_SavingChanges);
private static void context_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
// handle auditing
AuditingHelperUtility.ProcessAuditFields(objects.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified), InsertMode: false);
internal static class AuditingHelperUtility
internal static void ProcessAuditFields(IEnumerable<Object> list, bool InsertMode = true)
foreach (var item in list)
IAuditable entity = item as IAuditable;
if (entity != null)
if (InsertMode)
entity.InsertedBy = GetUserId();
entity.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now;
entity.UpdatedBy = GetUserId();
entity.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
Sadly this is not possible with EF v1
