**Edit: I managed to find solution for my problem so i put the correct code in place. Everything works perfect now.
I'm trying to complete the last stage of a project in Jetbrains Academy but I can't make my approach to the problem work:
It gives the user the solution for the knights tour in chess if it exists by taking their inputs. I know that there are working solutions out there, but I would like to make it work with the approach I have taken.
I can't make it work. Although, it works fine when the player plays with and I had cut the extra lines.
Input: A 4x3 board, and 1 3 (column/row)
My implementation gives 2 possible moves [(3, 2), (2, 1)]. It then continues for the possible values of 2 1 and it goes all the way down until it has no other solutions. Then it stops. Those inputs works because they dont require further search in the inside possible valid move. It doesn't check multiple paths that exist at the deeper level.
I don't understand why this happens. Where is the problem in the code?
Initialization of the board (there are extra variables because of the previous steps):
# Write your code here
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
# With that recursion limit you can test boards up to 40x40 instantly.
# Without this you can test easily up to 30 x 30 any value
# and up to 35x35 any value except edge columns / rows ex 1 4 / 4 1.
class ChessBoard:
def __init__(self, dimensions: str):
self.game_over = False
self.valid_grid = True
self.dimensions = self.board_validation(dimensions.strip().split())
if self.valid_grid:
self.x = self.dimensions[0]
self.y = self.dimensions[1]
self.cell_length = len(str(self.x * self.y)) # Cell format helper for spaces
self.board = [[(x, y) for x in range(1, self.x + 1)] for y in range(self.y, 0, -1)]
self.visual = [["_" * self.cell_length for _ in range(1, self.x + 1)] for _ in range(self.y, 0, -1)]
self.moves_visit = {key: False for i in range(len(self.board)) for key in self.board[i]}
# We need duplicates to reverse the state of the board if we want:
# to continue the game - try other initial move for the valid movements pool
self.board_duplicate = deepcopy(self.board)
self.visual_duplicate = deepcopy(self.visual)
self.moves_visit_duplicate = deepcopy(self.moves_visit)
self.x_boundaries = {i for i in range(1, self.x + 1)}
self.y_boundaries = {i for i in range(1, self.y + 1)}
self.valid_moves = [] # Helper for getting instant valid_moves for the player.
self.is_first_move = True # With that we make it easier to differentiate the first move from other inputs.
self.movements_made = 0 # Move counter direct connection with the AI solution finder and the AI move
self.board_dimensions = self.x * self.y
self.has_solution = False
self.initial_move_for_ai = None
self.first_valid_move = set({})
self.moves_placed = set({}) # Fast comparison to check if the ai_play function will return from recursion
self.total_moves = 0
self.find_solution_mode = False
def set_first(self):
if self.is_first_move:
self.is_first_move = False
def board_validation(self, board_dimensions):
if len(board_dimensions) != 2:
self.valid_grid = False
return False
x = int(board_dimensions[0])
y = int(board_dimensions[1])
if x <= 0 or y <= 0:
self.valid_grid = False
return False
self.valid_grid = True
return x, y
except ValueError:
self.valid_grid = False
return False
def move_validation(self, move_to_validate):
if isinstance(move_to_validate, tuple) and move_to_validate[0] in self.x_boundaries and \
move_to_validate[1] in self.y_boundaries:
return move_to_validate
values = move_to_validate.split()
if len(values) != 2:
return False
column = int(values[0])
row = int(values[1])
movement = (column, row)
if column not in self.x_boundaries or row not in self.y_boundaries:
return False
if not self.is_first_move and self.moves_visit[movement]:
return False
if not self.is_first_move and movement not in self.valid_moves:
return False
return movement
except ValueError:
return False
# Knight movement. X for player - Movement number for AI
def knight_move(self, movement, solution_mode=False):
if self.movements_made == 0:
movement = self.move_validation(movement)
for m in range(len(self.board)):
if movement in self.board[m]:
index_of_move = self.board[m].index(movement)
if not self.moves_visit[movement]:
if not solution_mode:
self.visual[m][index_of_move] = " " * (self.cell_length - 1) + "X"
move = "" * (self.cell_length - 3) + str(self.movements_made + 1)
self.visual[m][index_of_move] = move.rjust(self.cell_length)
self.movements_made += 1
self.moves_visit[movement] = True
return movement
return False
# Calculating exact moves to chose from. We return index based values based on visual repr
# and also player based values (2, 1), (3, 2) etc.. columns / rows
def move_calculation(self, movement_to_calc):
movement = movement_to_calc
value_to_process = [(-2, -1), (-2, 1), (-1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (-1, -2), (1, -2)]
possible_calculations = [(movement[0] + value_to_process[i][0], movement[1] +
value_to_process[i][1]) for i in range(len(value_to_process))]
final_possible_indexes = [(r, self.board[r].index(j)) for r in range(len(self.board))
for j in possible_calculations if j in self.board[r] and not self.moves_visit[j]]
final_possible_indexes_translation = [self.board[i][j] for i, j in final_possible_indexes]
return final_possible_indexes, final_possible_indexes_translation
# Function that is used to calculate how many moves we have for the valid placements on board
def depth_calc(self, valid_move):
x, y = self.move_calculation(valid_move)
return len(x)
# Similar to move_calculation but this one is used to register primary valid moves for player on board
# And also to check the state of players game and outputting the depth values for the valid moves.
def possible_moves(self, main_move):
moves, moves_translation = self.move_calculation(main_move)
combined_index_translation = set(zip(moves, moves_translation))
except TypeError:
return False
if not self.find_solution_mode:
for i, j in combined_index_translation:
col, row = i[0], i[1]
if not self.moves_visit[j]:
self.visual[col][row] = f'{" " * (self.cell_length - 1)}{self.depth_calc(j) - 1}'
self.valid_moves = moves_translation
return moves_translation
# Board update based on the moves_visit state True/False (if we visited or not)
def board_updater(self):
for i in range(len(self.board)):
for j in range(len(self.board[i])):
move_to_check = self.board[i][j]
if self.moves_visit[move_to_check]:
self.visual[i][j] = f'{" " * (self.cell_length - 1)}*'
self.visual[i][j] = f'{" " * (self.cell_length - 1)}_'
# Getting all primary valid moves to work with
def get_valid_moves(self, from_move):
valid = self.possible_moves(from_move)
if valid:
return valid
return False
# Key function for the ai_play function. It gives us the valid move with the minimum depth.
def lower_move(self, valid_values):
lengths = {i: self.depth_calc(i) for i in valid_values}
min_depth = min(lengths, key=lengths.get)
return min_depth
# Recursive function that is giving us the solution for the inputted move
def ai_play(self, move, pool, n):
if not self.moves_placed:
if n == 1:
if len(self.moves_placed) == self.board_dimensions:
self.has_solution = True
return True
if self.total_moves >= self.board_dimensions ** 4:
return False
self.total_moves += 1
if pool:
best_move = self.lower_move(pool)
ai_move = self.knight_move(best_move, solution_mode=True)
if ai_move:
possible_moves = self.get_valid_moves(ai_move)
if self.ai_play(ai_move, possible_moves, n + 1):
return True
first_move = self.knight_reset()
first_pool = self.get_valid_moves(first_move)
new_pool = set(first_pool).difference(self.first_valid_move)
self.ai_play(first_move, list(new_pool), 1)
except RecursionError:
return False
except IndexError:
print("We tested all initial valid moves and failed.\nChoose one cell higher column and try again")
return False
# Resets the important variables of the board. Crucial if ai_play doesn't find a solution with first try.
def ai_play_reset(self):
self.board = deepcopy(self.board_duplicate)
self.visual = deepcopy(self.visual_duplicate)
self.moves_visit = deepcopy(self.moves_visit_duplicate)
self.movements_made = 0
self.has_solution = False
# Checks the state of the player's game.
def check_end(self):
if not self.valid_moves:
self.game_over = True
if self.movements_made + 1 == self.board_dimensions:
self.has_solution = True
print("What a great tour! Congratulations!")
return False
print(f"No more possible moves!\nYour knight visited {self.movements_made + 1} squares!")
return False
# Resets the Knight position to the initial for the ai_play function
def knight_reset(self):
main_move = self.knight_move(self.initial_move_for_ai, solution_mode=True)
return main_move
# Helper function that manages the outputs of the ai_play function regarding if player want a solution or not
def ai_solution_test(self, move, for_player=False):
if self.board_dimensions in {16, 4, 9}:
print("No solution exists!")
return False
self.initial_move_for_ai = move
self.find_solution_mode = True
movement = self.knight_move(move, solution_mode=True)
self.initial_move_for_ai = movement
valid_moves = self.get_valid_moves(movement)
while True:
self.ai_play(movement, valid_moves, 1)
if self.has_solution:
if not for_player:
print("\nHere's the solution!")
self.find_solution_mode = False
return True
def __str__(self):
visualization = [" ".rjust(self.cell_length - 1) + "-" * (self.x * (self.cell_length + 1) + 3)]
for i in range(len(self.visual)):
main_chess = " ".join([str(len(self.visual) - i).rjust(self.cell_length - 1) + "|", *self.visual[i], "|"])
visualization.append(" " * (self.cell_length - 1) + "-" * (self.x * (self.cell_length + 1) + 3))
" ".rjust(self.cell_length + 2) + " ".join([f"{i}".center(self.cell_length) for i in range(1, self.x + 1)]))
return "\n".join(visualization)
def main():
while True:
board = ChessBoard(input("Enter your board's dimensions: "))
if not board.valid_grid:
print("Invalid dimensions!", end=" ")
while True:
knight_move = board.move_validation(input("Enter the knight's starting position: "))
if not knight_move:
print("Invalid move!", end=" ")
while True:
puzzle_try = input("Do you want to try the puzzle? (y/n): ")
if puzzle_try not in {"y", "n"}:
print("Invalid input!", end=" ")
if puzzle_try == "y":
check_if_solution = board.ai_solution_test(knight_move, for_player=True)
if check_if_solution:
while not board.game_over:
next_move = board.knight_move(input("Enter your next move: "))
if next_move:
print("Invalid move!", end=" ")
if board.game_over:
if __name__ == "__main__":
I am trying to create a simple encryption scheme. The scheme is working fine when I take input of the plain text in uppercase. But when I take input of the plain text in lowercase, it is not decrypted correctly.
Can anyone help me to find out the solution?
Here is my code:
def generateKey(string, key):
key = list(key)
st = list(string)
if len(string) == len(key):
x=len(string) -len(key)
if x>0:
for i in range(x):
key.append(key[i % len(key)])
for j in range(y):
return("" . join(key),"" . join(st))
def cipherText(string, key):
cipher_text = []
for i in range(len(string)):
if string[i]== " ":
x = ord(string[I])
abc = ord(string[i]) + ord(key[I])
x = (abc + 2) % 26
x += ord('A')
ci="" . join(cipher_text)
rev = ""
for i in ci:
rev = i + rev
def originalText(cipher_text, key):
orig_text = []
re_rev= ""
for i in cipher_text:
re_rev = i + re_rev
for i in range(len(re_rev)):
if re_rev[i]== " ":
x = ord(re_rev[I])
abc = ord(re_rev[i]) - ord(key[i]) + 26
x = (abc - 2) % 26
x += ord('A')
return("" . join(orig_text))
if __name__ == "__main__":
string = input("Enter Plain Text: ")
keyword = input("Enter Keyword: ")
key,stri = generateKey(string, keyword)
cipher_text = cipherText(stri,key)
print("Ciphertext :", cipher_text)
print("Original/Decrypted Text :",
originalText(cipher_text, key))
I have this problem statement where I have a column of patterns that were if the first four bytes have date it should replace those four bytes to ccyy and the rest to N and zeros to Z's
eg. 20190045689 -> CCYYZZNNNNN
if space we need to consider the space as well.
66-7830956 -> NN-NNNZNNN
def patternGeneration(string):
x = re.findall("[\s0-9a-zA-Z]", string)
n = len(x)
j = 0
r = re.compile("\A[^(19|20)]")
y = list(filter(r.match, x))
b = len(y)
for i in range(0, b):
if y[i] == "0":
y[i] = 0
elif y[i] == " ":
y[i] = " "
y[i] = "n"
for i in range(0, n):
if x[i] == "0":
x[i] = 0
j = j + 1
elif x[i] == " ":
x[i] = " "
j = j + 1
x[i] = "n"
str1 = input("enter the string\t")
#convert to new format
def convert(string):
# check for year
head = string[:4]
tail = string[4:]
if head.isnumeric():
if 1900 <= int(head) <= 2099:
head = "CCYY"
new_string = head + tail
return "".join(["Z" if x == "0" else "N" if x.isnumeric() else x for x in str(new_string)])
sample = "20196705540"
sample = "66-7830956"
I've altered the if/else statements several times and either only the if statement will be executed even if it's not true or only the else statement will be executed even if it's not true.
def interview():
""" NoneType -> NoneType
Interview the user. """
name = input("What is your name?")
unit = input("What is you preferred choice of unit - standard or imperial?")
weight = float(input("What is your weight?"))
height = float(input("What is your height?"))
a = float(bmi_std(weight, height))
b = float(bmi_std_prime(weight, height))
c = float(bmi_imp(weight, height))
d = float(bmi_imp_prime(weight, height))
e = str(category(weight, height, 's'))
f = str(category(weight, height, 'i'))
print("So," + name + ", your preferred unit is" + unit + ".")
print("Your weight", weight)
print("Your height", height)
if str(unit == 'imperial'):
print("BMI = " + str(c) + " and your BMI prime = " + str(d))
print("Category = " + f)
print("BMI = " + str(a) + " and your BMI prime = " + str(b))
print("Category = " + e)
This is just part of my code. Is there something wrong in the way its written because it looks fine to me. I'm only an intro to programming.
I can see an issue right away
if str(unit == 'imperial'): should be if str(unit) == 'imperial':
I have this code:
def findwordfiles(title):
name =[]
chekname =[]
title = title.strip()
found = 0
searchdir = '/Volumes/public/auryn/Marketing/Metadata/Auryn Reader'
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(searchdir):
name = list(title)
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith((".docx")):
if ("Auryn_Reader_Meta_Data - " in filename):
hellname = filename.replace ("Auryn_Reader_Meta_Data - ","")
hellname = hellname.lower()
chekname = list(hellname)
for i in range (0, len(chekname)):
if (j < len(name)):
if name[j] == chekname[i]:
if j == (len(name)-1):
#raw_input("found! "+ title + " in file" + str(filename) )
target = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..")
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(dirname,filename), target)
found = 1
j = j+1
if( j/len(name) > 0.4):
if ( j/len(name) > matchpage):
closematch = str(filename)
matchpage = j/len(name)
if found == 0 :
selection = raw_input ("no matches found, Closeset match = " + closematch +"match %age = " + str(matchpage) + " accept? (Y/N)")
if (selection == 'y' or selection == 'Y'):
target = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..")
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(dirname,closematch), target)
print "Skipped copying!"
When i run this, I get an error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'closematch' referenced before assignment on the marked line near the bottom.
What am I doing wrong?
You have not initialized closematch . The error indicates that the program never ran these lines :-
if( j/len(name) > 0.4):
if ( j/len(name) > matchpage):
closematch = str(filename)
i.e. it didn't even find a closematch.