Keras: Time CNN+LSTM for video recognition - keras

I am trying to implement the Model shown in the above picture that basically consists of time-distributed CNNs followed by a sequence of LSTMs using Keras with TF.
I have divided two types of class, and extract the frames from each video captured. The frames extract is variable, do not fix.
However, I am having a problem trying to figure out How can I load my image frames for each video in each class to become x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test.
model = Sequential()
Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu'),
input_shape=(data.num_frames, data.width, data.height, 1)
I don't know how to type in the data.num_frames if each video contains n different number of frames extracted.
The inputs are small videos just 3-8 seconds (i.e. a sequence of frames).

You can use None since this dimension doesn't affect the number of trainable weights of your model.
You will have problems, though, to create a batch of videos with numpy, since numpy doesn't accept variable sizes.
You can train each video individually, or you can create dummy frames (zero padding) to make all videos reach the same max length. Then use a Masking layer to ignore these frames. (Certain Keras versions have problems when using TimeDistributed + Masking)


Multiple Images as one input in Keras CNN

I am trying to build an image classification model with Keras that should be able to classify cups as "good condition" or "defect". This was easy to do with a single image as input. However, I now want to try feeding 6 images, one from every angle(top, bottom, side etc), as input. What would be the best approach for this ? My initial idea was a np array of shape (6, width, height, 3), but this deemed unsuitable.

What do units and layers do in neural network?

model = keras.Sequential([
# the hidden ReLU layers
layers.Dense(units=4, activation='relu', input_shape=[2]),
layers.Dense(units=3, activation='relu'),
# the linear output layer
The above is a Keras sequential model example from Kaggle. I'm having a problem understanding these two things.
Are the units the number of nodes in a hidden layer? I see some people put 250 or what ever. What does the number do when it gets changed higher or lower?
Why would another hidden layer need to be added? What does it actually do the data to add more and more layers?
Answers in brief
units is representing how many neurons in a particular layer.When you have higher number,model has higher parameters to update during learning.Same thing goes to layers as well.(more layers and more neurons take more time to train the model).selecting how many neurons is depend on the use case and dataset and model architecture.
When you have more hidden layers, you have more parameters to update.More parameters and layers meaning model is able to understand complex relationships hidden in the data. For example when you have a image classification(multiple), you need more deep layers with neurons to understand the features in the image, which use to classify in final layer.
play with tensorflow playground,it will give great idea when you change the layers and neurons.

LSTM Autoencoder for Anomaly detection in time series, correct way to fit model

I'm trying to find correct examples of using LSTM Autoencoder for defining anomalies in time series data in internet and see a lot of examples, where LSTM Autoencoder model are fitted with labels, which are future time steps for feature sequences (as for usual time series forecasting with LSTM), but I suppose, that this kind of model should be trained with labels which are the same sequence as sequence of features (previous time steps).
The first link in the google by this searching for example -
1.This function defines the way to get labels (y feature)
def create_sequences(X, **y**, time_steps=TIME_STEPS):
Xs, ys = [], []
for i in range(len(X)-time_steps):
return np.array(Xs), np.array(ys)
X_train, **y_train** = create_sequences(train[['Close']], train['Close'])
X_test, y_test = create_sequences(test[['Close']], test['Close'])
2.Model is fitted as follow
history =, **y_train**, epochs=100, batch_size=32, validation_split=0.1,
callbacks=[keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3, mode='min')], shuffle=False)
Could you kindly comment the way how Autoencoder is implemented in the link on
Is it correct method or model should be fitted following way ?,X_train)
Thanks in advance!
This is time series auto-encoder. If you want to predict for future, it goes this way. The auto-encoder / machine learning model fitting is different for different problems and their solutions. You cannot train and fit one model / workflow for all problems. Time-series / time lapse can be what we already collected data for time period and predict, it can be for data collected and future prediction. Both are differently constructed. Like time series data for sub surface earth is differently modeled, and for weather forecast is differently. One model cannot work for both.
By definition an autoencoder is any model attempting at reproducing it's input, independent of the type of architecture (LSTM, CNN,...).
Framed this way it is a unspervised task so the training would be :,X_train)
Now, what she does in the article you linked, is to use a common architecture for LSTM autoencoder but applied to timeseries forecasting:
model.add(LSTM(128, input_shape=(X_train.shape[1], X_train.shape[2])))
model.add(LSTM(128, return_sequences=True))
She's pre-processing the data in a way to get X_train = [x(t-seq)....x(t)] and y_train = x(t+1)
for i in range(len(X)-time_steps):
So the model does not per-se reproduce the input it's fed, but it doesn't mean it's not a valid implementation since it produce valuable prediction.

ResNet50 and VGG16 for data with 2 channels

Is there any way that I can try to modify ResNet50 and VGG16 where my data(spectograms) is of the shape (64,256,2)?
I understand that I can take some layers out and modify them(output, dense) but I am not really sure for input channels.
Can anyone suggest a way to accommodate 2 channels in the models? Help is much appreciated!
You can use a different number of channels in the input (and a different height and width), but in this case, you cannot use the pretrained imagenet weights. You have to train from scratch. You can create them as follows:
from tensorflow import keras # or just import keras
vggnet = keras.applications.vgg16.VGG16(input_shape=(64,256,2), include_top=False, weights=None)
Note the weights=None argument. It means initialize weights randomly. If you have number of channels set to 3, you could use weights='imagenet', but in your case, you have 2 channels, so it won't work and you have to set it to None. The include_top=False is there for you to add final classification layers with different categories yourself. You could also create vgg19.VGG19 in the same way. For ResNet, you could similarly create it as follows:
resnet = keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50(input_shape=(64, 256, 2), weights=None, include_top=False)
For other models and versions of vgg and resnet, please check here.

How to change batch size of an intermediate layer in Keras?

My problem is to take all hidden outputs from an LSTM and use them as training examples for a single dense layer. Flattening the output of the hidden layers and feeding them to a dense layer is not what I am looking to do. I have tried the following things:
I have considered Timedistributed wrapper for the dense layer ( But, this seems to apply the same layer to every time slice, which is not what I want. In other words, the Timedistributed wrapper has input_shape of a 3D tensor (number of samples, number of timesteps, number of features) and produces another 3D tensor of the same type: (number of samples, number of timesteps, number of features). Instead what I want is a 2D tensor as output, which looks like (number of samples*number of timesteps, number of features)
There was a pull request for an AdvancedReshapeLayer: on GitHub. This seems to be exactly what I am looking for. Unfortunately, it appears like that pull request was closed with no conclusive outcome.
I tried to build my own lambda layer to accomplish what I want as follows:
A). model.add(LSTM(NUM_LSTM_UNITS, return_sequences=True, activation='tanh')) #
B). model.add(Lambda(lambda x: x, output_shape=lambda x: (x[0]*x[1], x[2])))
C). model.add(Dense(NUM_CLASSES, input_dim=NUM_LSTM_UNITS))
mode.output_shape after (A) prints: (BATCH_SIZE, NUM_TIME_STEPS, NUM_LSTM_UNITS) and model.output_shape after (B) prints: (BATCH_SIZE*NUM_OF_TIMESTEPS, NUM_LSTM_UNITS)
Which is exactly what I am trying to achieve.
Unfortunately, when I try to run step (C). I get the following error:
Input 0 is incompatible with layer dense_1: expected ndim=2, found
This is baffling since when I print model.output_shape after (B), I do indeed see (BATCH_SIZE*NUM_OF_TIMESTEPS, NUM_LSTM_UNITS), which is of ndim=2.
Really appreciate any help with this.
EDIT: When I try to use the functional API instead of a sequential model, I still get the same error on step (C)
You can use backend reshape which includes batch_size dimension.
def backend_reshape(x):
return backend.reshape(x, (-1, NUM_LSTM_UNITS))
model.add(Lambda(backend_reshape, output_shape=(NUM_LSTM_UNITS,)))
