I am receiving an internal B2C service error when attempting to add api access to the appplication in b2c tenant.
It will mostly happen when someone modifies that service principal of the application from outside Azure AD B2C and set property appRoleAssignmentRequired = true on the SP object.
To fix the issue please change the property appRoleAssignmentRequired = false.
You can use https://graphexplorer.azurewebsites.net
We have a Drupal site setup to login with Azure AD via a third party OpenID connect module.
This is linked to an Azure AD app registration in single tenant mode.
When a user visits the site whilst logged-in to an account that isn't in our tenant, they see an error message similar to this:
Message:AADSTS50020: User account 'XXXXX#example.com' from identity provider 'https://sts.windows.net/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/' does not exist in tenant 'TENANT NAME' and cannot access the application 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'(SITE NAME) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
This message is completely incomprehensible to most of our users. I'd like to change it to something more meaningful such as
Please login with an INSTITUTION NAME account to access this site e.g.: username#ourdomain.com
Is this something that can be configured within the Azure AD app registration? Or elsewhere in our tenancy configuration?
In case of azure ad B2C you can create a custom error page using a technical profile based on localization or a custom policy error page. But in case of regular Azure AD (B2B), there is no way to specify custom error messages or error pages.
If there is any case where the error message is passed back to your application. there may be a possibility to deal with it as you can configure through code as required but there isn't any guidance regarding error passed to backend .
I'm new to Azure AD B2C so I'm not fully certain of its capabilities. Either way, I'm trying to limit the access to one of my registered applications to users from the same AD B2C tenant (single-tenant scenario). The only way I was able to do this was through the App registrations (Preview), the Legacy Application registration doesn't seem to support this.
Once I set the single-tenant option, the application starts to appear under the Owned Applications tab on the App registrations (Preview) blade but I cannot make use of it. Whenever I try to run a default or custom flow I get this error:
The provided application with ID 'XXXXXX-XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX' is not
valid against this service. Please use an application created via the
B2C portal and try again.
I also tried to set the multi-tenant scenario (AzureADMultipleOrgs) but I still get the same error. The only way I can make this work is by using the AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount which leaves the app open to everyone and that's not what I need.
Am I missing an extra configuration or is this still not supported?
You need to use the B2C specific Application Registration option for it to be compatible with Azure AD B2C User Flows or Custom Policies. If you then need to further restrict the user base who should be able to login to the application, then you would need to implement some RBAC, see this sample:https://github.com/azure-ad-b2c/samples/tree/master/policies/relying-party-rbac
In AAD B2C, the Application Role assignment and Application Assignment is not honored, these are Azure AD concepts that are not respected by Azure AD B2C auth policies.
I'm trying to call an Azure function from an API Management instance by using Managed Identity.
I have set a System Managed Identity to my APIM instance.
I have granted the Contributor role to this identity on the Azure Function App.
I have also change the App Service Authentication to AD.
Now I'm trying to call the function from an API.
I have two issues:
First One: when I use the authentication-managed-identity policy to get a token, I got an error when I use the audience https://myfunctionapp.azurewebsites.net. AD tells me that this app is not registered in the tenant
Second: If I retrieve a token for https://management.azure.com, I got a token but I received a 401 Unauthorized error from the Azure Function.
Maybe I'm just trying to get a token on the wrong audience, but unfortunately the audience of functions is not listed in the document (for service bus for example, there is a common URI to use, also for KeyVault, ...).
I think that I probably missed something in the picture...
You need to use the authentication-managed-identity policy to authenticate with a backend service using the managed identity of the API Management service.
1-In your APIM application on Azure AD,
grab the Application ID assigned for enterprise application.
2-Then go to Platform features in your Azure Function App, and click on Authentication / Authorization.
3-Select Azure Active Directory as the authentication provider, and the management mode "express".
4-Back to authentication-managed-identity policy, set the Application ID from step 1 as the resource.
you need to add the url in apim required resource. If you're planning to use delegated flow. To check if the issue is with the url registration you can use the AppId instead. This will at least tell you if the token can be retrieved.
I'm using this sample as a starting point: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-b2c-javascript-msal-singlepageapp/
But instead of calling an existing API I'm trying to call graph.
The actual issue I'm running into is that when I go to reference any API/APP in my B2C app there are no options under 'Select API'
What I am trying to reference is a AD App I created that has access to Graph.
I tried a number of the suggestions listed here: Azure AD Application not appearing in existing AD App list for an Azure web application
Including adding myself as the owner of the AD App, but I can't make it appear in AD B2C.
I've also tried signin in and out and I've tried a couple different browsers just in case.
My B2C tenant isn't linked to a subscription so that could be the issue but I'm not sure why since both my AD B2C and my AD App live in the same tenant.
Access can only be granted from one Azure AD B2C-registered application, i.e. the client application, to another Azure AD B2C-registered application, i.e. the resource application.
The Graph API is not an Azure AD B2C-registered application.
Alternatively, you'll either have to implement a backend for the frontend, where it's the backend application that integrates with the Graph API or implement a custom policy that interacts with it.
If you want to call you need to register an application in azure ad tenant. And azure b2c cannot find the application which has graph api permissions. Because it is not in your b2c tenant. Regarding how to call graph api, please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/active-directory-b2c-devquickstarts-graph-dotnet
As an enterprise, we would like to use Azure AD B2C and we have internal and external users.
Azure AD helps us manage our Azure users, corporate users and we can even add users with x#.onmicrosoft.com emails.
When we wanted to use Azure AD B2C for our consumers. So we have 2 choices to add our users which is a local user and an external user (Facebook, Google, etc)
If the local user belongs to our corporate it is ok to create the user using the Azure AD B2C portal.
But when we try to create the Azure AD B2C users who have another kind of emails, we need to use our own app which is consuming the Graph API. (that is the Azure portal restriction)
The issue is we are having a hard time getting the users values after the login is they are local users with Gmail or x emails.
We are using MSAL to get the related information instead of ADAL.
We have enabled the scopes and also enabled the API Access but this is the errors we are getting.
Error 1:
acquiring the popup:
AADB2C90055: The scope 'openid email openid profile' provided in request must specify a resource, such as 'https://example.com/calendar.read'.
Correlation ID: 86d6ff41-1cef-4ba1-9b26-2aa281c92ccd
Timestamp: 2017-09-15 10:22:20Z
Error 2:
invalid_request Error during login:
AADB2C90117: The scope 'user_impersonation' provided in the request is not supported.
Correlation ID: 785c6487-cd7f-4750-a769-deb477cb4ba4
Timestamp: 2017-09-15 10:32:39Z
Error 3:
Error acquiring the popup:
AADB2C90055: The scope 'email openid profile' provided in request must specify a resource, such as 'https://example.com/calendar.read'.
Correlation ID: bd714482-8534-473e-94bc-0a4c56da686d
Timestamp: 2017-09-15 10:36:15Z
Error1 and Error3
There is no need to provide scope openid profile offline_access when we using MSAL library to interact with Azure AD B2C. The SDK will add there scope automatically. We only need to provider the custom scope we defined for the web API app register on Azure AD B2C blade.
The scope user_impersonation is an custom scope defined by the app by default. We should contain the app id URI(https://{myB2CTenant}.onmicrosoft.com/b2capp2) before it like below:
string[] SCOPES = { "https://{myB2CTenant}.onmicrosoft.com/b2capp2/note_read", "https://{myB2CTenant}.onmicrosoft.com/b2capp2/user_impersonation" };
And AFAIK, the Azure AD B2C doesn't support delegate the user to access the Azure ad Graph at present. We need to register an app via Azure Active Directory->App registrations(not in Azure AD B2C blade) and access the Microsoft or Azure AD Graph via the client credentials flow. Here is a helpful link calling the Graph API in Azure AD B2C:
Azure AD B2C: Use the Graph API
If you want the Azure AD B2C app also support delegating user to calling the Microsoft Graph, you may submit the feedback from here.
For me that error meaned, that I am trying to aquire a accesToken when not having a valid idToken.
So make sure you have a valid idToken before calling acquireTokenSilent().