Jhipster: Could not contact UAA to get public key - jhipster

I cannot connect to UAA server. i'm deploying jhipster registry with eureka and UAA server in a remote server. and my microservices in my local machine in dev profile. i couldnt access to uaa public key. i changed the ip address in application-dev.yml but no result


Connect to an internal Azure LDAP server from Nextcloud

Nextcloud version : Nextcloud Hub II (23.0.0)
We want to use Nextcloud in the company as a SaaS and connect it to our LDAP in Azure. But I am not able to connect from a SaaS to the internal IP of our LDAP Azure AD server.
Steps to replicate it:
Install app LDAP user and group backend reference
Try to connect to Azure ldap IP
Does not work as it's not the same environment and the Azure AD has only an internal IP
Is this even possible. If so how to connect to the LDAP server from Nextcloud?

Can I use a shared jhipster-registry and uaa in a remote server (Docker) and developers connect to it as a service?

In a development team, we are working on a jhipster microservice project with Uaa, Jh-registry, mic 1, mic 2 and gateway.
The question here is it possible to deploy shared Uaa and Jh-registry in a remote server using Docker and other developers on either mic 1 and mic 2 use them as a service?
If the answer is yes, is there any config or inspiration sample available?
The answer is yes and there's very little to do, just edit the src/main/resources/config/bootstrap.yml file of your gateway, uaa and microservices so that they point to the registry url for config:
fail-fast: false # if not in "prod" profile, do not force to use Spring Cloud Config
uri: http://admin:${jhipster.registry.password}#my-registry.example.com:8761/config
And then for Eureka server url, edit application*.yml in applications and registry to change defaultZone
defaultZone: http://admin:${jhipster.registry.password}#my-registry.example.com:8761/eureka/

Connect jhipster gateway without to uaa

I have jhipster app using juste gate and microservice. Now I'm on another project using gateway, uaa and microservice and I want to use the uaa with my other gateway. But I don't exactly the config to change in the gateway to do that.
Thanks in advance

Gateway and JHipster UAA should connect with Jhipster-register?

I have some questions regarding the creation of Microservice gateway and Jhipster UAA.
When I generate the gateway connects with Jhipster-register and when I generate the JHipster UAA too?
In other words: Both should connect with Jhipster-register?
The image of the architecture diagram found in this Jhipster documentation creates the doubt: Using JHipster UAA for Microservice Security - Architecture diagram
Yes, all services including the gateway, UAA, and any microservices will connect to JHipster Registry. This allows the services to fetch the necessary information from the UAA to authenticate users and validate JWT tokens (passed via cookies).

How to change route of jhipster microservice

I developed a microservice application with these :
Jhipster registry
I want to deploy this in production on different server, but I don't want to use IP to access to microservices.
How can I launch microservice1 and uaa to say to the registry that they need to be called with these URLs :
