React Native Login Button for iOS fbsdk - react-native-ios

error picture
I have followed every steps from Facebook Getting Started until the ViewController step. I have struggled for two days on this problem. I even tried to use cocoapod for library tracing but it is not working. I ended up in the error picture shown above. Does anyone care to help please?
Thank you

I forgot to do react-native link react-native-fbsdk
However, if you ever run into this error, you have to link react-native-fbsdk -> clean build on Xcode -> close Xcode -> run rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData on your terminal before you rebuild the project.


An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')

I just started mobile automation testing and I'm trying to write tests for android on Android Studio with Appium, however I think I just did something wrong in configuration process. I was getting some other errors and these are the things I've done so far.
set JAVA_HOME path
updated node version
After doing these I've started appium server and tried again. I was able to communicate with the emulator but something is still off.
run command
appium-doctor and flutter doctor seems fine though.
flutter doctor
And this is the exact error message I get.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I solved the case a while ago, thought could help someone. The problem was the first config I copied from another how-to source. It was trying to use appium-flutter-driver and I assume therefore there was a code snippet like this:
'appium:automationName': 'Flutter'
Which wasn't working because I was trying to run it with appium-flutter-finder. I don't exactly know what happened there but when I looket it up from appium's guide and did the default config they gave there the problem is gone. Which is:
'appium:automationName': 'Appium'

TypeError: resolver.resolve is not a function

When trying to truffle compile smart contracts and deploy them to an RPC testnet, I keep encountering
TypeError: resolver.resolve is not a function
at Profiler. (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/truffle/5.3.6/libexec/lib/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/compile-common/dist/src/profiler/profiler.js:55:1).
In visual studio code I can't find resolver.resolve anywhere in my code and even cloning projects straight from github it always displays this message when truffle compiling. I have searched everywhere for the resolution and tried debugging myself in the terminal and my current thinking is it's a webpack error but I can't figure out how to solve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I was also in same situation then i find the solution. Follow these steps
Remove node_modules directory & package-lock.json (Not package.json)
Go to your cli & run npm install command
You are done
Hope this solve your problem

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at registerNgModuleType

I have a problem that when I clone my repository of the app in angular, after installing the node_module and executing the ng serve it throws me this error and I have already looked for a thousand and one answers but none are correct, the app is from angular 8.1 and my angular global is 11 I do not know if it can influence, but it is with the only angular project that happens to me, at times the ng serve lifts the project and it can be seen but I barely make a modification and I give it save this error appears, I need help that advice me give?
enter image description here
I had the same problem.
I solved the problem by disabled the Angular Language Service for that workspace.
I hope this solves your problem
I could find the error, it turns out that VS code as editor every time I ran the npm install and then the ng serve ran perfect, one time I make a modification and give it ctrl + s it bugea my project and when I run the ng serve me again I get the error, so I had to clone my repository again and work with sublime text and it did not give me the error. It must have been some vscode plugin that makes this happen but it is with very few projects.

react-native run-android Cannot get property 'packageName' on null object

I have been learning React-native for just a few days. I have been following the "Getting started - React Native" for ubuntu + android in React Native official docs. However, I cannot get through this error while running: sudo react-native run-android
Cannot get property 'packageName' on null object
This error seems to related to "Gradle". I have no idea how to fix as well as debugging it. Please, can anyone help me figure out this matter?
Do following things:
If lock icon is shown on project folder
then gave permission using --- chown -R and Enter.
Go to location of main project a folder in terminal and fire command.
Then from terminal run react-native run-android
This may resolve the issue. Try this

Errors with angular-cli

I have installed NodeJS and try to build the example project from ng-book2
On page 5 I need to run ng And there are WARNINGS.
I found solution (Link 2) and try it, but there are ERRORS, so, I changed version:
But it doesn`t help too.
Please, help me.
