Examples of Web App using Azure Cognitive Services Translator Text API - azure

Does anyone have an code examples of a web app using the Azure Cognitive Services - Translator Text API? I found the UWP and console apps but can't find any web examples.

The Node.js samples may be close enough to pure web app client code to get you going:
Node JS Sample
Node JS Quick Start


Create API using Azure API management

I built a web application using react and node , and also i want to build a mobile app , so i'm trying to build REST API to manage the database . I heard about the Azure API management and trying to using it but couldn't find any tutorial that relevant with javascript
Does Anyone know good tutorial to refer??
Azure API Management is not intended to create API, it is intended to act as a proxy, to harden your API against attacks from outside. You should be using WebApp or ApiApp to create your API.
I assume that you want to build Mobile App back-end on Azure with node.js SDK.
About how to use the Azure Mobile Apps Node.js SDK, you could refer to the official documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-node-backend-how-to-use-server-sdk.
Also, you could take the following complete series tutorial on the Node.js SDK as reference: https://shellmonger.com/30-days-of-azure-mobile-apps-the-table-of-contents/.
Any further concern or my misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.

Web App for Office365 and Google Marketplace

I want to build a single web app that is available as an Office 365 App and a Google App in the marketplace. I am using ASP.Net MVC and have looked at the following samples and got them working separately. I can't figure out how to merge them into a single app.
Is this even possible?

Azure Mobile Service/App Services On-Premises

Microsoft Azure Mobile platform, Windows Azure Mobile Services WAMS, or its new version, App Services, are great Cloud and MBaaS tools for building mobile backends. They use a NodeJS Restful Service Engine combined with an ORM Engine to provide a very easy-to-use platform.
Does anyone know if it is possible to use this framework outside the Azure Cloud environment, i.e. in an on-premises environment ? Is this kind of NodeJS framework open ? What is the name of this framework ?
The Azure Mobile Apps Node.js SDK to Mobile Apps is an express middleware package which makes it easy to create a backend for your mobile application.
The SDK package is still in development, but you can get all the code and documents at https://github.com/Azure/azure-mobile-apps-node
About Mobile Service in Node, there is no full code project repository, but you can glance the entire code in KUDU console site of your mobile service, the URL should look like: https://<your_mobile_service_name>.scm.azure-mobile.net/DebugConsole. The root directory is D:\home\site\wwwroot
Azure Mobile Services and/or Azure Mobile Apps are only available in Azure. There is no 'framework' that you can download and install on your own infrastructures.
Besides the Node.Js version of Mobile Services there is also an .NET version which is basically just an MVC Web API with some additional 'services' added to it (notifications, authorization, etc.)
So, you could just build an MVC Web API app and manually add the missing components by using oAuth, entity framework, etc. However, this is probably not what you are looking for :)
Hope this helps!
Kudu is the engine behind git/hg deployments, WebJobs, and various other features in Azure Web Sites. It can also run outside of Azure. It can run on premise https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu but unfortunately the rest of mobile services cannot

How to use my own API instead of using mobile API in Azure

is there any way to publish my API in azure mobile service API instead of using its own. I want just to know it, because assume I have a backup server in amazon and as you know I don't have access to azure sdk in there and it means technically I cant use the API anywhere outside the azure.
Azure mobile services is actually based on the .Net web api in their C# flavor and on node.js on the Javascript side. You could surely write an API using those technology and have the same behavior. You will gain the fact of being more portable, however you will lose some of the preconfigured stuff from Mobile services.
If you are using .NET, please check this to see how to build a Web api! http://www.asp.net/web-api.
If you are using Javascript, here is where you should start : https://nodejs.org/
Both tech are quite easy to learn and super powerfull, have fun! When your API is built, you could just publish them as an azure Web APP (http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/web/) or an Azure API (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/api/) instead of the mobile App
Hope it helps, if you have more questions, please ask!
You can create and publish your own custom APIs in azure mobile service. You could even access in via azure mobile service sdk in client by using "InvokeApiAsync<>()" method.
If you want to access the api via fidder/httpclient than AZM SDK, pass the mobile service key in HTTP header as Name:'x-zumo-application' value:'application key from portal'

How can I run an exe file on Windows Azure that receive, process and feed data to a Windows Phone mobile app?

I want to create a Windows Phone mobile app that receive inputs, send the inputs to an exe running continuously on Windows Azure to process and send outputs back to the mobile app. I have the knowledge to create a WP apps but little experience in Azure ,though I have access to it, so I don't know which service to use and how to use it. Please help
Technically, you could run an .exe in a web role on Azure but there might be a better, and easier, way to architect your solution.
Consider using Azure Mobile Services and, as WiteCastle says, re-architect your exe into a custom web API. Here are some examples of RESTful Web API projects from Microsoft's ASP.NET site.
Here are some useful resources to get you started:
Learn how to build secure mobile apps for the enterprise: view
Learn how to build consumer mobile apps that scale: view webinar
Choosing the best backend for your mobile app: view webinar
If you're more comfortable with a web based back-end, why not try a product like appery.io, which allows you to create and connect up your app all via a 100% browser based IDE.
