Azure Approach to proactive Logging - azure

I am working on Azure web API which uses Log4Net Application Insight appender to track traces. We are planning to use the Application Insight SDK directly (TrackTrace(), TrackEvent()) in order to use built-in alerting features.
However it does seem like, Azure is not supporting trace or event alerts but only metric alerts. So we got some issue there.
If I go one step back, web API is invoked by number of Logic Apps runs in x time intervals. Logic App simply calls web API (business logic is here) and it log all information/managed exceptions.
The main requirement is to be proactive when an exception happens like sending a mail to technical inbox. Secondary requirement is notify sources, if it got any data issues.
Any suggestion on our approach please, what we can do more to fulfill our requirements?

Please refer to this App Insights Exception Alerts. It is possible to set alerts for rates of exceptions in a defined time period.
Set up Exception alerts
You can also invoke webhooks to perform additional actions when the alert is fired.

Thanks Sreejit for your suggestion.
To conclude the answer, what's the preferred engine to process alerts please, through application insight or log analytics?
application insight only support metric alerts only, so the application exceptions need to be flagged as custom metrics as opposed to traces.
[TelemetryClient --> TrackTrace() vs TrackMetric()]
If we go for log analytics, we can use custom events. Then use alert management solution in OMS workspace. Perhaps even use of a separate logic app to built the logic of sending alerts.
[TelemetryClient --> TrackEvent()]


Azure Alert based on reading Odata

I have an application installed on a VM that publishes a page via OData.
I need to be able to trigger a high urgency alert based on one specific value published by the page.
I am little aware of Application Insights to monitor applications in Azure. But I am not sure if there is a way to read the data from the API and trigger an alert.
What options do I have to accomplish this in Azure?
Pls allow me to share my idea here.
creating app insights alert
enable app insights for azure vm
First, adding app insights to your application can made AI to capture your requests, dependencies, logs and some other messages, including calling API.
In my thoughts, I can log the response message of the API and set alert for some specific keywords. I created an azure function, and it will call MS graph API when triggered, and log the response. This function has integrated AI, so I created an alert by kql:
| where timestamp > ago(30m) and message contains "xxx"
and set alert rule based on number of results greater than 0. When the alert was triggered, it will send email to my mailbox to mention me.
This means any time my API returned the response contains specific words, I will receive an email about it.

Where to find throttled events of Logic App in Azure Portal?

I wanted to monitor Azure Logic Apps with the help of Azure Monitor alerts. In alerts, I came across a metric Run Throttled events which is showing some numbers in recent days. But I couldn't find any events anywhere to resolve the issue. Is it possible view the actual run throttled events in Azure Portal?
You will need to setup diagnostic logging for Logic Apps, see here.
When you are done with the setup and initial run through of logs and if interested you want to look at more advanced queries via this logs data then go here.
Specifically on throttling you need to see this. Also take a look at limits set for Logic Apps from here as well.

How to do logging in azure functions and api management

I want to create logging for API and azure functions.
As thinking to use, "service bus" to create logging.
Logging needs for each request, response and error.
Would it be correct approach to do logging for api management and azure functions through service Bus. and appreciate if any example to create service bus and call from azure or api management to log the requests/responses.
Note: Regarding Application Insights, as found its hit the performance and its more for performance monitoring then logging.
I would still use Application Insight for that. You want to track requests and errors which Applicatin Insight will offer out of the box and also provides you a query language to query your logs or to build dashboards. Regarding your performance concern, you should just test the impact on your system - it most likely isn't that relevant.

Disable weekly digest email for an environment in Application Insights

I have 2 web apps in Azure, one for UAT and another for Production. Both have Application Insights telemetry installed and active on them for performance monitoring.
I currently am receiving the Weekly Application insights digest email, which summarizes the telemetry for the week, as expected. However both environments are included in the one email.
I do require to switch off this feature for the UAT web app. I have already disabled all alerts.
I have read the following post, Disable digest email in Application insights, but this is a request to unsubscribe from the email and not to disable for an environment.
Disabled Alerts
I'm afraid it's not possible to explicitly disable AI(likewise it's not possible to disable storage account/event hub and so on).
If this is not a case you can stop sending the data to your AI instance, but still I'm not sure whether this is going to help you(by stop sending the data I mean - disable whole telemetry I avoid initializing it from your code).
Unfortunately for now there is no way to selectively unsubscribe digest emails per application. We are planning to come up with a solution, but we cannot put a date on it yet.

Sending Azure Application Insights data to Event Hub

I have a static dot net web application with application insights sdk. How do I send application insights data to Azure Event Hub? I have successfully used the Azure Continuous Export feature but I would rather like to send the telemetry data to the Event Hub.
To explicitly send data to eventhub you will need to use EventHub SDK, which is currently available in .NET/C#, Java, REST, and Node.js. For your case which is a web application, sending via REST APIs might be the easiest way. Take a look at API reference for more information:
One catch is that receiving events is not currently supported using REST, you would still need a .NET or Java application to be on the receive side.
If you are looking for a common logging framework - which can be configured to send data to "whatever data destination" you want to - you should consider looking at log4net.
Here's a good implementation of log4net-appender for EventHubs.
As you know Continuous Export currently only exports Application Insights to blob storage, from which you can pick up the data for use in any workstream you want. Exporting directly in an Event Hub is something that could be a future feature, so please log this at our UserVoice site:
We will also have a set of REST APIs for Application Insights soon (see, which might help you.
I would like to learn more about your scenario so I can better help you in this instance and improve our export and API features. Feel free to reply here or if you want, shoot me a mail offline.
Thank you
Dale Koetke (
We don't really support that. It's a lot easier to let the SDK send the data to App Insights portal, then you can use Continuous Export to move it out into Storage. If you want, you can use Stream Analytics to move it from there.
What do you plan to ultimately do with the data? (I mean, why event hub...?)
