Automate docx and pptx editing using JavaScript [closed] - ms-office

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to automate editing Office document files with only using command line interface? I have licensed Office programs and want to write a script without using any third party solutions.
Also, is it possible to invoke office add-ins from outside Office applications using script?
I have searched for the solution and finally I am posting it here.

right now you cannot automate office documents with our JS libraries, the way to do this is to use the Office Open XML SDK, who we recently open sourced. you can find info about this and how to use it here


Which program do you highly suggest for google extension silent install? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have tried to use but unfortunately it didn't work on building.
There are some programs but i am not sure which is most proper for converting chrome extention file to executable one. (NSIS / INNO / Advanced Installer etc.)
Both Chrome and Firefox have been reducing support for silent extensions because of the amount of spyware and other junk.
You should just add your extension to the official store...
NSIS and Inno Setup are free (even open source) and easy to learn.
Pick one (Inno Setup if you have Delphi/Pascal experiences) and you can create installer in a few minutes.

what automation tool can be used to automate Google blockly code? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Recently We have implemented Google blockly in our application. I need to automate the UI but selenium does not support for Google blockly.
So please suggest me a automation tool for the Google blockly UI.
My answer is not a way to automate the UI as much as an idea for automating the process of adding a predefined set of blocks to a new workspace. Have a look at making Custom blocks, from there you should be able to create a subset of blocks that you can add to your menu. The demo's seem to cover doing all of this, you only have to understand how to then write it into your application.
This may not be a great answer, but try Autohotkey

When will API of "Office lens" be available [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I think "Office lens" is quiet a useful tool that turns photos into documents. After that, the documents can be used as input for many other applications. So, I think the release of Office Lens's API will motivate quite a large number of wonderful apps.
Looking forward...
The Office Lens app has been available on the Windows Phone platform for a while now and recently was made available on iOS as well as Android (Beta).
Please give it a try.
Since the question specifically talked about creating documents programatically, the Word ObjectModel can be directly used ( to achieve the desired result.

File checked out to 'another user' [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm writing a client application that uses the SharePoint 2010 COM.
A user can download files by just clicking the link (http://[SPserver]/[doclibrary]/[linktoFile]).
With this method, a user can perform a check out or in on a file. But when the user checks the file out in Word and he doesn't check it in before closing, he can't perform a check-in again when re-downloading the file.
: test.docx is locked for editing
by 'another user'
Does anyone know a workaround or a better solution?
Try SPFile.UndoCheckOut
There is example in powershell using web service:
I fixed problem using Squadron > Explorer > Undo Check out

WSDL explorer/viewer for Linux / Ubuntu (gui) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a GUI tool that can display details about a WSDL file and XSD files?
Maybe a WSDL editor is also an option. My needs are mainly inspecting the structure and options I have to call a service.
Preferably a bit more graphical than just reading the XML files themselves.
I tried Eclipse WSDL editor, which can be very useful, but I'm having trouble with that one. So, is there a comparable alternative? (otherwise I need to go fixing the Eclipse tool...)
You can try to use It's free and open source. Also you can pro version with commercial support. But free version is enough for me.
