cannot construct the infinite type - haskell

I want to use applicative function and tried as follow:
*ReaderExercise Control.Applicative> (+4) <*> (+3)
then got following error message:
<interactive>:51:11: error:
* Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ a -> b
Expected type: (a -> b) -> a
Actual type: a -> a
* In the second argument of `(<*>)', namely `(+ 3)'
In the expression: (+ 4) <*> (+ 3)
In an equation for `it': it = (+ 4) <*> (+ 3)
* Relevant bindings include
it :: (a -> b) -> b (bound at <interactive>:51:1)
What do I expect is a return function with one argument.
What does it mean an infinite type?

The error "Occurs check: cannot construct [an] infinite type" results when Haskell determines that a type variable (explicitly given by the programmer or implicitly introduced by Haskell) must satisfy a condition that implies it would need to be recursively defined in terms of itself in a way that would lead to an infinitely "deep" type (i.e., the type variable "occurs" in its own definition).
It normally results from either a typo or conceptual error on the part of the programmer related to confusing two different "levels of structure" in a program.
As a simple example, a list of ints (type [Int]) is a valid Haskell type, and so is a list of lists of ints ([[Int]]) or a list of lists of lists of lists of lists of ints ([[[[[Int]]]]]) but only a finite number of list levels are allowed. You can't have a list of lists of lists of lists of lists, etc. all the way down -- that would be an infinite type. If Haskell thinks you want it to construct such a type, it'll give you an "occurs check" error.
The following definition:
yuck (x:xs) = x == xs
gives this error for exactly this reason. Haskell knows from the left-hand side that yuck takes a list of some unknown element type a where variable x is the head of type a and variable xs is the tail of type [a]. From the RHS, the operator (==) forces x and xs to have the same type -- in other words, it implies the constraint a ~ [a] where the tilde indicates "type equality". No finite type (no type with a finite number of list levels) has this properties, only the invalid infinite type [[[[...forever...]]]] could allow you to remove the outer list level and still have the same type left over, so you get the error.
The issue here is that the programmer has confused two levels of structure: the list xs and an element x.
In your specific example, the reason for the error is similar, but harder to explain. The operator:
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
takes two applicative actions with different underlying types: the left-hand side has type given by the applicative functor f applied to the underlying type a -> b; the right-hand side has type given by the same applicative functor f applied to the underlying type b.
You haven't told Haskell which applicative functor f you meant to use, so Haskell tries to infer it. Because the LHS has type:
(+4) :: (Num n) => n -> n
Haskell tries to match the type n -> n with f (a -> b). It may be clearer to write these types using the prefix form of the (->) type operator: Haskell is trying to match (->) n n with f ((->) a b) where f is an applicative functor.
Fortunately, there's an applicative functor instance for (->) t for any type t. So, Haskell reasons that the applicative functor you want is f = (->) n, and it successfully matches (->) n n = f n to f ((->) a b). This implies that n is equal to ((->) a b). Haskell then tries to match the types on the RHS, matching (->) n n = f n with (->) n a = f a. This works, and it implies that n is equal to a.
Now we have a problem. n is simultaneously equal to a -> b (from the LHS) and a (from the RHS). This implies creation of an infinite function type, something that looks like:
(((... forever ...)->b)->b)->b)->b
which is the only way you could remove an outer ...->b and be left with the same type. This is an impossible infinite type, so you get the error.
The underlying problem is that you've made a conceptual error. Given that you are working on a ReaderExample, I think you intended to use the (->) n applicative functor instance, so you and Haskell are in agreement on this point. In this context:
(+4) :: (Num n) -> n -> n
is a reader action that reads a number from the reader and adds four to it. Similarly (+3) is a reader action that reads a number from the reader and adds three to it.
However, (<*>) is an operator that takes a reader action on the LHS that reads from the reader to produce a function (not a number!) that is then applied to the result of using the RHS to read from the reader to produce a number. For example, if you defined:
multiplyByReader :: (Num n) -> n -> n -> n
multiplyByReader readerNum input = readerNum * input
multiplyByReader <*> (+4)
or the simpler version:
(*) <*> (+4)
would make sense. The intended meaning would be: Construct a reader action that (1) uses the LHS to read a number from the reader to create a function that multiplies by the reader; and then (2) applies this function to the number that results from applying the RHS to the reader.
This would be equivalent to \r -> r * (r + 4), as you can see:
> ((*) <*> (+4)) 5 -- same a 5 * (5 + 4)
When you write (+3) <*> (+4), you're mixing up two different structural levels: the LHS reader yields a number but should instead yield a function that can be applied to a number.
My best guess is that you want to create a reader action that applies (+4) to the reader to get a number and then applies (+3) to that result. In this case, (+3) isn't a reader action; it's just a function you want to apply to the result of the reader action (+4), which is equivalent to fmapping over the reader action:
(+3) <$> (+4)
Of course, you could equivalently write it directly as:
(+3) . (+4)
Both are composite reader actions that add seven to the number read:
> ((+3) <$> (+4)) 5
> ((+3) . (+4)) 5


How do operator associativity, the associative law and value dependencies of monads fit together?

On the one hand the monadic bind operator >>= is left associative (AFAIK). On the other hand the monad law demands associativity, i.e. evaluation order doesn't matter (like with monoids). Besides, monads encode a value dependency by making the next effect depend on the result of the previous one, i.e. monads effectively determine an evaluation order. This sounds contradictory to me, which clearly implies that my mental representation of the involved concepts is wrong. How does it all fit together?
On the one hand the monadic bind operator >>= is left associative
Prelude> :i >>=
class Applicative m => Monad (m :: * -> *) where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
infixl 1 >>=
That's just the way it's defined. + is left-associative too, although the (addition-) group laws demand associativity.
Prelude> :i +
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Num’
infixl 6 +
All an infixl declaration means is that the compiler will parse a+b+c as (a+b)+c; whether or not that happens to be equal to a+(b+c) is another matter.
the monad law demands associativity
Well, >>= is actually not associative. The associative operator is >=>. For >>=, already the type shows that it can't be associative, because the second argument should be a function, the first not.
Besides, monads encode a value dependency by making the next effect depend on the result of the previous one
Yes, but this doesn't contradict associativity of >=>. Example:
teeAndInc :: String -> Int -> IO Int
teeAndInc name val = do
putStrLn $ name ++ "=" ++ show val
return $ val + 1
Prelude Control.Monad> ((teeAndInc "a" >=> teeAndInc "b") >=> teeAndInc "c") 37
Prelude Control.Monad> (teeAndInc "a" >=> (teeAndInc "b" >=> teeAndInc "c")) 37
Flipping around the parens does not change the order / dependency between the actions (that would be a commutativity law, not an associativity one), it just changes the grouping of the actions.

Meaning of `$` when used as argument to map

I understand that the $ operator is for avoiding parentheses. Anything appearing after it will take precedence over anything that comes before.
I am trying to understand what it means in this context:
map ($ 3) [(+),(-),(/),(*)]
With the following code:
instance Show (a -> b) where
show a = function
main = putStrLn $ show $ map ($ 3) [(+),(-),(/),(*)]
The output is
["function", "function", "function", "function"]
This doesn't help me understand the meaning of the $ here.
How can I display more helpful output?
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b is a function that takes a function as first parameter, and a value as second and returns the value applied to that function.
For example:
Prelude> (1+) $ 2
The expression ($ 3) is an example of infix operator sectioning [Haskell-wiki]. ($ 3) is short for \f -> f $ 3, or simpler \f -> f 3. It thus is a function that takes a function and applies 3 to that function.
For your expression:
map ($ 3) [(+),(-),(/),(*)]
the output is thus equivalent to:
[(3+), (3-), (3/), (3*)] :: Fractional a => [a -> a]
Since (+), (-), (*) :: Num a => a -> a -> a work with types that are members of the Num typeclass, and (/) :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a works with types that are members of the Fractional type class, and all Fractional types are num types as well, 3 is here a Fractional type, and the list thus contains functions that are all of the type a -> a with a a member of Fractional.
How can I display more helpful output?
The compiler does not keep track of the expressions, as specified in the Haskell wiki page on Show instance for functions [Haskell-wiki].
The Haskell compiler doesn't maintain the expressions as they are, but translates them to machine code or some other low-level representation. The function \x -> x - x + x :: Int -> Int might have been optimized to \x -> x :: Int -> Int. If it's used anywhere, it might have been inlined and optimized to nothing. The variable name x is not stored anywhere. (...)
So we can not "look inside" the function and derive an expression that is human-readable.

What is the main difference between Free Monoid and Monoid?

Looks like I have a pretty clear understanding what a Monoid is in Haskell, but last time I heard about something called a free monoid.
What is a free monoid and how does it relate to a monoid?
Can you provide an example in Haskell?
As you already know, a monoid is a set with an element e and an operation <> satisfying
e <> x = x <> e = x (identity)
(x<>y)<>z = x<>(y<>z) (associativity)
Now, a free monoid, intuitively, is a monoid which satisfies only those equations above, and, obviously, all their consequences.
For instance, the Haskell list monoid ([a], [], (++)) is free.
By contrast, the Haskell sum monoid (Sum Int, Sum 0, \(Sum x) (Sum y) -> Sum (x+y)) is not free, since it also satisfies additional equations. For instance, it's commutative
x<>y = y<>x
and this does not follow from the first two equations.
Note that it can be proved, in maths, that all the free monoids are isomorphic to the list monoid [a]. So, "free monoid" in programming is only a fancy term for any data structure which 1) can be converted to a list, and back, with no loss of information, and 2) vice versa, a list can be converted to it, and back, with no loss of information.
In Haskell, you can mentally substitute "free monoid" with "list-like type".
In a programming context, I usually translate free monoid to [a]. In his excellent series of articles about category theory for programmers, Bartosz Milewski describes free monoids in Haskell as the list monoid (assuming one ignores some problems with infinite lists).
The identity element is the empty list, and the binary operation is list concatenation:
Prelude Data.Monoid> mempty :: [Int]
Prelude Data.Monoid> [1..3] <> [7..10]
Intuitively, I think of this monoid to be 'free' because it a monoid that you can always apply, regardless of the type of value you want to work with (just like the free monad is a monad you can always create from any functor).
Additionally, when more than one monoid exists for a type, the free monoid defers the decision on which specific monoid to use. For example, for integers, infinitely many monoids exist, but the most common are addition and multiplication.
If you have two (or more integers), and you know that you may want to aggregate them, but you haven't yet decided which type of aggregation you want to apply, you can instead 'aggregate' them using the free monoid - practically, this means putting them in a list:
Prelude Data.Monoid> [3,7]
If you later decide that you want to add them together, then that's possible:
Prelude Data.Monoid> getSum $ mconcat $ Sum <$> [3,7]
If, instead, you wish to multiply them, you can do that as well:
Prelude Data.Monoid> getProduct $ mconcat $ Product <$> [3,7]
In these two examples, I've deliberately chosen to elevate each number to a type (Sum, Product) that embodies a more specific monoid, and then use mconcat to perform the aggregation.
For addition and multiplication, there are more succinct ways to do this, but I did it that way to illustrate how you can use a more specific monoid to interpret the free monoid.
A free monoid is a specific type of monoid. Specifically, it’s the monoid you get by taking some fixed set of elements as characters and then forming all possible strings from those elements. Those strings, with the underlying operation being string concatenation, form a monoid, and that monoid is called the free monoid.
A monoid (M,•,1) is a mathematical structure such that:
M is a set
1 is a member of M
• : M * M -> M
a•1 = a = 1•a
Given elements a, b and c in M, we have a•(b•c) = (a•b)•c.
A free monoid on a set M is a monoid (M',•,0) and function e : M -> M' such that, for any monoid (N,*,1), given a (set) map f : M -> N we can extend this to a monoid morphism f' : (M',•,0) -> (N,*,1), i.e
f a = f' (e a)
f' 0 = 1
f' (a•b) = (f' a) • (f' b)
In other words, it is a monoid that does nothing special.
An example monoid is the integers with the operation being addition and the identity being 0. Another monoid is sequences of integers with the operation being concatenation and the identity being the empty sequence. Now the integers under addition is not a free monoid on the integers. Consider the map into sequences of integers taking n to (n). Then for this to be free we would need to extend this to a map taking n + m to (n,m), i.e. it must take 0 to (0) and to (0,0) and to (0,0,0) and so on.
On the other hand if we try to look at sequences of integers as a free monoid on the integers, we see that it seems to work in this case. The extension of the map into the integers with addition is one that takes the sum of a sequence (with the sum of () being 0).
So what is the free monoid on a set S? Well one thing we could try is just arbitrary binary trees of S. In a Haskell type this would look like:
data T a = Unit | Single a | Conc (T a) (T a)
And it would have an identity of Unit, e = Single and (•) = Conc.
And we can write a function to show how it is free:
-- here the second argument represents a monoid structure on b
free :: (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b, b) -> T a -> b
free f ((*),zero) = f' where
f' (Single a) = f a
f' Unit = zero
f' (Conc a b) = f' a * f' b
It should be quite obvious that this satisfies the required laws for a free monoid on a. Except for one: T a is not a monoid because it does not quite satisfy laws 4 or 5.
So now we should ask if we can make this into a simpler free monoid, ie one that is an actual monoid. The answer is yes. One way is to observe that Conc Unit a and Conc a Unit and Single a should be the same. So let’s make the first two types unrepresentable:
data TInner a = Single a | Conc (TInner a) (TInner a)
data T a = Unit | Inner (TInner a)
A second observation we can make is that there should be no difference between Conc (Conc a b) c and Conc a (Conc b c). This is due to law 5 above. We can then flatten our tree:
data TInner a = Single a | Conc (a,TInner a)
data T a = Unit | Inner (TInner a)
The strange construction with Conc forces us to only have a single way to represent Single a and Unit. But we see we can merge these all together: change the definition of Conc to Conc [a] and then we can change Single x to Conc [x], and Unit to Conc [] so we have:
data T a = Conc [a]
Or we can just write:
type T a = [a]
And the operations are:
unit = []
e a = [a]
(•) = append
free f ((*),zero) = f' where
f' [] = zero
f' (x:xs) = f x * f' xs
So in Haskell, the list type is called the free monoid.

Understanding Haskell Type Signatures

I am in the process of teaching myself Haskell and I was wondering about the following type signatures:
Prelude> :t ($)
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
How should I interpret (no pun intended) that?
A semi-similar result is also proving to be puzzling:
Prelude> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
I'll start with map. The map function applies an operation to every element in a list. If I had
add3 :: Int -> Int
add3 x = x + 3
Then I could apply this to a whole list of Ints using map:
> map add3 [1, 2, 3, 4]
[4, 5, 6, 7]
So if you look at the type signature
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
You'll see that the first argument is (a -> b), which is just a function that takes an a and returns a b. The second argument is [a], which is a list of values of type a, and the return type [b], a list of values of type b. So in plain english, the map function applies a function to each element in a list of values, then returns the those values as a list.
This is what makes map a higher order function, it takes a function as an argument and does stuff with it. Another way to look at map is to add some parentheses to the type signature to make it
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
So you can also think of it as a function that transforms a function from a to b into a function from [a] to [b].
The function ($) has the type
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
And is used like
> add3 $ 1 + 1
All it does is take what's to the right, in this case 1 + 1, and passes it to the function on the left, here add3. Why is this important? It has a handy fixity, or operator precedence, that makes it equivalent to
> add3 (1 + 1)
So whatever to the right gets essentially wrapped in parentheses before being passed to the left. This just makes it useful for chaining several functions together:
> add3 $ add3 $ add3 $ add3 $ 1 + 1
is nicer than
> add3 (add3 (add3 (add3 (1 + 1))))
because you don't have to close parentheses.
Well, as said already, $ can be easily understood if you just forget about currying and see it like, say, in C++
template<typename A, typename B>
B dollar(std::function<B(A)> f, A x) {
return f(x);
But actually, there is more to this than just applying a function to a value! The apparent similarity between the signatures of $ and map has in fact a pretty deep category-theory meaning: both are examples of the morphism-action of a functor!
In the category Hask that we work with all the time, objects are types. (That is a bit confusionsome, but don't worry). The morphisms are functions.
The most well-known (endo-)functors are those which have an instance of the eponymous type class. But actually, mathematically, a functor is only something that maps both objects to objects and morphisms to morphisms1. map (pun intended, I suppose!) is an example: it takes an object (i.e. type) A and maps it to a type [A]. And, for any two types A and B, it takes a morphism (i.e. function) A -> B, and maps it to the corresponding list-function of type [A] -> [B].
This is just a special case of the functor class signature operation:
fmap :: Functor f => (a->b) -> (f a->f b)
Mathematics doesn't require this fmap to have a name though. And so there can be also the identity functor, which simply assigns any type to itself. And, every morphism to itself:
($) :: (a->b) -> (a->b)
"Identity" exists obviously more generally, you can also map values of any type to themselves.
id :: a -> a
id x = x
And sure enough, a possible implementation is then
($) = id
1Mind, not anything that maps objects and morphisms is a functor... it does need to satisfy the functor laws.
($) is just function application. It gets a function of type a->b, an argument of type a, applies the function and returns a value of type b.
map is a wonderful example for how reading a function type signature helps understanding it. map's first argument is a function that takes a and returns b, and its second argument is a list of type [a].
So map applies a function of type a->b to a list of a values. And the result type is indeed of type [b] - a list of b values!
(a->b)->[a]->[b] can be interpreted as "Accepts a function and a list and returns another list", and also as "Accepts a function of type a->b and returns another function of type [a]->[b]".
When you look at it this way, map "upgrade" f (the term "lift" is often used in this context) to work on lists: if double is a function that doubles an integer, then map double is a function that double every integer in a list.

Haskell Monad bind operator confusion

Okay, so I am not a Haskell programmer, but I am absolutely intrigued by a lot of the ideas behind Haskell and am looking into learning it. But I'm stuck at square one: I can't seem to wrap my head around Monads, which seem to be fairly fundamental. I know there are a million questions on SO asking to explain Monads, so I'm going to be a little more specific about what's bugging me:
I read this excellent article (an introduction in Javascript), and thought that I understood Monads completely. Then I read the Wikipedia entry on Monads, and saw this:
A binding operation of polymorphic type (M t)→(t→M u)→(M u), which Haskell represents by the infix operator >>=. Its first argument is a value in a monadic type, its second argument is a function that maps from the underlying type of the first argument to another monadic type, and its result is in that other monadic type.
Okay, in the article that I cited, bind was a function which took only one argument. Wikipedia says two. What I thought I understood about Monads was the following:
A Monad's purpose is to take a function with different input and output types and to make it composable. It does this by wrapping the input and output types with a single monadic type.
A Monad consists of two interrelated functions: bind and unit. Bind takes a non-composable function f and returns a new function g that accepts the monadic type as input and returns the monadic type. g is composable. The unit function takes an argument of the type that f expected, and wraps it in the monadic type. This can then be passed to g, or to any composition of functions like g.
But there must be something wrong, because my concept of bind takes one argument: a function. But (according to Wikipedia) Haskell's bind actually takes two arguments! Where is my mistake?
You are not making a mistake. The key idea to understand here is currying - that a Haskell function of two arguments can be seen in two ways. The first is as simply a function of two arguments. If you have, for example, (+), this is usually seen as taking two arguments and adding them. The other way to see it is as a addition machine producer. (+) is a function that takes a number, say x, and makes a function that will add x.
(+) x = \y -> x + y
(+) x y = (\y -> x + y) y = x + y
When dealing with monads, sometimes it is probably better, as ephemient mentioned above, to think of =<<, the flipped version of >>=. There are two ways to look at this:
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
which is a function of two arguments, and
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m b)
which transforms the input function to an easily composed version as the article mentioned. These are equivalent just like (+) as I explained before.
Allow me to tear down your beliefs about Monads. I sincerely hope you realize that I am not trying to be rude; I'm simply trying to avoid mincing words.
A Monad's purpose is to take a function with different input and output types and to make it composable. It does this by wrapping the input and output types with a single monadic type.
Not exactly. When you start a sentence with "A Monad's purpose", you're already on the wrong foot. Monads don't necessarily have a "purpose". Monad is simply an abstraction, a classification which applies to certain types and not to others. The purpose of the Monad abstraction is simply that, abstraction.
A Monad consists of two interrelated functions: bind and unit.
Yes and no. The combination of bind and unit are sufficient to define a Monad, but the combination of join, fmap, and unit is equally sufficient. The latter is, in fact, the way that Monads are typically described in Category Theory.
Bind takes a non-composable function f and returns a new function g that accepts the monadic type as input and returns the monadic type.
Again, not exactly. A monadic function f :: a -> m b is perfectly composable, with certain types. I can post-compose it with a function g :: m b -> c to get g . f :: a -> c, or I can pre-compose it with a function h :: c -> a to get f . h :: c -> m b.
But you got the second part absolutely right: (>>= f) :: m a -> m b. As others have noted, Haskell's bind function takes the arguments in the opposite order.
g is composable.
Well, yes. If g :: m a -> m b, then you can pre-compose it with a function f :: c -> m a to get g . f :: c -> m b, or you can post-compose it with a function h :: m b -> c to get h . g :: m a -> c. Note that c could be of the form m v where m is a Monad. I suppose when you say "composable" you mean to say "you can compose arbitrarily long chains of functions of this form", which is sort of true.
The unit function takes an argument of the type that f expected, and wraps it in the monadic type.
A roundabout way of saying it, but yes, that's about right.
This [the result of applying unit to some value] can then be passed to g, or to any composition of functions like g.
Again, yes. Although it is generally not idiomatic Haskell to call unit (or in Haskell, return) and then pass that to (>>= f).
-- instead of
return x >>= f >>= g
-- simply go with
f x >>= g
-- instead of
\x -> return x >>= f >>= g
-- simply go with
f >=> g
-- or
g <=< f
The article you link is based on sigfpe's article, which uses a flipped definition of bind:
The first thing is that I've flipped the definition of bind and written it as the word 'bind' whereas it's normally written as the operator >>=. So bind f x is normally written as x >>= f.
So, the Haskell bind takes a value enclosed in a monad, and returns a function, which takes a function and then calls it with the extracted value. I might be using non-precise terminology, so maybe better with code.
You have:
sine x = (sin x, "sine was called.")
cube x = (x * x * x, "cube was called.")
Now, translating your JS bind (Haskell does automatic currying, so calling bind f returns a function that takes a tuple, and then pattern matching takes care of unpacking it into x and s, I hope that's understandable):
bind f (x, s) = (y, s ++ t)
where (y, t) = f x
You can see it working:
*Main> :t sine
sine :: Floating t => t -> (t, [Char])
*Main> :t bind sine
bind sine :: Floating t1 => (t1, [Char]) -> (t1, [Char])
*Main> (bind sine . bind cube) (3, "")
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now, let's reverse arguments of bind:
bind' (x, s) f = (y, s ++ t)
where (y, t) = f x
You can clearly see it's still doing the same thing, but with a bit different syntax:
*Main> bind' (bind' (3, "") cube) sine
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now, Haskell has a syntax trick that allows you to use any function as an infix operator. So you can write:
*Main> (3, "") `bind'` cube `bind'` sine
(0.956375928404503,"cube was called.sine was called.")
Now rename bind' to >>= ((3, "") >>= cube >>= sine) and you've got what you were looking for. As you can see, with this definition, you can effectively get rid of the separate composition operator.
Translating the new thing back into JavaScript would yield something like this (notice that again, I only reverse the argument order):
var bind = function(tuple) {
return function(f) {
var x = tuple[0],
s = tuple[1],
fx = f(x),
y = fx[0],
t = fx[1];
return [y, s + t];
// ugly, but it's JS, after all
var f = function(x) { return bind(bind(x)(cube))(sine); }
f([3, ""]); // [0.956375928404503, "cube was called.sine was called."]
Hope this helps, and not introduces more confusion — the point is that those two bind definitions are equivalent, only differing in call syntax.
