How to handle components click event on CodenameOne Layered Container - layout

Please I am currently facing a challenges with layered ayout. I have a container with a layeredlayout and added many container on top of it like a stacked card I want each stack card to be clickable, so I decided set a Lead component on each card but the response I am getting when any of the container is clicked are the same.
I have also try to setleadcomponet on the main Container (with layeredLayout) but the responese I am getting is for only the container that was added last.

Lead component does the exact opposite of what it seems you are trying to do. It delegates all events to one component within the hierarchy.
Events in Codename One are sent to one Component in the hierarchy so regardless of that the layered layout has nothing to do with even delivery. The foremost focusable component will get the event. You can do various tricks to allow elaborate event delivery but you might need to rephrase the question explaining what you are trying to do and not how you expect something to work.


How to show repeatable activities in UML diagram

I'm working on a project and trying to show one of the Use Cases in a UML activity diagram.
I'd like to use it in order to show that the requirements for this particular use case are met.
I'd also like to use it to develop the test cases that will need to be written for this use case.
I've ordered the "UML 2.0 In A Nutshell" book but until that arrives I'm trying my best from articles and youtube clips so the diagram may not conform to the proper standards.
Question 1:
I've tried to show that the ExecuteInThread function as a whole has a try catch block to stop any exception bubbling up and crashing the app but I'm not sure if I've shown that correctly?
Question 2:
I'd also like to show is that updating the task status to Failed / In Progress / Completed is done on the database and if the database is unavailable it retries 10 times to connect before it fails.
Is it possible to have a repeatable block on the side I could refer to for each Update activity to show this?
Question 3:
I've read that at the level of the use case I should not be showing any implementation details.
I'm guessing this means avoid showing there's a database involved at all and not to show any try / catch logic unless it impacts the user's actions. Am I doing completely the wrong thing here?
The retry logic is a requirement for this use case though so my first attempt was to include it given it would help with writing the test cases and showing application resilience.
Question 1:
Any action can be protected by an exception handler. This is the zigzag-line in your diagram. The action at the other end is the handler body. I must not have incoming or outgoing control or object flows. When the exception handler finishes, the protected action produces tokens on its outgoing flows, as if it has ended normally. The handler body should also have an input pin typed by the exception. This way it can distinguish different exceptions and the protected action can tranfer information about the problem.
Structured activity nodes are also actions and can be protected by an exception handler. In your diagram I guess Execute Task in Thread is such an action. The official notation uses a dashed border and the keyword «structured».
Edit: After discussion with #bruno.
If you want to use Exceptions, you should probably rethink how you group the actions. A protected action will always finish successfully, if its exception handler body doesn't raise a new exception. That means the body must try to recover from the exception and potentially retry the behavior of the protected action (there is no UML element for retrying, you will have to do it on foot). If that doesn't work, the handler body must reraise the exception (after having made sure that everything is in good order, i.e. that the class invariant is still holding).
This might seem a bit over complicated. Why not simply use a decision node after the action execute task with the guard [successfull]. I would use ReceiveSignalActions in use case flows only to model interactions from outside of the system, that can influence the flow of the use case.
Question 2:
You can create an activity update task status and call it from all the update actions. The status itself could be a value pin on this call action. Inside the update activity you can show a loop with decision and merge nodes that counts the trials. However, it will probably be easier to just write in the description, that it can be Irepeated 10 times.
This is the way how a repeatable set of actions can be modeled. It is not possible to do that in the same diagram. I would however be allowed to expand one of the call actions, so that the called activity is shown there. You have to try, whether your tool does offer this possiblity. Some tools only offer to show any diagram embedded in another diagram. This is not standard and will not be interchangable between tools.
Question 3:
I agree that the database and the number of retries are technical details that are not the focus of the use case analysis.
It could be interesting, though, if the system would not just display an error message, but would need to offer alternative ways to achieve the desired result. If for example the system shall then offer to save the update to an usb stick. Since this requires additional interaction with the user and gives rise to a new functional requirement for the system, it makes sense to analyse it within the use case. If it is just an occasional technical problem, I would not cover it.
If you need a way to capture this requirement in your model, I would just add a user defined extension for textual requirements. Not all requirements are coming from use cases. Many tools already have their own extension for this.

UML Use case help - how do you show a use case that actor cannot access?

Example of controlling a security camera online. user can pan camera, take a snapshot etc through an web browser. How do I draw a use case when user encounter problems eg. the network is down, unable to pan camera.
The use case is still the same Control area with camera. What you now see is an error path in a scenario. This is business as usual. The error path will likely be to start camera maintenance (as another use case called Maintain defect camera). You might need to extend the UC with another one called Control area manually.

Sparx EA: What type of relationship created when a Component is added to a Node?

In this question (point #3), I asked about getting a Packaging Component recognized as contained by a Node (device or execution environment) on a deployment diagram.
No direct answer. However, the answers to other points led me toward an alternative that seems simple in concept: manually create the relationship or link.
So, I looked # one of my Component <--> Node "containment" links to see what Sparx creates in the background. But, from the properties page / dialog of both the Component and Node, I can't see anything linking the two.
So ... what is actually created when a Component is "dropped into" a Node?
As I mentioned in my comment to your previous question: None. When you drop one element over another then this is docked graphically (only if it's significantly smaller). As a side effect (and it's legal for UML) the moved element is also made a sub-element of the one where it has been dropped. (There is some option where you can turn of this behavior but don't ask me where in that options haystack EA has.)
P.S.: It's Tools/Options/Diagram/Behavior/Auto Group... (top left the lowest check mark)

How-to model user interaction with GUI controls in UML activity diagram?

Imagine that you have a simplistic GUI application. When you open it, there is an input box and a button placed on the application window. When you press the button you should see the entered value displayed in a popup message box. Of course, the button can be clicked without entering the value into the input box. Another possibility is that user exits the application right after opening it.
How-do you model this in UML activity diagram?
The typical UML elements like
a) decision node
b) fork/join node
do not seem appropriate to me.
According to my understanding a) is used when a check on certain set property is made and according to the outcome, the flow is routed somewhere; this is not appropriate since no checks are made
b) is not appropriate since it assumes parallel execution (?) which is not the case in the modeled situation.
There is a similar question here on SO though I don't understand what is meant by the suggested "Event element" in the accepted answer.
This seems not appropriate for a useful activity diagram:
Of course, the button can be clicked without entering the value into the input box.
Then there was no noteworthy activity, so nothing to model.
Another possibility is that user exits the application right after opening it.
Same here.
Most aspects of UML are rather GUI-unaware. You want to not spend your time modeling trivial cases but instead focus on actual workflows. Such diagrams will add way more value.
Nevertheless if you were to model something for your example, your assumption is basically right. The input validation is not bound to the willing user decision of leaving an input blank, though. You gotta do it anyway.
It is possible.
Use call operation for operation invocation on classes instance which represent GUI elements and also use Accpet Event Actions to receive events from GUI elements.GUI elements should be defined as standard classes. See Action Model part in UML Superstructure document. UML Website
It's a very interesting question. As already said in the previous post, a UI typically receive events and send informations in a visual form.
So, the particular UML actions (activity diagram) like "accept event" and "signal sending" are appropriate when the UI can receive different s events in no predefine order. Activity diagram are generally based on a "scenario" point of view, showing some scenarios but not all. Make events oriented activity diagram is more difficult; sometimes, "interruption region" have to be used.

With Haskell and Gtk2hs, how would I create a new widget and associated events?

I have an application that I am working on, and I'm basically self-teaching GUI programming. I asked a fairly involved question over on programmers.stackexchange. This question is about the mechanics of an idea I had not tried.
I have three widgets: a TreeView, a TextField, and a DrawingArea. Each of the three widgets interacts very intimately with events on one necessarily triggering actions on the other. Those three widgets largely do not interact with the rest of the application except (so far) by reading an MVar containing the global application state.
Currently I can think of no case in which the larger application should ever interact directly with any of those three widgets. Further, that identical pattern would be replicated to review other data that has the same form. So, it seems to me that it would make sense to actually bind these three widgets together into a larger composite widget that can interact with GTK's normal event queue. So, for instance
type MyDataViewWidget = (TreeView, TextField, DrawingArea)
data DataUpdatedSignal a = DataUpdatedSignal a
data RedrawEvent a = RedrawEvent a
So, the widget would use DataUpdatedEvent to indicate to the rest of the application that something inside MyDataViewWidget changed, and RedrawEvent would tell the widget that it needs to redraw or re-read the source data.
(technically, I have not thought through semantically what the various actions in the composite widget would do... whether the widgets would just have a read-only copy of the application data and need to receive new read-only copies with the RedrawEvent or perhaps the widgets would have the MVar itself and be allowed to change the data in the MVar, etc... I'm just interested at the moment in how to actually do this)
Are there any examples of doing something like this? Basically, what instances do I need to implement to create the new widget and the two signals? I'd prefer to stick to Haskell, but I could drop to C in order to build up the new widget.
Unfortunately, there is currently no pure-Haskell way to (correctly) implement the Widget type class. You'll need to implement your widget in C, then import it via the FFI. There are numerous examples of this -- basically all of gtk+/gtk2hs is a collection of hundreds of examples of doing this.
