Exponential/Poisson distribution - statistics

Tom enters the post office where 5 people are being served, each by a different sales clerk. He will be called up as soon as any one of the 5 people currently being attended to are finished. The service time for each individual by each cleark has an exponential distribution with an average service time of 5 minutes, and is independent of all other service times. Find the probability Tom has to wait for more than 2 minutes before he is called up.
I'm struggling with determining how to set this up, mainly with the fact that there are 5 people being served.

For Tom to wait more than 2 minutes, each of the 5 clerks will have to take more than 2 minutes on their respective customers. So if x is the probability that a single clerk will take longer than 2 minutes (I'll let you compute x), then the final answer would just be x to the power 5. This is a joint probability distribution. P(tom waits longer than 2 minutes) = P(clerk 1 takes longer than 2 minutes,clerk 2 takes longer than 2 minutes,etc.etc.) = P(a single clerk takes longer than 2 minutes)^5.

Here is how you can solve the problem using theory (with memory-less property of the exponential distribution, with the fact that the random variables are i.i.d.) and also with simulation using R:
# P(/\(X_i > 2)) = Prod_i(P((X_i > 2))), i=1,..,5, X_i ~ Exp(1/5) i.i.d., where /\ denotes intersection
# P((X_i > 2)) = F_X_i(2) = exp(-(1/5)*2), F is th CDF function
# with theory
# [1] 0.1353353
(1-pexp(2, rate=1/5))^5
# [1] 0.1353353
# with simulation
res <- replicate(10^6,{rexp(5, rate=1/5)})
probs <- table(colSums(res > 2)) / ncol(res)
probs # prob that exactly i clerks will have service time > 2, i=1,..,5
# we are interested in the event that i = 5
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
#0.003900 0.039546 0.161347 0.327012 0.332583 0.135612


retrieve original factor loadings using Factor Analysis in Scikit learn

So I am trying to do a toy example where I know factors in advance and I want to back them out using FactorAnalysis or PCA using SciKit learn.
Lets say I have defined 4 random X factors and 10 Y dependent variable:
# number of obs
# 4 Random Factors ~N(0,1)
# Loadings for 10 Y dependent variables
# Y without unique variance
There is no random noise here so if I run the PCA it will show that 4 factors explain all the variance as one would expect:
array([0.47940185, 0.78828548, 0.93573719, 1. ])
so far so good. In the next step I have ran the FA analysis and reconstituted the Y from the calculated loadings and factor scores:
fa=FactorAnalysis(n_components=n_factors, random_state=0,rotation=None)
X_fa = fa.fit_transform(Y_hat)
So the the original variables and reconstituted variables from FA match almost exactly.
The loadings don't match at all and neither do factors:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1.70402 -3.37357 3.62861 -0.85049 -6.10061 11.63636 3.06843 -6.89921 4.17525 3.90106
1 -1.38336 5.00735 0.04610 1.50830 0.84080 -0.44424 -1.52718 3.53620 3.06496 7.13725
2 1.63517 -1.95932 2.71208 -2.34872 -2.10633 4.50955 3.45529 -1.44261 0.03151 0.37575
3 0.27463 3.89216 2.00659 -2.18016 1.99597 -1.85738 2.34128 6.40504 -0.55935 4.13107
From quick calculations the factors from FA are not even well correlated with the original factors.
I am looking for a good theoretical explanation why I can't back out the original Factors and loadings, and not necessarily looking for code example

Given a String of Buckets (alphabets). Find the cost (possibly minimal) to bring all the buckets at the base

Bob is a construction worker who does mathematics for increasing his efficiency. He is working on a site and has n buckets of cement-lined up with different characters (a – z) marked upon them. He has a strict command from the senior that he cannot change the order of the buckets.
Before starting his work, he has been given a string s of length n in which the character at position i (1 <= i <= n) gives us the mark on the i'th bucket. He can only carry one bucket at a time and bring it back to the base site. In each round, he has a criterion on which bucket to pick up. He will take the bucket with the smallest character marked upon it (a<b<z) and if there are multiple buckets with the smallest character, then he will take the one closest to the base.
The cost of picking up a bucket B is the number of buckets he passes through while walking from the site to get B (the bucket which he picks is also included). In each round, the cost accumulates. Find the final cost incurred by Bob while completing his job.
1 < t,m < 10^5
The sum of n over all test cases does not exceed 10^6
badce - Firstly Bob takes the second basket with mark 'a' and adds 2 to the cost.
bdce - Then he takes the first basket with the mark 'b' and adds 1 to the cost.
dce - Then he takes the second basket with the mark 'c' and adds 2 to the cost.
de - Again he takes the first basket with the mark 'd' and adds 1 to the cost.
e - Again he takes the first basket with the mark 'e' and adds 1 to the cost.
The total cost becomes 7 units.
I have tried to code in Python but giving TLE for some cases.
Here is my approach-->
n = int(input())
s = input()
count_array = [0] * 26
for i in range(n):
count_array[ord(s[i])-97] += 1
alphabets = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
ans = 0
for i in range(26):
while count_array[i] > 0:
idx = s.index(alphabets[i])
ans += idx + 1
if idx > -1: s = s[0:idx] + s[idx+1:]
count_array[i] -= 1
I am looking for an optimized approach that takes O(nlogn) or O(n) time complexity. Thank You.
This runs in O(n). For every char, check how many previous chars will be transported later.
def get_cost(s):
result = 0
seen = [0] * 26
for c in s:
idx = ord(c) - ord('a')
result += 1 + sum(seen[idx+1:])
seen[idx] += 1
return result

How do you find the sample space of flipping unfair coins?

So, usually for unbiased coins, the probability of getting 2 heads out of 3 flips is - 3C2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 3/8, since we know, the formula for probability is likely events divided by all possible events; we can say that there are 8 possible events here.
Now flip an unbiased coin with the probability of getting heads 80% of the time,
so the probability of getting 2 heads out of 3 flips is -
3C2 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.2 = 3/7.8125, so is the sample space 7.8125 here ?
It is still 8. 8 possible results. It's all about classical definition of probability.
In first example (p=50%) each possible result (for example {head, head, not_head}) has the same probability, that's why we can calculate
**total_prob = count_success/count_total = 3*1.000/8 = 0.375**
In the second (p=80%) we don't have this assumption anymore, so cannot use classical definition of probability (count_success/count_total), so we have to calculate
**total_prob = sum_success/count_total = 3*1.024/8 = 0.384**
In general, You can imagine, that in 1st example each result has weight=1.000, and in 2nd example results have different weights (for example {head, head, not_head} has weight=1.024 and {not_head, not_head, not_head} has weight=0.064)

Change-making: Dynamic Programming

In a lecture earlier, we were told that using a greedy approach to solve a change making problem would not always work.
An example of this was given as follows:
We want to reach n = 14, and we have three coins of different values: d1 = 1,d2 = 7,d3 = 10.
Using the greedy approach this would lead us to do 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 (5 coins).
It was said the a dynamic problem approach would solve this accurately. I tried working it out but it came back to 5.
Assume F holds the number of coins needed to make an amount
F[14] = min {F[14 – 1] , F[14 – 7], F[14 – 10]} + 1
= F[14 – 10] + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5
This shows again that we need 5 coins, when this can clearly be done by using 2 coins (7 + 7).
What gives? Thanks.
You assumed that min {F[14 – 1] , F[14 – 7], F[14 – 10]}=F[14-10] when it is not the case. The minimum is actually F[14-7]=1 and hence the optimum is 2

Nested Random effect in JAGS/ WinBUGS

I am interested in fitting the following nested random effect model in JAGS.
SAS code
proc nlmixed data=data1 qpoints=20;
parms beta0=2 beta1=1 ;
bounds vara >=0, varb_a >=0;
eta = beta0+ beta1*t+ b2+b3;
p = exp(eta)/(1+exp(eta));
model TestResult ~ binary(p);
random b2 ~ normal(0,vara) subject = HHcode;
random b3 ~ normal(0,varb_a) subject = IDNo_N(HHcode);
My question: How to specify the random effect part?
I have repeated measurements on individuals. These individuals are further nested in the household. Note: The number of individuals per household vary!
Looking forward to hearing from you
Let's assume that we have two vectors which indicate which house and which individual a data point belongs to (these are things you will need to create, in R you can make these by changing a factor to numeric via as.numeric). So, if we have 10 data points from 2 houses and 5 individuals they would look like this.
house_vec = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2) # 6 points for house 1, 4 for house 2
ind_vec = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5) # everyone has two observations
N = 10 # number of data points
So, the above vectors tell us that there are 3 individuals in the first house (because the first 6 elements of house_vec are 1 and the first 6 elements of ind_vec range from 1 to 3) and the second house has 2 individuals (last 4 elements of house_vec are 2 and the last 4 elements of ind_vec are 4 and 5). With these vectors, we can do nested indexing in JAGS to create your random effect structure. Something like this would suffice. These vectors would be supplied in the data.list that you have to include with TestResult
for(i in 1:N){
mu_house[house_vec[i]] ~ dnorm(0, taua)
mu_ind[ind_vec[i]] ~ dnorm(mu_house[house_vec[i]], taub_a)
# priors
taua ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01) # precision
sda <- 1 / sqrt(taua) # derived standard deviation
taub_a ~ dgamma(0.01, 0.01) # precision
sdb_a <- 1 / sqrt(taub_a) # derived standard deviation
You would only need to include mu_ind within the linear predictor, as it is informed by mu_house. So the rest of the model would look like.
for(i in 1:N){
logit(p[i]) <- beta0 + beta1 * t + mu_ind[ind_vec[i]]
TestResult[i] ~ dbern(p[i])
You would then need to set priors for beta0 and beta1
