How can I load Geospatial RDF in Virtuoso? - geospatial

Sorry for noobish question. I want to know what kind of format (syntax) a geospatial RDF should have so I can load it into Virtuoso (Open Source) and do a GeoSPARQL query over it. I found a very small and simple geospatial RDF and wanted to load it into VOS, but it gave me an error as the result:
Unable to load RDF graph <something> from <geospatial data name> with Content-Type 'application/rdf+xml': 42000: RDFGE: RDF box with a geometry RDF type and a non-geometry content
I uploaded RDF without any instances and VOS loaded it successfuly. But when I add the instance into it, the error pops. Here the whole RDF i use is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource= ""/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="">
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="">
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource=""/>
<!-- Instance -->
<my:PlaceOfInterest rdf:about="">
<my:hasExactGeometry rdf:resource=""/>
<sf:Point rdf:about="">
<geo:asWKT rdf:datatype= "">
<![CDATA[ <> Point(-83.4 34.4) ]]>
VOS Version is 07.20.3217. What's wrong?


I get 'not implemented' response

Please see whether I'm right. A company claims that its cameras are Profile T compliant. So I visit this document to see what functions the cameras supports:
In section 7.2.3 I see the function list for devices. I examine the first one, GetServices with the following command:
curl -d
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
<GetServices xmlns="Battle of the Bulge, 75 years on" />
The camera responds:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:c14n="Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0" xmlns:wsu="" xmlns:ds="XML-Signature Syntax and Processing" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:wsa="WS-Addressing 1.0 Namespace" xmlns:wsrfr="" xmlns:wsrfrw="" xmlns:wsrfbf="" xmlns:wstop="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:dn="" xmlns:tan="" xmlns:tds="" xmlns:tev="" xmlns:timg="" xmlns:tptz="" xmlns:trt="" xmlns:tmd="" xmlns:ter="" xmlns:tavg="" xmlns:tnsavg="" xmlns:avg="" xmlns:avgb="" xmlns:d="Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery)">
<SOAP-ENV:Fault SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
<SOAP-ENV:Text xml:lang="en">
Method 'GetServices' not implemented: method name or namespace not recognized
It says that the method is not implemented. Whatever I've examined until now got the same response. So I wonder maybe I've some mistakes in my requests.
Three points:
The namspace is wrong: xmlns="Battle of the Bulge, 75 years on". According to the Media 2 Service specs, it shall be
This is not the way you are supposed to discover if a device supports Profile T. You should check if the scope onvif:// is returned by GetScopes or by discovering. A camera may implement Media Service 2 even if it is not Profile T compliant.
The best way to check if the claim of conformance to Profile T is correct, it to check the Declaration of Conformance being uploaded on the ONVIF website.
The correct way to specify the operation is
<wsdl:GetServices xmlns:wsdl="">
Reason: your main request,
<GetServices xmlns="Battle of the Bulge, 75 years on" />
is wrong for several reasons.
The most important is that you refer the operation by its local (unqualified) name. The correct name must be qualified, including a namespace. It is usually represented as {}GetService, but it must be used as wsdl:GetService
You can not use just any string as namespace; it must be the one that was used when the operation was defined (in this case, in devicemgmt.wsdl is defined as above)
Your definition of the namespace via xmlns is wrong, as it does not secify the namespace, only its value. The namespace used must be defined using the syntax xmlns:<uour namespace short>=<namespace as url>.
The namespace must be defined in the tag where it is used or one of its parents. It is most common to define all namespaces at the topmost level (root node/element)
and will return a list of services present, such as analytics, deviceio, event, etc. If the device supports Profile T, it will have Media2 service present, as below (not that is actually enabled, you need to use GetScopes for that or check the discovery message, as the other poster said)

NodeJS Amazon AWS Submit Feed Generic Error

I am trying to submit a product feed to AWS and I keep getting a generic error related to the XML I am sending
I have gone through all the .xsd files and come up what I believe to be correct xml but apparently not :(
The Error
"MessageID": "1",
"ResultCode": "Error",
"ResultMessageCode": "25",
"ResultDescription": "We are unable to process the XML feed because one or more items are invalid. Please re-submit the feed."
How I am creating the content
const getContent = (upc) => `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd">
Turns out this just means a value in the xml is malformed. It helped a lot to search the xsd files for the specific variable I was trying to tie a value to and then it provides the restrictions on that value (i.e. AmazonOrderId has a regex validation associated with it that restricts the value to be in the structure of 123-1234567-1234567). After I manually ran through this process for each variable I was able to submit a feed finally but now I have to have an associated OrderAcknowledgement which I am working through.

How to store payload and append it to another payload later?

I am using Spring Integration in my project. I have the following payload.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<comment>I am here</comment>
I want to extract the tag <workflowStatusComment> i.e workflowStatusComment <comment>I am here</comment></workflowStatusComment> and save it for future purpose. I don't want to use any java code to use the saved tag info in the future. I want to add the saved info to another payload at the end of the execution.I know about header enrichers, but I don't know how to use the saved header enriched values without using java. I have to only use Spring Integration components to manipulate the payload.
The second payload to which I am going to append the saved tag info is here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
After appending the saved tag info to the above payload, my final payload should look like the initial payload with some extra information. Something like below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<comment>I am here</comment>
is there any way?
You can extract that info from the XML using <int-xml:xpath-transformer> or #xpath() SpEL-function.
But you have to share with us what is your "another payload" and how you would like to add this extracted.
Maybe it even better to have some solution with Java and than we consider here how to convert it into Spring Integration XML DSL or similar.
Please, revise your question to make it more clearer.
To insert one XML into another you have to fight a bit javax.xml API.
The code might be something like this:
DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document target = builder.parse(new StringBufferInputStream(targetXML));
Element source = builder.parse(new StringBufferInputStream(sourceXML)).getDocumentElement();
But I don't want to use any java code.
Well, if your target XML can represent as a template string you can use standard replaceFirst() in the <transformer> with expression:
String targetXml = "";
<transformer expression="'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
</PQ>'.replaceFirst('\\$workflowStatusCommentToken\\$', headers.originalXml)"/>

How i can set datastore index configuration in google cloud via NodeJs?

I'm trying to run GQL query on my datastore.
Something like this:
SELECT * FROM products WHERE model = #model AND date >= #date
But there's error like:
You need an index to execute this query.
In google api documentation i found nothing about indexes for nodejs.
How i can set this indexes?
Unfortunatly as of today the gcd tool doesn't support automatic index generation for languages using the JSON interface (like Node.js or Ruby).
A workaround is the manually define your index in <your-dataset-directory>/WEB-INF/datastore-indexes.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<datastore-index kind="product" ancestor="false">
<property name="model" direction="asc" />
<property name="date" direction="asc" />
See the Index Configuration section of the datastore documentation for more details.

Sybase ASE - xmlvalidate with xml schema

I receive inputs to a procedure as xml and I've prepared the xml schema and would like to validate the input with the schema and throw an error if the input doesn't comply. I am trying to use xmlvalidate() option 'schemavalidate=yes' but couldn't figure out where to store my xml schema. The examples indicate a http url as the xml schema but should I host my xml schema? or should I store it as a database "text" column? Could someone guide me how to store and use the xml schema to use xmlvalidate()? We are at Sybase ASE 15.7
Appreciate your help!
Just adding the below question as hurdled in my next step on this:
I've hosted my xml schema and trying to use xmlvalidate as below:
xmlvalidate(#purgeTableInfo, option 'schemavalidate=yes, nonamespaceschemalocation="http://myhost:5000/purgeschema"')
The required access to this purge schema has been provided to the unix box/login that hosts the database. We are able to ping to "myhost" from the unix box on which sybase is running. But, I am still getting the below error.
"XMLVALIDATE(): XML parser fatal error <<An exception occurred!
Type:NetAccessorException, Message:Could not create the socket for URL
'{0}'. Error={1>> at line 0, offset 0.
Sybase error code=14702
Severity Level=16, State=0, Transaction State=0"
Does anyone know what would be the reason and how should I go about fixing this?
Any help on this would be great!
According to the documentation, to validate against a dtd, your schema needs to be hosted. Your xml should be stored in a text column in the database, not your xml schema. There are a number of examples in the documents, which should guide you in the right direction.
