Format Date category axis in chart component - kendo-ui-angular2

How can I format category axes in chart?
I found this help file, but I can not connect it with my source code:
<kendo-chart [categoryAxis]="{ categories: graphsCategories }">
<kendo-chart-legend position="bottom" orientation="horizontal"></kendo-chart-legend>
<kendo-chart-series-item *ngFor="let item of graphsSeries" type="line"
I would like to format date to view only days:

Change this:
<kendo-chart-series-item *ngFor="let item of graphsSeries" type="line" [data]="item.timers" [name]="">
To this:
<kendo-chart-series-item *ngFor="let item of graphsSeries" type="line" [data]="item.timers" [name]="">
<kendo-chart-category-axis-item-labels format="EEEE">
Change the format to whatever you want but EEEE will give you the day


Using input controls in column header with Ignite Grid

Using Ignite UI for Angular Data Grid and I want to make an editor for the name of a column. However, the grid control seems to disable any input controls I put into the header template.
How can I enable input controls in the header template for my grid?
The code below creates a grid with an input control in the header. The input control cannot be clicked or the value edited.
<ng-template igx-header #editColumnMapping let-column>
<input type="text" name="textInput" [value]="column.header" />
<igx-grid #grid2 [data]="[[1], [2], [3], [4]]">
<igx-column header="Values" [headerTemplate]="editColumnMapping" field="0"></igx-column>
Your code looks correct. I have created a sample for you in StackBlitz
<igx-grid #grid1 [data]="data">
<igx-column header="Rank" field="Id" [headerTemplate]="hTemplate"></igx-column>
<igx-column header="Athlete" field="Name" [headerTemplate]="hTemplate"></igx-column>
<ng-template #hTemplate let-column>
<div (click)="fieldInput.focus()">
<span >{{column.header}}</span>
<br />
<input #fieldInput [(ngModel)]="column.header" style="width: 100%">
The sample is working with both the latest 9.0.0-beta.6 and 8.2.13

Returning Certain 'a' class Href by Date

I have a number of divtags (as shown below) that contains a hrefthat I'm looking for. I can return the all of the hrefs and append them to a list but what I need to do is to just return the hrefs where the date equals the newest date in <li class="last first date"></li>. Any help on how I could achieve this would be great.
<div class="span8 story index_story genre-letter">
<a class="gtm-event" data-evt-action="/opinion/letters/article 1 on
/opinion/letters" data-evt-category="Section element" data-evt-
label="Position 98 of 99" href="/opinion/letters/article 1">
<span class="h2">Article 1</span>
<div class="article_info">
<li class="last first date">February 21, 2018</li>

Kendo UI Angular - How to display a regular hyperlink (underlined and blue) in grid?

I want to display hyperlinks within a grid of Kendo UI for Angular. Sometimes the simplest of things are the hardest to do...
Here is my column:
<kendo-grid-column field="number" title="Number">
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
I'd like the 'number' to be blue and underlined as a regular hyperlink but it's just black and not underlined.
<kendo-grid-column field='Number' title='Number' width='120'>
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem >
Just style it and add either a link or a custom click event as shown above.
this worked for me :
<kendo-grid-command-column width="550">
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem="dataItem">
<a style="color: blue" href="">{{dataItem.number}}</a>
i guess you need "kendo-grid-command-column" instead of "kendo-grid-column"

Format kendo-ui-angular2 grid date column using property

Was wondering if it is possible to format a date in a column using a property.
<kendo-grid-column field="DOB" format="{0:d}" title="DOB" width="160" >
I would like to format the DOB using a property.
In my TS file I would have something like:
<kendo-grid-column field="DOB" format="{0:shortDate}" title="DOB" width="160" >
Something like that possible?
Solution I ended up using:
<kendo-grid-column field="DOB" title="DOB" width="160" >
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
{{dataItem.DOB | date:config.ShortDate}}
For anyone in future's use, You can easily format it using below format property as below
<kendo-grid-column title="Received On" field="labReceivedDate" format="{0: dd MMM yyyy}" width="120px "></kendo-grid-column>

Kendo-ui-angular2 Pie chart labels not displayed

I am trying to build a pie chart in Kendo-ui-angular2. Pie chart is displayed but labels are not. Any live plunker or example is highly appreciated.
<kendo-chart-title text="Gross domestic product growth /GDP annual %/"></kendo-chart-title>
<kendo-chart-legend position="top" orientation="horizontal"></kendo-chart-legend>
<kendo-chart-tooltip format="{0}%"></kendo-chart-tooltip>
<kendo-chart-series-item *ngFor="let item of series"
type="donut" [data]="" [name]="">
private series: any[] = [{
name: ["India","Aus", "Fin"],
data: [3.907, 7.943, 7.848]
You have to add :
<kendo-chart-series-defaults-labels [visible]="true" </kendo-chart-series-defaults-labels>
