Cassandra 3.9 and CQL spec version - cassandra

Just curious what versions of cql are supported in Cassandra 3.9.
I know that cql 3.4.2 is supported in Cassandra 3.9, but whether 3.4.3 is supported too? and how to upgrade/config Cassandra 3.9 to use cql 3.4.3?
I searched on Internet, I found some information such as Which CQL version corresponds to which Cassandra version?,, and so on, but these posts can not help me.
Any comments welcomed. Thanks

Just curious what versions of cql are supported in Cassandra 3.9
CQL adheres to semantic versioning, meaning that a server supporting 3.4.2 should support anything in the range [3.0, 3.4.2].
but whether 3.4.3 is supported too? and how to upgrade/config Cassandra 3.9 to use cql 3.4.3?
A given version of Cassandra has a fixed maximum CQL spec. For 3.9, it is 3.4.2, as you point out. There is no way to configure a higher version. To get features from the next CQL spec requires upgrading Cassandra (note that all the changes for 3.4.3 have fixVer=3.10)


sstabloader compatibility between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra

Does sstabloader work between datastax cassandra and apache cassandra?
I'm trying to copy data from dse 5.0.7 to apache 3.11.1 cassandra version
It shouldn't be an issue to use it to export between Datastax Cassandra and the open source version, if they are the same versions.
Having said that, please note that DSE 5.0.7 uses Apache 3.0.11, as explained in the release notes. This means that you should import the data to a cluster with that version, and once that this is completed, upgrade to 3.11.1.
Disclosure: I'm not a DSE user, I don't have a way to test this.

DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra 3.2 on Cassandra 3.10

Support is explicitly listed for Cassandra 3.0 here and they also list versions like 2.1 and 2.2 explicitly so I don't really want to just assume 3.10 is ok if 3.0 is
I'm not sure if 3.10 will be supported though. Does anyone know? It looks like it probably is, but maybe someone can say for sure. Thanks
Yes, Datastax Driver 3.2 will work on Apache Cassandra 3.10
Apache Cassandra 3.x supported protocol version v4, Only the datastax driver 3.x uses protocol version v4.
Check this link for more details :

Spring-data-cassandra framework support for Cassandra java driver 3.0 and server 3.x

I am using Spring-data-cassandra framework to perform cassandra related operations. Now that I have to move the C* server to 3.4. This is forcing me to use cassandra java driver 3.0. However what is noticed is the spring-data-cassandra latest version 1.4.Release does not support C* java driver 3.0 yet.
Can anyone on this group update with the details on when the support would be available for java driver 3.x.
Also here is the link to JIRA issue.

Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise

I am new to Datastax so please forgive the newb question.
I would like to use Cassandra 3.x with Datastax Enterprise. Is this possible? Can you upgrade Cassandra that comes with Datastax Enterprise?
No, it is not possible to upgrade Cassandra inside of DataStax Enterprise. Realistically I wouldn't expect a version of DSE with a 3.x Cassandra core at least until summer (2016). And if you'd like to run Cassandra 3.x in production, you should join the user mailing list and pay attention to the bugs that come across.

What version of Thrift does Cassandra 0.8.1 use?

What version of Thrift does Cassandra 0.8.1 use?
Does the version of Thrift matter?
I plan to use it to generate C# client libraries to access Cassandra.
It uses the same version as 0.8.0-beta1 : thrift 0.6
You can look at to the Change.txt to find out :)
