I configured log4net with the following pattern.
<conversionPattern value="%date %-5level (%thread) %logger - %message%newline" />
I expected a threadId in the resulting log, but sometimes I also get a string, like
2016-11-25 10:39:28,405 WARN (TimeoutExecutor 4)
What is that "TimeoutExecutor" string that I see?
As per the documentation, the %thread placeholder is:
Used to output the name of the thread that generated the logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available.
So something in your application has given that thread a name, which is what you see in the logs.
I'm working with a third-party SDK that uses log4net. I don't want to completely exclude their items from the log; however, I don't want to constantly see these Error items in our logs either. Seeing them as Warnings or Infos, however, would be what I really want.
Is there any way to configure log4net to reduce the level of an alert so that it's not showing up as an error (within the .config file)?
Not something I have tried, but perhaps you could define a different conversionPattern for their classes with the level hard-coded.
ie, if your standard pattern is something like
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger %ndc - %message%newline" />
then you could define theirs to be
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] WARN %logger %ndc - %message%newline" />
or maybe move their errorlevel to be part of the message, ie
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] WARN %logger %ndc - %-5level-%message%newline" />
The usual method of doing something like this is to configure their log to go to a different place (ie different file or database).
Yes you can, read the configuration manual here
and make changes to your config file accordingly and show up logs which you want.
There are several posts on the internet for the same topic and I am also able to write multiple log files from my Windows Forms App. But my requirement is slightly different.
My app has two modes of running, say like "BuySomething" mode & "SellSomeOtherThing" mode. And when it is in "BuySomething" mode I want to write to Log_BuySomething.txt and to Log_SellSomeOtherThing.txt otherwise (one mode will be selected for sure).
In the app.config file, I have the same structure as in the last post of a StackOverflow Question.
My problem is that, when the code XmlConfigurator.Configure(); is executed, it creates empty log files of the names mentioned in both LogFileAppenders in the app.config file. I thought the following code would solve it, but it didn't:
if (mode == BuySomeThing)
logger = LogManager.GetLogger("LogFileAppender1");
How can I make sure that only the appropriate log file is created for that instance of the App?
If I understand you, your app doesn't switch between modes.
If so, then I would suspect that using your code will create both files, but only actually write to one.
If getting rid of the zero-byte file is important you could try something like:
log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["MyLogFileName"] =
(mode == BuySomeThing) ? "Log_BuySomething.txt" : "Log_SellSomeOtherThing.txt" ;
You also need to change your config file to only have one appender and tell it to use this property for the file name, e.g.
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
<file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="Logfiles\%property{MyLogFileName}" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline" />
This should end up creating just one file. (In this example it will be created in the folder logfiles).
I am using log4net event log appender to log to event viewer and after I am getting the following exception:
Unable to write to event log using source source name Win32exception
event log is full.
<appender name="EventLogAppender" type="log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender">
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
<param name="LevelMin" value="ERROR"/>
<param name="LevelMax" value="ERROR"/>
<!--The name of the application-->
<applicationName value="eventsource"/>
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{NDC}] - %message%newline"/>
Could you please let me know what will be the workaround for this?
Right click the event name,go to properties ..check the appropriate option for "When maximum event log size is reached...
The error should be clear enough, your event log is full - so you gotta do something about that.
Either increase the size of your event log, or delete/clean up old events,
See http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/fn_fulllog.mspx?mfr=true and http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/fixing-the-event-log-is-full-error-on-windows-xp/
I have just started playing around with Log4Net... I now want to send an email with the full log either attached or directly in the mail. The problem with using SmtpAppender is that it requires a bufferSize which will be unknown because it should send the mail whether it's full of errors or just info.
Update: My config file
<appender name="SmtpAppender" type="log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender">
<to value="ebb#mail.com" />
<from value="ebb#mail.com" />
<subject value="Backup Application - Log" />
<smtpHost value="mailserver" />
<authentication value="1" />
<username value="userName" />
<password value="mypw" />
<port value ="25"/>
<lossy value="true" />
<bufferSize value="500" />
<evaluator type="log4net.Core.LevelEvaluator">
<threshold value="ALL"/>
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%timestamp [%thread] %-5level %logger – %message%newline" />
BufferSize equals to the number of log messages that have to be buffered (ie if you set to 512 the mail will be sent once 512 messages have been collected).
I believe that setting it to int.MaxValue (which is 2.147.483.647) is a reasonable choice. 2 billions of messages are too much for a system, even long-running.
If you give me 10 minutes I'll confirm you (from source code) that if you clean stop your application, all logs collected so far will be sent
[Update]: confirmed!! Destructor flushes the queue as expected
[Add] I would remove both lossy and evaluator. Your problem is clear: Evaluator has precedence over buffer :) :)
The evaluator is used to flush the queue when a certain condition is met. Your condition equals to true. When this condition is triggered, the email is sent, so this is why the mail is sent at every single log call.
This is slightly different from sending ONLY info and error messages, which is achieved by log filtering.
Remove the two attributes and your code will work. Setting int.MaxValue will allow you to store the maximum possible number of messages. It's unlikely (you'd better win the Superenalotto's 178mln€ jackpot like some guys did tonight, or being hit by a comet in your head) that an application collects more than 2 billion errors/info in a run.
This question already has answers here:
How do you log the machine name via log4net?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm having a hard time finding documentation on the various 'in the box' patterns like
There is of course the example page but I'm not sure that's the full list of options.
I also know that it's possible to MDC parameters out of the app to the logger, but that involves a code change which is a different beast than a config change.
Is there a %machineName option, or machineIP option? The issue is that we have all our servers in the web farm log into the same database log, and we're now thinking that a disproportionate number of messages are coming from one machine.
What I did just stumble across is
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="${COMPUTERNAME}"/>
and that seems to be working --- wonder what the difference is between this and the other options suggested. like %property{log4net:HostName}
Create a class that gets the machine name:
using System;
using System.IO;
using log4net.Layout.Pattern;
namespace YourNameSpace.Converters
public class MachinePatternConverter : PatternLayoutConverter
protected override void Convert(TextWriter writer, log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
then set your log4net configuration like this:
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<name value="machine" />
<type value="YourNameSpace.MachinePatternConverter" />
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %level %logger %machine" />
I like this approach as it can be reused and i can manage the information how i want. If you want to log the ip address for example, just do the same and create the converter like so:
public class IPPatternConverter : PatternLayoutConverter
protected override void Convert(TextWriter writer, log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
if (HttpContext.Current == null)
More info on the link: http://devstuffs.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/creating-your-own-pattern-layout-converter-for-log4net/
Using this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/2096452/1224858 about adding GlobalContext properties, I was able to get this to work.
I added the following code in my class file:
log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName;
And then in the config file I can reference hostname and it will appear
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger [%property{hostname}] - %message%newline" />
Hope this helps.
Check out the PatternString API, it looks like you would need to use %property in your pattern. Also take a look at this article, you may need to inject the machine name into the global context on application startup.
Interesting, I think this is the "Compact Parameter Syntax" check out the last section over here http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/configuration.html