Magento2 customer account navigation change 3column page layout - layout

on customer_account.xml I've changed to the below code in
but changes doesn't reflect on the frontend eventhough I've deployed codes. Also tried changing in VendorName/ModuleName/view/frontend/layout/default.xml
What could be the issue?
<page layout="3columns" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">

Replace the below Line
Search below Code
replace to
run the Below Command :
php bin/magento cache:flush & php bin/magneto cache:clean & then Try


Google doc no preview available error

I used the google doc to display the pdf file in web broswer. It was working fine before. Now it gives no preview available. Most of the time it gives the blank screen with no preview available but sometime it opens the pdf. However i noticed that if the size of the pdf is small, it works fine but if the size is a bit larger with 10-100 or more pages, the no preview is shown.
WebBrowser view = new WebBrowser();
I've just tried to encode the & character to %26 and worked fine for my case.
I had the same problem, in my case, I enabled google drive api and add key attribute to my iframe:
WebBrowser view = new WebBrowser();
problem resolved after 1 day
In my case, pdf file name contained '&' character. Once I removed the ampersand char, problem solved.
Hope it helps someone.
I added this code to my web.config. Works every time after these changes.
<binding maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" messageEncoding="Text">
<readerQuotas maxDepth="2000000" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />
For those who are trying localhost. You CANNOT use localhost to view previews. You can tunnel port 80 with ngrok and then it will work.
I used object instead of iframe, works fine in my application.
Several things that may cause this:
The browser you are using to upload these files.
The size of the file you are uploading.
Password/Permission of the files are set to private.
Quick Fix:
It has been noticed that most of the users who encounter this have been using Firefox (3.6.6 in particular). Try uploading your files using IE8 and clear your cache.
This issue has been further discussed here.

Websphere portal 8 layout.html changes not reflecting

I have done the below steps to layout.html of my custom theme.
the default layout is :
<parameter name="" type="string" update="set"><![CDATA[dav:fs-type1/themes/customTheme/layout-templates/2ColumnEqual/]]></parameter>
Then i from webDav I tried to edited that particular layout.html file. I just added a class ass follow:
<div class="component-container wpthemeCol wpthemePrimaryContainer ibmDndColumn wpthemeLeft wpthemeCol6of12 wpthemeMedium lhs" name="ibmMainContainer"></div>
<div class="component-container wpthemeCol wpthemeSecondaryContainer ibmDndColumn wpthemeLeft wpthemeCol6of12 wpthemeMedium rhs" name="right"></div>
lhs & rhs are my css class which are present in theme.
Now I wont see the change when i refresh page and cross checked with firebug too.
What is see is:
<div class="component-container wpthemeCol wpthemePrimaryContainer ibmDndColumn wpthemeLeft wpthemeCol6of12 wpthemeMedium" name="ibmMainContainer"></div>
<div class="component-container wpthemeCol wpthemeSecondaryContainer ibmDndColumn wpthemeLeft wpthemeCol6of12 wpthemeMedium" name="right"></div>
I even restarted the server. Some one please point out what is wrong.
Thanks & Regards
I would have expected the server restart to clear any cached layout data. Just to make sure though, try running the refresh-page-layout task from the ConfigEngine.
same issue both with Portal 8 and Portal 8.5 .
Even if I restart server, Portal doesn't feel the changing of any layout.html file.
The only way I've found to force Portal to feel the changing is to manually re-assign the layout (assign a different layout, than assign back the correct layout) to each page I need with that layout.
I believe there should be another way (it would be absurd if it were forced to do so for big amount of pages), but I didn't find any solution at the moment.
Hope it can help you

Problem with custom registration fields in an multistore setup in magento

I have 2 sites running on my magento platform.
For site2, I added new fields to the registration page and it works properly.
Now, I noticed that when I try to register in site1, on submit I am shown a validation message that the additional fields I have added for site2 are required.
How do I make sure that the additional fields added for site2, are asked only for site2 and not site1?
I have separate themes for both site1 and site2 and both of them have separate register.phtml files.
In the config.xml file for adding custom registration fields, I have this added:
which is under <global> tag. I assume Magento is reading this. How do I make sure magento reads this config file for a particular site/store? Thanks.
If you want to see the entire XML tree magento has compiled from all XML configuration files:
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
Will present you with a single compiled XML of their entire tree, this may help in determining if your changes are being added.
Also be sure and checkout Alan Storms CommerceBug as it has this functionality built-in.
How I solved a similar situation is that I added system configuration options to allow me to set which custom field is enabled all the way down to the store view scope. This means I don't need to have separate phtml for the different stores, but can just use the same.
I've also created custom phtml 'widgets' - modelled on the Magento DOB, Gender and Name widgets. The custom widget block code has a 'isEnabled()' method that checks the config flag. In, say, my checkout/onepage/billing.phtml I can say:
<?php $_mywidget = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('mycompany/customer_widget_mywidget') ?>
<?php if ($_mywidget->isEnabled()): ?>
<?php endif ?>
Hope this helps.

drag and drop in drupal 6 block

I am working on drupal. I am facing problem in block. There is no drag and drop function on the page. When i dissable javascript on my browser it show weight option to set manually, after enable again it is not showing.
can any one suggest about this type of problem. if there is any css related issue please suggest me about this
Usually, when this happens, the <?php print $scripts; ?> call in your theme's page.tpl.php is missing, so that Drupal's JavaScript files aren't being included (it's JavaScript that creates the drag and drop features). Or there is an error/conflict in your JavaScript/jQuery.
Is $scripts being printed in your theme?

How to paste a text to the browser?

Following this tutorial I was able to retrieve data form the clipboard.
But I have no idea (nither there's something in the API) about how to insert my string into the xul browser (say, when the user open the 'edit' menu and click 'paste').
Any idea?
There's a cmd_paste here, but there's no hint if I can (and how to) use it to paste in a browser. Also the browser's API available documentation have nothing about.
I tried make it work creating a browser, setting the command attribute (not sure if it exists, the API says nothing, but it's a wiki not much reliable) and a button to paste:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<window width="400" height="300"
<browser id="mybrowser" command="cmd_paste" type="content" src="" flex="1" />
<button label="TEST PASTE" command="document.getElementById('mybrowser').doCommand();" />
Nothing happens when I press the button (with data on my clipboard, and a text field selected inside the browser).
--in the xulrunner source
within toolkit.jar, at content/global/editMenuOverlay.xul there's the definition:
<command id="cmd_paste" oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_paste')"/>
but no "goDoCommand" method is defined there, nither in the only javascript file included: editMenuOverlay.js.
Do you really need a "paste" command? Couldn't you just retrieve the data from the clipboard using the tutorial you found and copy it into the currently focused text elements when the past button is pressed?
After finding the goDoCommand (see the question update) I found out that the function was in the globalOverlay.js file.
So I added to my Xul:
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js" />
and used the goDoCommand command.
Not yet sure if it's the best or even correct approach to add this js to my Xul, but look likes ok.
