I'm new to scala and trying to play with it. I created new threads to run a test, when compiling the code with
thread.join I get compilation error:
Error:scalac: bad symbolic reference. A signature in package.class refers to type compileTimeOnly
in package scala.annotation which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling package.class.
without thread.join the code compiles and run
here is my code:
class Test{
var counter = 0
#Test def testWithThreads(): Unit = {
var i = 0
while(i < 5) {
val thread = new Thread(new TestThread)
class TestThread extends Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
what am I doing wrong? I know the code is not clean, yet it's only a play with scala test
I am using geb spock. I am trying to read the system variable from GebConfig file, however it returns the null value.
Below is my GebConfig.groovy file.
def final DEFAULT_BROWSER = "chrome"
def final DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "nl" //"en" or "nl"
def browser = System.getProperty("geb.env")
//Default browser
if (!correctBrowser(browser)) {
def envLang = System.getProperty("geb.env.lang")
//Default language
if (!correctLanguage(envLang)) {
System.setProperty("geb.env.lang", envLang)
System.setProperty("geb.env", browser)
environments {
driver = { getDriver(browser, envLang) }
Below is my spec file where I am trying to get the language value in a variable.
class TC001_SMO_Scenario_Spec extends GebReportingSpec {
def lang = System.getProperty("geb.env.lang")
def "Step 1: Perform Login"() {
when: "Load File"
to WUPage
then: " File loaded successfully"
println " Getting data from Geb Config File: " + lang
Can you please help me how to do this, as this is very important for me to access and store it in a variable. Thanks
The problem is your #Shared variable. The Geb manual says:
(...) declare a #Shared field. Again it’s best to initialize the field right at the point of declaration. (Semantically, this is equivalent to initializing the field at the very beginning of the setupSpec() method.)
The thing is, setupSpec() runs before GebConfig is evaluated. You can see it if you add this to the end of your GebConfig:
println "Finished evaluating GebConfig"
Then run this Geb specification (I have wrapped the variable assignments into closures and added print statements, then I am evaluating the closures so as to make the assignments work):
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow
import geb.spock.GebReportingSpec
import spock.lang.Shared
class GebConfigIT extends GebReportingSpec {
def sharedLang = {
println "Initialising sharedLang"
def normalLang = {
println "Initialising normalLang"
def setup() {
println "sharedLang = $sharedLang"
println "normalLang = $normalLang"
def foo() {
def bar() {
Initialising sharedLang
Finished evaluating GebConfig
Initialising normalLang
sharedLang = null
normalLang = nl
Initialising normalLang
Finished evaluating GebConfig
sharedLang = null
normalLang = nl
Can you see how sharedLang is initialised only once at the very beginning, before GebConfig even gets a chance to kick in?
Bottom line: Just remove #Shared from your code. It is over-used by most people anyway, they think they save time this way for cheap resources and tamper with their clean fixture setups. #Shared really is only for very expensive resources and very exceptional cases.
I wrote the following simple application:
object Main extends App {
var v: Int = 0
val t = new Thread(() => v = 1)
println(v) //prints 1
The thing that I was confused by was that we modify local variable from another thread... And that modification (made by the other thread) is visible in the main thread.
I thought local variables are always reside in a stack (stack memory the bottom is pointed to rsp register). I thought the stack memory is allocated for each thread in the application.
Upd: Even if we modify the app as follows it prints the same:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
var v: Int = 0
val t = new Thread(() => v = 1)
println(v) //prints 1
v is not a local variable in this case. It is a member of Main singletone object.
Update for the second example:
Closure () => v = 1 is compiled into an anonymous class that captures all variables it depends on. Stack-allocated primitives are turned into heap-allocated objects.
Here it is explained in details:
How does the memory management of closures in Scala work?
What this is doing is turning what appears to be a stack object into a heap object. In Java you can do this using array of 1 without adding special classes as Scala does.
public static void main(String... args) {
int[] v = { 0 };
Thread t = new Thread(() => v[0] = 1);
println(v[0]); //prints 1
I'm trying to do something rather simple. I would like to wrap the whole method code into an additional closure block that would measure the execution time. Right now I'm getting a really not helpful error message:
Error:Groovyc: NPE while processing Test.groovy
public #interface WithTiming {
My wrapping closure:
class Benchmark {
static def measureTime(Closure cl) {
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def result = cl()
def time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
println "it took $time"
My Transformation:
#GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS)
class WithTimingASTTransformation implements ASTTransformation {
void visit(ASTNode[] astNodes, SourceUnit sourceUnit) {
MethodNode method = astNodes[1]
method.code = wrap(method)
private Statement wrap(MethodNode method) {
def newBlock = new BlockStatement()
new ExpressionStatement(
new StaticMethodCallExpression(
new ClassNode(Benchmark),
new ArgumentListExpression(
new ClosureExpression(new Parameter[0], method.code)
I'm really stuck here and don't know how can I debug the problem.
There is an answer on a similar topic (wrapping whole method body into a try/catch block here). This works fine but my case is slightly different.
In my case similar NPE was coming from:
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.ClosureWriter.createClosureClass(ClosureWriter.java:194)
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.ClosureWriter.getOrAddClosureClass(ClosureWriter.java:159)
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.ClosureWriter.writeClosure(ClosureWriter.java:90)
at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.AsmClassGenerator.visitClosureExpression(AsmClassGenerator.java:673)
if (parameters == null || expression.getVariableScope() == null) {
parameters = Parameter.EMPTY_ARRAY;
} else if (parameters.length == 0) {
// let's create a default 'it' parameter
Parameter it = new Parameter(ClassHelper.OBJECT_TYPE, "it", ConstantExpression.NULL);
parameters = new Parameter[]{it};
Variable ref = expression.getVariableScope().getDeclaredVariable("it");
if (ref != null) it.setClosureSharedVariable(ref.isClosureSharedVariable());
and line 194 (as of https://github.com/groovy/groovy-core/commit/a52d0d3c5dd1cbb342992d36235171718a563c8b) is:
Variable ref = expression.getVariableScope().getDeclaredVariable("it");
Thus you need to define a VariableScope for your ClosureExpression. I had to add tracing into org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClosureWriter to find this, because there is an issue with exception display on stage of Class Generation - both in IntelliJ Idea and in Groovy Console - it does not show proper lines of code.
Furthermore, I think that either ClosureWriter or ClosureExpression constructor can be fixed to work aligned by default - without this NPE. I will possibly submit an issue to Groovy Jira for this.
Now I am able to inject closure expression in my code. But struggling to call this closure.
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.a9ae0b01f0ffc.VSMSGEN.implementation.T_visa_recon_generator$_convert_vts_log_to_ctf_closure2.call() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Long story short, after some iterations my method-wrapping AST looks like this:
BlockStatement bs = new BlockStatement()
ClosureExpression closureExp = new ClosureExpression( methodNode.parameters, methodNode.code )
closureExp.variableScope = new VariableScope() // <- this does the trick!
bs.addStatement new ExpressionStatement( new StaticMethodCallExpression( new ClassNode( TransactionUtil ), 'wrap', new ArgumentListExpression( closureExp ) ) )
methodNode.code = bs
The line closureExp.variableScope = new VariableScope() avoids the NPE in ClosureWriter.java:194 and the whole thing runs like a charm!
Hope it helps someone...
I have created the following Groovy Script to transform a JSON Document with a Java Library. But somehow I am not able to load the class from a jar that I need. I always get java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.is24.gis.geotools.CoordinateTransformer
The Jar file is in the same directory the groovy script is. I can not edit the way I call the groovy script. It is called automatically by a river.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
geo = new GeoTransformer()
class GeoTransformer {
void transform(doc) {
this.getClass().classLoader.addURL(new File("gis-geotools-1.9.0.jar").toURL())
def CoordinateTransformer = Class.forName("de.is24.gis.geotools.CoordinateTransformer").newInstance();
def x = doc.realEstateCommonData.locationDto.geoCoordinateDto.xCoordinate;
def y = doc.realEstateCommonData.locationDto.geoCoordinateDto.yCoordinate;
def coords = CoordinateTransformer.transformFromLambertEuToWgs84(x,z)
println coords.getLatitude()
println coords.getLongitude()
def jsonObj = new JsonSlurper().parseText( '{"type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [' + coords.getLatitude() + ',' + coords.getLongitude() + ']}' )
doc.location = jsonObj
Not sure why you can't get to the rooLoader, it must be to do with how this Groovy script is executed.
You could try this (obviously untested)
class GeoTransformer {
void transform( doc ) {
def urlLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
urlLoader.addURL( new File("gis-geotools-1.9.0.jar").toURL() )
def coordTransformer = Class.forName( "de.is24.gis.geotools.CoordinateTransformer",
urlLoader ).newInstance()
def x = doc.realEstateCommonData.locationDto.geoCoordinateDto.xCoordinate;
def y = doc.realEstateCommonData.locationDto.geoCoordinateDto.yCoordinate;
def coords = coordTransformer.transformFromLambertEuToWgs84( x, z )
println coords.latitude
println coords.longitude
doc.location = [ type:'Point',
coordinates:[ coords.latitude, coords.longitude ] ]
I got rid of the JsonSlurper bit at the bottom, and just created the map directly (I assume doc.location needs to be a map)?
This works in the Groovy Console:
def jar = new File( '/path/to/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar' )
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader()
loader.addURL( jar.toURL() )
def bag = Class.forName( 'org.apache.commons.collections.bag.HashBag',
loader ).newInstance()
bag.add( 'tim' )
println bag
println bag.getClass().name
And prints:
I had the same problem when running groovy from java via GroovyShell.
This solution works for me and solves the dependency-loading problems that MeiSign mentions in tim_yates solution. Explanation follows:
def thisLoader = this.class.classLoader
// try the "proper" way to find the root classloader
def rootLoader = DefaultGroovyMethods.getRootLoader(thisLoader)
if (rootLoader == null) {
// Root classloader is not a groovy RootLoader, but we still need it,
// so walk up the hierarchy and get the top one (whose parent is null)
// When running from Java this is sun.misc.Launcher.ExtClassLoader
rootLoader = thisLoader
ClassLoader parentLoader = rootLoader.getParent()
while (parentLoader != null) {
rootLoader = parentLoader
parentLoader = parentLoader.getParent()
rootLoader.addURL(new File("gis-geotools-1.9.0.jar").toURL())
def CoordinateTransformer =
When running groovy from java using groovy.lang.GroovyShell.main, the this.classLoader is GroovyClassLoader.InnerLoader
When running groovy from command line groovy.bat, the class loader is org.codehaus.groovy.tools.RootLoader
When you call getRootLoader, it walks up the classloader hiearchy - with getParent() - until it finds an instance of a RootLoader. If it doesn't it finds null. (That's the NPE in the title of this question)
The problem is that when running from Java the heirarchy tops out at sun.misc.Launcher.ExtClassLoader which is clearly not a groovy class at all, let alone the groovy RootLoader.
Specifically the hiearchy is:
--> GroovyClassLoader
---> sun.misc.Launcher.AppClassLoader
----> sun.misc.Launcher.ExtClassLoader
------> null
How it ends up that way is pretty obscure in GroovyMain (but if you really want to set it yourself there's a GroovyShell constructor that takes a ClassLoader).
Anyway, Tim's solution doesn't work in depth, because the new ClassLoader you are creating on the fly is used only to load that class and not subsequent classes. You really do need to add the classpath entries to the root classpath.
So I simply used the real root when the groovy root fails.
Here's the original code from org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethodsSupport
* Iterates through the classloader parents until it finds a loader with a class
* named "org.codehaus.groovy.tools.RootLoader". If there is no such class
* <code>null</code> will be returned. The name is used for comparison because
* a direct comparison using == may fail as the class may be loaded through
* different classloaders.
* #param self a ClassLoader
* #return the rootLoader for the ClassLoader
* #see org.codehaus.groovy.tools.RootLoader
* #since 1.5.0
public static ClassLoader getRootLoader(ClassLoader self) {
while (true) {
if (self == null) return null;
if (isRootLoaderClassOrSubClass(self)) return self;
self = self.getParent();
private static boolean isRootLoaderClassOrSubClass(ClassLoader self) {
Class current = self.getClass();
while(!current.getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) {
if(current.getName().equals(RootLoader.class.getName())) return true;
current = current.getSuperclass();
return false;
I created a class: NumberHelper
it has method: roll(num)
and I want to alias it, such as rollOnce, so I wrote:
static def rollOnce = NumberHelper.&roll
And the program throw an exception when I call rollOnce.
How to do this in groovy?
More Detail:
First, we implement Number class for our own business, in Java
def userBuildScript = findScript(name) as Closure
use (NumberHelper, StringHelper, UserHelper){
// first make the user object
// then
userBuildScript.call(preBuildUser, businessNumberObject)
and we wrote a category class for our Number class, it is the NumberHelper above.
and in the build script:
user(someRole) { user, number ->
it.someProperty = number.roll() // here, an exception throw
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: xxx.xx.x.user.biz.Number,roll() is applicable for argument types
are these info enough to help me find the reason?
And thanks for answering, thanks:)
What you have should work as long as the original roll method is also static. This works fine for me in groovy 1.8.6:
class NumberHelper {
static def roll(num) {
return new Random().nextInt(num) + 1
static def rollOnce = NumberHelper.&roll
def roll = NumberHelper.roll(6)
assert roll <= 6 && roll >= 1
rollOnce = NumberHelper.rollOnce(10)
assert rollOnce <= 10 && rollOnce >= 1