I'm analyzing java application deployed in Jboss 5.1 container in RHEL 6.
Ηeap dump of my application, when analyzed through Eclipse Mat, suggests that about 83% of the heap memory is occupied by java.land.Thread instance. Can you please help me understand if this signifies a memory leak in the application?
Result from Eclipse MAT:
Problem Suspect 1
4,184 instances of "java.lang.Thread", loaded by "<system class loader>" occupy 2,821,477,400 (83.40%) bytes.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
A piece of software from a vendor eats an unholy amount of memory over time.
This is a Java application and I've inspected heap and metaspace inside the JRE, everything ok there (uses < 1G RAM). The issue rather seems to be some native memory allocation within the code (which I don't have). So I've used jemalloc to profile and the following is the result.
Is it safe to say that I should ask the vendor to fix their code or what could be the issue here? How can the output of jemalloc be interpreted?
We have a Java Micorservice in our application which is connected to Postgres as well as Phoenix. We are using Spring Boot 2.x.
The problem is we are executing endurance testing for our application for about 8 hours and we could observe that the used heap is keep on increasing though we used the recommended suggestions for VM arguments, looks like a memory leak. we analysed the heap dump however the root cause is not exactly clear for us, can some experts help based on the results?
The VM arguments that we are actually using are:
-XX:ConcGCThreads=8 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:InitialHeapSize=536870912 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=45 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=1000 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MaxHeapSize=536870912 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=40 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=16 -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:StringDeduplicationAgeThreshold=1 -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication
We are expecting the used heap should be flat in the GC log, however memory consumption is not released and it keeps on increasing.
Heap Dump:
GC graph:
I'm not sure which tool you are using above, but I would be looking for the dominator hierarchy in the heap. Eclipse MAT is a good tool to analyse heap dumps and it can point you in the direction of what's actually holding the memory and you can decide if you want to categorise it as a leak or not. Regardless of the label you attach, if the application is going to crash after a while because it runs out of memory, then it is a problem.
This blog also discusses diagnosing this type of problems.
We recently migrated our application from Java 7 to Java 8. from the day of cut over, we started seeing Out of Memory Metaspace issues. We tried increasing the metaspace space size, but it didn't help. Jvisual VM(and Jconsole) shows that 60 -70 K class files are getting loaded into memory every day and nothing getting unloaded. we tried using all kinds of GC algorithms and nothing helped. What else can possibly go wrong in never Java version ?
After some research, we found the solution to our problem. Adding below JVM argument fixed the issue.
Below are article has good info on the issue.
Hope this helps.
Some Context: We have upgraded the environment of a web application from running on Java 7 to running on Java 8 and Tomcat 8 (64-bit arch, Heap size about 2 GB, PermGen size=256 MB, no constraints on metaspace size). After a while, we started getting the following error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Compressed class space
which means that the space needed for UseCompressedClassPointers exceeded CompressedClassSpaceSize. At that moment VisualVM showed a 2 GB metaspace size.
Now with the VisualVM tool, we can see the Metaspace size is constatnly increasing with every request about 3 MB, however the heap does not seem to do so. The heap usage has a saw zigzag shape going back to the same low point after every GC.
I can tell that the application is leaking Metadata only when using a Java JAXB operation, but I couldn't prove it with VisualVM.
The application depends on webservices-rt-1.4 as a JAXB implementation provider. The application uses marshalling, unmarshalling. The class generation from XSD is done with maven-jaxb2-plugin-0.13.1.
After tracing class loading and unloading, I found out that the same JAXB classes is loaded into memory by WebAppClassLoader multiple times but never cleaned up. Moreover, there are no instances to them in the heap. I debugged and I saw that JDK is calls the method
javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext by reflection and that's when the class are created.
I though the classes are cleaned up by GC. Is it the responsibility of the classLoader to clean up?
Questions: Is there a way to analyze the metaspace objects? Why do I have a leak in metaspace but not in heap? aren't they related? Is that even possible?
Why would the app work fine with PermGen but not Metaspace?
I am facing similar issue.
In my case, memory leak was caused by JAXBContext.newInstance(...) invoke.
wrap this new instance as singleton (https://github.com/javaee/jaxb-v2/issues/581) or
use -Dcom.sun.xml.bind.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true VM parameter, like in answer Old JaxB and JDK8 Metaspace OutOfMemory Issue
I had similar issue and adding -Dcom.sun.xml.bind.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true in setenv.sh as JVM OPT arguments it resolve OOM metaspace issue.
My project has started using java 8 from java 7.
After switching to java 8, we are seeing issues like the memory consumed is getting higher with time.
Here are the investigations that we have done :
Issues comes only after migrating from java7 and from java8
As metaspace is the only thing related to memory which is changes from hava 7 to java 8. We monitored metaspace and this does not grow more then 20 MB.
Heap also remains consistent.
Now the only path left is to analyze how the memory gets distributes to process in java 7 and java 8, specifically private byte memory. Any thoughts or links here would be appreciated.
NOTE: this javaw application is a swing based application.
UPDATE 1 : After analyzing the native memory with NMT tool and generated a diff of memory occupied as compare to baseline. We found that the heap remained same but threads are leaking all this memory. So as no change in Heap, I am assuming that this leak is because of native code.
So challenge remains still open. Any thoughts on how to analyze the memory occupied by all the threads will be helpful here.
Below are the snapshots taken from native memory tracking.
In this pic, you can see that 88 MB got increased in threads. Where arena and resource handle count had increased a lot.
in this picture you can see that 73 MB had increased in this Malloc. But no method name is shown here.
So please throw some info in understanding these 2 screenshot.
You may try another GC implementation like G1 introduced in Java 7 and probably the default GC in Java 9. To do so just launch your Java apps with:
There's also an interesting functionality with G1 GC in Java 8u20 that can look for duplicated Strings in the heap and "deduplicate" them (this only works if you activate G1, not with the default Java 8's GC).
Be aware to test thoroughly your system before going to production with such a change!!!
Here you can find a nice description of the diferent GCs you can use
I encountered the exact same issue.
Heap usage constant, only metaspace increase, NMT diffs showed a slow but steady leak in the memory used by threads specifically in the arena allocation. I had tried to fix it by setting the MALLOC_ARENAS_MAX=1 env var but that was not fruitful. Profiling native memory allocation with jemalloc/jeprof showed no leakage that could be attributed to client code, pointing instead to a JDK issue as the only smoking gun there was the memory leak due to malloc calls which, in theory, should be from JVM code.
Like you, I found that upgrading the JDK fixed the problem. The reason I am posting an answer here is because I know the reason it fixes the issue - it's a JDK bug that was fixed in JDK8 u152: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164293
The bug report mentions Class/malloc increase, not Thread/arena, but a bit further down one of the comments clarifies that the bug reproduction clearly shows increase in Thread/arena.
consider optimising the JVM options
Parallel Collector(throughput collector)
concurrent collectors (low-latency collectors)
use String Duplicates remover
optimise compact ratio
and refer
In this my answer you can see information and references how to profile native memory of JVM to find memory leaks. Shortly, see this.
Did you use -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail option? The results are straightforward, they show that the most memory allocated by malloc. :) It's a little bit obviously. Your next step is to profile your application. To analyze native methods and Java I use (and we use on production) flame graphs with perf_events. Look at this blog post for a good start.
Note, that your memory increased for threads, likely your threads grow in application. Before perf I recommend analyze thread dumps before/after to check does Java threads number grow and why. Thread dumps you can get with jstack/jvisualvm/jmc, etc.
This issue does not come with Java 8 update 152. The exact root cause of why it was coming with earlier versions is still not clearly identified.