I am new to VB and have a question about renaming labels
I have 64 labels I have added to a panel and would like to know if its possible to rename them all at once using code, for example Square1, Square2 etc.
Thanks for taking time to look
If they are inside a Panel called Panel1
Dim i As Integer = 1
For Each lb As Label In Panel1.Controls.OfType(Of Label)
lb.Text = "A" & i
i += 1
If you want to change the labels inside the Form... Me.Controls.OfType(Of Label)
I have a series of labels on a worksheet (not a userform) which I want to refer to programmatically.
Specifically I want to underline the text in any label that I choose.
I am struggling to find the correct syntax as all the examples refer to userforms. I thought that if I created a label variable, I could assign a label to this variable and then set its underline property to true.
Along the lines of:-
Dim lbl as Label
Set lbl = ActiveSheet.Labels("lblTest")
(or Set lbl = ActiveSheet.Controls("lblTest"))
lbl.Font.Underline = True
but I can't find the right syntax.
Update 10/01/21
I've got this working now with this code
Dim lbl As MSForms.Label
Set lbl = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("lblTest").Object
lbl.Font.Underline = True
Using the .Object reference seems to allow you to get at any property of the label.
I adapted the code in this post:-
Edit Form Control Label Caption on VBA
You need to work with the Shapes collection. This link should put you on the right track:
Underline property of textbox not working like the others
I got a problem with changing the height of the Treeview.heading. I have found some answers about the dimensions of Treeview.column, but when I access Treeview.heading in the documentation, there is not a single word about changing the height of the heading dynamically when the text doesn't fit (and wrapping it) or even just hard-coding height of the heading in pixels.
I don't have to split the text to two rows, but when I just keep it that long the whole table (as it has many entries) takes up the whole screen. I want to keep it smaller, therefore I need to split longer entries.
Here is how it looks like:
I can't find any documentation to verify this but it looks like the height of the heading is determined by the heading in the first column.
Reproducing the problem
col_list = ('Name', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
tree = Treeview(parent, columns=col_list[1:])
ix = -1
for col in col_list:
ix += 1
tree.heading(f'#{ix}', text=col)
The fix
col_list = ('Name\n\n', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
or, if you want to make it look prettier
col_list = ('\nName\n', 'Three\nLine\nHeader', 'Two\nline')
The only problem is I haven't figured out how to centre the heading on a two line header
The newlines work if it is the top level window but not if it is a dialog. Another way of doing this is to set the style. I've got no idea why this works.
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', foreground='black')
you can use font size to increase the header height for sometimes;
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('Treeview.Heading', foreground='black', background='white', font=('Arial',25),)
Disclaimer: I have only begun to learn about Python. I took a crash course just to learn the very basics about a month ago and the rest of my efforts to learn have all been research thru Google and looking at solutions here in Stack Overflow.
I am trying to create an application that will read all PDF files stored in a folder and extract their filenames, page numbers, and the contents of the first page, and store this information into a 2D set. Once this is done, the application will create a tkinter GUI with 2 listboxes and 1 text box.
The application should display the PDF filenames in the first listbox, and the corresponding page numbers of each file in the second listbox. Both listboxes are synched in scrolling.
The text box should display the text contents on the first page of the PDF.
What I want to happen is that each time I click a PDF filename in the first listbox with the mouse or with up or down arrow keys, the application should display the contents of the first page of the selected file in the text box.
This is how my GUI looks and how it should function
I have been successful in all other requirements so far except the part where when I select a filename in the first listbox, the contents of the first page of the PDF should be displayed in the text box.
Here is my code for populating the listboxes and text box. The contents of my 2D set pdfFiles is [['PDF1 filename', 'PDF1 total pages', 'PDF1 text content of first page'], ['PDF2 filename', 'PDF2 total pages', 'PDF2 text content of first page'], ... etc.
===========Setting the Listboxes and Textbox=========
scrollbar = Scrollbar(list_2)
scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
list_1.bind("<MouseWheel>", scrolllistbox2)
list_2.bind("<MouseWheel>", scrolllistbox1)
txt_3 = tk.Text(my_window, font='Arial 10', wrap=WORD)
txt_3.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.12, relwidth=0.472, relheight=0.86)
scrollbar = Scrollbar(txt_3)
scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
list_1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", CurSelect)
============Populating the Listboxes with the content of the 2D Set===
i = 0
while i < count:
list_1.insert(tk.END, pdfFiles[i][0])
list_2.insert(tk.END, pdfFiles[i][1])
i = i + 1
============Here is my code for CurSelect function========
def CurSelect(evt):
values = [list_1.get(idx) for idx in list_1.curselection()]
print(", ".join(values)) ????
The print command above is just my test command to show that I have successfully extracted the selected item in the listbox. What I need now is to somehow link that information to its corresponding page content in my 2D list and display it in the text box.
Something like:
1) select the filename in the listbox
2) link the selected filename to the filenames stored in the pdfFilename 2D set
3) once filename is found, identify the corresponding text of the first page
4) display the text of the first page of the selected file in the text box
I hope I am making sense. Please help.
You don't need much to finish it. You just need some small things:
1. Get the selected item of your listbox:
selected_indexes = list_1.curselection()
first_selected = selected_indexes[0] # it's possible to select multiple items
2. Get the corresponding PDF text:
pdf_text = pdfFiles[first_selected][2]
3. Change the text of your Text widget: (from https://stackoverflow.com/a/20908371/8733066)
txt_3.delete("1.0", tk.END)
txt_3.insert(tk.END, pdf_text)
so replace your CurSelect(evt) method with this:
def CurSelect(evt):
selected_indexes = list_1.curselection()
first_selected = selected_indexes[0]
pdf_text = pdfFiles[first_selected][2]
txt_3.delete("1.0", tk.END)
txt_3.insert(tk.END, pdf_text)
I'm using Excel 2010 - I have a number of named Command Buttons and Toggle Buttons that tend to move around or get set to a height and width of 0 so I want to add vba code to reset the command buttons and toggle buttons sizes and locate them at a specific named range.
For example names cb1, cb2, cb3, cb4 to be set at range names cbrn1, cbrn2, cbrn3, cbrn4 respectively with a width of 20 and height of 20 and tb1, tb2, tb2, tb4 to be set at range names tbrn1, tbrn2, tbrn3, tbrn4 with a width of 10 and height of 10. How would I do this by using an if then loop?
Your help would be more than appreciated :-)
I am not sure exactally on your question. But I am just trying to be helpful. You are trying to set the sizes in code? you can make a default size function size(20,20) for the typeof(control) If I had a small code clip I could be more helpful. you said 2010 so I am assuming .net even though VBA usually refers to pre-.net ie vb 4,5,6
For each obj as Control in Me.Controls
Select case typeof obj
if typeof (obj) is ComboBox then
obj.size = (20,20)
elseif typeof(obj) is ToggleButton then
obj.size = (0,0)
end if
tried to use spaces there to make it more readable. This code is not exact. but if I am correct on the type of question you are asking this "pseudo-code" should help it did not format correct hope it does this time if not. should still get the idea
I want to put a transparent label on top of a sheet in Excel, so that I can take advantage of the MouseMove event of the label to "draw cells" (aka change their fill color and so on) by mouse click / drag / etc. - since I can't do that on the cells per se.
Now everything works just fine, except that I can't make the label transparent at runtime (aka in VBA) ... while by doing exactly the same thing in Design Mode works as expected. Specifically, I have the code (more or less):
Dim MapLabel As OLEObject
On Error Resume Next
Set MapLabel = Sheet2.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.Label.1")
MapLabel.name = "MapLabel"
MapLabel.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
MapLabel.Object.Caption = ""
' Problem line below
MapLabel.Object.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
' Problem line above
MapLabel.Left = Sheet2.cells(2, 6).Left
MapLabel.Top = Sheet2.cells(2, 6).Top
MapLabel.Width = Sheet2.cells(2,6).Width * 10
MapLabel.Height = Sheet2.cells(2,6).Height * 10
So, in words, I first delete the label named 'MapLabel', then recreate it (the above code goes into a "init" Sub). All the code lines except the one marked produce the desired result. The marked one does set the BackStyle property of the label to fmBackStyleTransparent ... but it doesn't actually make the label transparent. This is frustrating, because it's the same approach that works flawlessly at design time!
Do you have a solution to this? I read about solving similar problems by declaring the label as MsForms.Label or as Control, but the sheet object doesn't have those properties, plus, there are far more label properties which can be set using the OLEObject than with the help of MsForms.Label or Control.
All you need to do after this line:
MapLabel.Object.BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent
put this line:
ActiveSheet.Shapes(MapLabel.Name).Fill.Transparency = 1
I hope I helped.
P.S. If you need explanation i will edit my answer.
I had the same problem as you but in Word. The solution for me was to do the following:
In design mode:
Right click on the object
Navigate to Switch to automatic form/Image > Wrapping > In front of the text
Add an empty picture to your label