Convert a char to upper case - rust

I have a variable which contains a single char. I want to convert this char to upper case. However, the to_uppercase function returns a rustc_unicode::char::ToUppercase struct instead of a char.

ToUppercase is an Iterator, that may yield more than one char. This is necessary, because some Unicode characters consist of multiple "Unicode Scalar Values" (which a Rust char represents).
A nice example are the so called ligatures. Try this for example (on playground):
let fi_upper: Vec<_> = 'fi'.to_uppercase().collect();
println!("{:?}", fi_upper); // prints: ['F', 'I']
The 'fi' ligature is a single character whose uppercase version consists of two letters/characters.
There are multiple possibilities how to deal with that:
Work on &str: if your data is actually in string form, use str::to_uppercase which returns a String which is easier to work with.
Use ASCII methods: if you are sure that your data is ASCII only and/or you don't care about unicode symbols you can use std::ascii::AsciiExt::to_ascii_uppercase which returns just a char. But it only changes the letters 'a' to 'z' and ignores all other characters!
Deal with it manually: Collect into a String or Vec like in the example above.

ToUppercase is an iterator, because the uppercase version of the character may be composed of several codepoints, as delnan pointed in the comments. You can convert that to a Vector of characters:
Then, you should collect those characters into a string, as ker pointed.


Problem splitting regular ASCII symbols in a string

Just had this error pop up while messing around with some graphics for a terminal interface...
thread 'main' panicked at 'byte index 2 is not a char boundary; it is inside '░' (bytes 1..4) of ░▒▓█', src/
Can I not use these characters, or do I need to work some magic to support what I thought were default ASCII characters?
(Here's the related code for those wondering.)
// Example call with the same parameters that led to this issue.
charlist(" ░▒▓█".to_string(), 0.66);
// Returns the n-th character in a string.
// (Where N is a float value from 0 to 1,
// 0 being the start of the string and 1 the end.)
fn charlist<'a>(chars: &'a String, amount: f64) -> &'a str {
let chl: f64 = chars.chars().count() as f64; // Length of the string
let chpos = -((amount*chl)%chl) as i32; // Scalar converted to integer position in the string
&chars[chpos as usize..chpos as usize+1] // Slice the single requested character
There are couple misconceptions you seem to have. So let me address them in order.
░, ▒, ▓ and █ are not ASCII characters! They are unicode code points. You can determine this with following simple experiment.
fn main() {
let slice = " ░▒▓█";
for c in slice.chars() {
println!("{}, {}", c, c.len_utf8());
This code has output:
, 1
░, 3
▒, 3
▓, 3
█, 3
As you can see this "boxy" characters have a length of 3 bytes each! Rust uses utf-8 encoding for all of it's strings. This leads to another misconception.
I this line &chars[chpos as usize..chpos as usize+1] you are trying to get a slice of one byte in length. String slices in rust are indexed with bytes. But you tried to slice in the middle of a character (it has length of 3 bytes). In general characters in utf-8 encoding can be from one to four bytes in length. To get char's length in bytes you can use method len_utf8.
You can get an iterator of characters in a string slice using method chars. Then getting n-th character is as easy as using iterators method nth So the following is true:
assert_eq!(" ░▒▓█".chars().nth(3).unwrap(), '▒');
If you want to have also indices of this chars you can use method char_indices.
Using f64 values to represent nth character is odd and I would encourage you rethink if you really want to do this. But if you do you have two options.
You must remember that since characters have a variable length, string's slice method len doesn't return number of characters, but slice's length in bytes. To know how many characters are in the string you have no other option than iterating over it. So if you for example want to have a middle character you must first know how many there are. I can think of two ways you can do this.
You can either collect characters for Vec<char> (or something similar). Then you will know how many characters are there and can in O(1) index nth one. However this will result in additional memory allocation.
You can fist count how many characters there are with slice.chars().len(). Then calculate position of the nth one and get it by again iterating over chars and getting the nth one (as I showed above). This won't result in any additional memory allocation, but it will have complexity of O(2n), since you will have to iterate over whole string twice.
Which one you pick is up to you. You will have to make a compromise.
This isn't really a correctness problem, but prefer using &str over &String in the arguments of functions (as it will provide more flexibility to your callers). And you don't have to specify lifetime if you have only one reference in the arguments and the other one is in the returned type. Rust will infer that they have to have the same lifetime.

Slice a string containing Unicode chars

I have a piece of text with characters of different bytelength.
let text = "Hello привет";
I need to take a slice of the string given start (included) and end (excluded) character indices. I tried this
let slice = &text[start..end];
and got the following error
thread 'main' panicked at 'byte index 7 is not a char boundary; it is inside 'п' (bytes 6..8) of `Hello привет`'
I suppose it happens since Cyrillic letters are multi-byte and the [..] notation takes chars using byte indices. What can I use if I want to slice using character indices, like I do in Python:
slice = text[start:end] ?
I know I can use the chars() iterator and manually walk through the desired substring, but is there a more concise way?
Possible solutions to codepoint slicing
I know I can use the chars() iterator and manually walk through the desired substring, but is there a more concise way?
If you know the exact byte indices, you can slice a string:
let text = "Hello привет";
println!("{}", &text[2..10]);
This prints "llo пр". So the problem is to find out the exact byte position. You can do that fairly easily with the char_indices() iterator (alternatively you could use chars() with char::len_utf8()):
let text = "Hello привет";
let end = text.char_indices().map(|(i, _)| i).nth(8).unwrap();
println!("{}", &text[2..end]);
As another alternative, you can first collect the string into Vec<char>. Then, indexing is simple, but to print it as a string, you have to collect it again or write your own function to do it.
let text = "Hello привет";
let text_vec = text.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
println!("{}", text_vec[2..8].iter().cloned().collect::<String>());
Why is this not easier?
As you can see, neither of these solutions is all that great. This is intentional, for two reasons:
As str is a simply UTF8 buffer, indexing by unicode codepoints is an O(n) operation. Usually, people expect the [] operator to be a O(1) operation. Rust makes this runtime complexity explicit and doesn't try to hide it. In both solutions above you can clearly see that it's not O(1).
But the more important reason:
Unicode codepoints are generally not a useful unit
What Python does (and what you think you want) is not all that useful. It all comes down to the complexity of language and thus the complexity of unicode. Python slices Unicode codepoints. This is what a Rust char represents. It's 32 bit big (a few fewer bits would suffice, but we round up to a power of 2).
But what you actually want to do is slice user perceived characters. But this is an explicitly loosely defined term. Different cultures and languages regard different things as "one character". The closest approximation is a "grapheme cluster". Such a cluster can consist of one or more unicode codepoints. Consider this Python 3 code:
>>> s = "Jürgen"
>>> s[0:2]
Surprising, right? This is because the string above is:
This is an example of a combining character that is rendered as part of the previous character. Python slicing does the "wrong" thing here.
Another example:
>>> s = "fire"
>>> s[0:2]
Also not what you'd expect. This time, fi is actually the ligature fi, which is one codepoint.
There are far more examples where Unicode behaves in a surprising way. See the links at the bottom for more information and examples.
So if you want to work with international strings that should be able to work everywhere, don't do codepoint slicing! If you really need to semantically view the string as a series of characters, use grapheme clusters. To do that, the crate unicode-segmentation is very useful.
Further resources on this topic:
Blogpost "Let's stop ascribing meaning to unicode codepoints"
Blogpost "Breaking our Latin-1 assumptions
A UTF-8 encoded string may contain characters which consists of multiple bytes. In your case, п starts at index 6 (inclusive) and ends at position 8 (exclusive) so indexing 7 is not the start of the character. This is why your error occurred.
You may use str::char_indices() for solving this (remember, that getting to a position in a UTF-8 string is O(n)):
fn get_utf8_slice(string: &str, start: usize, end: usize) -> Option<&str> {
assert!(end >= start);
string.char_indices().nth(start).and_then(|(start_pos, _)| {
.nth(end - start - 1)
.map(|(end_pos, _)| &string[start_pos..end_pos])
You may use str::chars() if you are fine with getting a String:
let string: String = text.chars().take(end).skip(start).collect();
Here is a function which retrieves a utf8 slice, with the following pros:
handle all edge cases (empty input, 0-width output ranges, out-of-scope ranges);
never panics;
use start-inclusive, end-exclusive ranges.
pub fn utf8_slice(s: &str, start: usize, end: usize) -> Option<&str> {
let mut iter = s.char_indices()
.map(|(pos, _)| pos)
let start_pos = *iter.peek()?;
for _ in start..end {; }

[] operator for strings, link with slices for vectors

Why do you have to walk over the string to find the nᵗʰ letter of a string when you do s[n] where s is a string. (According to
From what I understood, a string is an array of chars and a char is an array of 4 bytes or a number of 4 bytes. So is getting the nth letter would be similar as doing this : v[4*n..4*n+4] where v is a vector ?
What is the cost of v[i..j] ?
I would assume that the cost of v[i..j] is j-i and so that the cost of s[n] should be 4.
Note: The second edition of The Rust Programming Language has an improved and smooth explanation to Strings in Rust, which you might wish to read as well. The answer below, although still accurate, quotes from the first edition of the book.
I will try to clarify these misconceptions about strings in Rust by quoting from the book (
A ‘string’ is a sequence of Unicode scalar values encoded as a stream of UTF-8 bytes. All strings are guaranteed to be a valid encoding of UTF-8 sequences.
With this in mind, plus that UTF-8 code points are variably sized (1 to 4 bytes depending on the character), all strings in Rust, whether they are &str or String, are not arrays of characters, and can not be treated like such. It is further explained why on Slicing:
Because strings are valid UTF-8, they do not support indexing:
let s = "hello";
println!("The first letter of s is {}", s[0]); // ERROR!!!
Usually, access to a vector with [] is very fast. But, because each character in a UTF-8 encoded string can be multiple bytes, you have to walk over the string to find the nᵗʰ letter of a string. This is a significantly more expensive operation, and we don’t want to be misleading.
Unlike what was mentioned in the question, one cannot do s[n], because although in theory this would allows us to fetch the nth byte in constant time, that byte is not guaranteed to make any sense on its own.
What is the cost of v[i..j] ?
The cost of slicing is actually constant, because it is done at byte-level:
You can get a slice of a string with slicing syntax:
let dog = "hachiko";
let hachi = &dog[0..5];
But note that these are byte offsets, not character offsets. So this will fail at runtime:
let dog = "忠犬ハチ公";
let hachi = &dog[0..2];
with this error:
thread '' panicked at 'index 0 and/or 2 in 忠犬ハチ公 do not lie on
character boundary'
Basically, slicing is acceptable and will yield a new view of that string, so no copies are made. However, it should only be used when you are completely sure that the offsets are right in terms of character boundaries.
In order to iterate over each character of a string, you may instead call chars():
let c = s.chars().nth(n);
Even with that in mind, note that handling Unicode character might not be exactly what you want if you wish to handle character modifiers in UTF-8 (which are scalar values by themselves but should not be treated individually either). Quoting now from the str API:
fn chars(&self) -> Chars
Returns an iterator over the chars of a string slice.
As a string slice consists of valid UTF-8, we can iterate through a string slice by char. This method returns such an iterator.
It's important to remember that char represents a Unicode Scalar Value, and may not match your idea of what a 'character' is. Iteration over grapheme clusters may be what you actually want.
Remember, chars may not match your human intuition about characters:
let y = "y̆";
let mut chars = y.chars();
assert_eq!(Some('y'),; // not 'y̆'
The unicode_segmentation crate provides a means to define grapheme cluster boundaries:
extern crate unicode_segmentation;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
let s = "a̐éö̲\r\n";
let g = UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(s, true).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let b: &[_] = &["a̐", "é", "ö̲", "\r\n"];
assert_eq!(g, b);
If you do want to treat the string as an array of codepoints (which isn't strictly the same as characters; there are combining marks, emoji with separate skin-tone modifiers, etc.), you can collect it into a Vec:
fn main() {
let s = "£10 🙃!";
for (i,c) in s.char_indices() {
println!("{} {}", i, c);
let v: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
println!("v[5] = {}", v[5]);
Play link
With bonus demonstration of some varying character widths, this outputs:
0 £
2 1
3 0
5 🙃
9 !
v[5] = !

Iterating over go string and making string from chars in go

I started learning go and I want to implement some algorithm. I can iterate over strings and then get chars, but these chars are Unicode numbers.
How to concatenate chars into strings in go? Do you have some reference? I was unable to find anything about primitives in official page.
Iterating over strings using range gives you Unicode characters while
iterating over a string using an index gives you bytes. See the spec for
runes and strings as well as their conversions.
As The New Idiot mentioned, strings can be concatenated using the +
The conversion from character to string is two-fold. You can convert
a byte (or byte sequence) to a string:
or you can convert a rune (or rune sequence) to a string:
The difference is that runes represent Unicode characters while bytes represent
8 bit values.
But all of this is mentioned in the respective sections of the spec I linked above.
It's quite easy to understand, you should definitely read it.
you can convert a []rune to a string directly:
string([]rune{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '☃'})
as for reference, it's in the Conversions section of the Go spec, in the section titled "Conversions to and from a string type"
as for concatenation, you probably don't want to concatenate every single character with the + operator, since that will perform a lot of copying under the hood. If you're getting runes in one at a time and you're not building an intermediate slice of runes, you most likely want to use a bytes.Buffer, which has a WriteRune method for this sort of thing.
Use +
str:= str + "a"
You can try something like this :
string1 := "abc"
character1 := byte('A')
string1 += string(character1)
Even this answer might be of help.
definetly worth reading #nemo's post
Iterating over strings using range gives you Unicode characters while iterating over a string using an index gives you bytes. See the spec for runes and strings as well as their conversions.
Strings can be concatenated using the + operator.
The conversion from character to string is two-fold. You can convert a byte (or byte sequence) to a string:
or you can convert a rune (or rune sequence) to a string:

Basics of Strings

Ok, i've always kind of known that computers treat strings as a series of numbers under the covers, but i never really looked at the details of how it works. What sort of magic is going on in the average compiler/processor when we do, for instance, the following?
string myString = "foo";
myString += "bar";
print(myString) //replace with printing function of your choice
The answer is completely dependent on the language in question. But C is usually a good language to kind of see how things happen behind the scenes.
In C:
In C strings are array of char with a 0 at the end:
char str[1024];
strcpy(str, "hello ");
strcpy(str, "world!");
Behind the scenes str[0] == 'h' (which has an int value), str[1] == 'e', ...
str[11] == '!', str[12] == '\0';
A char is simply a number which can contain one of 256 values. Each character has a numeric value.
In C++:
strings are supported in the same way as C but you also have a string type which is part of STL.
string literals are part of static storage and cannot be changed directly unless you want undefined behavior.
It's implementation dependent how the string type actually works behind the scenes, but the string objects themselves are mutable.
In C#:
strings are immutable. Which means you can't directly change a string once it's created. When you do += what happen is a new string gets created and your string now references that new string.
The implementation varies between language and compiler of course, but typically for C it's something like the following. Note that strings are essentially syntactical sugar for char arrays (char[]) in C.
string myString = "foo";
Allocate 3 bytes of memory for the array and set the value of the 1st byte to 'f' (its ASCII code rather), the 2nd byte to 'o', the 2rd byte to 'o'.
foo += "bar";
Read existing string (char array) from memory pointed to by foo.
Allocate 6 bytes of memory, fill the first 3 bytes with the read contents of foo, and the next 3 bytes with b, a, and r.
Read the string foo now points to from memory, and print it to the screen.
This is a pretty rough overview, but hopefully should give you the general idea.
Side note: In some languages/compuilers, char != byte - for example, C#, where strings are stored in Unicode format by default, and notably the length of the string is also stored in memory. C++ typically uses null-terminated strings, which solves the problem in another way, though it means determining its length is O(n) rather than O(1).
Its very language dependent. However, in most cases strings are immutable, so doing that is going to allocate a new string and release the old one's memory.
I'm assuming a typo in your sample and that there is only one variable called either foo or myString, not two variables?
I'd say that it'll depend a lot on what compiler you're using. In .Net strings are immutable so when you add "bar" you're not actually adding it but rather creating a new string containing "foobar" and telling it to put that in your variable.
In other languages it will work differently.
