Server disconnected (code: 1006) error while running noVnc - node.js

I have cloned the project on my server(google compute engine). Now according to the readme file, i ran the script
bash --vnc localhost:5900
this returned the
Navigate to this URL:
Now on my local system, I hit the URL
I entered the IP(googled my IP) of another system and port 5900. But it is showing server disconnected(code:1006). I didn't provided any password as I didn't gave any password to vnc server.
In console it is showing error
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Invalid status line
Am I missing something?


ERROR: Registering runner on Windows Server

My environment : windows server 2019, isolated network w/o internet access, local instance of gitlab server, gitlab-runner v 15.2.0.
I try to register runner on my gitlab server i got this error:
ERROR: Registering runner. failed runner=<runner> status=couldn't execute POST against https://test-gitlabserver/api/v4/runners: Post https://test-gitlabserver/api/v4/runners: net/http: TLS handshake timeout PANIC: Failed to register the runner. You may be having network problems.
So, I check that port 443, 80 is accessible, certificate chain is valid, certificate trusted authority is up to date, check certificate revocation list is up to date. When I'm do
curl https://<test-gitlabserver>
everything is ok, But runner still not register.
After that I have the internet access on this windows server and it's work like a charm, but it's must be isolated network. I do a few wireshark capture to compare sessions and I see - if internet connection is down, after TLS "client hello" phase, connection with gilab server close, but if internet connection is up, after TLS "Client hello", i got "Server hello" and runner succesfully register
P.S sry for mistakes in text=)

SSH Issue from GCloud

so I've an ubuntu server on Google Cloud which I lost access to SSH somehow, I don't get any error when I try to login, It just keeps loading, and nothing happens, I assume It's because of proftpd or Apache which I Installed minutes before It stopped working, from what I can see on the firewall the 22 port are open, http and http are too, I need some help, what should I do to get my access back? I can login Google Shell, but I can't log in on my VM even on GCloud Itself...
from PuTTY I get this:
Network error: Connection timed out

How to set a Loopback nodeJS backend on Apache HTTP server running on CentOS

I've moved the backend (nodeJs+Loopback) of my application on a server CentOS. When I run it, it's listening on "localhost:3000". If I type "curl http://localhost:3000" while I'm on the server's terminal I get a response. When I try to call the application from remote, I use the real IP address instead of localhost, but it doesn't work.
The error is:
[proxy:error] (13)Permission denied:HTTP: attempt to connect to failed
Do I need to setup some configuration?
Thank you
Have you tried # setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1 ??
Check out the bottom of this link:

Can't open couchdb

I am a beginner to CouchDB, I need to do a school assignment with it, but now it crashed on my computer. My system is mac os, when I open the couchDB application, it keeps popping new admin windows(, but all of them are failed to connect.
When I try:
curl -X PUT
it returns
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 5984: Connection refused
It worked well on my computer before, seems after I tried to setup a remote node, it crashed.
What should I do to fix it?

Getting "The connection to 'localhost' failed" error when trying to browse localhost site on IIS

My localhost IIS sites recently stopped working and I can't figure out why. If I try and browse to http://localhost after a while I get the error Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to localhost. If I open Fiddler and try again I get a 502 error that states System.Net.Sockets.SocketException A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I've tried using netstat -a -b to see if any other applications are blocking port 80, but there doesn't appear to be anything obvious.
I've disabled proxy servers and that doesn't have any affect.
As a last resort I even tried re-installing IIS
Everything has been working fine and I can't think of any configuration changes that would've stopped localhost from working. Any ideas?
