I have a program that uses channels for inter-process messaging.It is driving me nuts.
When I run my program by typing:
spin ipc_verify.pml
It works fine (shown by the prints in my program) and exits gracefully as designed.
However, when I try to verify by doing the following:
spin -a ipc-verify.pml
gcc -DVECTORSZ=4096 -DVERBOSE -o pan pan.c
It fails in the first statement in the server where the server is trying to read on the channel, with the error:
pan:1: missing pars in receive (at depth 20)
It seems like I am missing something very simple, but can't put my finger on it. I am new to Spin, doing it as part of my coursework, so please pardon if it is a simple, silly question.
Here is a brief description of the program:
The program starts 3 processes - 1 server and 2 clients. Client sends a number to the server, which responds with the square of the number. There is a request channel on which every client send its request (message has the client id using which server knows which client to respond to), and a response channel on which server sends the response to the clients. Clients use random receive on the channel to find the message for their id.
The code line where I believe it fails is this
:: ch_clientrequest ? msgtype, client_id, client_request ->
I actually have a bigger program that exhibits this behavior so I tried to reproduce it in this program. I read through various ways of seeing more data about from spin about this error, and also googled around. Also tried changing the message structure, more fields, less fields, not doing random receive but regular receive, etc. Nothing seems to change this error!
Here is the full error trace from running ./pan:
pan:1: missing pars in receive (at depth 20)
pan: wrote ipc-verify.pml.trail
(Spin Version 6.5.1 -- 20 December 2019)
Warning: Search not completed
+ Partial Order Reduction
+ FullStack Matching
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (none specified)
assertion violations +
acceptance cycles - (not selected)
invalid end states +
State-vector 2104 byte, depth reached 20, errors: 1
21 states, stored
0 states, matched
0 matches within stack
21 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
stackframes: 0/0
stats: fa 0, fh 0, zh 0, zn 0 - check 0 holds 0
stack stats: puts 0, probes 0, zaps 0
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.043 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
1.164 actual memory usage for states
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
0.534 memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
129.315 total actual memory usage
I have tried to look for what this message at run-time in verification means, but couldn't find much. Based on various experimentation of code, it seems that the verifier thinks that the message I am trying to receive is supposed to have more parameters than what I am trying to read for. I tried to see if it is reacting to the actual message received and maybe that has less fields, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I have been banging my head on this for full day today, with no leads. Any pointers or ideas to solve this would be very appreciated.
I am running this on my linux box, Spin 6.5.
One hub controller (server), 8 clients.
Each client sends a message to the hub, hub responds with the message it received.
#define N 2 // Number of clients
#define MQLENGTH 100
typedef ClientRequest {
byte num;
typedef HubResponse {
bool isNull; // To indicate whether there is data or not. Set True for START and STOP messages
int id;
byte num;
int sqnum;
typedef IdList {
byte ids[N]; // Use to store the ids assigned to each client process
IdList idlist;
chan ch_clientrequest = [MQLENGTH] of {mtype, byte, ClientRequest} // Hub listens to this
chan ch_hubresponse = [MQLENGTH] of {mtype, byte, HubResponse} // Clients read from this
int message_served = 0
proctype Client(byte id) {
// A client reads the message and responds to it
mtype msgtype
HubResponse hub_response
ClientRequest client_request
:: ch_hubresponse ?? msgtype, eval(id), hub_response ->
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Received - MsgType: %e", id, msgtype)
:: (msgtype == COMPUTE_RESPONSE) ->
// print the message
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Received - num = %d, sqnum = %d", id, hub_response.num, hub_response.sqnum)
// send another message. new num = sqnum
client_request.num = hub_response.sqnum % 256// To keep it as byte
:: (client_request.num < 2) ->
client_request.num = 2
:: else ->
ch_clientrequest ! COMPUTE_REQUEST(id, client_request)
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Sent - num = %d", id, client_request.num)
:: (msgtype == STOP_CLIENT) ->
// break from the do loop
:: (msgtype == START_CLIENT) ->
client_request.num = id // Start with num = id
ch_clientrequest ! COMPUTE_REQUEST(id, client_request)
printf("\nClient Id: %d, Sent - num = %d", id, client_request.num)
printf("\nClient exiting. Id = %d", id)
proctype Hub() {
// Hub sends a start message to each client, and then keeps responding to what it receives
HubResponse hr
ClientRequest client_request
mtype msgtype
byte client_id
int i
byte num
for (i: 0 .. ( N - 1) ) {
// Send a start message
hr.isNull = true
ch_hubresponse ! START_CLIENT(idlist.ids[i], hr) // Send a start message
// All of the clients have been started. Now wait for the message and respond appropriately
:: ch_clientrequest ? msgtype, client_id, client_request ->
printf("\nHub Controller. Received - MsgType: %e", msgtype)
:: (msgtype == COMPUTE_REQUEST) ->
// handle the message
num = client_request.num
hr.isNull = false
hr.id = client_id
hr.num = num
hr.sqnum = num * num
ch_hubresponse ! COMPUTE_RESPONSE(client_id, hr) // Send a response message
message_served ++
:: (msgtype == STOP_HUB) ->
// break from the do loop, send stop message to all clients, and exit
// loop through the ids and send stop message
for (i: 0 .. ( N - 1) ) {
// Send a start message
hr.isNull = true
ch_hubresponse ! STOP_CLIENT(idlist.ids[i], hr) // Send a start message
printf("\nServer exiting.")
active proctype Main() {
// Start the clients and give them an id to use
ClientRequest c
pid n;
n = _nr_pr;
byte i
for (i: 1.. N ) {
run Client(i)
idlist.ids[i-1] = i
// Start the hub and give it the list of ids
run Hub()
// Send a message to Hub to stop serving
(message_served >= 100);
ch_clientrequest ! STOP_HUB(0, c)
// Wait for all processes to exit
(n == _nr_pr);
printf("\nAll processes have exited!")
I'm currently authoring an application in Haskell that relies on Yesod and its web sockets implementation.
I was wondering what is the correct way to acquire and release resources for a WebSocketT handler.
For example, in the following naive case...
chatApp :: WebSocketsT Handler ()
chatApp = do
let outgoingFlow = forever $ deliverOutgoingMessages
let incomingFlow = forever $ deliverIncomingMessages
bracket_ acquireResource
(race_ outgoingFlow incomingFlow)
... releaseResource does not seem to be called when a client disconnects abruptly or purposefully.
This is what I ended up doing over the weekend. This is essentially a replication of how web socket background ping process works, apart for the fact that I'm not swallowing the ping send exception when the other end is no longer reachable, but rather using it to detect the disconnection.
echoApp' :: WebSocketsT Handler ()
echoApp' = do
conn <- ask
let acquire = putStrLn "Acquiring..."
release = putStrLn "Releasing"
hardWork = (threadDelay 600000000)
ping i = do
threadDelay (30 * 1000 * 1000)
WS.sendPing conn (T.pack $ show i)
ping (i + 1)
liftIO $ bracket_ acquire release $ race_ hardWork (ping 1)
The downside of this approach is that there's still an up to 30 seconds window when the web socket process is lingering, but at least the resource gets eventually released in a more or less controllable way.
ispin is generating this message on the progress window (the mid bottom screen on the simulate tab):
Error: sending to an uninitialized chan
The weird thing is that the error message starts to appear in the middle of the simulation (I set the maximum step number to 10000 and the it starts to appear around 6000 steps).
How can this be? does spin somehow lose the chan initialization in the middle of the simulation?
this is initialization of one of the channel I use:
chan VP = [1] of {byte};
and this is the error message during the simulation:
This is a mcve for the the error you are experiencing:
chan c;
init {
which yields
~$ spin test.pml
Error: sending to an uninitialized chan
Error: sending to an uninitialized chan
#processes: 1
0: proc 0 (:init::1) test.pml:4 (state 1)
1 process created
It is possible that you forgot to state whether the channel is synchronous or asynchronous, and what kind of messages it should contain. A proper channel declaration should look like this:
chan c = [N] of { type_1, ..., type_M };
where N is larger or equal 1 for any asynchronous channel and 0 otherwise, and type_1, ..., type_M is the list of types (i.e. int, bool) of the fields contained in one message.
For more details, read the documentation.
How does one deal with a blocking IO action in Haskell? How can I put this IO action inside a scope and manage this scope from another method? If the timeout is reached, I would just reinvoke this method. Normally in other languages, I would probably put this in a separate thread and abort it if I do not get the result in a configurable time. (The timer being external.)
In my case: I have a number of retries and let's say I want to perform an IO action with a timeout. How can I place the IO action in a timeout-ed scope so that it gets recalled after the timeout expires, if and only if the number of retries is greater 0.
Basically: given our IO action like ioMethod::IO String (I have not looked yet in the socket library for Haskell), we'll assume its a black box,
module Retry where
import IOExternal(ioMethod)
retryFunc :: Int -> IO String
retryFunc retries=do
msg<-retry 5 100 IOExternal
return msg
retry :: Int -> Int -> IOExternal -> IO String
retry retries timeout ioMethod = go retries timeout "" where
go 0 timeout ioMethod msg =
if msg=="" then return "Max Retries reached"
else return msg
go retries timeout ioMethod msg counter
= gogo retries timeout counter msg where
gogo retries timeout 0 msg = return ""
gogo retries timeout counter msg
= ioMethod>>=gogo retries timeout counter-1
I do not know how to model this last condition/line.
P.S I am not yet familiar with threading in Haskell (beginner here) and I do think that the timeout-ed scope should perform in different thread,and somehow I need to check it from my main program, and either recall it (if retries>0) or end the main method.
You can use timeout to add a timeout to any blocking call, and simple recursion for retries:
retry :: Int -> Int -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
retry 0 _ _ = return Nothing
retry numRetries microseconds action = do
result <- timeout microseconds action
case result of
Nothing -> retry (numRetries-1) microseconds action
Just a -> return (Just a)
Do read the documentation for caveats about FFI stuff, though.
If I have a function which results in an error for a certain input, is it possible to write a test verifying the error occurs for that input?
I do not find this "assert error" functionality available in HUnit. Is it available in HUnit or perhaps in some other test package?
You can catch an error and assert if it doesn't happen using standard exception handling:
errored <- catch (somethingThatErrors >> pure False) handler
if errored then
assertFailure "Did not catch expected error"
pure ()
handler :: ErrorCall -> IO Bool
handler _ = pure True