Stop Vim from auto-inserting comments on newlines permanently? [duplicate] - vim

While inserting a new line below a comment in vim, the result tends to insert a " at the start of the new line. It's probably a simple solution or reason why this is happening, but I am unable to find an exact solution.

If you’re editing a file of the vim filetype, Vim might by default insert the comment character (in Vimscript, this would be ") at the beginning of each new line you enter after a comment. As already mentioned, this is a result of Vim’s formatoptions setting.
To turn this behavior off in the current file, run
:set formatoptions-=ro
To turn it off by default, add this to your ~/.vimrc:
set formatoptions-=ro
To turn it off for Vimscript files, add this to your ~/.vimrc:
augroup filetype_vim
autocmd FileType vim setlocal formatoptions-=ro
augroup END
r and o are options which can be given to formatoptions. For the full list of possible options, run :help fo-table.

This behaviour is governed by the formatoptions variable.
Use :h formatoptions to find out more.
The following article might also be helpful: Disable automatic comment insertion.

I think this should work, regardless of your formatoptions settings.
inoremap <CR> <CR><C-U>

what command are you using to insert below?
If you use the standard "o" keystroke while in Navigation mode, it should insert a new line immediately below whatever the cursor is on, and automatically place you into Insert mode, without inserting an extra "
Similarly an uppercase "O" will insert a new line above whatever line the cursor is on, and place you in insert mode.


Why is Vim and vi adding leadings characters instead of a blank line?

On macOS v10.13 (High Sierra), the o command adds a new line leading with a # instead of a blank line as expected. This is off of a "#include <stdio.h>" line. Other lines do similar things. How can I revert back to normal Vim (vi does the same thing)?
I checked :version and all those rc files do not exist. The issue started after I tried to install an add on to do advanced syntax help.
The behavior you describe is caused by the presence of o in the current value of the :help 'formatoptions' option, which doesn't have it by default.
The issue started after I tried to install an add on to do advanced syntax help.
During that process, you probably added some variant of the following line in your vimrc:
filetype plugin on
which enables filetype detection and filetype plugins. The latter are filetype-specific plugins that, among other things, may redefine some options for the buffers belonging to that filetype.
In this case, Vim sets the filetype of the buffer to c (or maybe cpp but I will asume c from now on for simplicity), which triggers the sourcing of the corresponding ftplugin, which contains this:
" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,
" and insert the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".
setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql
Note the o in croql.
If you don't like that, you can either avoid enabling ftplugins by removing plugin from the vimrc line mentioned above, or write your own ftplugin override:
" in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim
setlocal formatoptions=xxxxxxx
See :help fo-table for the potential values of formatoptions.

Vim, when exiting without editing, creates unsaved buffer

I am having some weird behavior when it comes to VIM.
The behavior that I'm expecting:
When editing a file, if one is in insert mode and doesn't make any file modifications when you exit insert mode the buffer should be considered "saved".
The behavior that I'm actually getting:
When editing a file and when I exit insert mode while making NO MODIFICATIONS, the buffer says that the file has been edited. Even though
I tested if this behavior was normal in vim by opening a clean version of vim, and it seems that the behavior I'm expecting is the default.
This a snippet of my config, my full configuration is here: (
I'm assuming whatever is causing this behavior is here otherwise it might be a plugin
set shell=bash
set nowrap
set number
set nocompatible
set noshowmode
set directory^=$HOME/.vim/.swapfiles
set undofile
set mouse=a
syntax on
colorscheme neodark
hi Normal ctermbg=none
sign define transparent_sign
augroup SignColFixAu
au BufReadPost *.c,*.cc,*.h,*.cpp,*.hh,*.hpp,*.py,*.js,*.php,*.rs exe "sign place 1111 name=transparent_sign line=1 file=".#%
augroup end
inoremap <cr> <space><bs><cr>
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
inoremap <expr> <up> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<up>"
inoremap <expr> <down> pumvisible() ? "\<c-p>" : "~\<bs>\<down>"
inoremap <Esc>x <Esc>x
set listchars=tab:➡\
set list
set autoindent
set noexpandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'w0rp/ale'
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
Plugin 'LukeLike/auto-pairs'
Plugin 'ananagame/vimsence'
Plugin 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
call vundle#end()
filetype plugin indent on
Thank you for any help!
The problem is caused by your <Esc> mapping:
inoremap <esc> ~<bs><esc>
This mapping is inserting a ~ character then backspacing over it, which in practice doesn't change the contents, but still marks the buffer as modified. (Vim doesn't really track the exact contents of the buffer, but tracks whether any change was introduced, and both inserting ~ and backspacing over a character count as such.)
You mentioned in the comments you use this mapping (together with the <CR> mapping) to change how Vim behaves with indentation. The usual behavior of Vim is to remove auto-indentation when you move to a new line (with <CR> on an otherwise blank line) or leave Insert mode (with <Esc>.)
There doesn't seem to be a way to change this behavior in Vim. But the default Vim behavior is actually very useful, as it prevents ending up with lines with trailing spaces all over the place. (Many use Vim autocmd's to trim trailing whitespace on save and others use git hooks or code review bots to block source code files that have trailing whitespace.)
I imagine your motivation to keep the trailing whitespace is so that you can leave Insert mode and then later enter Insert mode again on that same line, while preserving indentation. But it turns out you don't really need to do that, since Vim has many ways to start Insert mode again with the proper indentation.
For example, if you insert a line above (with O) or below the current one (with o), Vim will insert the appropriate indentation on the new line. If you're on a blank line and want to start inserting there, then instead of using i to start Insert mode, use S to replace the contents of the current line. Since the line is empty, there won't be anything to replace, but the S command will start the replacement with the current indentation, so that should solve that too.
If you're already in Insert mode (and not necessarily at the beginning of a line), you can also use Ctrl+F to have Vim apply the proper indentation to the current line, so that's an option too. With some languages (notably Python), Vim can't always figure out the proper indentation (since you indent to end a block), so Vim might not be able to guess right. In those cases, you also have Ctrl+T to increase indentation and Ctrl+D to decrease it. Both are Insert mode commands and can be executed anywhere in the line.
Hopefully with the use of these commands you'll be able to let go of the trailing spaces that you're using to track indentation and also drop those mappings.
A good starting point to debug this might be comparing both original and modified versions after vim says its been edited.
To see the changes, use git diff if the file is VCS controlled, or vim -d original_copy edited_copy if it's not.
The diff-ed characters should give you an idea of the side-effect of the code that might be causing this. Paste the diff here if you can't figure that out.

How do I autocomplete and format brackets in Vim?

I'm working my way through a Java book and as a result, I find myself typing in a lot of curly braces. Considering that I knew how powerful Vim can be, though being far from an expert, I've looked for ways to let it handle the braces for me. I came across the use of autocmds, and I put the following in my .vimrc:
autocmd FileType java inoremap <buffer> { {<CR><CR>}<Up><Tab>. I also tried just a normal inoremap, to no avail.
What I have now works for the highest level block. However, when I get to any block deeper, the <Tab> doesn't seem to execute. Everything else works as expected. But no matter how deep after that, but the cursor always ends up back at the beginning of the method level. I imagine that it's because I told it to add exactly one tab. How can I make the tab count depend on the depth?
Assuming you have some sort of autoindenting set up:
augroup Java
autocmd FileType java inoremap <buffer> { {<CR>}<C-c>O
augroup END
What your version does:
insert the opening brace,
insert a newline,
insert a newline,
insert the closing brace,
move the cursor up to column 1,
insert a tab.
You got it right: since you only insert a single tab this can only get you to the first level of indentation.
What my version does:
insert the opening brace,
insert a newline,
insert the closing brace,
exit insert mode without triggering autocommands,
open a new line above the current line.
:help O respects your autoindenting settings so it will enter insert mode at the right indentation level.
Alternatively, you could modify your version like this:
augroup Java
autocmd FileType java inoremap <buffer> { {<CR><CR>}<C-c>S
augroup END
Where you leave insert mode on the blank line between the braces and do :help S to enter insert mode at the right indentation level.
There are many ways to skin that cat.
I'd suggest letting Vim use its built-in Java mode. If you add
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
to your .vimrc, Vim will pick up a load of useful defaults, including automatic filetype detection and formatting rules. You'll find that opening a .java file will give you most of what you want.
And to anticipate your next question, if the tab width isn't what you want, add something like
autocmd FileType java setlocal shiftwidth=4
to the end of your .vimrc.

Macvim space indent using Markdown

I am editing Markdown using Macvim and may I know is there anyway that I can set it, so that whenever I enter, the space indent on the previous line is maintain. I don't want to use TAB for every single line. Thanks.
Try enabling the autoindent option:
:set autoindent
:set ai
Explanation from Vim manual:
'autoindent' 'ai' boolean (default off)
local to buffer
Copy indent from current line when starting a new line (typing <CR>
in Insert mode or when using the "o" or "O" command).

Vim Dumb Indenting?

Is there a way to just have Vim copy the indent from the line above, whether it be spaces or tabs, oblivious of the file types?
:set ai
See :help autoindent
I assume you are going to paste something and adjust the indent.
Try ]p
If you are at the beginning of the line and want to copy all the indenting characters above the line that you are currenly on now you can use Ctrl+y. It copies the character from the line above one at a time. Ctrl+e does the same thing but it copies from the line below.
It seems what I've wanted isn't actually possible as Vim automatically removes whitespaces, and uses configuration settings for its indention.
I've avoided this put slapping these in to my vimrc:
:inoremap <CR> x<BS><CR>x<BS>
:inoremap <up> x<BS><up>
:inoremap <down> x<BS><down>
:nnoremap o ox<BS>
:nnoremap O Ox<BS>
It simply puts a character in place and then removes it before I exit the editing mode, so Vim doesn't remove the empty line. If this is the case then it may be simply Vim checking if any editing was done to the line, auto indenting not counted. Maybe someday I'll check out the source and poke around.
I also wanted to use the previous line's indent (so I'd get different indents for different files and not have to tamper with settings each time), but I've managed to compromise and use the lovely Vim plugin.
