turbo c graphics no error but doesn't run - graphics

The following code doesn't have any error but it won't run. There's just a flash on the screen when I run it. It doesn't provide any output. what do I have to do?
void main()
int gd = DETECT, gm;
initgraph (&gd, &gm, "");
setbkcolor (15);
setcolor (0);
settextjustify (1,1);
settextstyle (3,0,12);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 1, "BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY");
outtextxy(getmaxx()/2, 3, "MAIN CAMPUS");
settextstyle (3,0,10);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 5, "College of Engineering and Architecture");
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 7, "Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering(BSCE)");
settextstyle (3,0,15);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, getmaxy()/2, "COMPUTERIZED TUTORIAL SYSTEM");
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, 30, "(CORRECTION IN TAPING)");
settextstyle (3,0,10);
outtextxy (getmaxx()/2, getmaxy(), "Programmed by: BSCE-3A Group 8");

In initgrapgh, your "" are empty. They should have the path to the bgi library.
It should look something like this:
initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");


Groovy enhancement name: Access map values directly in a List of Maps

Dear Groovy specialists,
I stumbled upon a phenomenon in Groovy which I would describe as follows:
Given a list of maps that share some common keys, it is possible to access the Map values directly via the List.
ArrayList people = [
["height": 172, "age": 42],
["height": 180, "age": 66],
["height": 180, "age": null],
["height": 180],
["age": 10]
println "people.height: " + people.height
println "people.age: " + people.age
people.height: [172, 180, 180, 180, null]
people.age: [42, 66, null, null, 10]
Does this syntax (e.g. people.height / people.age) have a name?
Thanks in advance!
PS: This answer would be another example of the mentioned syntax
Does this syntax (e.g. people.height / people.age) have a name?
That is Groovy's syntax for property access.
(Note that a property is a different thing than a field and Groovy has a bunch of special dynamic stuff that happens during property access.)

How to set transactions per minute in Locust

I am writing a LoadTestShape Class. I want to be able to set number of transaction per minute. If I try to set it by specifying user_count it doesn't work because the RPS will vary cpu to cpu .
If say I want to set 1000 transaction per minute, how can we achieve that in locust?
The only way to "achieve" this in Locust is implementing Pacing, the logic is:
You know how much time one iteration takes for one user
If user manages to finish faster - you need to introduce some "think time" so your thread "sleeps" till the desired time
If iteration is slower - no sleep is required.
This answer shows how you can create a custom load shape
Alternatively you can consider switching to a load testing tool which provides such functionality, i.e. Apache JMeter with Constant Throughput Timer
for this timing that's enough to add a LoadTestShape class to locustfile.py like the below code which I use for one of my tests you can change the number of users or other parameters as you want(I write a full docstring that describes each parameter in that):
class StagesShape(LoadTestShape):
A simply load test shape class that has different user and spawn_rate at
different stages.
Keyword arguments:
stages -- A list of dicts, each representing a stage with the following keys:
duration -- When this many seconds pass the test is advanced to the next stage
users -- Total user count
spawn_rate -- Number of users to start/stop per second
stop -- A boolean that can stop that test at a specific stage
stop_at_end -- Can be set to stop once all stages have run.
stages = [
{"duration": 60, "users": 3, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 6, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 9, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 12, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 15, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 18, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 21, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 24, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 27, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
{"duration": 60, "users": 30, "spawn_rate": 0.05},
def tick(self):
run_time = self.get_run_time()
for stage in self.stages:
if run_time < stage["duration"]:
tick_data = (stage["users"], stage["spawn_rate"])
return tick_data
return None
I ended up using constant_throughput to control the number of requests per second.
For different time of the day I'd use a different throughput value.
Simply set the wait_time = constant_throughput(0.1). Based on RPS you want you can either set the value low for less number of requests and more for more RPS.

How to fix "General failure" error in TPM coding

I want to use tpm nvstore for writing and reading.When program run to"Tspi_NV_Definespace",it comes "general failure".I want to find how I can solve it.
Tspi_Context_Connect(hContext, NULL);//connect to local host
Tspi_Context_GetTPMObject(hContext, &hTPM);//get handle
Tspi_GetPolicyObject(hTPM, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, &hOwnerPolicy);
Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hOwnerPolicy, TSS_SECRET_MODE_PLAIN, strlen(secret), secret);//set secret
Tspi_Context_CreateObject(hContext, TSS_OBJECT_TYPE_NV, 0, &hNvStore);//create nvram object
Tspi_SetAttribUint32(hNvStore, TSS_TSPATTRIB_NV_INDEX, 0, 1);
Tspi_SetAttribUint32(hNvStore, TSS_TSPATTRIB_NV_PERMISSIONS, 0, TPM_NV_PER_AUTHWRITE);//permit to write
Tspi_SetAttribUint32(hNvStore, TSS_TSPATTRIB_NV_DATASIZE, 0, dataLen);
result = Tspi_NV_DefineSpace(hNvStore, 0, 0);

LCD not working in node.js + Arduino project

I am following this tutorial, but I am doing a very basic version where I just want to print something out.
All the pins and hardware specification are followed as per that tutorial.
Below is my app.js code:
var five = require('johnny-five');
var board = new five.Board();
var lcd;
board.on('ready', function() {
lcd = new five.LCD({
// LCD pin name RS EN DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7
// Arduino pin # 12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2
pins: [12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2],
rows: 2,
cols: 16
lcd.clear().print("Hello NJ");
lcd: lcd
The problem is, when I connect my arduino to my laptop the lcd screen lits up, however when I run the code it does not show anything on the screen. I also followed this tutorial and the result is same.
Even if I remove the print command and do something like
it does not work.
Even if I write the lcd.print("hello world") command in the console, it does not get printed on the lcd (however it does not show me any error on the console).
I have uploaded the Standard Firmata using my Arduino IDE. The johnny-five module works cause I tried their led examples and it was working.
Is my lcd device messed up or is it my code or is it my hardware connections?
I am confused.

ConvexHull in Graphics - Mathematica

Trying to plot a ConvexHull Using PlanarGraphPlot from the ComputationalGeometry package, it does not work when used in graphics.
Any Idea on how to plot the ConvexHull using Graphics ?
pts = RandomReal[{0, 10}, {60, 2}];
FaceForm[], EdgeForm[Red],
cpts = pts[[ConvexHull[pts]]];
AppendTo[cpts, cpts[[1]]];
Not sure exactly what is wanted. Maybe the code below will get you started.
pts = RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {20, 2}]
Out[1]= {{1.7178, -1.11179}, {-7.10708, -8.1637},
{8.74461, -2.42551}, {6.64129, -2.87008}, {9.9008, 6.47825},
{8.27081, 9.94116}, {9.97325, 7.61094}, {-2.7876, 9.70449},
{-3.69357, 0.0253506}, {-0.503817, -1.98649}, {6.3056, -1.16892},
{-4.69983, -1.93242}, {-6.09983, 7.49229}, {8.08545, 6.67951},
{-6.91195, 8.34752}, {-2.63136, 6.0506}, {-0.130006, 2.10929},
{1.64401, 3.32165}, {0.611335, -8.11364}, {-2.03548, -9.37277}}
With[{hull = pts[[Graphics`Mesh`ConvexHull[pts]]]},
Graphics[Line[Append[hull, First[hull]]]]]
