Update local file dependency with npm - node.js

I have a project with a local file dependency in my package.json like this:
"dependencies": {
"dep_1": "file:../../dep_1"
When I do npm install it is installed into node_modules. But if I make changes to dep_1 how do I update the module version in node_modules?
I tried doing npm update but nothing happens.

If you are using a relatively new version of npm (I used version 2.14.2) you can bump the version number in package.json and npm update dep_1 should work. Otherwise how can npm know that something needs to be updated?
Note: This will only work if the version is higher than what has previously been installed. You will have to clean the cache to reset this behaviour.
However, you can forceably (and lazily) update local modules by simply running npm install again. e.g.
npm install dep_1
It should be fast since its on your local computer and you don't have to play around with version numbers.
For more detail see the discussion about this issue on the official npm repository page: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/7426


NPM package-lock query

This is to get some clarification on the behaviour of npm with regards to package.json and package-lock.json.
The scenario is this, my package.json has an dependency like this:
"xxx-package" : "^7.34.0"
When I ran 'npm install' on a fresh machine (with no node_modules folder and no package-lock.json), the installer found a newer version of the package "7.36.0" and installed that instead. This is correct since we have the caret(^) sign in the dependency list.
But here is the confusing part: npm then created a package-lock.json with the new updated version but never changed the package.json listing. So now the package-lock.json shows "7.36.0" but package.json is still showing the lower version.
Also, 'npm outdated' and 'npm update' will not do anything since the version in package-lock matches the latest.
My app ran fine on "7.34.0" but a fresh install breaks it, and I spent a lot of time trying to fix a possible bug in my app. Only when I checked the package-lock did I realize that this was due to a newer version and not my code.
Is there a way to make sure package.json is updated whenever a new version gets installed using 'npm install'?
Or are we doing something wrong ?
npm version is 7.9.0
node version is 15.3.0

How to get npm to favor local linked dependency over its published install

I've searched through other questions such as this one, but they all seem to be about a local npm link stopping working for another reason than mine. I assume this is a common use-case issue, so if I'm doing something methodically wrong, I'm more than happy to take suggestions on how I should be doing it.
Principally, I have a private npm module that I'm working on called #organisation/module. When working locally, I'll run npm link on it, and use it within my 'host' project as npm link #organisation/module — this all works great with hot-reloading, etc. I'll also import it as import module from '#organisation/module.
However, since I also want to publish my local changes to npm (as #organisation/module) from time to time, for build testing and production code, I need to run npm install #organisation/module on the host project.
This then seems to break the implicit npm link I set up earlier... I assume mainly because they are the same name, and npm favors an install over a link?
When I want to make live, local changes again, the only way I can currently get it to work is via npm uninstall #organisation/module and then to re-link it.
Is there a way to keep the published module installed (in order to avoid careless mistakes, like forgetting to reinstall it for build testing), but always favour the local, linked instance?
Diagram for ref:
Have you tried locally installing with the other method npm provides.
npm install /absolute/path/packageName
I believe this will change your entry in package.json to look like this:
"dependencies" {
"packageName": "file:../../path/to/packageName",
Since npm link creates a symlink in the global folder, while npm install is local to the project npm install takes precedence. You can read about npm link here: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/link
To avoid this, my suggestion would be to use npm install <path to local> and when you need to use the production code use npm install #organization/module. This would update your node_modules per code basis. Read about npm install here: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
Hope this helps :)
Go to the directory where your local package is located open package.json change the name from original_name to "original_name_local".
write npm link on terminal at the same location.
After this go to your working directory and write npm install <path to local>
Now whereever you're requiring or importing update the name to "original_name_local"
for example if it's require('space-cleaner') then change it to require('space-cleaner_local')
Like this you can have both local as well as production package just change the name wherever required.
Otherwise you can remove package by removing it from package.json and deleting from node_modules.
if local is needed go to local package directory and on terminal write npm link and then on your working directory write npm install ./path/to/package
if production then again delete the package as told above and write npm install package_name

How to npm prune and avoid the removal of a file: dependency?

I have a local npm package (a node.js/electron add-on) that we install via the file.
npm i --save my_package-1.0.0-beta.1.tgz
The package.json file lands up looking like this;
"dependencies": {
"my_package": "file:my_package-1.0.0-beta.1.tgz",
The module is used in the code, extensively.
When I run npm prune, the package is removed from node_modules. How can I configure or use npm prune to not remove this package?
Some notes from the comments;
Ultimately this is part of a workflow from dev to "test" builds for local device deployments and testing. On the build server, this issue doesn't really pop up since we only install for production and package from there (i.e. with no prune).
This dependency is part of the production dependencies, the solution must maintain that fact.
During a recent update to the environment, this was retested. It was found that npm now (as of npm#4.2.0 installed with node v 7.10.0 and npm#4.6.1, "latest") does seem to preserve the file: dependency. In addition the --production flag works as expected as well.
It is not known exactly when this begin to work or was supported, but it may be circa npm#4.1.0; in particular the rewrite to use the updated prune plumbing.
To update npm to the latest version;
npm install npm#latest -g

NPM package has outdated dependency, is there a way to alter its version?

Just migrated to Node 4.1.2 from 0.10. One of the packages being installed via npm install errors due to node-gyp having a problem with one of its dependencies, it's quite a few versions out of date. The issue has been brought up on the repo but hasn't seen activity since May. Is there a way to tell NPM to install this package but with the outdated dependency using a newer version?
I've copied over an installed version from node_modules in an older project. npm install -g npm-check-updates then ncu in the node_modules/bs-html-injector/ directory. It lists updates, ncu -u will update the package.json, npm install after. I run my gulp task and html is injecting fine, all seems fine :) Would still like to know how to do this if I didn't have a local copy installed by NPM. It looks like it's just a 1:1 copy from the github repo?
With npm, you can install packages from GitHub directly:
npm install user/repo#branch
You can fork the package on GitHub, make and propose the changes you need and use your fork as a dependency in your project until PR is merged.
you can use --force to force install it

npm install fails because package is missing in registry

I have an issue with a project where we are using node and brunch. The issue is current specific to brunch, but could occur for any module would be my guess.
The easiest way to currently reproduce this, is to do the following in a new folder:
npm init
npm install --save-dev brunch
The issue here is that brunch depends on loggy, which in turn depends on ansi-color, which no longer has an entry in the npmregistry:
I think this might be the github project: https://github.com/loopj/commonjs-ansi-color
In any case, I am unable to proceed, and all our builds fail because they are not able to fetch the given dependency.
I could perhaps use npm shrinkwrap in some way, but that depends on the modules already existing in node_modules, which I am currently missing.
So how can I force npm to use ansi-color from a different location, or ignore the dependency?
Not sure about npm 2 but you can fix this with beta npm 3. npm 3 has flat node_modules directory. So sub modules can sit in the top level. Read the Changelog.
The missing modules can be installed directly from their Github repo as a toplevel dependency in your project. If npm finds the module with the same version in node_modules directory, it won't look for it anymore in the registry.
Install npm 3:
npm install -g npm#3-latest
Then install depencies:
//install missing module from other location
npm install https://github.com/loopj/commonjs-ansi-color.git --save-dev
npm install --save-dev brunch
It looks like ansi-color is back on the npm registry ("https://registry.npmjs.org/ansi-color" is back online)
